Chapter Two.
Chapter Two
We walked into a very average looking high school office. The carpet was gray and the walls were white. A middle aged looking woman wearing a purple outfit and her gray hair in a bun was at the counter. She seemed to be doing paperwork. My dad cleared his throat loudly and she looked up.
Her pale gray eyes saw me and she said, “Oh, this must be Abigail! Welcome to our school!” she paused and then looked to my dad. “And you must be her father. Ah, yes, you’ll need to sign her in.”
She grabbed a clipboard and my dad walked up to the desk and signed me in. She then turned to me and handed me a slip of paper.
“This is your schedule, sweetie. I hope you like it here.” I smiled at her and looked over my schedule. My dad grabbed me roughly by the arm and led me outside.
“You know the rules. No talking to anyone; you don’t have time to make friends. No boyfriends. No clubs. Just keep your mouth shut unless you’re asked a question in class,” he whispered in my ear.
I nodded, “Yes, daddy.”
“Good,” he said. He sighed heavily then said, “I won’t be able to pick you up since this new job doesn’t have breaks when I want, so you’ll have to walk home. Get that laundry done when you get home. Got it?” he asked.
Again, I nodded, “Yes, daddy.”
“Good,” he said and let go of me. “Get straight to class after you go to your locker.”
I nodded and watched him head down to his car and drive away. I sighed, and, using the map of the school on the back of my schedule, I made my way to the sophomore lockers. I kept my eyes glued to the map so as not to make eye contact with the many curious eyes following me. It took me a while to find my locker, but when I found it, I was relieved to find it near the end of the hallway. I don’t know why, but I always like my locker at the end of the hall.
Fewer people are at the end. I put my locker code in the spinner and opened my locker. I took my binder out of my back pack and shoved it in. I shrugged my jacket off and placed it on the hook. These lockers either all had a mirror in them or the last person to have this one left one in it because low and behold there I saw my reflection. I fixed the white button shirt and scrunched my nose up. It reminded me so much of a uniform shirt, but it’s all I could get.
I mostly shop at thrift stores since my dad works in an office and doesn’t make that much money. And my mom sure as hell doesn’t work. Dad only gives me little money, so I can’t go to places like Aeropostale or Hollister. I look like the poor girl I am. I frowned, grabbed my binder, and slammed my locker shut not wanting to see my reflection. I held my binder to my side as I brought my schedule up to look for the room I needed to go to. I felt people look at me as I walked, but I ignored them.
I could feel the gazes analyzing my body and my outfit. Most, from what I could tell, were from the snobby people, but I could really care less. I have way more important problems to worry about than what they think. While wrapped up in my own little world of hate I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into someone. I dropped my binder in the process. I quickly bent down and picked it up. I then gave an apologetic look to the blond haired girl with glasses and continued on my way.
“Hey!” she shouted, jogging up to my side. She smiled a friendly smile at me. “I’m Colleen,” she said. She stopped in front of me causing me to stop, and held her hand out to me. I just gave her a small smile before I walked around her and continued to look at the signs next to each door to find room 211.
She jogged back up to me and fell into step beside me. Persistent. What's this girl’s deal? I noticed the girl lean sideways to see my schedule that I was holding.
“Abigail. Pretty. Mr. Jen’s room is over there,” she said, pointing at a room. “I have that class. We should sit together,” she said excitedly. Damn, is this girl on happy pills or something? She seems like she would be the type to talk a lot and be happy. It kind of annoyed me.
We walked into the class room and I looked around. It looked like every other class room, but instead of it having single desks, the desks were long enough for two people to sit at. Oh, dear God, kill me now. Before I knew it, Colleen wrapped her arm around mine and pulled me to the back. Is she always this friendly to new people? She pulled me down onto a chair and I looked at her like she was crazy.
She just smiled and shrugged. She launched into telling me how much I would like it here and I just tuned her out. I felt tired and you could probably see the tiredness in my eyes since I woke up three times last night because Tyler kept waking up and my dad was yelling each time.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” I heard Colleen ask, snapping me out of my daze.
I looked at her and shook my head, telling her no.
“I use to be like that,” she said. “I use to be really shy and never talked to anyone. When I met my boyfriend last year, he helped me grow my confidence and now I can't stop talking!” she laughed giving me a bright smile. I just gave her an awkward small smile. Jeez, maybe she should try talking less again.
“I think you’re going to like it here,” she said for at least the 8th time. I just shrugged and my stomach started to hurt. Then it grumbled, much to my embarrassment. Last night I didn’t get the chance to eat since it was too late at night when I finished my chores and I just too tired. And I couldn’t make myself breakfast this morning because I woke up late and when my father’s ready to go, we go.
Colleen looked at my stomach. “Hungry?” she asked.
I just looked at my binder, embarrassed my stomach was growling. To my dismay, I’m really skinny. Not anorexic skinny, but enough to say my stomach's flat and my legs are almost sticks. I wished I wasn’t so skinny though. I never minded what my weight was since I have no one to worry about. I don’t have any boyfriends, nor have I ever had one. I wish I ate more though, so I didn’t look as sick as I do.
I saw something red come in front of my face and my eyebrows furrowed together as I looked at it. A Kit-Kat bar. I turned my head to Colleen and she smiled.
“Take it, I don’t need it. You sound hungry anyway.” I shook my head and pushed her arm away. I can’t become friends with this chick. I don’t have time for friends and to hang out with them. I have chores and taking care of a little brother to worry about.
She scoffed and chuckled. “Abigail, I’m serious, eat it. Class hasn’t started yet and you can finish it before Mr. Jens comes in,” she said, placing it in front of me on my binder. I hesitated, looking down at it. It was so very tempting. I’m a chocolate girl, but I don’t get chocolate very much. What’s the harm with one chocolate bar? I picked it up, unwrapped it and took the chocolate sticks out. I ate the four sticks in two minutes and I didn’t feel as hungry anymore. Man that was delicious. I gave her my slightly bigger smile for thanks and she smiled back.
The teacher came in right after the class filled up. He was a lumpy thirty some year old man with black framed glasses. “So I hear we have a new student.” he said and my own nightmare came alive—again. I hated this. Why couldn’t he just wave to me and start class like others did? Why does he have to be the teacher that has to make an introduction and lower my self-esteem in front of a whole class of students? “Abigail Crow, want to stand up?” he asked.
I began to shake my head until all eyes were on me. My neck and cheeks burned up and I hesitated, but forced my legs to push me up from my seat and I waved around to people.
“Want to tell us something about yourself?” he asked. I shook my head and sat down; looking down at my binder, wishing all the eyes would just look away from me. I felt so uncomfortable now.
“What?” I heard a female voice. “Can’t you talk or something?”
“Leave her alone, Mina.” Colleen said. I felt her turn to me.
“Wait, you can talk right?” she asked. I looked at her, but my eyes moved around to see everyone looking at me. I swallowed and you could hear a hard gulp sound, my face burning. Well of course I can talk; I’m just not allowed. I nodded and shrugged.
The girl that talked before, Mina furrowed her eyebrows together. “Well, say something,” she said. She had long brown hair that was shinny and thick and straight. She kind of reminded me of that chick Megan Fox. I lowered myself in my seat, keeping my head down and I wished my hair wasn’t in a braid so it could hide my face.
“Okay, okay, attention back upfront,” Mr. Jens said and I thanked him in my head. I had that awkward feeling again and I knew this school was going to be all like the others. I’m going to be known as the freak muted girl.
I had Colleen tell me which classes Abigail—ah, such a beautiful name— was in. I had to wait until third period, history class, to see her. I don’t think I have ever felt so excited before in my life. I was anxiously awaiting the class because I got to see her again. I had smelt her scent all throughout the hallway and it was just adding to my excitement. I heard from some of the other students that she was shy, but I think I could handle that. I wouldn't want her to be a slut. She’s classy. Perfect. I walked into Ms. Jekin’s class room and was a little bummed not to see her in the room yet.
I went to the first seat I saw open which was up at the first row. I hope she comes in soon so I can still be able to change seats before class starts. I kept turning my head to the door when I felt the presences of someone coming in. I lost Abigail's scent since it mixed in with the other humans.
I saw Mina come in, but I didn’t even notice her coming to the desk next to mine which was also open and she smiled at me, “Hey Scott.”
I smiled at her. “Hey,” I said as I nodded and turned my attention back to the door.
“How was your weekend?” she asked.
I didn’t take my eyes off the door but said, “It was okay.” She then started going on and on about what her weekend was like, but after about a minute I stopped listening. The class was filling up with more people but none of them was my mate. I was becoming disappointed and was starting to wonder if Colleen lied to me. I’m going to give her an ear full and then I’m going to beat Tristan up. I thought angrily. At that moment a girl walked in and it felt like the heavy weight on my chest finally lifted and I got up. Abigail walked to the back of the room, not even noticing me. Ouch.
She took the seat closest to the window and started playing with the end of the white button shirt she was wearing. I thought it was kind of weird for her to wear a button up shirt, but got over it quickly.
“Scott, are you even listening to me?” Mina asked. Nope, so stop talking.
I got up, “Yeah, yeah.” I waved her off instead of saying what I thought as I walked to the back of the room. I heard her scoff but didn't really care. I took the seat next to Abigail and she didn’t once turn her attention from her sleeve. I looked over her again, this time really looking at her. She didn’t look like she had any makeup on and she looked kind of…fragile. Almost like glass. She also looked kind of depressed and lonely; worn out. That worried me, thinking there was something wrong. I shouldn’t jump to conclusions.
I reached out and tapped her shoulder. Her head jerked up to me and her eyes caught mine. Her dull eyes seemed to light up a little, her forest green eyes looked like they were sparkling. I saw her sharply inhale and I couldn’t stop myself from grinning.
I held my hand out, “Hey, I’m Scott.” She moved her eyes from mine down to my hand. She hesitated, but moved her hand out and took it in mine. She looked like she chewed her nails. I looked closer. Yep, they definitely looked chewed up. After shaking my hand, she took her hand back and I waited for her to tell me her name.
I knew it already, but I didn’t want to make myself look like a stalker. I wanted her to tell me her name. I wanted to hear her voice. She looked away from me then down at her lap.
My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “You know, it is nice to say your name back,” I told her. Her cheeks turned red and her eyes turned to look up at me. When she saw my attention was on her still, she quickly looked away. Huh?
“Don’t waste your time.” I heard Mina's voice and our heads snapped up to see her leaning down on my table.
“Abby here doesn’t talk,” she said. She leaned down to my ear, whispering, “She’s muted and deaf.” My eyes widened slightly. That can’t be true, right? She leaned away and leaned back down to my desk again. “Watch later. She watches people's lips move.”
I looked at Abigail and she was playing with the end of her braid. She would have been able to hear Mina say that. That can’t be true; my mate couldn’t be deaf. I snapped my fingers and she didn’t look away from her braid.
Mina giggled, “See. Don’t waste your time.”
My head turned and I looked at her, “Go away, Mina.” Mina is a bitch and she will not make fun of my mate. I’ll admit it was shocking news. I wouldn’t have guessed that. I had many fears about what my mate could be like: if she was whorish or not, acted like a dumb bimbo, was a gold digger. I was always prepared for the worst and knew I would change her. I've seen a slut turn into a perfect girlfriend. Ask Skylar.
But not deaf or muted.
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