chapter 2
Akane was done shopping for groceries she was ready to head home and surprise Ren with his favorite food, she walked with eight bags in her hands with no sweat and she had a smile on her face,
As she was walking she noticed a grey haired boy sitting behind the roadside he looks homeless, so she decided to approach him
"What are doing here alone kid?" Asked akane
"Will You help me?" said the boy his hands were bloody he looked guilty, stressed and exhausted akane knew this kid has been through lot seeing him like this ,
She put down her bags and petted his head gently "what's your name child? My name is Suzuki akane" said akane with a smile as her ears twitched
"Tenko shimura" said the boy now tenko
"Why don't you come with me, you really need a bath" said akane she was about to take his hand when he hide his bloody hands
"Don't touch me I could kill you" said tenko afraid if he touched her she will disappear,
"I see is it your quirk? Well don't worry about that show me your hands" said akane
As tenko hesitates but showed his hands akane saw the blood but wasn't fazed by it and used her quirk to freeze his hands but he could still move his fingers like they weren't frozen he was shocked
"Now don't be afraid take my hand" said akane as tenko took her hand and saw nothing happened he was soo relieved that he cried
Akane was surprised by his tears and hugged him in her arms comforted him and carried him back to her house
They lived in front of a forest in a big house as they're filled with money
"Ren I'm home" yelled akane as Ren came to greet her
"Welcome hom-" he couldn't finish as he saw a child in his fiances arms
"Akane don't tell me stole a child?" Said Ren
"Don't be silly I would never steal a child this is tenko shimura, I found him walking alone on the road side no one was willing to help the little guy, here you take the grocery I'll give tenko a bath" said akane giving Ren the grocery
And going to the bathroom "don't mind him, ok little tenko" said akane
As tenko said nothing as akane filled the bathtub with warm water and took of his clothes and give him a bath he was silent the entire time,
After the bath tenko was Obedient as akane was dressing him up in ren's old clothes
Ren was sitting in the living room waiting for them as they came out
"Ok now I would like an explanation" said Ren
"Well tenko needed help and I helped him" said akane
As Ren looked at tenko and his iced hands "hey little guy where's your parents are you an orphan? "
Suddenly tenko's tears started to fall down as akane panicked "Rennn!! Don't make the child cry" yelled akane
As tenko started to open his mouth "I didn't mean to kill them I didn't know what was happening"
Shocking Ren and akane they understood immediately that tenko killed his family by accident
"What happened tenko?" Asked akane kneeling down to his level trying to comfort him,
"I wanted to be a hero like my grandma but dad didn't like heroes and punished me left me out with our dog but my quirk came out of nowhere and then I-i it was an accident" said tenko crying as akane hugged him tight in her arms
"It's ok it wasn't your fault, you didn't know . it happens my quirk was also like that I was scared to use it because I hurt someone with my quirk" said akane
As Ren also hugged the poor boy "my quirk was also very dangerous I can take anyone's shadow and hurt them with it, I also killed once by accident when I was a kid ,your not alone you just have to learn to control it" as they hugged tenko
After that day they decided to adopt him as their son , money wasn't a problem at all
Tenko also started to open up to them when he saw they were assassins he was scared at first but after akane explained what they do he calmed down
Shadow fox was an assassin organization , they're given missions to eliminate their target if the one who give them the mission back out in paying they could kill them too, they weren't heroes or villains they were assassins they make their own rules, hero organization may not like them but they can't do anything about them because they aren't villains and they're very helpful for information
So they do nothing against them, if someone was poor who wanted revenge for their loved ones they do the mission even with little money,
Heroes could trust them because they only do what they were ordered and not ask question and keep silent about any secrets on either sides as long as they get paid
Tenko also wanted to be an assassin akane and Ren were hesitant about this but tenko was serious
Akane made him medicine for his allergies as he scratches a lot akane made the medicine with rare herbs as it was good for him
Ren trained him to control his quirk named decay it was unstable and dangerous but Ren encouraged him to try his best, always telling him not to give up,
Akane helped him with his fitness as she woke him up early in the morning for a run and exercising his muscles and reflexes she made sure to feed him healthy
Tenko really loved his new mom and dad they were supportive he especially liked his moms tails they were very soft and fluffy
He liked to play video games with his new dad he always gets his butt kicked thought
Akane was very gentle with him when they aren't training taking him to playing grounds and taking him shopping as Ren holds the bags
Tenko was amazed by his moms quirk she can make anything out of ice and water especially on hot seasons
He also meet they're group,the first one's name was aoi she was the loudest and a little crazy
The second one name was kai he was a calm one but he secretly brings him sweets and snacks when akane wasn't around Ren turned a blind eye for that
Haruto was a buff guy but silly he always had a bright smile on his face,
The last one was mai who was calm when needed but very scary she also pampers him with gifts his room was full of gift given by mai
The six may look ordinary but they're skilled assassins
Akane was bit overprotective of tenko that when she and Ren want on a mission she would give him lots of things for self defense and even give him a phone to contact her if he needed anything, Ren had to bragged her away as tenko waved bye
Akane Suzuki (pretend she has fox ears)
Ren sasaki____________________
Mmmmmm ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ
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