Chapter 10: Uniportant Message (Tonight Tonight)

Hello lovelies! Welcome to the 10th chapter! Today's song is Tonight Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae

I woke up with my head on Aaron's chest, Aaron was holding me close. I smiled to myself and just snuggled into him, readjusting a little. I feel Aaron lift his hand to let me adjust. Once I stopped he put his hand back on my stomach, his arm wrapped around me tightly. I smiled as my hand rested on his chest. I want mate for breakfast. Daisy said bluntly. Aaron chuckled, his chest going up and down. I blushed. Can you please not be so blunt? I asked. Nope! Daisy answered. Aaron smirked. Can I ask a question? Aaron smirked. I narrowed my eyes. You just did. I answer. Aaron rolled his eyes. Anything. Daisy answered. I can practically see her sway slightly, trying to flirt. What would you want? Out of anything right now that I can give you? Aaron asked. Oh god. I think. Sex. My wolf answered plainly. Aaron rolled, causing to be on top of me. I blushed deeply. "And what do you say sweetheart?" Aaron asked. I shook my head. "No! Not now! Not tomorrow!" I say, trying to get out from under him. "Then when?" Aaron asked, a look of pain on his face. "When I make sure I'm okay with it! I did it last time so I you would be gentle mainly. Aaaand because I wanted to that last time. But not now! Not in a couple years! No!" I say childishly and stubbornly. "Couple years!? I can't wait that long!" Aaron frowned. "Nope! Not now! I can't!" I say. "Why?" He asked. I calmed down a little, seeing the pain in his eyes. Did I do something wrong? Aaron asked himself. "No.... you did nothing wrong. But that don't mean you won't start gentle now that it's not my first time." I say. That's what this is about? Aaron questions. I nodded slowly. "I'm scared of you being rough at first, not at first." I mumbled. Aaron seemed to understand. Because she was abused. Why didn't I catch that!? I'm supposed to catch and be careful with what I do around her. Of course she won't like the roughness at first! Aaron thought to himself. I narrowed my eyes slightly. "It just reminds me of the first time my dad abused me. Sorry." I apologize. "It's not your fault. Sorry I didn't catch it." Aaron growled. How much of a dark past do we have? Daisy asked. I sighed. The worse. I answered. Aaron frowned, rolling off of me and cuddling into me. "Sorry Lilly." Aaron apologized. "It's okay. I'm just sensitive about something like that." I mumbled. Aaron tensed. I turned to look at him. He had tears in his eyes. I instantly frowned. I kissed his head. "Aaron it's really no big deal." I say. "I should have caught that." Aaron mumbled. "Aaron listen to me. It's not that big of a deal, it's okay. I have a bunch of things that I should have caught before hand." I say. "Like what?" Aaron asked. "That cut prank." I mumbled. Aaron sighed before the tears went away. "Yeah, that pissed me off!" Aaron growled. I nodded. "Yeah..... I know." I sigh. "Now were even!" I smile. Aaron shook his head. "Alright. Were even." Aaron kissed me instantly after that sentence. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Aaron groaned in disappointment when I pulled away. I smiled. "Alright sweet pea. I think it's time I made some more bacon for you." I smile. Aaron's eyes sparkled at the mention of me cooking bacon. I smirked. "I'll make double than last time and it'll be all for you." I smiled wider. Aaron's eyes became huge and turned to stars. I giggled before getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen. Aaron followed on my tail. I smirked and grabbed the pan. Aaron grabbed about 10 packs of bacon. How much bacon do we have? I asked. Aaron smiled. I had 'Woody' go and grab a bunch of bacon packages." Aaron laughed slyly. I laughed. "When!?" I asked. "When we went running." Aaron answered. "How much more do we have!?" I asked walking to the fridge. The whole fridge was filled with practically nothing but bacon. There was chicken and ribs, the sandwich ingredients and the rest was just filled with bacon. "I have a separate fridge filled with the rest of the food." Aaron smiled shyly. I laughed. "I guess I better get to work then huh?" I laughed. Aaron blushed deeply. "Welll........... Uh......" Aaron looked to the side, avoiding eye contact. I kissed his cheek and grabbed five more packages that I can eat myself. And I got strait to work. Aaron had like 3 plates of bacon while I had about 2. The others came down and looked at us eating the bacon by ourselves. "You didn't save some!?" Jarom whined. "Nope! Make your own breakfast! I made breakfast for me and Aaron only today." I smiled as Aaron moved onto the next plate. He was inhaling the plates. Like I was inhaling the sandwiches. "Awe man...." Creamy whined. I giggled and finished eating my bacon. Aaron was suprizingly done with his before me. I fed Aaron about half my plate. Aaron was now holding me close. "I can't believe you didn't make any for us." Mary whinned. "I promised Aaron earlier I would make double the amount of bacon from last time all for him. Sooo.... I made some for me, and that was it." I shrugged. Aaron's eyes had stars in his eyes when a fainted memory of all the plates of bacon Aaron had. They all looked at Aaron and glared. I glared at them in return as Aaron was off thinking about all the bacon he had. The looked at me and stoped glaring at Aaron. Probably knowing the punishment would be no bacon if they didn't quit. I smiled sweetly and kissed Aaron's forehead before getting up and taking care of the empty plates. Aaron snapped out of his gaze and got up. He went upstairs to grab some extra clothes. When I was done with the dishes he came down and walked outside. I followed, knowing today we would be hunting. I closed the door behind me and the others started to make their breakfast. "No bacon!" Aaron called as I shut the door. They all groaned. "You did pack pants for me right?" I asked. Aaron shrugged. "Maybe." Aaron answered with a smirk. "Aaron." I warn. He chuckles. "Yes, I brought a pair of pants." Aaron answered. "That fit me?" I asked. Aaron sighed before nodding disappointedly. "And a shirt?" I asked. Aaron nodded again. I smiled and skipped ahead of him, pleased with the answers. Aaron shook his head and walked after me. "Alright, let's go hunting." Aaron said before forming. I nodded and formed. No pain this time. Aaron ran off into the woods and I followed. I lost my balance every once in a while but quickly recovered. We stopped soon. I c hold smell a deer. I sniffed and found some tracks. Yep, definitely deer tracks. I think. Aaron nodded. Yep. Aaron agreed. I sniffed out the deer, the sent getting stronger. But there was a soft sent of pine tree and applewood that I noticed. I noticed it a couple times before, but never thought anything of it. I continued to sniff out the deer until I found it. Good job. Aarons said. I nodded. Thanks. I stayed in the bushes, waiting. Aaron was next to me watching. We're not actually going to kill it Sense we have pale the of food. But try and get the basics down. Aaron said. Basics? I asked. Aaron nodded. Well.... kind of. Just do what you would if you were to kill it. Aaron instructed. Okay. I say. I do as told. I narrowed into the bushes and watched the target. As soon as I got close enough I jumped on the deer. The deer panicked and started freaking out. Aaron came out and nodded in aproval. I got off and we continued that for a while. We kinda accidentally skipped lunch. By the time we got backnit was dinner. Aaron made sandwiches. This time making 50 and handing them to me. "How much of this stuff do you have?" I asked. "Eh..... weeeellll..... a lot." Aaron shrugged and watched me as I inhaled the sandwiches. I smiled, grabbing all that I could and running to the living room. I ate as many as I could as everyone else took a sandwich themselves. My sandwiches.... I complain. Aaron chuckled and looked at me. "Why do you always chuckle or laugh at the most random moments?" Snappy asked. "I can hear the mind of a five year old. You tell me." Aaron shrugged. I smiled to myself. "I'll take the compliment." I say. "Wait..... if you all hate Aaron so much why are you still here?" I asked out of the blue. They all looked at each other for a couple minutes. "That..... is an extremely good question." Woody stated. Aaron shrugged. "More bacon for me if they leave." Aaron walked over to me and sat beside me. "I'm curious of what Aaron is going to be like now that he has a mate." Creamy smiled. "He's not as pushy." Ocean notes. "You want me to be pushy?" Aaron asked with a smirk. They all shook their heads violently. I thought at least one would have whiplash. Suprizingly no, none had whiplash. HOW DO THEY NOT HAVE WHIPLASH!? I scream. Aaron laughed. I looked at him with wide eyes, full of nothing but shock. "I'm serious!" I say. That only made Aaron laugh harder. "What?" Coal asked. "She...." Aaron tried to explain but was just interrupted by his own laughter. "How do you not have whiplash!?" I Answer. Then they all start laughing. I frown came to my face. How come no one's answering my question? I asked myself. Aaron was trying to calm down Sense he now fell to the floor, but that only made everyone else laugh at him and fall themselves. I started laughing watching them fall one by one. I didn't fall Sense I was sitting far away from the edge of the couch unlike Aaron. A loud knock came at our door and we all instantly stop laughing. "More old pack members?" I question. Aaron chuckled and shook his head. "No, I don't recognize the scent." Aaron answered. I became worried. "It's an old friend. I guess they didn't get my message." Oingo Boingo said. "What message Oingo Boingo?" I asked. "I thought I told you not to call me that." Eric growled. I smiled slyly. "What message?" I repeated. "I told them I was changing packs. But I guess it didn't get through." Eric sighed. Eric walked over and reached for the door. Only before he could touch the door, the door was burst to the floor. Now off the hindges. "Hey!" Aaron complained. A female and male walked into the house. Eric was in the floor, knocked back from being hit by the door. The female had blonde hair and deep brown eyes. The male had brown hair and blue eyes. "What the hell! That was my door idiot!" Aaron yelled. Yep, he was pissed. The two looked at him as he glared at them. "Why does your face look so familiar?" The female asked. Aaron growled lowly. "Forget me! You broke my door!!!" Aaron snapped. They looked at the door and back at Aaron. Eric groaned and sat up. "OINGO BOINGO!" I smiled. They looked at Eric and laughed. "Oingo Boingo? That's what you call yourself?" She asked as Eric got up. "I hate the damn nickname!" He growled. "I thought it was hilarious." Aaron stated. Eric growled. "Nickname? You let her nickname you Oingo Boingo?" The male asked. I smiled. "I'm glad I'm taking credit for the nicknaming." I say. Aaron patted my head after he stood up. "Now are you going to fix the door?" Aaron asked looking at the door that was on Eric's legs, on the floor. "Why would we? You kidnapped Eric!" The male stated. Aaron growled. "Alright Goldy. I'm sure it's not that hard to fix a door." I say, smiling. Aaron sighed. "True, but it's still irritating." Aaron said. I pecked his cheek. He wrapped his arm around me and held me infront of him. "We should go get wood." I say. Everyone but the new investors gave me a confused look. "Why?" Aaron asked. "Because I wanna see you lift a tree. Plus, I can make a fort!" I smile. Aaron blushes softly, but quickly recovers with a smirk. "Is that so?" Aaron asked. I nod once. Aaron smirked. "What kind of fort?" Aaron asked. "The best fort duh!" I say and wiggle out of his grasp. Aaron smile grew as I walked towards the knocked down door. "Come on Eric! I have the best idea for a fort!" I say and help Eric get up. I took the door off of his legs and held out a hand. When Eric touched my hand Aaron growled but I ignored him and pulled him up. "Come on Goldy!" I smile and skip outside. Aaron sighed before I skipped out of view. I soon see Aaron in view again. Eric shook his head. "No way! Don't use your childish act to keep him here!" The female yelled. I stopped skipping and turned to her. Aaron stopped but didn't turn around. "Huh? I'm not stopping him from going anywhere. I'll be upset if he left, I won't lie. But I'm not stopping him." I say, a frown on my face. She walked up to me and got close. This is when I realized that even she was taller than me. At least by a couple inches. At least. "Back away from her." Aaron warned. "Don't threaten me! Who do you think you are!?" She snapped at Aaron. "Maybe you should be Snappy 2." I mumbled. She snapped her head toawards me. "Excuse me!?" She asked. I smiled shyly. She took a step closer, causing me to take a step back. This continued until I hit a tree. "Don't test me." She growled. "Or what?" I asked curiously. She formed, attacking me. I got out of the way. "I didn't mean it as a threat or anything!" I yell as she turned around, facing me. The blonde wolf jumped at me but instead came in contact with a black wolf. Aaron tackled her and I had to pull fin off in order to get him to let her live. She growled at Aaron. "That's enough all of you! Bailey! For hells sake don't attack my Alpha and Luna!" Eric growled. So Bailey is her name. I think. She stopped and looked at Eric. She formed back, no clothes. I covered my eyes, Aaron chuckling. So I assumed he formed back too. "What do you mean 'your Alpha and Luna'?" Bailey asked. "If you paid attention to the message I sent you would know! I switched packs Bailey!" Eric growled. I feel Aaron wrap his arms around my waist. I feel his bare chest against my back. "Wowowowo hoold up!" Bailey said. "You can open your eyes Lilly." Aaron whispered. Turned out his head was right next to my head. So he just whispered in my ear. Which then caused a shiver to go down my spine. Aaron must have felt me shiver because I feel his lips on my neck wich causes me to jump and uncover my eyes. Aaron chuckled. I turned around and smacked his chest. My face was red. "Aaron are you serious!" I scream. "Aaron?" Bailey asked. Aaron looked at her. "What?" Aaron asked, looking at her. "What's your last name?" She asked curious. I feel my wolf growl. Aaron rubs curcles in my waist to calm me down. "I don't have a last name." Aaron answered. Her eyes widened. "S-So... your the Aaron?" She asked. No, he's MY Aaron! I think. Aaron holds me closer. I was always yours sweatheart. I hear Aaron say. Bailey looked at me, her eyes widening even more. "I thought you were human." She pointed at me. My eye's must have changed. I think, sighing. "Yeah.... I got to teach you how to control that better." Aaron laughed. "But you didn't answer the question." Bailey turned back to Aaron. "Depends On What Aaron your talking about." Aaron shrugged. "The 2nd strongest werewolf in history! Who else!?" She yelled. I growled. Aaron shook his head. "Wait..... when we get married will I have a last name?" I question. Aaron tensed and his face went red. Bailey and the others smirked. I was in to much thought to completely pay attention. "Uhhh...." Aaron hummed. "Or will you just choose a last name for me? Goldy what name will I have if you don't have a last name?" I question. I looked at him fully, his ears were red. He didn't answer, just let go and walked inside. "GOLDY! YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION!" I call after him. He still didn't answer as I see him walk up the stairs. I frowned. "GOLDY!" I call. He went out of view, not turning his back. They all went to deep thought. "That is actually a good question." Coal answered. I narrowed my eyes. Idea! I smirked. "AHHHH!!!!! WOLF ATTACK!" I yell. Aaron broke a window from the bedroom. He was in his wolf form as he landed he looked around and noticed no wolves. "I didn't think you would break the window." I mumbled. Aaron glared at me. "Welp! I'm in trouble!" I shrug. Aaron let out a soft growl and formed back. "Your paying for the window." Aaron stated. I nodded. "Yeah.... maybe I should have rethought about that plan." I say. Aaron let out a distracted sigh. "Seriously!?" Aaron finally asked. "You didn't answer my question!" I complained. "She has a point Aaron." Eric nodded. "Do I really have to answer that!?" Aaron asked. I gave him an innocent look, waiting for the answer like a puppy waiting for attention. Aaron stared at me for a minute. He put his hands through his hair and groaned in frustration. "I'm not answering the question." Aaron turned away from me. "Why not?" I asked. Because I don't know the answer. Aaron thought, mostly to himself. "Hmmm....." I hummed. "Ooooo.... what if your last name was Goldy?" I asked. Aaron looked at me over his shoulder. "What?" Aaron asked. "Aaron Goldy. Na, I like Aaron better." I smile. Aaron rolled his eyes at me. At the corner of my eyes I see Bailey taking in Aaron's form. Along with Haley. My wolf growled lowly in my head. "Aaron?" I asked. He glanced at me before humming in response. "Can you go get some clothes on?" I ask. Aaron smirked. "Why?" Aaron asked. Clothes.... Now. My wolf growled at him. He seemed a bit suprized and looked at the females. Noticing why I asked him to get clothes on. Aaron sighed before walking inside. I'm gonna kill those two. My wolf growled. I won't mind. I growl, agreeing. Lilly calm down. Aaron said. Why? You would snap someone's neck in a heart beat if someone was looking at me like that. I state, getting up, walking inside and grabbing my boomerang. Aaron walked downstairs, a T-shirt and some pants on. He saw the boomerang in my hand. "Lilly...." Aaron sighed. I ignored him. He walked over to me and put his hands on mine. I glanced at him for a second. He kissed the top of my head. He took the boomerang from me easily and hugged me tightly. I let out a soft growl when the boomerang had left my grip. "Lilly. It's okay. I'm yours and yours only." Aaron mumbled into my neck. Not going to lie, that did help a little. But that did not mean they could look at my man without punishment. I thought it was rather obvious that we were mates. So that's no excuse. Haley especially knew and she was looking at him like he was a toy. Aaron kissed my neck. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him back but secretly grabbed the boomerang. "That may be true. But if I don't do something who says they won't look at you like that again?" I growl. Aaron held me as close as he could. "Lilly don't be someone that I know your not." Aaron said. I gave him a confused look. "Violence is the wrong way to go about this. And you alone aren't violent. Your too inoccent. Don't become someone most wolves turn into." Aaron mumbled. "And what is that?" I asked, curious. "A killer." Aaron answered. I pulled away and looked at the boomerang in my hand. Everyone walked in. "I told you she would be made Haley." I hear Eric growl. I growled at that alone. She knew and she was warned! And she still dare to look at my mate lustfully!? I think. Please, for me. Don't be a killer. Aaron silently begged. I closed my eyes. I want her out of this house and out of this pack. I growl. Aaron nodded. "Haley." Aaron growled himself. She hummed. I couldn't face her. Not with the boomerang in hand, hell, I couldn't even look at her if the boomerang was anywhere near this house. I was so close to throwing this at her throat or head. "Get out." Aaron growled. "What!?" Haley yelled. I was trying my best to control my anger but I could feel my wolf sneaking into my mind. Trying to take over so she could kill her. So she could kill both of them. "You've pissed her off. She don't want you here. Get out." Aaron said more firmly and more demanding. I could feel Haley's sudden mood change. The whole aura changed to hatred to dangerous. I don't know how long I could hold her back. Aaron had his arms around me wich helped my wolf a little. But she was beyond pissed off. She was ready to kill. Aaron traced circles in my side. "I suggest you two girls leave. She's close to snapping." Aaron warned. I saw the leash and collar on a near by table. Let me through! My wolf yelled angerly. Please calm down love. They'll both leave and you won't have to worry about them ever again. Aaron's wolf tried to reason. I want them DEAD! My wolf yelled, pulling through me more. Aaron saw what I was staring at. Don't let her kill them. Not unless you want me to be a killer. If you have to, use them. I say to Aaron. Aaron reached for them. Eric seemed to understand. "LEAVE!" Eric boomed. The two girls flinched. "Eric we can't leave without you-!" Bailey tried to say. "I'm in a different pack now. And you just pissed off my Luna. DO GET OUT!" He yelled before forming. Ocean, Coal, Wood, Snappy, Creamy and the new guy formed as well. Bailey looked at the new male suprized. But they both left the house. Just as they walked out my wolf took full control and formed. The wolves, including Aaron had to hold me down. Aaron put the collar on me along with the leash as I wished and tied me to a bolted metal pole in the corner of the living room. Aaron sat next to me trying to calm me down. "Daisy let Lilly back in control. Please." Aaron said. No! I'm going to kill them! Daisy yelled back trying to break the leash. But Aaron put all the leashes on me, knowing one leash wasn't going to hold me. I stayed like that the rest of the day and night. The next day Aaron was getting worried that I wouldn't come back. That Faisy wouldn't let me take over. It's now been 3 weeks and they were all in the living room trying to find out a way to let me back in control. "Why would they even think of doing that?" The new guy, which I found out soon after the two left, was Kaden. "I don't know. But we don't know how long those leashes will hold." Eric answered. Aaron was looking at me worriedly. I can't regain control. I think. Aaron sighed in frustration. "Her wolf was never let out before, this could be a huge problem." Doc said. Oh, did I mention that Eric called Doc over for any idea's? No? Well now you know. "Could that have anything to do with this?" Aaron asked. Doc nodded. "It could take a couple hours till years before she regained control." Doc informed. "Damn it!" Aaron yelled, punching the wall, creating a hole. "Aaron, I was studying some chemicals and might have come with a solution. But it hasn't been tested. It could let her regain control for a whil, but how long it lasts and how dangerous it is I don't know. Before I even started. I wanted to know if you would even consider trying this method." Doc stated. Aaron was trying to calm down. Aaron shook his head. "No, I can't risk her. Why won't Daisy just listen to me?" Aaron questioned. "She's on her first rampage. For all we know this could continue until she kills them or are dead." Doc answered. "Werewolves first rampage is difficult to keep control of. Especially when they found their mates and someone was checking them out." Doc informed. Daisy let out a low growl before tying to break the leashes once again I was starving Sense Daisy refused to eat anything. I was becoming weak. I'm getting starved by my own wolf. Huh. How funny is that? I ask. Aaron gave me another worried look.

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