๐๐: ๐๐จ๐ฎ ๐๐๐ง๐ญ ๐ ๐๐๐ง๐๐ ๐๐๐ญ๐ญ๐ฅ๐? ๐๐๐ซ๐'๐ฌ ๐ ๐๐๐ซ.
The 24th annual Dance Marathon was coming up and Thea wanted to be a part of it. For four years, Lorelai came close to beating Kirk and Donna at the Dance Marathon and this year, Thea planned on beating Kirk and out-doing Lorelai.
Fran had loaned Thea a dress to wear for the Dance Marathon, but the only problem Thea was facing was a dance partner.
Sage asked, "You're thinking about the Dance Marathon, aren't you?"
He and Sage were in the bakery because Fran had called Thea in. So the two boys were sharing a small Neapolitan cake between them with Thea occasionally going over to take small bites from the cake.
"Well, I need a dance partner," Thea said. "It just doesn't seem fair if I pick you over the other. Sure there's next year, but it still doesn't seem fair."
Sage and Aiden glanced at each other.
"I wouldn't trust Aiden anyway," Sage said. "Dude got a D in gym."
Aiden asked, "What's your excuse for your C+?" He reached across the table and twisted Sage's nipple.
"Ow!" Sage said, "I'm surprised that didn't tire you out considering your D." They were playful slap fighting each other.
Thea just sighed at her boyfriends' antics. "Would you both stop? I had a B- in gym so what does that make the both of you?"
Aiden suggested, "Able to keep with our threesomes?"
Ethan, who was putting cakes out on the display, just looked disgusted, because not even he wanted to know that.
Lorelai found a dance partner, but then he bailed on her for reasons that Thea didn't care to know.
So, now she and Lorelai were dance partner-less.
Thea had asked Todd, but Todd chose not to screw his sleep schedule up and had band practice with Lane, Liberty and Jess had to help at the diner and Georgia honestly didn't feel like dancing for twenty-four hours. Lane had the aforementioned band practice.
It was frustrating even though she knew that Aiden and Sage would do it if she asked, but it just wouldn't be fair.
Thea spotted Craig at his locker talking to some guy.
"Hey, Thea," Sage started saying.
"Hold that thought," Thea told him, going over to Craig. The guy took off. "Hey, Craig, I need to ask you something."
"No, I will not go out with you," Craig told her.
Thea was stunned because that was not what she was going to ask. Then she wondered how many people said, 'Hey, Craig, I need to ask you something' then proceeded to ask him out if that was what his first thought was. "Okay, but I was going to ask you something completely different."
"Oh, in that case, what's up?" asked Craig.
"I need a dance partner for that 24 Hour Dance Marathon and I wanted to know if you can be my partner," Thea said. "My friends can't do it."
"I mean, sure, if Sage and Aiden are okay with it," Craig replied.
Thea glanced at Sage and Aiden, who were discussing something now. "They're fine with it."
"I should probably ask them," Craig said.
"Go ahead," Thea told him.
Before Craig could go ask a guy wearing a cape and riding on a skateboard skated by. The worst part was that the the guy was naked. A security guard was chasing him.
Fran had loaned Thea the dress and dance shoes to go with it. Although Thea was sure that the shoes and dress were new.
So, on the early morning of the dance marathon, Thea met up with Craig and they headed for the sign in table at the high school.
"The only things that I know that wake up this early are serial killers and roosters," Craig said.
"A town full of serial killers, huh?" Thea said, "That'll make a good book." They went up to Babette. "Good morning, Babette."
"Hello, doll," Babette said, handing a clipboard to Thea. "Don't you look gorgeous?"
"I hope not," Thea said, signing in. "I'm going to end up looking like a wreck by the end of this thing, so I didn't see any point in getting dressed up."
"Now, you two go get your physicals, bring your release forms inside, and they'll get you a number," Babette said, pointing. Thea nudged Craig, who seemed to have fallen asleep standing up, "Hey, wake up."
Craig jerked away and then followed after Thea. "Did she say 'physicals'?"
"Yup," Thea said. Craig made a squeaking sound. "Don't get too excited."
After a very thorough physical, they meet the other dancers on the gym floor.ย
Taylor was at the podium explaining the rules. "Any couple without a number will be disqualified. All couples must be touching at all times. All couples must remain moving at all times. The only time you may stop moving or stop touching is when you hear this hornโ" he blew an air horn, "That sound means you have ten minutes. Ten minutes to get a drink, to eat a snack, take a rest, or whatever it is you can do in ten minutes. And in addition to the ten-minute rest periods, every person participating has been issued a yellow emergency card. In case of emergency, a contestant may hold up the card and leave the floor for ten minutes."
Taylor continued, "If your partner remains on the floor and moving the entire time, then the owner of the yellow card may rejoin them and the contest. First aid is available in Miss Patty's. Please, remember, that if you feel yourself getting lightheaded or having shooting pains or any other stroke-like symptoms, please move off to the side so that your collapse will not get in the way of the other dancers. All right, people, lace your shoes."
While Taylor was explaining, Thea looked at her number: 13.
"Hopefully we won't be unlucky," Thea said, looking at the number. "Here, need me to slap this number on you?"
"Sure," Craig said.
Thea slapped the number on his back to make sure it stuck. Then Craig did the same to her.
Thea went to the stand where Luke was standing at, however Liberty was asleep on the table.
"She really isn't a morning person," Thea pointed out.
"The coffee isn't ready yet," Luke said.
"As much as I really want some coffee, but it'll make me crash at some point," Thea said.
Luke asked, "What numbers do you both have?"
"13," Craig replied.
"Just remember, when it starts, do not start dancing energetically," Luke told them. "It'll wear you out quickly. But you did not hear that from me."
That made a lot of sense, actually.
Lorelai and Rory came over.
"Hey, we're dying, load us up," Lorelai told Luke.
"Like I told them, it isn't ready yet," Luke replied.ย
Craig and Thea went over to Sage.
"Hey," Sage greeted them, but he kissed Thea as a greeting. "Jackson wants four kids in four years."
"That's crazy," Thea said horrified at the thought. Giving birth back-to-back like that? She was hurting just thinking about it.
"That's insanity," Craig said. "That's a health risk right there. When I was in juvie, a female officer was telling me about how she had three kids back to back like that and she couldn't have any more because her uterus didn't have time to heal correctly, so if she had a fourth kid, she'll basically bleed out if she tried to give birth."
Thea asked, "What brought that conversation on?"
"Some dude smashed my face into the concrete wall and my nose was bleeding pretty heavily, and I asked if I was going to bleed out," Craig said.
Sage asked Craig, "Yeah, well, can you explain that to my step-dad?"
Craig said, "Sure, why not?"
They walked off together.
Thea wondered if Jackson would actually listen to a teenager; maybe he'll actually listen to a female instead of a male.
She spotted Craig and Sage standing with Jackson and Sookie. Craig was explaining something but then looked annoyed when Jackson said something.
"All right, folks. Everybody on the floor," Taylor said. "We're two minutes away. I repeat, everybody on the floor, we are two minutes away."
Eventually Craig came back.
Thea asked, "Did everything get sorted out?"
"He said that he won't ask Sookie of that again and apologized for bringing it up," Craig said.
"I hope," Thea said. "I can't even imagine having four kids. Let alone popping one out each year."
Craig asked, "How did the topic of kids not crop up when they were dating?"
Thea shrugged, eventually the time started ticking down with everyone saying, "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!"
"It's showtime!" said Taylor.
Thea and Craig grabbed each other's arms to start dancing, although not quite as wildly as the other couples, remembering what Luke said.
Eventually six hours had passed, and two couples had left, and Thea was sort of regretting her decision for deciding to do the dance marathon.
Craig asked, "How the hell is Kirk still in?"
"He probably trains for it," Thea said. "Like at home, he dances for twenty-four hours by himself once every month or something.
"Hold on," Craig said, basically trying to maneuver himself around couples to go to the side of the gym.
Thea was along for the ride of course.
Aiden was there, Craig apparently spotting him.
"Glad you can make it," Thea told him, trying to keep moving.
"Glad you're still in the competition six hours later," Aiden said.ย
Kirk held his dance partner, Donna, do a cartwheel.
"I hate show-offs like that," Craig said. To Thea, he said, "Hey, let me flip you like that. We can probably do it better than them."
Aiden laughed, "Agreed."
"What? I'm not getting flipped," Thea said. "I don't want to land on my face with my ass up in the air. How about I flip you?"
"Yeah, my mom's in the stand and I was born breeched and it took the doctors like eight hours to get me out. If she sees that, she'll probably have a panic attack," Craig said.
Even Aiden didn't know how to respond to that.
"Well, that's horrifying," Thea said.
Georgia and Jess came into the gym. Georgia led Jess by the hand around the outer edge of the gym so they weren't in the 'authorized' section.
After dancing for fourteen hours, a referee on roller skates skated by. He blew a whistle at a couple next to Thea and Craig, who were awkwardly holding onto each other.
Thea asked, "Regret your decision on agreeing to this yet?"
"No," Craig replied. "Regret your decision on signing up for this yet?"
"No," replied Thea.
Craig asked, "When do we get a break?"
"Hopefully soon," Thea said.
After a few minutes, a horn sounded.
"Oh no," Thea said, horrified.
"What?" Craig asked, "What is it?"
"The runaround," Thea said. "We have to run to that red line. The last five are automatically out." She dragged Craig to the crowd gathering for the runaround.
Doose said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, on your marks...get set...and go!"
Miss Patty fired off a starter pistol and they made a run for it.
Taylor said, "Round and round they go, but when the song stops, nobody knows! But the last five couples that finish behind the red line are automatically out, so hold onto your partner and move, move, move!"
"He's a sadist," Craig told Thea.
"That he is," Thea agreed.
Jackson ended up leaving the race and Sookie followed him.
"I didn't run this much in juvie," Craig said.
"Suck it up buttercup," Thea told him, her grip on his hand tightening slightly. "I had to run around this gym for the stupid mile run and the god-awful pacers."
Craig asked, "How much longer?"
They passed the red finish line when the horn sounded.
"Ten minute break everyone, ten minute break," Taylor said. "Well run. Ten minute break, everyone. Ten minute break."
Craig fell down and Thea fell on top of him, but eventually rolled off.
Craig started moving his hand around.
"What are you doing?" asked Thea.
"Trying to slap you," Craig said.
"Okay, you can do it later," Thea told him.
Aiden, Sage and Georgia came over. Georgia helped hauled Craig to his feet.
"Such fun isn't it," Aiden said, picking Thea up by her arms. Sage got her feet, hauling her up and carrying her to a bench to lay her out.
"Shut up," Thea said.
"I'll get you some sandwiches," Sage said.
Thea said, "Shouldn't you find your mom and step-dad?"
"I think they need to hash out Jackson's four-in-four idea without me," Sage said.
"Four in four?" asked Georgia.
"Four kids in four years," Sage said.
Georgia looked appalled, "What kind of caveman thinking is that?"
Sage shrugged, patted Thea on the leg and went to go get some sandwiches and Jess followed after him.
"Get me one," Georgia called after him.
"Got it," Jess replied.
Aiden asked, "Just how is Kirk still energetic?"
"He probably trains for this once a month," Thea told him.
"Yeah, I wouldn't put it past him," Aiden agreed.
"Hey, I'm just here for the food," Jess told Lane.
Lane handed a sandwich over to Lane, "Here, enjoy, buh-bye."
"Georgia wanted one too," Jess said.
Lane handed one to Jess.
Sage took a sandwich for himself, Craig, Aiden, and Thea.
Mrs. Kim came over and glared at Jess, "Who are you?"
"Jess," he replied. Mrs. Kim glared, so he added, "Ma'am."
Mrs. Kim pointed at Lane, speaking sternly, "Scoop more."
"Jesus," Sage said. "I'd run away if she was my mother."
"She'll find you within ten minutes and drag you back," Lane added.
"The sandwiches are for the dancers," Rory said.
"I'm dancing on the inside," Jess said.
"What are you doing here?" asked Rory.
"I live here," Jess replied.
Rory said, "You have nothing better to do than to sit around inside a gymnasium all day staring at a dance marathon?"
"I don't know. It's like I'm not there to support Thea and Craig or anything," Jess replied. He spoke to Dean, "Do you have nothing better to do than sit inside a gymnasium all day staring at a dance marathon?"
Dean snapped, "I wouldn't direct any sort of comment toward me if I were you."
"Hey, Sage," Rory said, "How's Thea and Craig doing?"
"They're doing fine," Sage replied awkwardly. "Exhausted like everyone else."
Dean put his arm around Rory's shoulders. "Shouldn't you be worried about Thea dancing with another guy?"
"I think you're asking the wrong guy all the wrong questions," Jess spoke to Dean. "You're talking to a guy who's okay with watching his girlfriend get plowed in front of him by someone else."
Rory made a face, "Ew. Don't get gross."
"But true," Jess added.
"Hey, I'm fine with Thea having male friends," Sage said. "Just because you're not okay with Rory talking to any guy besides you, doesn't mean I have to have that same line of thinking."
For whatever reason, Dean said, "Rory, get your stuff and let's go."
"Ooh, that was good," Jess mocked. "Now say 'then get in there and make me my supper.'"
Sage snickered, "Just get going. Georgia's going to punch you in the tit if we're not back in two minutes."
It had been twenty-three hours since the dance marathon started. Lorelai had used her yellow card for something.
Thea asked Craig, "How are you holding up?"
"Still standing and moving," Craig replied. "How about you?"
"Same," Thea said. "I swear to god, Kirk practices for this thing."
Craig asked, "How much does this thing really mean to you?"
"I just want to beat my mom," Thea said. "And end Kirk's reign."
It looked like Rory was getting into an argument with Jess about something, so Thea dragged Craig with her to see what was going on.
Jess was asking, "You got a problem here?"
"Nope," Rory said, "Just a little sick of seeing the two of you sitting there. If you're not gonna participate, then why don't you just leave?"
"Aiden and Sage are sitting there," Georgia pointed out. The two had fallen asleep together with Sage using Aiden as a pillow. "Why don't you get after them? Or all those people?"
"And I'm not ready to go," Jess said.
"Oh, really?" asked Rory.
"Craig and Thea are still here," Jess said. "And I'm supporting them. So I'm gonna sit here as long as I like, and I'm gonna do whatever I like, and if you don't like it, then just ignore me and pay attention to your boyfriend."
"Sorry, she can't," Dean said. He had let go of her, "I'm not her boyfriend anymore."
"What?" asked Rory.
Dean explained, "You know, I tried to ignore this. I really did, but I don't know what the hell I was thinking."
"What are you talking about?" asked Rory.
"You don't wanna be with me, Rory," Dean said.
"Yes, I do," replied Rory.
Dean said, "Oh, please! You've been into him since he got to town, and I have spent weeks โ months, actually โ trying to convince myself that it wasn't true, that everything was fine between us. But now I know that I was an idiot. You're into him and sorry, to say, he's very clearly into Georgia. It's so damn obvious."
"What's obvious?" Rory asked, "What did I do?"
"Everyone can see, Rory! Everyone. And I'm tired, but I'm over it, so go ahead, go," Dean said. "I can't be with someone who doesn't want to be with me anymore." He grabbed his jacket and took off.
"I don't see a yellow card. I don't see a yellow card." Taylor said, "Excuse me, young lady โ whose name I don't remember right now." He groaned, "No one listens to me."
Due to the twenty-four hour passing, there had to be a tie-breaker, which meant doing the runaround.
Unfortunately, Donna collapsed, exhausted while in the middle of it.
But fortunately, Thea and Craig won the trophy. Kirk laid face down on the ground sobbing.
Then Lorelai ran in, but she was confused since she had the yellow card, even though she had taken longer than ten minutes to do whatever it was and Rory hadn't returned.
"You and I can split the trophy," Thea told Craig. "I can keep it for one week and you can have it for another week. Then it'll be back to me."
Craig just snored in response.ย
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