While Ladybug was heading out to Vincent's house to see if he really was Pixelator, Adrien and Chloé were still wandering around the white void. But much to Adrien's annoyance, Chloé was growing more and more irritating the longer they were trapped.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Chloé kept yelling, still trying to get through to her father with her phone while Adrien stood ahead of her to talk to Plagg with some form of privacy.
"Plagg, I gotta find some way to transform." Adrien whispered to his kwami, pulling his overshirt open the slightest bit to allow Plagg to poke his head out.
"Come on, what's the rush?" Plagg whined, hoping to get Adrien to take a break for once. But with the angry look Adrien gave him, the little cat kwami knew that wasn't going to happen. "Fine. If you insist, at least find me some cheese." the black kwami requested in resignation, right before Adrien looked back and saw Chloé coming towards him.
"I'm gonna see if there's a way out down there." Adrien reported, pushing Plagg back into his overshirt. "Don't go anywhere, it could be dangerous." the model warned, much to Chloé's sudden worry.
"Dangerous?" Chloé squeaked, cowering a bit at Adrien's words... which is exactly what he wanted to happen.
"You're not scared, are you?"Adrien slightly teased, glancing back at Chloé as he spoke
"Scared, moi? As if! No way!" Chloé denied, allowing Adrien to chuckle to himself in accomplishment as he ran to find a way out by leaving Chloé behind. Suddenly, his attempts were halted when Chloé screamed and ran to Adrien, jumping onto his back and pointing at a newly pixelated Fang as he occupied the spot she was in a moment ago. At the sight of the crocodile, Adrien was also scared and stood still out of shock.
'Can this day get any worse?' Adrien thought to himself as Chloé kept screaming her head off, not looking to get down from her spot on his back.
Back outside the white void, Pixelator had begun to follow the plan Hawkmoth had laid out and arrived at the top of the Champs-Élysées. Once he landed, he looked over at the edge and at the bustling streets below, still looking for Jagged Stone before his benefactor opened the psychic link between them again.
"Ah, the Champs-Élysées... Perfect." Hawkmoth crooned as he looked through Pixelator's eyes, taking in the monument in all its glory. "May the photoshoot begin." the crapier version of Heinz Doofenshmirtz ordered his akuma, prompting Pixelator to jump off the monument and land onto the ground with ease.
From there, he started to zap people and digitize them, hoping to draw Ladybug out of hiding so she could tell him where Jagged Stone was. But after zapping an angry driver out of his car, Pixelator's rampage was halted when he spotted someone snapping pictures of him from their car.
"Amateur." Pixelator critiqued before he zapped him, continuing to deliver his brand of chaos throughout the city.
While Pixelator was at the Champs-Élysées, Ladybug had finally arrived at Vincent Aza's house, soon entering his room and being greeted by a lot of photos of Jagged Stone on the walls.
"Oh, this isn't creepy at all." Ladybug muttered to herself as she walked into the room. But as she did, she suddenly stopped and spied photos of some very familiar people on the wall to her right. "What?" the spotted heroine quietly exclaimed before she walked to the wall and got a closer look at the photos. As she did, she soon saw many people trapped in the photos, Chloé and Adrien amongst them with the former screaming in terror.
"Ladybug?" Adrien questioned out loud when seeing the superhero above them.
"What are you two doing in there?" Ladybug asked Adrien, soon realizing that the photos were the prisons Pixelator sent his victims to.
"Ladybug! Remember me? Your biggest fan?" Chloé called out when she realized who Adrien was talking to, eager to speak to her idol. "Please, please get us out of here. It's terrible in here!" the blonde brat begged, holding a sighing Adrien's arm while she spoke.
"I mean, it's only terrible when you're not around." Chloé admitted to Adrien, chuckles a little at their closeness.
"Over here, Ladybug!" a voice farther down the wall called out, bringing Ladybug over to the corresponding photo, revealing a trapped Théo Barbort and Mireille Caquet.
"Help... Ladybug... help!" Mireille cried out, standing next to Théo.
"What happened to you?" Ladybug questioned the trapped citizens, feeling sorry for them that they got caught in the crossfire.
"It's terrible, this man, he... took a photo of us and we ended up trapped in here!" Théo explained, he and Mireille cling to each other out of fear.
"While we were just innocently strolling the Champs-Élysées!" Mireille elaborated, looking up at Ladybug through their prison. But regardless of the situation, Ladybug now knew where Pixelator was.
"I sure hope Cat Noir's there already!" Ladybug muttered to herself before she left the room, heading out to face Pixelator and free the innocents he captured.
At the Champs-Élysées, Pixelator continued to zap people into his white void in hopes of drawing out either the heroes or Jagged Stone. But his progress was halted when Nadja Chamack and her cameraman, who were cowering behind an abandoned car, decided to make their presence known to the akuma.
"Excuse me, sir, sir?" Nadja spoke up, bringing Pixelator's focus onto her and her cameraman. "Care for an interview with the reporter who spreads the villains' voice?" the reporter nervously asked, causing Pixelator to smile at her deviously at her request.
This led to the photographer themed akuma to appear on Nadja's latest news report, with Jagged Stone and Mr. Damocles watching the interview in the principal's office.
"I will continue my photoshoot until Jagged Stone turns up here in the flesh!" Pixelator threatened the masses of Paris. "Where are you, Jagged? Your biggest fan awaits you!" the akuma taunted, making the rockstar nervous as he watched the interview.
"All I want is one photo!" Pixelator proclaimed. "Otherwise, the people of Paris will be nothing but memories." the photographer akuma concluded before he zapped Nadja and the cameraman with an evil laugh, cutting off the transmission.
"This is terrible!" Mr. Damocles cried out in fear.
"I've got to do what Pixelator says!" Jagged Stone proclaimed, now seeing that he couldn't keep hiding from the akuma.
"Surely, you can't be serious! It's dangerous out there!" Mr. Damocles protested, not believing that Jagged Stone was going to risk his life in such a way.
"Who cares about danger? Jagged Stone can turn down a television appearance!" Jagged Stone exclaimed, much to Mr. Damocles's sudden disappointment. "Just imagine what it would do for my career!" the rockstar said, his thoughts trailing off to the perks of said appearance.
Back over at the Champs-Élysées, the police had arrived to stop Pixelator, forming a brigade to block him from going any further into the city. Even Lieutenant Roger appeared from his car and began to advance on Pixelator, only to be zapped away by him as the akuma began to advance onto the police barricade locking him in.
"Got an itchy trigger finger, eh?" a voice behind Pixelator taunted, making him turn around and see Ladybug standing behind him. At the sight of the resident superhero, both the police and other civilians hiding around the area cheered in joy. They were saved!!
"I was expecting you, Ladybug." Pixelator menacingly greeted right before he started zapping at her again.
In response, Ladybug dodged the beam by jumping onto the side of a building, running along it for a few seconds before jumping off to land onto a lamppost, the akuma still blasting at her the whole time. Making like a fireman, Ladybug slid down the lamppost and landed back onto the ground before running to hide behind a car to catch her breath. But the break didn't last long, for Pixelator found her very quickly, jumping onto the roof of the car she was hiding behind.
"Look into the lens!" the akuma exclaimed before Ladybug slid underneath the car and ran away as he tried zapping at her again.
Seeing her getting away, Pixelator jumped off the car and ran after Ladybug, who continued to dodge his attacks before seeing a lamppost ahead of her. With an escape plan in mind, Ladybug tries to grab the post with her yo-yo, but due to using her non-dominant hand, she fails and tumbles to the ground. Thanks to her stumble, Pixelator caught up to Ladybug and prompted her to scoot away from the akuma, only to finally be cornered between Pixelator and another car as he prepared to blast her away.
"I-I have a proposition to make!" Ladybug cried, halting Pixelator from sending her to the white void. "If you free those innocent people, I'll organize a photoshoot with Jagged Stone!" the spotted heroine offered, her words suddenly intriguing the photographer akuma. But unlike Pixelator, Hawkmoth was wise to his adversary's tricks and decided to step in.
"No! Don't listen to her! She's trying to trick you!" Hawkmoth protested from his lair, knowing full well that Ladybug was only buying herself time to either: A)think of a convoluted plan, or B) wait for Chat Noir to back her up.
"Why should I believe you, Ladybug?" Pixelator questioned, deciding to take Hawkmoth's advice to heart.
"Because you have no choice. I'm the only one who knows where Jagged is." Ladybug explained, knowing that she had an upper hand in this standoff. And thankfully, her efforts were rewarded.
"How about I free half of them now and the other half after the photoshoot. Deal?" Pixelator countered, the spotted heroine's bluff working in her favor.
"Okay. It's a deal." Ladybug agreed, knowing that it was better than nothing at the moment. "Yeah, right." the heroine in red muttered to herself. At least the others would be freed when she cast her cure.
With the deal between superhero and akuma made, Pixelator started freeing people, causing them to appear in the spots he had captured them from.
Unbeknownst to Ladybug, this included Adrien and Chloé, who ended up back in the hotel lobby while Nino was reading his Math book at the front desk, who fell out of his seat when they appeared out of nowhere. Alongside them, Jagged Stone's crocodile Fang had appeared back in the rockstar's suite and scared Sabrina to the point of fainting in fear.
"Wow. Dudes! You scared me!" Nino exclaimed as he rose to his feet, Adrien breaking away from Chloé to run over to the computer to see the live stream playing as half of the digitized citizens were back.
"Fill in for me, will you Nino?" Adrien requested from his best friend before leaping over the front desk, racing off to help Ladybug defeat the akuma.
"What do you think I've been doing this whole time?" Nino called back, not quite sure as to why Adrien had run off when he just got back from Pixelator's prison. But that was the least of Adrien's concerns as he exited the hotel and ran through the streets until he found a billboard to hide behind so he could feed Plagg before transforming.
"If you want my opinion, I think someone's been akumatized." Plagg spoke up, holding a piece of camembert in his grasp before throwing the whole thing into his mouth, eating it in one gulp.
"I think you're right. But where's the akuma?" Adrien wondered out loud to his kwami, right before he proclaimed...
"Plagg, claws out!" the model shouted out before he transformed into Chat Noir. Now in his alter ego, Chat Noir went off to join his lady in the upcoming battle against the latest akuma.
Thankfully it didn't take long for Chat Noir to arrive at the Champs-Élysées. But once he arrived, he saw his partner alone and cornered by Pixelator himself, which didn't do the feline hero's nerves any favors as he analyzed the precarious situation.
"I've kept my part of the deal, Ladybug, now bring me Jagged Stone!" Pixelator demanded from Ladybug as she stood up to her full height, prompting Chat Noir to start sneaking over to them as quietly as possible. As he did, Ladybug spotted him from behind Pixelator and was glad to see he was there to help... not that she could show that unless she wanted Pixelator to find out about his presence.
"Pixelator, I know your akuma's inside your glasses!" Ladybug loudly said, offering Chat Noir as much help as she could in that moment. But it did the trick when Chat Noir heard her and nodded at her to say that he got the plan, still sneaking over to Pixelator.
"Stop wasting time!" Pixelator exclaimed, having had enough of Ladybug's stalling just as Chat Noir got close enough to take his glasses off. But before the feline could even lay his hands onto the akumatized visor on Pixelator's head a civilian spotted him.
"Yeah, go Chat Noir." the civilian praised, causing Pixelator to turn around and see Chat Noir. This led to the two of them starting to fight, both of them pressing their palms together as they each tried to push the other back. But due to Pixelator's size and strength with him being older than Chat Noir, he throws the feline off of him and onto the ground, quickly grabbing Chat Noir by the ankles and throwing him over to Ladybug's feet.
"Thanks for dropping in." Ladybug greeted her partner, holding her pixelated hand to help him up. However, she forgot about her right hand's current state and was unfortunately reminded of that when Chat Noir's hand went right through it when he tried to take her up on the offered help to his feet.
"Not very handy, I see." Chat Noir remarked, trying to lighten the certainly dim mood Ladybug was feeling about her right arm being rendered unusable.
"What about our deal?" Pixelator growled out as Chat Noir got back onto his feet, not liking that he was blindsided. However, now that he was proven right, Hawkmoth had enacted the psychic link between him and the akuma once again, halting Pixelator from making a move against the heroes for the moment.
"I told you she would betray you." Hawkmoth berated from his side of the link. "Capture them already, I want their Miraculous!" the powered up version of Kingpin demanded Pixelator, breaking the psychic conversation so his akuma could do just that. With a zap at the heroes, Pixelator began a barrage of attacks, making the two heroes backflip away as they dodged the zaps, landing in front of an abandoned bus before pulling out their weapons.
"Together!" Ladybug exclaimed to Chat Noir, the two of them advancing to attack Pixelator, Ladybug with her yo-yo and Chat Noir going in from above. But when Pixelator jumped out of the path of Ladybug's yo-yo, it crashed into a car and went back to its wielder, while Chat Noir tried his hand at an attack.
"Ahh!" Chat Noir shouted as he came hurtling towards Pixelator, spinning his staff to gain more momentum. But just as he was about to hit the akuma with his staff, Pixelator zapped Chat Noir, digitizing him for the second time that day.
No sooner than when Pixelator zapped Chat Noir, the hero in black was sent back into the white void, landing on the ground with a belly flop.
"No, not again..." the feline hero groaned as he laid on his stomach in the white space, not happy to be trapped yet again.
'On the plus side, Chloé's not in here with me again.' Chat Noir thought to himself as he picked himself up, soon thinking of ways to escape by his own means this time around.
But while Chat Noir was back in the white void, it left Ladybug on her own with Pixelator yet again, much to the akuma's twisted joy as he intended to fully use the opportunity to defeat the bug superhero.
"When the cat's away, the mice will play." Pixelator taunted Ladybug, cracking his knuckles as he spoke. "Ready to become immortalized?" the akumatized photographer rhetorically asked Ladybug, eager to unleash his unrelenting fury onto the spotted heroine.
"Can't wait to live it up." Ladybug quipped back right before she had to dodge Pixelator's zaps.
But as she ran across the road towards the building on her left, Ladybug tripped and fell to the ground, much to her frustration before quickly getting back to her feet. She then jumped into a purple car and did a high jump, rolling through the air but suddenly fell to the ground because of one of the villain's shots zapping her right leg. After landing next to yet another car, Ladybug saw her leg going right though the ground and lifted it up to see that it was as pixelated as her right arm, only to cower when she saw Pixelator approaching her.
"Look into the lens!" Pixelator proclaimed, ready to send her into the white void with Chat Noir.
"Hey there, Pixelator! I heard you wanted my photo!" a voice behind the akuma called out, causing Pixleator to turn around and see it was Jagged Stone who spoke up from his spot standing on top of a car roof.
"Jagged! It's about time you showed up." Pixelator greeted his idol, walking over to the car Jagged was on top of, the rockstar blew a kiss to some hiding fans behind him and sending them into a fit of squeals.
"Get out of here, Mr. Stone!" Ladybug shouted to the rockstar, trying to follow after Pixleator to stop him. But thanks to her digitized limbs, Ladybug could only fall to the ground in frustration, unable to do anything to save Jagged from Pixelator.
"It's me you wanted all this time, right? Well, here I am. In the flesh." Jagged Stone proclaimed, striking a pose while Pixelator stood right in front of the car he was standing on.
"Look into the lens..." Pixelator instructed, ready to take Jagged Stone's 'picture'.
"Wait, wrong side. This isn't my best angle." Jagged Stone interrupted, rearranging himself into a different pose. "No, no, wait. The lighting's all wrong. Does my nose look shorter this way?" the rockstar questioned in seeming indecisiveness, still trying to find the perfect pose.
"Oh, I know, this is better." Jagged Stone remarked, going into yet another pose, to which Ladybug realized that he was stalling for her to think of a plan.
"Ugh... Hurry up already!" Pixelator yelled, growing impatient enough for Ladybug to get to her feet and finally call on her...
"Lucky Charm!" the spotted heroine shouted before her power gave her... "A powder compact?" Ladybug muttered to herself when the object landed in her hand.
"There, I think I'm ready." Jagged Stone decided, finally settling on a pose now that Ladybug had done her thing.
"No more moving! Look into the lens!" Pixelator yelled to the rockstar, having enough of Jagged's antics and prompting him to keep his eyes closed for the time being.
"Don't do it, Mr. Stone!" Ladybug shouted to Jagged Stone, hobbling over to the akuma and rockstar as fast as she could on one leg.
Meanwhile, Chat Noir had finally figured out how to escape the void, and called on his...
"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir shouted, activating his power and using it to make a crack in the white space, freeing himself and the people trapped in the photos. "Yes!" the feline hero exclaimed when he saw his plan had worked. But he was soon greeted by the sight of Ladybug trying to get to Pixelator as he had Jagged Stone at 'gunpoint'.
"Come on, open your eyes." Pixelator encouraged the rockstar, not seeing Ladybug catching Chat Noir in her peripheral vision and triggering her mind to highlight her partner, his staff and the powder compact as a plan formed in her mind.
"Batter up!" Ladybug exclaimed before she threw the compact over to Chat Noir, who caught onto what she was thinking and hit the compact with his staff. The Lucky Charm then sailed through the air towards Jagged Stone and Pixelator, the akuma zapping at the rockstar as Jagged slowly opened his eyes. Before the beam could even reach Jagged, the compact got in the way and reflected Pixelator's beam right back at him, zapping the akumatized photographer into the white void and leaving the akumatized object behind.
"What... How did... Huh?" Pixelator stuttered out as he stared out in the white space, left in surprise that he had been defeated.
Over in Hawkmoth's lair, the resident supervillain glared out of his observatory-esque window, displeased with the knowledge that his akuma had been defeated.
"Next time I assure you it won't be a photo finish!" Hawkmoth vowed with an angered clench of his fist. "I won't stop, Ladybug! I'll destroy you!" the butterfly themed psycho shouted from his lair, the white butterflies still fluttering by him and unaware of Hawkmoth's fury.
"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug cried out as she threw the compact into the air, summoning the magic ladybugs and cleansing cure. The cure then swept through the city, reversing any lingering damage and restoring Ladybug's pixelated limbs back to normal. When she saw that her limbs were solid once again, Ladybug happily crushed Pixelator's visor and freed the akuma.
"No more evildoing for you, little akuma!" Ladybug exclaimed as she opened her yo-yo to reveal the sparkling pool of cleansing energy inside.
"Time to de-evilize!" she shouted before she threw her yo-yo toward the akuma, catching it in her yo-yo. "Gotcha!" Ladybug cheered when the yo-yo was back in her hand. A second later, she opened her yo-yo once again, setting the white butterfly free.
"Bye, bye little butterfly," Ladybug said as the butterfly flew away, turning to see Pixelator turning back into Vincent.
"Huh? What happened? Where am I?" Vincent wondered as he looked around in confusion, his gaze quickly landing on Ladybug and Chat Noir.
"Pound it!" Ladybug & Chat Noir cheered, bumping their fists in celebration before heading off back to the hotel on different routes, hoping to join back up with their class before the day was over.
A little while later at Le Grand Paris, the 'Work Experience' field trip was finally over and the class was standing in the lobby while Ms. Bustier spoke with Mr. Bourgeois regarding the trip.
"Thank you very much for this work experience day, Mr. Bourgeois. I'm sure we'll all remember it for a long time to come." Ms. Bustier thanked the mayor, happy to have had such an opportunity for her class to learn from.
"So will I." Mayor Bourgeois replied as Penny stood just behind him, the day having been eventful in more ways than one. But with a discreet cough from Penny, the mayor suddenly remembered..."Oh, wait, I almost forgot. Jagged Stone is giving a concert tonight, so, I'm giving tickets to the students who demonstrated the greatest effort today." André announced, leading to Penny walking over to the class and giving tickets to Marinette, Alya, Adrien and Nino, passed by Chloé who was expecting a ticket but was sorely disappointed.
"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloé exclaimed when Penny walked past, not liking that she wasn't being given a ticket for all her 'hard work'. But her reaction was enough to cause a smile to appear on Marinette's face as she looked over at the heiress in question.
'Serves you right, you brat." Marinette thought to herself, glad that Chloé was given a taste of karma that she so sorely deserved.
(Time Skip)
When class finally ended for the day it didn't leave the class, majority of which already got their tickets in advance, much time to get ready for the concert. But the rush was worth it when Jagged Stone took to the stage, wearing the custom shades Marinette had made for him as he started the concert.
"Good evening, Paris!" Jagged Stone loudly greeted the crowd, sending everyone into a fit of equally loud cheers and loud noises of joy.
"It's my first live concert, ever! It's amazing!" Adrien cheered to Marinette, them and Alya and Nino in the front row as the show started.
"Yeah, amazing!" Marinette cheered back, a goof grin appearing on her face as she stared at her crush while he redirected his gaze back onto the stage. Following Adrien's example, Marientte looked up at the stage too and was just in time to see Jagged Stone sitting on the bench of a piano, eager to start the concert with something special.
"I'd like to dedicate this song to the girl who saved my life. This one's for you, Ladybug." Jagged Stone announced before he began playing the song he wrote earlier in honor of Ladybug. As the rockstar played the piano with expert level ease, Marinette couldn't help the surprised smile growing on her face as her favorite musician played the song.
'Best! Day! Ever!' Marinette squealed in her thoughts, feeling honored by the turn of events while intending to enjoy the night with her friends, and eager to share this with Jim when getting back home.
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