Chapter 12: A playful game or a warzone to be the best

The was the day for the sport festival as every students within UA academy were ready to proof their skills to those who want to see them take part in difficult and hard challenges and after a long while of training from all the students they were ready for it. Class 1-A was also ready for this as they were about to leave their class but when they open the door they see many students blocking their way and looking at them.

Ochaco: (surprised) Um what is this?

Tenya: Excuse me but is there any reason to block our exit?

Minoru: What ever you all are doing here we won't be your hostages!

Y/n: (smile) Oh come on guys they might here just to say good luck and hope we get along.

Katsuki: Their not you idiot. Their here to spy on us since we survived not just a villain attack but also an alien invasion.

He walks up to a block way of students who he glares at them and then tells them all.

Katsuki: You all be best to get in my way extras or I'll blow you up.

Tenya: You can't just go around calling other students extras!

Y/n: Yeah their students like all of us but more importantly our friends!

???: Friends huh? So your this alien boy within Class 1-A.

Then a male student make his way through a crowd of students and gets in front and stare at Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Yep that's right! You must be Hitoshi Shinso is that right? Nice to meet ya!

Hitoshi: Save your friendly attitude somewhere us.

Y/n: (thought) Wow he's kinda mean but he doesn't look like he doesn't care.

Hitoshi: You know this class is lucky to have a powerful quirk user like you Y/n. But if you really are strong then maybe the sport festival might proof it because if we did well with it. Some who may not do well will be transferred out and make room with better students. Considering this a act of war between your class and all of the other classes in UA academy. I hope you have been training well because if not, then some of your classmates will be kicked out.

Some were worried by this except for Katsuki who just doesn't care while Y/n doesn't know why he wants to go to war with Class 1-A, after all they go to the same class qs every students here so why would they see each other as bitter enemies?


Then another student pushes through the crowd and gets next to Hitoshi and gose on to say.


Y/n just stood there not knowing what to say when Izuku pulls him back to class whike Katsuki just walks off and Tetsutetsu turns his attention to Katsuki who is walking away.

Izuku: You alright?

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine. I mean, we go to this school to be hero's and I know everyone in this school so they do they act so aggressive towards our class?

Momo: Ever since we were attacked by the villains a while back, they are shown to look at us when ever they gone pass us.

Eijiro: Yeah and the biggest one when we took part a battle with an alien army which they see us getting more popular then ever.

Minoru: (panic) And now everyone hates us now!

Y/n: (smile) I'm sure not all students don't hate us right?

They weren't sure by this but Y/n know that not all students hates them and still wants ti be friends with them no matter what they may think.


We see tons of people making their way to the massive stadium where the sport festival will take but outside there were many food stands for people to come by and buy something to eat as we see Y/n making his way as many people see him and greeted him with a smile which he respond back with a smile as well but he still thinks to himself about the other students.

Y/n: (thought) Disbite we being heroes fighting for people's hopes and freedom, they see us as enemies and want to do what ever they can to be number one. But I'm sure not all students doesn't see us that way and maybe there is some that just want to be our friends but too afraid to be added qs thier enemy. Still I will make friends and make them happy no matter what.

Mt. Lady: (smirk) Hey there Y/n my cute hero.

He looks over to see Mt. Lady, Kamui Wood and Death Arms walk over to Y/n while Mt. Lady have a box of food with her as they wlak up to him.

Y/n: (smile) Hey guys, here to watch us take part in the sport festival.

Mt. Lady: (smile) Of course. It will be interesting to see you going through the hard challenges and completing them with flying colours.

Kamui: We wish you and your class good luck.

Death arms: (smile) Yeah We know you can do it kid.

Y/n: Thanks, say I wanan ask you something? Whe  you three were students of UA, did you class have some rival with another many years ago?

Mt. Lady: Hmm well I think there was but it was mostly the girls.

Y/n: Guess so because our class is now rivals with every class and they seem to hate our guts.

Death arms: Don't worry about that. Their just young who just wanna be the best.

Kamui: Indeed. Don't let their anger get to you and do your best.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess your right. Thanks guys, enjoy the show and see you three later.

Once that he left with the trio watching him leaving.

Mt. Lady: (smile) Isn't he the cuties hero ever.

Kamui: You think he will go through the challenges?

Death arms: Knowing that boys quirk and how powerful he is he might complete the challenge with no problem.

Kamui: Well let's see he can do in the sport festival.

Death arms: Agree.

We then cut to Y/n who is inside the building and walking through the halls as he arrived to Class 1-A and once inside to see eveyone there changed  to their training clothes so he use his quirk to change his uniform to his training uniform within seconds.

Mina: (smile) Totally forgot you can do that. That must have saved you some time of getting change.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah so how is everyone else doing?

Minoru: (panic) Nervous as hell! We're going to facing with tons of students who really want to destroy us!

Y/n: I thinm you might be over reaction a bit.

Hanta: Hope our training will be worth it for this sport festival.

Y/n: (smile) Hey look around us! We've faced with difficult situations and look at us now! We can do this, we can show the students that not only we a hero's like them but how we all can be great friends! This is alos our time to shine and show the world what being a true hero is about so let's do our best!

Mina: (smile) YEAH!

Ochaco: (smile) That's right!

Denki: (smirk) Yeah man!

Tenya: (smile) Together we can do this.


Izuku agrees so as well as Y/n smiles at everyone believing they can do this.

Shoto: Y/n.

Shoto walks up to Y/n as he turns to him.

Y/n: (smile) Hey, what's happening?

Shoto: We many classmates but since this where we show the other pro hero's that who we are or....who ever is the best. Since your stronger then everyone else I want to make sure that you won't step in my way.

Y/n: (surprised) W-Wait....what are you saying?

Shoto: I'm saying we are rivals in the sport festival and I will make sure you not get in my way.

Everyone was a bit surprised as Shoto make his leave while Y/n stood there while Izuku walks up to him.

Izuku: What was Shoto talking about?

Y/n: No idea but I can tell there is some determination within him but.....its like he wants to proof his skills to someone or what.

Y/n still wonder about this until they were call apon to the arena as soon they gotten outside many people cheered around them as many students came out while people cheered for them as they make their to the stage where Midnight awaits them as we see Pressnt mic and the stilled bandaged up Eraser head are taking roll as stage show hosts Present mic starts off by saying through the mic.

Present Mic: (speaker) Welcome to this year's UA academy sport festival, where students from UA academy will take part in many challenges to be number one and take a next step of being a pro hero! Here now we have Midnight who will be introducing the students to different challenges for this year's festival!

Midnight waves to everyone as the crowd cheered and this made Y/n weird because he onky hears the guys cheering but he shrugged it off ad Midnight stars off by saying.

Midnight: (smile) Welcome class to this year's sport festival! Before we can get started we will have Katsuki to say some words before we get things started!

Class 1-A were surprised that Katsuki was chosen as he gose up stage and gose up the mic, look at the crowd and then said.

Katsuki: I'm gonan win. And show everyone then I'm better then me.

Class 1-A: (thought) What is he doing?!

The other students argued at Katsuki as Y/n gose up to him and tell him.

Y/n: Why did you say that! You can't just tell everyone that your the best then everyone else!

Katsuki: Like you can do it better. Here you do it then.

He give the mic to Y/n and then walk off stage as all eyes were on Y/n as the other students suspected Y/n to say something similar to Katsuki but Y/n takes a deep breath and looks at the crowd and starts off by saying.

Y/n: Hello everyone, I know you all may know me from news or newspapers that you've seen and I know your all here to see all the students to take part in different challenges so we can make our next step to be a hero. But, I want to make things clear to everyone that I wished to everyone to do their best!

The students were a bit surprised as they listened in on what Y/n has to say as he gose on to say.

Y/n: I know some of us were born with quirks and come here to this school and train to be a hero to save lives, protect the peace and help others that are needed. Being a hero's isn't about who is better or who is stronger it's about what it really means to be a true hero and what makes us a hero for not just the people who watch the news and see them in action, but to those who are fighting along side us in battle of saving lives from other villains and show to other hero's that we are fighting the same battle as they are. We're not just hero who flex about their quirks or how string we are. We're heroes to fight for justice and this is the time were us students will take part of the sport festival to have fun, not for to settle rivalry between each other or to between classes. It's about to show the world how we use our quirk for fun rather then always fighting for justice and for peace.

He then cracks a smile as he raised his fist into the air and findih it off by saying.

Y/n: (smile) So let's do our best and have some fun and bring the joys around not just each but to everyone who come here and watch this show! AND LET US ALL HAVE A FUN TIME!

There was a roar of people cheering after Y/n's speech as they cheered while the other students were surprised by his speech.

Yosetsu: (surprised) Wow I was suspected him to say something even worse but that was something.

Sen: Yeah no kidding. Maybe he's not as bad as we thought.

Itsuka: (smile) I like him. He's so nice and cute to a famous student of class 1-A.


Pony: (smile) He has a wonderful voice when he spoke.

Reiko: Yeah same.

Midnight: (smile) Now that was an amazing speech there Y/n! Thank you for that!

Y/n smile and walk down the steps to meet up with his classmates and they were amazed by his speech while Midnight calms eveyrone down as a hologram appears behind her as she tells everyone.

Midnight: (smile) Alright eveyrone listen up! Today's challenges will be.......!!!

The hologram spone around and soon it landed on obstacle course.

Midnight: (smile) Obstacle course!

Minoru: Aw man that means we haveto run.

Y/n: (smile) Why so down, it sounds easy.

Midnight: (smile) All students will race each other around the outside area of the arena and the first person gets to the finish line wins! Now let's start the race!

All the students lines up at the starter line as they wait for the lights to turn green and after a while of looking at the red light. It turn green and they were off through the halls and make their way outside to be met with a few massive robots that were blocking their way.

Y/n: (thought) Looks like this is the first obstacle we have to go pass. No problem, this will be easy as p-

Suddenly Shoto froze up the robots very quickly and run pass them before they shattered and fell which acts fast to save a few students as he gose fast and get all the students award from the fallen robots before they hit the ground. The robots hit the ground just as Y/n save the last student.

Male student: (surprised) Wow that was close.

Male student 2: (surprised) Yeah, thanks Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. Wait, where is Eijiro and Tetsutetsu?

Denki: (shocked) You thinm they were crushed?!

Fumikage: Let's hope they are alright.

Suddenly Eijiro breaks through the robot alive and well thanks to his quirk while Tetsutetsu also breaks his way through with his body filled with metal which surprised Y/n.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow! No wonder he acts tough to us because his quirk is similar to Eijiro's.

He sees more massive robots coming their way so Y/n charge up his galaxy quirk which everyone turns to him as he disappeared in quick speed and spone around ad he gose through the robots like a spinning drill.

Y/n: Ultimate galaxy drill strike!

The students were shocked by this as he clears  the robots and allow all the students to pass by and once they were throne he catch up  and runs next to Itsuka.

Itsuka: (smile) Hey that was awesome you did back here.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Hey, sorry about Katsuki. We didn't want to be rivals with any of your class.

Itsuka: (smile) Hey don't worry about it. At least we know not all in Class 1-A aren't like your bomb friend from earlier.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah but don't worry. We're all good people like and we're really nice if you get to know us.

Itsuka: (smile) Yeah I did said that to the others but they just see your class as their enemies. Bit don't you worry, I'm still your friend.

Y/n smile and they came to another obstacle which was large gasp with some circular land with rope that are connected. Some manage to go through them like Katsuki, Tsuyu and Hanta while some need to be careful balancing through the rope as Y/n, Ochaco and Mina look down to see how deep it was.

Mina: Man I can't see anything down there.

Ochaco: Wonder how they done this so quickly?

Y/n: No idea. Who ever done this must be proud to get this ready on time.

???: Hahahahahaha! It looks like it's time to test my babies out!

They turn to see Mei who is the student of the department of support students as she have a twin grabbed attached to her waist and high tech like hover boost.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow that looks amazing!

Mina: Hey isn't that cheating?

Mei: (smile) Ha! We allow to bring anything we want just as long we made it! I made with my babies with my own two wonderful hands!

Y/n: (smile) Those are amazing Mei!

Mei: (smirk) I'm glad you love them! Now be impress my darling~!

She leaps off the edge and fire her grabbe and swings off while using her boost to get up to walls a lot more easy as the trio watched.

Mina: Did she call you darling?

Y/n: (smile) Well I guess it's because I bring my suit to her to see if she can repair it and she was amazed by my suit.

Ochaco: (smile) Yeah i can tell why. Wow!

Then Y/n picks up both Mina and Ochaco and once that he leaps high into the air amd lands at the other side and set the two down.

Mina: (smile) Awesome! We made it to the other side!

Ochaco: (smile) Thanks Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. Now, shall we continue.

They node and they go on until they reach the last obstacle which was a mine feild as explosions blow as students go by while they try their best to dodge it.

Y/n gose pass them with no problem but stop when he sees Izuku holding a metal part of a robot as he gose over and ask him.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Izuku: I may not as fast like eveyrone else but if I'm right, I might get a boost with my quirk and one of the mines. I just need to find one.

Y/n: (smile) Alright man, good luck and stay safe.

Izuku: (smile) You too.

He flies off as he gets pass the mine feild and gose up to Shoto who was in the lead as he ask him.

Y/n: Look I know we're in the middle of a race but I wanna know why you want to be rivals with me?

Shoto: It's none of your business.

Y/n: We're friends and I need to knwo your reason so we won't be rivals anymore.

Shoto: Why do you care for me?

Y/n: Because your one of my friends and if there is something wrong with you then let me help you.

Shoto: There is nothing wrong with me! Now leaveme alone!

Y/n:........Your hiding something are you?

Shoto: What?

Y/n: Ever since we first met, I since that you have two quirks even though you said that you only have one. Your quirk is to freeze things around you right? Then what is your other quirk and why keep it as a secret.

Shoto just stay quiet as they were close to the finishing line but Y/n looks at his burned scare on his face and asked.

Y/n: I know it maybe none of my business or don't want to be rude but....what happened to your face? Did someone hurt you?

Then suddenly Izuku is seen flying by them and soon gets to the finishing line first as the crowd cheered as the rest of the students catch up and made it to the finishing line. They were all breathing heavily and taking a break while Y/n stare at Shoto who stare at him back but then Shoto walks off as Momo catch up butfeel more tired then everyone else as Y/n turns to her.

Y/n: You okay Momo?

Momo: I'm fine but I feel like something is on my back.

Y/n walks around her and see Minoru stuck on her back so Momo can run for him as Y/n tells her.

Y/n: Um I think I found the reason.

Minoru: (smirk) Best plan ever.

Midnight: (smile) Nicely done everyone! Now let's check the score.

The list came up and Izuku is first, Y/n was second, Shoto was third and Katsuki was fourth as the list gose on to many students as Midnight tells the other students.

Midnight: (smile) You all did great and now it's time for the next challenge.

Then the hologram screen spone around and soon it landed on cavalry battle.

Y/n: (thought) Cavalry battle? It's just like that children game they play in school.

Midnight: (smile) In this challenge each of you will be into 2 to 4 teams. It's just like a normal Cavalry battle but with one difference. Each students is placed a point that I'd based on the Obstacle course. As you can see here these are the points depending on which place the student finished.

Then a hologram screen opens to show the lost of the points for each place with 42 place being 5 point and first place is-

Y/n: (thought) 10 million!? Wait, if we take down someone who is first place then that of them will get the highest point and the person who is first place is......

He and all the students lock eyes on Izuku as Izuku realised that all students will be target at him but Y/n doesn't want to overthrow his friend in fear he might hurt him but dose he have a choice?

To be continued.........................

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