Chapter 2: Make more friends
Words has spread all over the city and the people who haven't seen the news who haven't heard were shocked on what they were told.
A kid named Y/n went head to head with a villain with a quirk that no one never seen in their lives and managed to defeat this villain like this villain was easy and surprised all the pro hero's who were fighting this villain and everyone who was there.
Everyone was shocked by this and they try to keep an eye out on this kid and his new quirk and possibly ask him questions about his quirk and himself.
We then cut to a roof of a tall building where we see Y/n looking down at the people below and watch them walking by and going out of their day while Y/n looks down at them with interest I his face. He then step away from the edge and pulls out a hologram of Earth in front of him. On it was earth with alien languages that only Y/n can understand and he looks through the list of humans dose while he said to himself.
Y/n: So humans that wear black suits and ties are business people and they go out to work to get paid and thne relax once their work is done. How interesting, there is also other jobs that people without quirks go to. Fire Fighters, doctors, police, waiters and all that stuff.
He then cracks a smile as he look through the list and then he shuts off his hologram device and said to himself.
Y/n: (smile) That sounds like fun. These humans sure have a lot of things to do in this planet while all the hero's are saving the world from the villains. Hmm still I wonder how they got all the information to work in jobs or better yet, where dose the pro hero's get all the information they needed to be a hero.
He then pulls up a hologram again but this time he search anything that how humans learn all kinds of information and soon he found it.
Y/n: School?
Then he remember the school Izuku go to including the rest of the students as well. He then cracks a smile once more and said.
Y/n: (smile) That seems very fun and maybe I can make more friends ane hang out with Midoriya, alright then, let's go to school!
(Next day)
(Aldera Junior high)
We see Izuku and his classmates arrived in school and they sat down in their seats so they can be ready for work to come. Izuku sit in his usual seat and he looks over to see Katsuki just looking at his front and at first he look at Midoriya which feared Izuku and thinks he is gonna beat him or yell at him for saving him from a villain.
But he just tch and look away which surprised and confused Izuku to see him not bothered to do anything to him.
Izuku: (thought) That's odd, usual he just yell at me ane trash me stuff but it seems like he isn't gonna do that.
He felt alone which was not the first but after he make friends with Y/n he felt like he'll never gonna see him again.
Izuku: (thought) I hope I could see him again. I mean he is the one that believe in me to be a hero and have been looking for a friend just like me. Maybe I'll find him ane maybe we can hang out after school.
Teacher: Alright class sut down.
They all sat down while his teacher enter the room and stand in front of the class and then start off by saying.
Teacher: Today we have a new student that is exited to be here and exited on meeting yous all.
The students were curious on who this student might be but they're questions were answered when Y/n came flying into the class room and floats next to their teacher wearing his school uniform with a nice friendly smile on his face.
Y/n: (smile) Hey everybody!
Izuku: (thought) Y/n?!
Katsuki: (thought) That weido?!
The rest of the clas was shocked to have a student that defeated a villain is here and he'll be their new student in their school.
Teacher: Mister L/n one of our rules said no using quirks during class.
Y/n: Hmm? Oh, right! Whoops, my bad sir.
He floats down and lands on his feet but he still have his smile on his face and said.
Y/n: (smile) Hey there everybody, my name is Y/n L/n and I'll be your new classmate. Let's all be friends.
The students were stilled stunt by this and some think this is all a dream. Then Y/n spotted Izuku at the back ground ane waves to him while calling out to him.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Izuku! Your in this class as well?!
Izuku: (surprised) U-Um yeah?
Y/n: (smile) Awesome this is gonna be great!
The students turn to Izuku in shock that this kid know him while Midoriya felt kinda nervous by everyone staring at him in shock. Katsuki on the other hand just galre at Y/n and looks away, not want to see his stupid smile in front of him.
It was lunch time ne everyone was in the cafeteria having their lunch and chatting with their friends while we see Izuku ane Y/n sat on a table with no one around him and Y/n was surprised to smell the good food that he gotten and start to eat it.
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa this food is fantastic!
He then start to eat while Izuku just watch him eat with a nervous smile plus surprised on his face while Y/n eats pretty fast and soon he was stuffed as he place his hand onto his filled stomach.
Y/n: (smile) Ahh, now that was some good meal.
Izuku: (smile) Y-Yeah. I'm surprised that you came to this school.
Y/n: (smile) Yep. I decided to come to this school to learn more and maybe make more friends.
Izuku: How did you get the money to get the uniform and get rolled here?
Y/n: (smile) Watch this.
He pulls out some coal out of his pocket and put his other hand over it ane there was a little flash and soon he open his hand and Izuku was shocked to see he turn coal inro Diamonds.
Y/n: (smile) My Quirk just repair items that were damaged or destroyed. I can also change minor things like coal inro Diamonds or rocks to gold.
Izuku: (surprised) Wow that's pretty cool!
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. So what's happening with you?
Izuku: Well nothing important but All Might is trying me to use my powers so I can enter to UA.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow that's cool!
Izuku: (smile) Yeah. Turns out he was there when you defeated Sludge and was not only impressed by your quirk but jy bravery as well.
Y/n: (smile) That's awesome dude. I know you have bravery on you!
Izuku: (smile) Yeah all thanks to you. When you told me to be my own hero, I realise that you are right. Everyone can be a hero if you have the bravery to do it. It's all thanks to you that I'm not gonna make my dreams come true.
Y/n smiles and was glad for that and Izuku smiles back as well.
Katsuki: Hey punk.
They look over to see Katsuki and his two friends behind him while he glare down at both Izuku and Y/n. Izuku was now scared but Y/n have no idea what's going on but he pull up a friendly smile and asked.
Y/n: (smile) Hi there, is there anything we can hel-
Katsuki: How's about you stop smiling at me weirdo.
Y/n: Well that's not nice
Katsuki: I don't care.
Izuku: (scared) H-Hey Katsuki. W-W-We're just talking, we D-Don't mean any trouble.
Katsuki: Listen here Deku.
Izuku stood up in fear while Katsuki walks over and glares at him and said.
Katsuki: Just because you saved me along with your friend, that doesn't mean you won't be a pro hero like us. Your still a quirkless little loser ane you'll always be one.
Izuku looks down but before Bakugo could continue, a hand grabs his shoulder and he turns to see Y/n looking at him in a serious way.
Katsuki: What do you want newbie, gonna problem with-
Then Katsuki starts to float and his friends and Izuku see hs is slowly floating up a bit and Katsuki moves around and try to get down.
Katsuki: H-Hey! What the hell are you doing?! Put me down!
But Y/n let's go of Katsuki but he was still floating and he slowly floats across the cafeteria with everyone now watch as Katsuki floats through the cafeteria until he reach the nearest trash can and before katsuki could yells to be let go.
Y/n dose so and he fell into the trash headfirst. Katsuki kicks into the air trying to get out while everyone in the cafeteria burst into laughter and even Katsuki's friends share a few chuckles.
Y/n: Never bully my friend. I hate when people are being mean to my friends like that.
Izuku was surprised that Y/n just protected him from Bakugo which no one hasn't dose to him for a long while. While Katsuki fell onto the ground and managed to gotten out and he shot a glare at Y/n and Y/n glare at him back.
Katsuki: (thought) Mark my worlds you little fucker. I will blow you into ashes, that's a promise.
School was over and we see Y/n and Izuku walk through the neighbourhood so Izuku can invite him to his home before he gose to see All Might and dose his training with him.
Izuku: Hey thanks for defending me from Katsuki. No way actually never done that for me before.
Y/n: (smile) No problem buddy. What are friends for right?
Izuku: (smile) Yeah guess your right.
Y/n: Still I can't believe he is such a jerk.
Izuku: Yeah but he wasn't always like that.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Izuku: Well this might surprised you but many years ago me and Katsuki were actually friends.
Y/n: (surprised) Really?!
Izuku: Yeah. I was the only one in his group that never have a quirk but he and his friends hoped my quirk will come around and we hang out together like good old friends.
Y/n: But what happened that cost you and Katsuki to not be friends?
Izuku: Well he start treat others that doesn't have quirks badly ane his friends join in while I stand at from behind ane hoping they would stop. But they continued and one day decided to stood up and protect one of them but in the end....I was beaten and left alone.
Y/n: (shocked) That's so terrible! He is even more then a jerk!
Izuku: Yeah and since that day he bully me and mock me and my dreams of being a hero just like All Might.
Y/n: Well you don't deserve to be with a friend who is a jerk to others including you. You deserve a friend that respect you and help you with your dreams.
Izuku: (smile) Yeah ane that person is you.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but more will wanna be your friend ane encourage you to follow your dreams.
Izuku: (smile) Yep.
Izuku was happy of having Y/n as his friend ane never have one for a while so it was great for him. Soon they arrive at Midoriya's house and they enter this house and Izuku calls out.
Izuku: Mum I'm home!
Then a women came out of the kitchen and walks up to them with a smile on her face.
???: (smile) Hello Izuku, welcome home. Oh, who is this your with?
Izuku: (smile) Mum this is my friend, Y/n L/n. Y/n this is my mum, Inko Midoriya.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you Misses Midoriya.
She smiles at him and then she burst inro tears of joy and said.
Inko: (tears) You made a friend in school! I am so proud of you! (Sobbing)
Izuku: Mum!
Y/n: (chuckle) I like your mother.
Inko: (sniff) I apologies for that. It's been a while since my son was all alone without a friend but now I'm so happy he finally got one after all of these years.
Y/n: (smile) Yep ane never worry about anything. I'll treat your son with the respect he needs.
Inko: Th-Thank you. Also someone is here for you.
Izuku: Who?
They walk into the living room to see Yagi there sitting on the chair near the fire place. he looks over and wave at the two of them.
Yagi: Oh hey.
Izuku: (surprised) All Might?!
Y/n: (smile) Hey its the skinny guy again!
Yagi: (chuckle) It's Yagi okay kid.
Y/n: (smile) Okie dokie.
The two sat down on the couch while Inko head inro the kitchen to make them all tea while Yagi chat with them.
Yagi: I wasn't suspected that you'll come here Y/n but good thing you did.
Y/n: (smile) I'll never leave a friend walk alone. Besides that slime creature might appear and attack.
Yagi: (thought) This kid still doesn't know Sludge is not juts a random monster.
Yagi: Well I've been meaning to ask you something and you might be interested.
Y/n: What is it?
Yagi: As you may know, all the pro hero's ane everyone else were surprised on what you did when you faced off with Sludge with your quirk and let me tell you, everyone can't stop talking about it.
Izuku: (surprised) Wow so he's famous around here?
Y/n: Famous?
Izuku: It's when one person dose or do something that cost everyone to be surprised ane wanna talk to you.
Y/n: So like people wanna be friends with me? Awesome!
Yagi: Yeah ane there was actually a meeting within UA and they wanna ask you something that might interest you.
The two listened and Yagi tells Y/n.
Yagi: They want you to be in the hero track and take the test not just to see your can be go to UA but they wanan see how strong you might are and once the hero track is done you can enter UA even you have lower score or high score.
Izuku: (surprised) Wait so he still enter UA even if he fails the test or not?!
Yagi: It sounds unfair I know but UA can't lose their opportunity to teach one of the most powerful quirk users around and possible learn how he got it.
Izuku was surprised by this and Yagi turns to Y/n and asked.
Yagi: So what do you say kid? Wanna take on the hero track and enter UA.
Y/n was surprised by this ane soon he crack a smile and said.
Y/n: (smile) Sure, I'm in. This is gonna be great I just know it.
Yagi nods with a small smile and Inko came back to the living and hand them all tea and they take a drink and they chatted to eat other and Y/n show them his quirk which impressed them.
Then we see what appears to be an alien drone spying on them ane once it detected Y/n using his quirk, it moves away from the window and the drone fly up into the sky and disappear into the night sky's and to space to report this to something or someone important.
(A few weeks later)
After a long weeks of training and studying at school they were ready to take on the hero track and enter UA. We see both Izuku and Y/n walk up and look at the building that they will go in and have a pro hero talk about the hero track and what they will do in there.
Y/n was so exited by this while Izuku was nervous by this and Y/n noticed this and pats him on the back and said.
Y/n: (smile) Never be nervous buddy. This is our time enter UA and your dreams will come true.
Izuku: (nervous) Y-Ywah but I worry if I fail.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry your gonna be great. Besides did All Might train you to awaken your quirk or how dose this quirk thing work in your planet?
Izuku: It's kinda a long story but I can try.
Y/n: (smile) That's the spirit Midoriya!
Izuku smiles and Y/n smiles as well before they heard a female voice ask behind them.
???: Hey do I know you?
They look over to see a girl with short brown hair with her female school uniform. Then she gasp in shock and pointed at Y/n and said.
???: (shocked) Your that boy from the news right? The one that defeated a dangerous villain couple of weeks back right?
Y/n: (smile) Yep that's me. Hi there, my name is Y/n L/n and this is good friend Izuku Midoriya.
Izuku: H-Hey.
Ochaco: (smile) Nice to meet you two. My name is Ochaco Uraraka, it's very nice to meet someone that has a similar quirk as me.
Y/n: You have a similar quirk as me?
Ochaco: Well kinda. Watch.
She walks up to Izuku and she pock on finger at his chest ane then he start to float which surprised the two.
Ochaco: (smile) My Quirk is called Zero Gravity. I can make things float in mid air and make it come down if I touch it again.
She pock at Izuku again and he gently float down safely which surprised Y/n to have someone with a similar quirk as him.
Y/n: (smile) That's awesome!
Ochaco: (smile) Thanks but it's nice meeting you two, see ya!
Then she runs off while they watch her go inro the building with Y/n saying.
Y/n: (smile) She seem to be a cheerful person.
Izuku: Yeah, she's like you almost.
Y/n: (smile) Yep, I hope we can see each other again.
Izuku: (smile) Same.
The two head into the building while Katsuki came inro view behind them and watches as they smile and talk to each other which made Katsuki wanna punch them so hard.
All the students sat down and they were getting ready to have a pro hero talk about the hero track training. Among them was Y/n and Izuku who sat down and waited for it to start.
Katsuki sat beside Y/n but he wasn't happy to be sitting next to weirdo so he look at his front and soon the lights died down and a pro hero came up onto the stage, this pro hero have microphones on his neck with a long yellow hair that is pointing at the sky. Once up in stage he said to the students in thsi room.
???: (smile) Hello everyone ane welcome to the hero track where tou can enter to UA and make your first few steps of being a hero! Are yous all excited!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah we are!
Izuku: (whisper) I can't believe the pro hero Present Mic is here right in front of us.
Katsuki: Will you two shut up.
Present Mic: (smile) That's I like to hear! Now time to tell you what you all will be facing within the hero track. You all be taking to an Arena and inside is replica of the city and there will be three bots around that will attack you. Your objective is to take them out and the most point you'll get will depend on what class you'll be in. Each bot has different points you'll get and this will give you all the opportunity to get hight points and be in UA ane which cases you might be.
Y/n: (smirk) Awesome that sounds very simple!
Present Mic: (thought) Hmm that's the boy with the a new quirk huh? I like his attitude.
???: Hold on a minute there.
They all turn to see one student with glasses and he was standing up and show Present Mic the paper and said.
???: You said three robots right? In this paper right there it said four. It's clear who ever wrote this should be a shame for not fixing the information for students like us who wants to be the next generation of hero's to protect humanity. And you there......
He then turn and look at Y/n with a serious look and said.
???: You shown to be distracted to all of us with your load personality. Will you stop, some of us are trying to learn here.
Y/n: (smile) Oh relax man, we all exited to enter UA.
???: Well co tain your excitement and behave.
Y/n sat down and felt kinda hurt by his attitude while Present Mic calms them down and explains.
Present Mic: Yes that is true I said three bots but there is a reason. The fourth one has no points and your goal is to avoid this bot at all cost. Now what you have in fro t of you is your card and a number and that number will tell you whidh location you'll be in so there won't be in fighting during the training.
They all pick up their cards and see their numbers in it and once that was all done they make their way out of the room and head to their buses. Izuku and Y/n walk through the halls and Y/n sighs and said.
Y/n: Hey Izuku?
Izuku: Yeah?
Y/n: Do you think I'm annoying people with my personality? I didn't mean to be annoying to others, I just wanna make some friends that's all.
Izuku: (smile) Of course not. It's just some students wanna be serious to complete the hero track.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess your right. Thanks buddy.
Izuku: (smile) No problem. What are friends for right?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, your right.
The two smiled while they walk through the halls to enter their buses ane head to the arena to start their hero track training so they can enter UA and take their first steps of being a hero.
Moving slowly through space we see one alien ship floating through space while Fighters fly by as the ship journey through space and to their location.
Then we cut inside the ship were we see a soldier walking through the halls of the ship and walking pass a few soldiers with alien armor and weapons before the soldier opens the door and enter the bridge of the ship and stand behind a person sitting on a chair and give him a salute.
???: Report.
Alien soldier: Sir one of our drones found something and and think you might wanns see this.
He thpe something onto his wrist and shot out a hologram in front of their leader and show him Y/n within the hologram and the coordination which is earth. Their leader smirks in a evil way and said to himself.
???: After all these years.....we found you at last.
He then turn his head to his soldier and said.
???: Contact our King and set the coordination to Planet Earth. The time has come.
Alien soldier: Yes sir.
Soon their ship change corse and shot out a beam that open up a blue portal ane they through the portal to make their way to Earth faster and once through the portal closes and space was now empty as a new threat is coming to Earth very soon.
To be continued.................
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