Chapter Twenty-Two.
“What are you doing here?” I finally asked after moments of nothing but awkward uncomfortable silence. I could feel my stomach turn horribly.
“I came to see the family that you seem to love a whole lot better than your own.” he said casually, but sarcastic.
“Where’s Tyler?” I asked.
“Good question, where my son is?” he asked, looking around and paused on Skyler Sr.
“My daughter Lena has him up in her room.” he answered. “You don’t have to worry about him, he’s fine.”
“That’s good.” he said. He turned his head back to me. “Now Abigail, if you’ll be a good girl, go pack your stuff so we can go home now. Play time is over.”
“She isn’t going anywhere—”
“Scott, stop.” Skyler Sr. said. “Look Will, I suggest we should sit down and talk about this.”
My dad turned around, “Well Skyler, there is nothing to talk about. Abigail is my daughter, not yours. She’ll do what I say, she isn’t eighteen yet, I have rights to what happens and where she lives and she won’t be living here.”
“I understand that, but we all can be mature about this and just talk. No harm done with talking, right?” Skyler Sr. asked.
“Abigail isn’t going anywhere.” Scott said, walking in front of me and hauled me behind him. “And most defiantly not with someone who hurts his own child.”
My dad turned around and rose an eyebrow, “Is that what she told you? Your mistaken boy, I have never laid a hand on her. She’s simply just a klutz.”
Scott snorted, “You don’t expect me to believe—”
“Scott, no more.” Skyler Sr. said, his voice hard and ordering. “Now before a fight breaks out,” he said, walking into the middle of the room, “Abigail, Will, and I are going to go in the dining room and talk.”
“What!” Scott cried out. “No, I have to be in there!”
“This is none of your business.” my dad said.
Scott growled again. “You have no idea how much of this is my business.” he said.
“Scott’s right.” Skyler Sr. said. “But I’m warning you, Scott, you better not do anything stupid. I want your ass sitting in the chair the whole time and your mouth closed. Sky, go get your mother please, if we make up a deal, she’s going to need to know.” he said to Skyler and Skyler nodded.
I could tell Scott was glaring at his dad, but he nodded. Scott found my hand and entwined our fingers together as he walked towards the dining room door. I turned my head around and the other gave me pity looks.
We stepped into the room and my dad sat across from me and Scott. He kept his eyes on me and gave me a disappointed look. I lowered my head and look down at the table. I felt small again.
A moment later, the door opened and Scott’s mom came in. She gave my dad the best kind smile she could, but her eyes didn’t have happiness as she made her way over next to Skyler Sr.
Skyler Sr. took a deep breath and let it out, “Okay, we understand you’re not happy with Abigail right now.”
“A father is never happy when his own daughter runs away and takes his son with her.” my dad said. “It was one thing for her to leave, but to take my son?”
“Maybe Abigail felt like she had to.” Kelly said.
“Look I’ll admit, I have not been the best parent to Abigail, but I would never hurt my son.” my dad said. “No disrespect, but Abigail and Tyler are my children, not yours. If I want them to come home with me, they will no matter what. This is useless.”
I placed my other hand onto one of Scott’s that our together, needing comfort. I wanted to speak up, saying I’m not going anywhere with him and it’ll be hell if I let Tyler go to. But the words wouldn’t come out my mouth. I’m afraid to speak up.
“Then we’ll call the cops.” Skyler Sir. said. “We know your wife an alcoholic and you have your fair share of drinking also. Abigail has enough bruises and not to mention scars for evidence to get you locked up.”
I didn’t move my head, but I moved my eyes to look up through my lashes to see my father didn’t look happy. He was pressing his lips angrily together and his jaw clenched as he glared at Skyler Sir.
“We have no problem with Abigail and Tyler staying here, we wouldn’t have it any other way.” Kelly said.
“So you think I’ll just hand my children over to guys?” My dad spit out coldly. “Your nuts, I don’t think so.”
“We’re not saying that.” Skyler Sr. said. He leaned down on the table with his arms crossed over. “Will, we’re giving you an option. My wife and I don’t like the idea of taking—since you are right, they are your children—Abigail and Tyler from you. So here’s the deal, my wife and I knew one of these days you would find out where they both were, so if you agree to take anger management and both your wife and you also take AA meetings for four months.”
“And?” my dad asked.
“You sign custody of Abigail and Tyler over to us.” Skyler Sr. said. “We won't expect anything from you, meaning you don’t have to think of giving us money or anything. After those four months, we can talk about her and Tyler returning.”
My dad didn’t respond back too quickly and I was starting to feel myself grow anxious.
“It’s that or jail.” Skyler Sr. said. “We won't hesitate even a second.”
“This is stupid!” my dad said and he got up. He walked around the table to me and I felt Scott hands hand tighten around mine, “I won’t let you control how and what I do with my daughter!” he shouted as he grabbed my upper arm and lifted me up. “We’re going home—”
Scott grabbed my other arm and grabbed my dad shirt, “I would let go of her if I were you.” he dangerously said, his eyes turning black. I gasp at how…dangerous he looked.
“Scott, let go of—”
“Believe me, boy", my dad said. “She’s good for nothing but cooking and cleaning.”
Scott growled and pulled me out of my dad hold. He tackled my dad onto the ground and punched him across the face.
“Scott!” I cried out, trying to pull him off my dad he punched him again and again.
“Scott, stop it!” Skyler Sr. yelled as he help tried peeling Scott off my dad.
The doors burst open and I felt a pair of arms pull me back as Shay and Skyler joined and pulled Scott off my dad.
“You worthless piece of shit!” Scott yelled down at my dad. “Abigail is going nowhere with you! She’s staying here with a real family and so is Tyler!”
Scott’s dad put his hands are each side of Scott’s face, shutting him up. “Scott, control yourself! Your scaring Abigail!”
Scott stopped and turned his head to look at me. I probably looked scared as I felt. Tears slid down my face and his face broke down in shock. He fought of out his brother and dad hold, pulling me into his arms.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered in my ear.
“I’m so sorry,” Skyler Sr. said to my dad. “You should really go, though.” he said and he walked over to the door with my father who look pissed.
My father stopped at the door when our eyes met. It was only three seconds, but it felt like minutes. Tears continued to slide down my face as he threw the door open and stepped out with Skyler Sr. behind him.
I closed my eyes and hide my face in Scott’s chest. I don’t ever want to see him again.
Scott sat down on a chair and pulled me on his lap, “It’s okay, he’s gone now.”
“What happened?” Tristan said.
Scott snorted, “Oh like you guys weren’t listening.”
“Hey Abigail is like our sister now, of course we’re going to.” he said. “That was pretty messed up what he said about her only being good for.”
Scott growled, “Don’t repeat that ever again.”
As I held onto him, I was questioning Scott’s behavior again. What does he act so weirdly and…dog like?
After a few minutes, the doors opened and I heard Skyler Sr. sign heavily, “Okay, he agreed to the anger management, AA, and signing them both over to us. I told him I’ll be calling the places to make sure he and his wife are going.” I felt a hand go on my shoulder, “Abigail, are you alright?”
I moved my head to look up at him and hesitated, knowing I was I was safe now. For at least right now. I nodded.
Scott pushed my hair back behind my ear, “Are you alright now?” he asked.
I closed my eyes and nodded, taking a deep breath and opened my eyes, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just was scared, but now I feel better.”
We were laying down in the room I’m staying in. He laid his arm over my waist and pulled me into him. I had to ask him something important.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“Are…do you have a medical problem? Like, are you Bipolar?” I asked. He stared down at me and I felt my cheeks blush up. “I-I mean, I don’t mean to make fun of you, but you have major mood swings and I know the signs of someone being Bipolar.”
He surprised me by smiling and he shook his head. “No, I’m not bipolar, but I am something.”
“What is it?” I asked. “I mean, if you have secrets, you should tell me. I told you everything about me.”
He stared at me again for a minute. “You're right.” he said. “Are you willing to go somewhere with me?”
“Right now?” I asked, turning my head to see it was almost eight o’clock. I looked back at him. “Where to?”
“The woods.” he said.
“The woods? I don’t think so, there are wolves at there.” I reminded him and looked at him like he was crazy.
He chuckled. “Believe me, you’ll be alright. I’ll keep you safe.”
“I don’t know, Scott,” I said, lowering my head. “I’m kind of scared of the woods now ever since Friday. It scared me really bad.”
He put his hand under my chin and lift my head up to look at him, “I won’t let you get hurt, I promise.” he said, pecking me. “Please,” he said, pecking me again. “You do want to find out, right?” he asked, pecking me one last time.
Feeling like marshmallow, I caved in. “Okay, fine.”
After fifteen minutes of walking and trying to control my paranoia of looking around every five seconds, we stopped.
“What are we doing out here again?” I asked Scott, holding onto the flashlight tightly just in case I have to use it as a weapon.
“Promise you won’t freak out?” he asked.
“Freak out about what?” I asked. “Scott, I’m serious, I don’t like being out here this dark.”
He walked up to me, cupping my face, and kissed me long and passionate, it made my legs feel like jell-o. After a minute, he pulled back and kissed the tip of my nose. “Just remember I love and try not to scream.” he said.
Giving him a confused look, I watched as he turned around and took his jacket off and his white t-shirt as he walked behind a tree.
What is he doing? I rubbed one of my arms and looked around. What could Scott show me that made him bring me all the way out here? What right thing could he show me out here? Doesn’t he know there are wolves out here and I’m deeply scared of them?
“Scott, come on, stop playing around. I want to go back now.” I said, looking at the tree he was at and wishing I could zap it away. Suddenly I heard something weird and my eyebrows came together. “Scott? Are you alright?”
When I expected him to step back from behind the tree and jokingly tease me about it was stupid to come out here, I didn’t expect one of those huge dark brown wolves to step out!
I felt like I couldn’t breathe anymore.
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