Chapter 3: New classmates
We see Y/n, Izuku and the rest of the new students on the bus and on there way to the training arena to be tested so they can be in UA so they can be hero's in the future.
The bus ride took a while but Y/n was amazed of being on a bus and find it fun and relaxing to be on it. He sat near the window and looking out of the window to see many trees, bushes and other stuff unril soon he sees the Arena and the bus drove towards it and stops at the main entrance and open it's doors.
The students walk out of the bus and the last two were Y/n and Izuku, Y/n leap out of the bus and rise his two hands into the air and calls out with joy.
Y/n: (smile) We're here!
Izuku smiles a little while everyone look at Y/n weirdly but ignore him while Izuku and Y/n walk through the crowd and look at the Arena in front of them.
Y/n: (smile) This is gonna be awesome!
Izuku: (smile) Yeah, I hope I can use my quirk alright.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry Izuku, I know you can do it. I bet all that training from All Might will pay off, just you wait.
Izuku: (smile) Yeah.
Y/n looks around to see many students or friends he will gain once they are in UA. One of which is Ochaco among the crowd.
Y/n: (smile) Look there is Ochaco over there! I gonna go say hi to her.
He walks over and was about to say hi but a hand grabs his shoulder and he looks over to see the same boy with glasses from before.
Y/n: (smile) Oh hi, your that human with the Glasses.
He looks at Ochaco and then back to Y/n and asked.
???: She seems ready for the trails waiting behind those doors. What are you going to do when you gonna get over there, distract her and make her fail the test?
Y/n: (shocked) What no! I was gonna go over and say hi like anyone would.
???: It's maybe best you leave her be and not get in her way. A lot of people train hard to be here and we don't want anyone to get distracted, especially people who never know how to be quiet.
Y/n find it hurtful from him and he just walk off. Izuku walks up to him and Y/n said.
Y/n: What's his problem, I only wanna say hi to people and be their friend.
Izuku: Well some people might wanna make friends but some might not wanna be friends with people.
Y/n: Why, that sound sad?
Izuku: True but you will encounter people that might be mean and just doesn't care about others, but it's best to ignore him.
Y/n: Okay.
Then the siren gose off that means the test is about to begin.
Izuku: Looks like it's about to begin.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Hey, good luck Izuku, I know you can do this.
Izuku: (smile) Same to you.
The two fist pumped before seeing the door in front of them slowly opens and all students rush through and enter the Arena. Once through Y/n was alone now and looks around and be amazed to see this Arena is just like the city in every way but there was no civilians which is good.
Y/n looks around and runs off to find some bots so he can earn some points.
Y/n: (thought) All Might did say I can still enter UA even I have low points or not, still it be boring and unfair for me to sit around and do nothing. Time to join the party.
He turn to a street and he see a line up of bots within the streets. The bots turn to him and they charge at him. Y/n sees them coming towards him which he smirks to himself and bend down to a running stand with his blows light up blue with sparks fly out until he rush at them and leap up into the air and stick out his feet in front of the first bot.
Y/n: Shooting Galaxy kick!
He lands a powerful kick to the first bot and the bot flies back and rams into a few bots behind before the piled up bots slams onto a building while Y/n land on his feet and looks around him to see the bots surrounded him while Y/n smirk to himself once more and the bots leap up and piled up on top of him.
The bots think they have him but we pinned up to see Y/n floating over them and looking down at them piled up at "him" as he thinks this is fun and falls down and at the same time his fist lights up just as the bots looks up to see him.
Y/n: Galaxy slame down!
He slams his fist onto the ground that cost a huge shake and a shock wave that sent home bots flying before blowing up into the sky. Y/n stood up and turn around to see some huge once that may hold more points.
He was about to rush over to get them when more students came around, run pass him and start beating the larger bots and Y/n sees they are having the upper hand.
Y/n: (thought) Wow, they are so cool using different quirks. I maybe powerful and can just wipe the floor with the bots here but I don't wanna be greedy and selfish so I let them take this street while I find some bots to smash.
He walks off to find some bots to take out.
Within the control rool, we see Present Mic and Yagi looking through the live footage of the training and Present Mic was surprised to see Y/n's quick and see he is powerful then any other quirk thay have seen before.
Present Mic: (surprised) Wow you weren't kidding about that kids quirk. He is wiping the floors with those training bots.
Yagi: Indeed. That's the reason why we wanan be in UA and be one of our student.
Present Mic: But why though? True he is a kid but I think he be a pro hero and not attend UA because of his quirk.
Yagi: Well, for starters did you see that armor he used to fight Sludge.
Present Mic: Yeah, what about it?
Yagi: That armor is something we have ever seen before. It looks alien like and extremely Hugh tech. Plus, he calls us "humans" like he is not from the planet.
Present Mic: (shocked) Wait?! You get to tell me he is an alien!!!
Yagi: Och! Can you be careful with your microphones! It alsmot burt my ears a little.
Present Mic: (nervous chuckle) Whoops, sorry about that.
Yagi: Anyways I think so but he doesn't shown to be a threat or have any desire to destroy us.
Present Mic: Then what is he here for?
Yagi: No idea but judging by his personality and his friendship with Izuku......I think he wants to make friends.
Y/n leaps up into the air and reach out his hand in front of him and fire shooting stars at the bots within the city and destroy them.
Y/n lands on his feet and breaths a sigh of relief and looks around to see other students facing off the bots and doing well.
Izuku: Y/n!
Y/n turn to see Izuku as he runs over to him and once there he catches his breath and Y/n smiles and asked.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Izuku, how many bots did you smash with All Might's quirk?
Izuku: None.
Y/n: None?
Izuku: Turns out other students manage to take them out before me.
Y/n: That blows man.
Izuku: But hey, I just realised something. Present Mic said the forth one has no points right?
Y/n: Yeah?
Izuku: But I don't see this bot anywhere.
Y/n: Huh your right. Maybe it's somewhere.
Izuku: Maybe, I mean it's not like taller then a building or anything like that, right?
Before Y/n got respond there was a huge thud follow by another thud that cost all the students to stop what they were doing and look around.
Y/n: Um I think that's the bot Present Mic is talking about.
He point at it's discretion and Izuku turn and his eyes widen his shock to see a massive bit stomping into their area and turns to all the students. The students make a run for it while the massive size bot smash through buildings and flip cars around like it was nothing.
Izuku was shocked to see the size of it while Y/n looks at it on amazed.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow I never know humans can make a big and large bot ever in my life. It be actually be cool if there were more out there.
Izuku: (shocked) I-I think we should leave as soon as we can.
Izuku was about to leave and so dose Y/n but Y/n look back and noticed something that cost him to stop and Izuku turn to see him not running away.
Izuku: Y/n we need to go now!
Y/n: Ochaco is trapped.
Izuku look over to see Ochaco on the floor with her legs stuck by a car and it seems like she can't use a quirk something heavy like a car. The biggest problem is that the massive bot is gonna stomp on her and Y/n will not allow that.
Y/n: Izuku, I think it's time to use your new quirk.
Izuku: (shocked) Huh?! There is no way my quirk will work on something big as that! Besides, what if ut doesn't work and I screw up?
Y/n: (smirk) I don't believe that.
Izuku looks at him and he smirks at him and giving him a thumps up while he said.
Y/n: (smirk) You wanna use your quirk and be like All Might right? This is your shot, besides isn't saving someone's life the biggest points ever?
Izuku: W-Well tehy didn't say that but-
Y/n place a hand on Izuku's shoulder and then said.
Y/n: (smirk) Say or not say, we are trained to be hero's and saving someone's life dose count as a heroic things right? So, let's do this, together.
Izuku wasn't sure by this but with a warm smirk and he determined to be a hero like All Migyt he says.
Izuku: (smile) Alright. Let's do this!
(Epic theme song start)
Y/n smirks badk at him and grab his arm and his body lights up while he said.
Y/n: (smirk) Hang on!
Izuku: Hang on? For wha-
Then he and Izuku were sent flying which into the air which Izuku was trying to not let go and fall and break his neck. They fly towards the massive bot and the bot was about to crush Ochaco with it's feet but Y/n's hands lighst up brighter and swing his hand towards the bot.
Y/n: Shooting star blast!
Many stars fly towards the massive bot and it lands on impact and cist the bot to stumble back while Ochaco was amazed by Y/n's quirk in action.
Y/n: (smile) Ready for thst Izuku!
Izuku nods and Y/n spine Izuku around and around unrio he throw him towards the bot and and the same time he flies with him ane he fly next to him and the two look at each other and nods.
Izuku try to concentrate to use his new quirk and after a while his vines light up and he open his eyes with his eyes light up follow by his fist light up as well. Y/n was impressed and smirk before he light up his fist and they were getting close to the bot and the two shout out.
Y/n: Ultimate Galaxy punch!!!
Izuku: One for All Smash!!!!!
The two punches the massive bot at the same time that cost it to be sent flying across the city and crash into a wall with a huge a load thud.
(Epic theme song ends)
All the students near the area where shocked by this and even Katsuki was shocked as well but his shock turn into anger and thinks to himself.
Katsuki: (thought) How......How the hell did that little shit get a quirk? It is impossible!
Y/n smiles by this and he says to Izuku while he turns to him.
Y/n: (smile) We did it Izuku!
But he sees him not beside him and he looks down to see him falling back down to the ground as he scream while panicking
Y/n: Ooooooooooohhhhhh right.......I'M COMING!
He flies down a top speed and he made it at the bottom and he reach out his hand and he grabs Izuku before he hits the ground. Izuku breaths a sigh or relief while Y/n smiles at Izuku and said.
Y/n: (smile) We did it! I knew you can do it.
Izuku smiles and nods. Y/n puts him down and he smiles before he felt his arm broken and it was when they look at it.
Y/n: Och, that might hurt a lot.
Izuku: Y-Yeah.
Y/n walks over and reach out his hand and his hand lights up and after a while the light was gone and Izuku look at his hand and see it was all fixed.
Izuku: (smile) Wow it's all better!
Y/n nods with a smile and then he turn to Ochaco who was still trapped and use his gravity quirk to lift the rubble off of her and helps her up.
Y/n: You okay Ochaco?
Ochaco: (smile) Yeah I'm okay but you and Izuku were awesome!
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.
Ochaco: (smile) Still, thank you and Izuku very much for saving me.
Y/n: (smile) Of course, we are friends after all, can't leave a hand behind.
Ochaco find his smiles cute and felt her heart skip a little and really start to like LIKE Y/n and maybe they will be more then friends after they get to know each other more.
Soon the siren gose off whidh means the test is over. Y/n wants to continue because he thinks it was fun but he might wanna rest for a while. But he looks over to Izuku and see his face of worry and he realised he didn't have any points which means he might not be in UA.
Y/n: (thought) I can't let Izuku be left out of UA. There's gonna be something I could do.
Y/n was at the control room and in it was Yagi and Present Mic and they were impressed of Y/n's test results with Mic said.
Present Mic: (smile) Dude you were amazing kid! I never seen a students with so much test results in my life.
Yagi: (smirk) Yeah you did well kid.
Y/n: Yeah thanks but........
Present Mic: But what?
Y/n: (sigh) Look, I know this might not be allowed but can you give half of my points to Izuku.
Present Mic and Yagi were surprised and they look at each other and back to Y/n.
Present Mic: I'm sorry kid but that's not allowed.
Y/n: But he saved a student right? That counts as a point so can Izuku get a point. Besides, you see I can still go to UA even if I have low scores or not so the points doesn't matter for me, but Izuku wants to be a hero just like All Might and I'll do anything to make his dreams alive!
Present Mic and Yagi were surprised by this and the two thinks about it and then Yagi cracks a smile and said.
Yagi: (smile) You know what, your right. Young Midoriya may have not destroy some bot, but a true hero saves lives and that's a point I can count.
Y/n was surprised by this and Yagi gose on to say.
Yagi: (smile) Alright. He can be in UA since you and Izuku shown impressive team work.
Y/n: (surprised) Thank you so much!
Yagi smiled and Present Mic did as well and after that Y/n left and can't wait to be in UA next day.
(Next day)
We see Y/n have his uniform ready and his bag with things he have bought and he stood I front of UA with a smile on his face and can wait to meet his new classmates ans make friends of them.
Izuku: Y/n!
Y/n turn to see Izuku rush over to him also wearing his UA uniform and once there Y/n said with a smile.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Izuku, you made it!
Izuku: (smile) Yeah. I didn't know I was going to be in UA until I seen the video and allowed to be UA.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome!
Izuku: (smile) But.....I can't believe you sacrifice your own points so I can be in UA.
Y/n: (smile) Because were friends, and friends will do anything to get one to complete their dreams.
Izuku smiles and nods. Then the two walk into the schools building and tehy arrive arrive their class which is Class 1-A.
They slide open the door and see a few of their classmates and one of them spotted them and call out to them and pointed to them ane they turn and they were shocked to see then.
Izuku was nervous by this but Y/n smile and leaps into the classroom and said.
Y/n: (smile) Hi everyone, my name is Y/n L/n ans thsi is my first best friend Izuku Midoriya. Will you all be our friends!?
Everyone look at them unrik the same student with glasses walks over to Y/n and Y/n knows he thinks he is gonna say something mean but he bows down and said.
???: My deepest apologies.
Y/n: Huh?
Then he stood up and explains.
???: I shouldn't have judge you when we first met. I was ashame of being cruel to you I can't forgive myself for what I say. So will you accept my apologies.
Y/n: (smile) Oh, sure. Humans has a second chance right. So yeah, I forgive you.
Tenya: (smile) Thank you, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Tenya Ida it is a pleasure to meet you both and welcome to Class 1-A.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you Tenya.
Then more students piled up and talk with the two and Y/n get to know their names. Yuga Aoyama, Mina Ashido, Tsuyu Asui, Mashirao Ojiro, Dennis Kaminori, Eijiro Kirishima, Koji Koda, Rikido Seta, Mezo Shoji, Kyoka Jiro, Hanta Sero, Fumikage Tokoyani, Shoto Todoroki, Tour Hagakure, Minoru Mineta and lastly Momo Yaoyorozu.
Y/n smiles wildly getting to know them and their quirks which made him smile even more ans talk to them about his quirk and what he can do. He shows them how he can turn coal to Diamonds and other things that surprised them.
Katsuki just sat on his table ans glare at Y/n and Izuku before he looks away with a sigh.
Mina: (surprised) Oh Whoa your quirks are awesome!
Denki: (smile) Yeah, I never a person that can do all that in my life!
Eijiro: (smile) No kidding, say where are you from?
Y/n: (smile) I'm from a planet called Light-Utopia!
Class 1-A students:...........Huh?
Izuku: It's.....kinda a long story.
They skids it off and they chatted with them while some girls tell to each other.
Mina: (smile) Y/n is really cute and really like his cure smiles and joyful attitude.
Ochaco: (smile) I know right, he is such a cutie and very nice.
Tsuyu: Did he and Izuku save your life from getting crushed?
Ochaco: (smile) Yeah and they were amazing, especially Y/n ans his quirk.
Momo: You know I'm surprised to meet a student with a quirk we never seen. (Mutter) And also cute as well.
Kyoka: I mean he is alright, I guess.
Kyoka peeks over to Y/n while he talk to the guys when he eyes landed on Kyoka and Y/n smiles at her and she felt her heart skip a beat ans blushed deeply before looking away to hide the blush.
???: Alright everyone settle down.
They turn to the door and look down to see a man in a sleeping bag and he turns to them ane he looks like a depressing guy.
Class 1-A students: Why is he in a sleeping bag?
Y/n: (surprised) I never know you can bring a sleeping bag to school!
???: It's only for me kid, now all of you get into yoru seats.
They get inro their seats and their teacher get out of his sleeping bag and walls up in front to his students and said.
Eraser: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shota Aizawa but you all will call me Eraser, got me?
They all nod while Y/n thinks he needs to cheer up but he keep that to himself while their teacher gose on to say.
Eraser: Alright listen up. To start this class we are taking a fitness test to test out your straight and quirks. You all will be taking part and if some refuse, then tough luck you are gonna take part of it when you like it or not.
The students were a bit surprised that they have to take a fitness test right after their hero track test but Y/n thinks it would be fun and cracks a smile which Eraser noticed and asked.
Eraser: You there, why are you smiling?
Y/n: (smile) Sorry I can't help but be existed for this. Never worry sir, I'm sure we all won't let you down.
Eraser: What ever. Anyways, I'll be the one to telly up your scores and if your scores are low then you will be kicked out of UA academy.
They were all shocked by this and thinks he might be joking but judging by his face he wasn't kidding.
Y/n: (whisped) Wait, he can't actually kick us out right?
Izuku: (whisper) I believe he can. I heard he expelled the previous students many years ago.
Y/n: (whisper) That's really mean.
Eraser: If all of you is finish talking we can begin. Get chance to your P.E clothes and meet me at the outdoor gym and make it quick or I will expel you all.
They were feared of being expelled so they stood up and hurry to the changing rooms. Y/n was the last one out and looks baxk at Eraser and he see him looking at him before he too left.
It was just Eraser at the classroom and he can sense Y/n's quirk and what All Might told him about that boy, he might be the most powerful quirk student ever I his class.
Eraser: (thought) Let's see what skills and quirks you might have......Y/n.
To be continued..................
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