Chapter Twenty Five: Back in Action
I sit in the van, head pressed to the window. Somehow, I had convinced Clinton after many hours to let me join the team. He was all out for not putting me in danger again. However, when he had learned about my plan, he had to let me. All the work of mother's name.
A sigh escapes my lips as the image of Christopher and her father comes to mind. They'll soon be safe. Far away from misery and pain. I just need to finish the mission, I'm already back in action. No tether to hold me back.
I run my hand over the folded paper in my left pocket, print out of Clintons house, for Cindy. She'll get her treasure herself; I already went hunting. After the paper is placed in Cindy's hands everything will be over. No more running, no more hiding, no more pain. A genuine smile comforts my face.
"Put this in your ears so we can stay in touch," John says giving me an earpiece, as he adjusts his. I take it and put it in my right ear. I put my hair in a ponytail and put my head back on the window. I stay like that until we reach the mansion where the Evelyn gang stares important data.
When the vehicle stops, I fling my feet that seems longer in tights out the van. I scan my environment as the men bustle out the van.
"You ready," Clinton asks as he approaches me. He places his hands on my shoulder and look me in my eyes.
"I'm ready as I can ever be," I respond with a manic smile. I can literally feel the fire in my eyes. There's that feeling again. Excitement. My plan has just begun. Clinton stalks off to the six men standing in a circle between the two vehicles the team had come in.
I take Lia's sneakers off; she has nice taste. I look through the binoculars John left in the van. The convex lens gives me a view of the guards. There are more there than last time.
The big light that never lost its brightness, shining all so very bright, rotates from left to right then from right to left. I study the pattern. If the light picks us up, we will be laid to rest.
"Hey, you ready," John says as he approaches. He takes the binoculars and look for himself.
" Yes, but are you ready?", I question the young man about my age. He takes a while to respond, like hesitant.
"Yeah, jus' a lilly bit scared. Don' wanna get killed on ma first mission ya know" he chuckles. I offer him a smile and a pat on the shoulder, I've been there before.
"5 seconds it shifts, goes left, right, left, right pause for 10 seconds, then go from right to left, right, left pause ten seconds. It doesn't stop in the middle at all it just continues," I inform the others as they come.
"What," John asks.
"The light sequence," He looks through the binoculars and observe for himself. Observation correct! Some others look for themselves, love to waste time I see.
I continue, "So, if we go on the second round we have 15 seconds to get over the wall"
"Sir I can't hack into the camera system," Joe the technician says.
"Qué quieres decir?", Clinton's voice booms through the dark.
"I'm afraid they will have to just go and watch their backs," the technician continues clearly used to Clinton's aggression.
"Pedazo de mierda sin valor, para que estas aqui si no puedes entrar en el sistema?", he barks.
"It's okay if he can't get in," I interrupt assuring Clinton with a hand on his shoulder.
"Pero no quiero que te lastimes mi amor," Clinton whispers, pulling me into him by my waist.
"I won't get hurt. I know what I'm doing. I'll get back to you in one piece," I respond as sweet as possible. He looks down at my frame, then sighs.
"Promesa menique?", he says, then holds out his pinky. Are we serious right now? I haven't done that in years, so childish. It won't hurt though. I make the pinky promise for all our sakes.
John and I walk up to the building, me leading the way. Heavy cold wind hit my body causing me to shudder. With every step an uneasy pain erupts from my back. However, the aftermath of this mission is what keeps me going. The thought of seeing Chris again, of getting out.
I scrunch down making the wall my cover, John too. I look over at her companion, then at the large light that's moving.
"Five, four... go," I count down when it's time. He hauls me up onto his shoulders, when I say go, so I can reach the wall. I swing myself up and sit on the wall, swinging one leg over. I then extend my arm and help John up. I hurt my back in the process, but the aftermath is there. He successfully gets unto the wall and jumps over, then takes me down by my waist.
We run over to the house hand in hand, pasting ourselves to the wall. After couple seconds, I inform the team we are safely over.
"You okay," John asks.
"Yeah," I respond moving as John follows. We both make our way unseen to the back of the building. Just as we are about to turn to be at the exact back I look to see if a guard is around there. He is.
I nod at John who send back the gesture. I quickly walk up to the guard, who fails on reacting w=quickly and attack. Knock out! John quickly unlocks the door with his amazing skill, and we drag the heavy bastard inside. He's lucky we didn't leave him outside.
I leave him in a corner and search for the vent I went through couple years ago. Jackpot! John lifts me and I get the screw off I go in first, then him with my help. We make a lot of sound but thanks to the gods no one came looking. John locks the vent, then we crawl on top of rooms looking down to see what it possesses.
"Turn right," John whispers when we come to an intersection. Four bedrooms and bathroom, already. I crawl over a bathroom with a lady having a shower. The least she can do is shave, my eyes burn. This is like free porn, which I didn't ask for. Bleach! I spot a few guards in each room, two to each.
"What are we looking for again?", I question. The lady did something to me.
"Room loaded with weapons, with a safe in the middle,"
"Found it," I scan the room: one guard. He looks familiar. The room is stocked with deadly weapons and drugs, with a safe in the middle. I look back at the guard who seems to be looking at me. I crawl back bumping into John.
"Sorry," I whisper. I look back at the well-built all dressed in black. In his tattooed hand is a machine gun. He's armed with knives in his knife sheath - located on his belt- and a 9mm pistol on his waist. I crick my neck and fingers for battle, while John looks at me confused. I take out the pistol given to me for this mission, loaded. Wish me luck, I might shoot myself.
"A guard is down there, don't come until I whistle twice," I kicks the vent twice, opening it. Standing in front of my opponent I point my weapon at him, and he does the same. We have a stare off. He looks hot closer up, but not my type.
"Well, if it ain't Miss baddy," he comments with a smirk.
"Well hello to you too handsome fellow," I reply with the clicks of my gun, a feel a smirk coming on.
He smirks along with me and returns the fine gesture of clicking his gun.
"Come on you are not going to shoot Miss baddy are you now?", I ask with a pout.
"Miss baddy gonna get what she came here fo'," The guard replies flashing his head in an attempt to get his brown hair out his eyes, revealing a scar on his forehead.
"Your darn right I am! Who said a Handsome fella is a fool?", I let out a chuckle. I drop my hand to my side and smirk at smexy gear. Well prepared probably too prepared.
"Not going to drop your weapon Mister, semxy?"
"I rather not I don' know what miss baddy got up har sleeves",
"Smart choice smexy, but that weapon won't do you any justice," I kick the gun from his hand and watch it skate to the floor. He wasn't even holding it properly, dumb!
Opting a knife from his belt he lounges at me. I simply ove out his way and kick him in the back, when he passes. I station my gun in my back, then turn and face handsome, who is already attacking me.
I put my hand in front of my face before the knife can catch my cheek, resulting in a torn sleeve. Great, I ripped borrow goods. I slap the knife from his hand using a technique I learnt a while back. Slapping the back of his hand while slapping his wrist causing the knife to fly to the other side of the room.
I then twist his arm and kicks him in the shoulder causing him to do a 180-spin falling to his knees with his back turned towards me, twisted hand still in possession. He screeches in pain, and holds on my hand that is holding his, and flips me over onto my back. I hollers out, I think I broke a bone. I quickly stand before he attacks me. We go around in circle fists up in defense.
"Well miss baddy is quite strong, sassy and hot," guard comments then whistles twice.
John jumps down, thinking that it's the signal. The guard is frightened by him and turns around. I try hard not to facepalm, myself. Who saw that one coming?
"Umm... I'll go back up," John says, looking at both rivals. I chuckle and Smexy look at us confused. I use this chance to knocks him out with a kick to the head.
"Thanks", I say, then move my head in motion to the safe. John smiles and runs up putting in his code and doing his stuff, I could care less what he's doing. In the meantime, I search Smexy for his sharpest knife, then put it in my hair adjusting it so it cannot be seen.
"You done?", I ask when I see John fixing his fanny pack.
"Yeah, let's head up," he replies.
We both head back to the team out of sight just the way we came in. Action it was action it will be!
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