Chapter Three - Anger Issues

Tanjiro's pov

I walked to the running track where I saw Muichiro. He spotted me and smiled, waving at me as I waved back. I sat down at one of the benches and watched as they stretched.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was wearing shorts and a short sleeved shirt with his hair in a messy bun.

Once they were done stretching they got to lines and started running laps. He looked so beautiful when he ran, he was fast too but after the first lap he had to take a quick break because he was out of breath.

I cheered him on and he smiled before running again, now way faster. In the final lap I could see him being really tired, it was clear he was barely running.

I cheered him on once again, seeing his classmates catching up with him. With the last strength he had, he ran as fast as he could and finished the final lap. He dropped on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

I went over to him and handed him a water bottle "you did great! And you said you don't have any stamina, you did just fine"

"D-Don't think so.. I think I will see the apple I ate earlier again.." he said between breaths and laid down on the cold grass.

I laughed "nahh, you did great"

"Okay, maybe I did well but that doesn't mean I can't throw up," he said and took a small sip of his water. I laughed again "okay okay, sorry"

Teacher walked towards Muichiro and said "seven laps in ten minutes, you did great Muichiro, have you ever thought about participating in something?"

"I am never running again, this is torture" Muichiro replied and laid his arm over his forehead, clealy exhausted.

"Okay, we'll talk a bit more at lunch break.. and you, shouldn't you be in class?" He turned towards me and I replied with "shut up old man, I can do whatever I want"

He rolled his eyes and just walked away, probably not being in a mood to argue with me.

I smiled and turned towards Muichiro "how are you feeling?" I asked and he sighed "a bit better, my legs feel like jelly though, don't know how I'll make it back to school"

"I can carry you if you want" I said and Muichiro smiled "normally I'd say no but this time I think I wouldn't be able to get to school if I tried to walk"

"Alright" I said simply and helped Muichiro on my back. He had his arms wrapped around my neck and I held his legs. I looked at them, seeing his legs being shaved "you shave your legs?" I asked and he nodded.

"It's so disgusting having hairy legs.. I mean, for some guys it's bearable but I just hate having hairy legs or arms" he said and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I see, I don't shave mine, I don't have time for that" I said and Muichiro laughed "that's okay, it doesn't matter, I am not gonna judge you for it just because I don't like it"

"Good" I said simply and Muichiro giggled until someone ran past us and tugged on Muichiro's hair. Muichiro let out a quiet yelp and grabbed onto his hair, looking at the person who tugged it.

It was one of the guys from yesterday. "Awww is Mui tired that he has to be carried?" He said with an annoying tone.

"At least he tried and didn't end up amongst the last" I said and turned to look at him. "because I didn't even try, PE is the most useless subject ever, I am not gonna bother trying. But that nerd has to be the best at everything" he turned to Muichiro again.

"Leave him alone already" I put Muichiro down and moved closer to the other guy "or do you want it to end like yesterday?"

"Alright bet" he lifted his fists up again and I did too. "Tanjiro please just stop, it's not worth it" Muichiro said, trying to pull me away from him but I refused.

"I am gonna continue beating this dude's ass until he leaves you alone, you don't deserve this treatment" I said and before Muichiro could say anything more, I was about to hit that guy but he blocked it and lifted his leg up, slamming it against my side.

"Both of you stop!" The teacher yelled out and ran over to me and that guy but we didn't budge, we just kept throwing hits at each other.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my leg, making me drop on the ground. I got held back by two more guys when the third clenched his fist.

I closed my eyes, preparing for the hit but all I heard was "stop!" And a quiet yelp in pain. I opened my eyes and saw Muichiro standing in front of me, clutching his stomach.

He took the hit for me. I felt my blood boil "how could they hurt him like this?!!" I pushed those two guys away and charged at the guy who hit Muichiro.

"I am gonna fucking kill you!" I pushed him on the ground, hitting him repeatedly in the face until his nose started bleeding.

"Tanjiro stop!" Muichiro yelled out and tried to pull me away together with the teacher who did manage to pull me away.

The teacher rushed over to the guy who was laying on the ground, his whole lower face covered in blood. He passed out from the pain.

Muichiro pulled me more away from  him and yelled out "why did you do that?!"

"He hurt you, I wanted to protect you"

"It's not that bad! You didn't h-"

"You are still grabbing your stomach, you can't even stand up right, it clearly hurts" I said and he sighed "you still didn't have to hurt him that badly.. you'll get in trouble.."

"I don't give a fuck" I said and teacher turned towards me "Kamado, the second we get to school you are going to pri-"

"Principal's office?! Yeah I couldn't care less, what will he do?! Expel me? Sure! I hate it here anyway!" I said and grabbed Muichiro's arm, leading him away.

I felt him flinching "Tanjiro, it really h-hurts, pl-please let g-" my anger took over me and I slammed him against a wall and yelled out "I am trying to protect you! Can't you see that?!! I-" I stopped myself when I saw him covering his face with his arms, tearing streaming down his cheeks.

"Pl-please don't hurt me.." he said quietly. He shook my head "no no, I am sorry I was just angry, I am so sorry Muichiro, I didn't mean to do that" I said and pulled his arms away from his face.

"I am really sorry, I just got mad.. I didn't mean to hurt you.." I said, feeling extremely guilty for making him cry "shit.. I have to control my anger around him.." I thought to myself, knowing how hard it'll be.

"It's fine.." he said and wiped his remaining tears. "Let's go now, yeah? I am really sorry again" I apologize and he shook his head "it's fine.. really.. I am used to it" he whispered the last part.

Then I remembered what I saw yesterday at his house, how they beat him. I pretended not to know what happened "used to it?"

Muichiro sighed "well.. let's just say that I don't have the nicest parents.."

"Oh I see.." I placed my hand on his shoulder as we both started to walk back to school again. "Do you want to talk about it a bit more? Maybe at lunch break?" I asked, being both worried and mad because of how they treat Muichiro.

"I don't know if I.. want to tell you about it.. I am sorry" he said quietly and I shook my head "it's completely okay, you don't have to tell me, but remember that you can whenever you need to open up, okay?"

Muichiro slightly nodded "okay.. thank you a lot" he smiled and I did as well.

"Shit.. he's so adorable when he smiles.. Why is it so hard to resist him.. I just want to kiss him, suck on his beautiful neck and care for him but no.. I have to hold myself back like some animal" I thought to myself and took a quick glance at Muichiro "god.. I didn't feel this way for so long.. when was the last time I felt this way.."

Then it hit me.

~~3 years ago~~

"Oh my name? It's Kanao, Kanao Tsuyuri, pleasure to meet you" she said and smiled. The kind smile and beautiful dark lilac eye color was all I needed for me to fall in love with her.

"And you are Tanjiro, right? You are from higher class" she said and I nodded "mhm, yes, that's correct… I was wondering if you want to be my friend" I said but a second later thought "or maybe something more.."

She smiled "of course! I would be happy to be your friend!" She said with a cheerful tone. "I am glad" I smiled as well.


"Who's that guy you were with at lunch?" I asked and Kanao blushed "he's ehm.. my crush" she laughed "he's from my class and he's just so.. I love him so much, and yesterday it was so nice, we talked and it was the best time I had in a while"

"That's amazing" I said, trying not to sound annoyed. She seemed so happy when she talked about him. It made me so mad.

"May I know his name?" I asked and Kanao nodded "his name is Yukiteru Yamada, he's from the same year as you, just from a different class"

"Mhm, I see, well I hope it'll work out for both of you" I smiled and Kanao smiled as well "I hope so too! If it did, I would be the happiest woman alive!"

I nodded, feeling myself getting more and more mad. "He's not going to take her away from me.. he can forget about that.. she's mine"


"What the fuck do you want from me?!" He yelled out while I pinned him to a wall and held a knife close to his throat.

"You stole her away from me.. I can't accept that" I said and moved the knife closer, not touching his skin with the sharp blade.

"Huh?! Who?!" He yelled out and I laughed "think Yukiteru.. think.. who has been hanging out with you almost every single fucking day.." I said and his eyes widened "Kanao.."

"Yes.. her.. she's so madly in love with you it's disgusting! I want her all for myself.. and you are getting in my way.." I murmured quietly.

"And what are you going to do about it?!"

"Get rid of you.."


"I-I don't know what happened, I-I just got text from him parents that h-he's dead!" Kanao stuttered out while sobbing.

I struggled not to smile, knowing I was the one who killed him. "Shhh.. it'll be okay.." I said and pulled her into a hug.

"I-I loved him, Ta-Tanjiro! A-And now he's gone.. a-and I couldn't even confess my feelings.." she said quietly between sobs and hiccups.

I nodded and gently stroked her hair "shhh, take deep breaths.. I know it's hard but you'll get through this" I pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears with my thumb "and I'll help you get through it, I promise"

She smiled and nodded "thank you, Tanjiro.. I don't know what I would do without you.."


"Tanjiro.. can you explain this to me?" My mother said and showed me a blood covered hoodie.

"Did you get into a fight or something?" She asked again. I felt my heart slowly sinking, not able to think of a proper lie.

"...Tanjiro what did you do?"

"I got into a fight" I tried to lie but she saw right through me.

"Lie.. tell me the truth right now.."


"You can be fucking serious, Tanjiro! You can get fucking arrested! How could you do that?!" My father yelled out, slapping my cheek really badly.

My mother was crying and my siblings looked at me in shock. I couldn't control my anger, it was too much "I did it for her.."

"It doesn't matter! You still killed someone!" My father yelled out and pushed me against a kitchen cabinet. I clenched my fists, looking to my right.. seeing a knife.

"Tanjiro.. what are you doing.." my mother said as I took the knife to my hand. "I'll do anything for Kanao.." I looked up "and whoever will try to stop me.. I will get rid of.."


"What..? Tanjiro.. I-I am sorry but.. I don't feel the same way.." Kanao said, making my heart sink.

I chuckled, the chuckle slowly turning into a hysterical laugh.

"Tanjiro..?" Kanao said and backed away from me.

"I did.. so much for you and yet you still don't feel the same..?" I smiled "what a shame.. I guess I just have to.. get rid of you too because.. if I can't have you" I placed a knife to her neck and leaned to her ear, whispering " one can.."

~~present time~~

"I am not gonna fail this time.." I turned to look at Muichiro "you will be mine.. and I don't care if you'll like it or not.."


Word count : 2338

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