Warning! This is part one of two, the second part being a lemon.
Note: This request was for me to write a Todoroki version of the two-shot I did with Bakugou called 'Rekindling Intimacy', so if you've read that then you'll see the similarities.
Quirk: Plant manipulation
Requested by: CrispyConny
"Shoto our children are turning two tomorrow!" I shouted at my husband as he was packing his suitcase. "Can't you at least stay and wait until morning?"
"No I can't! There's hero work that needs doing, you know how important that it!" Shoto retaliated, stuffing his clothes in and not bothering to fold them.
"I know it is Shoto but the twins will want their father with them tomorrow for their birthday! Do you not care at all?"
"Don't be stupid, of course I care! But I'm a hero and there's a mission tomorrow in Kyoto that I can't miss!" Shoto clenched his fists.
"You'll seriously regret missing their early birthdays when they grow up," I hissed and he rolled his eyes.
"Look, just because my children are turning two tomorrow doesn't mean crime stops!" He shouted. "I'm still a hero (y/n)!"
"And you're they're father! Can't you at least wait one more day? Go tomorrow evening when they're asleep for the night?" I asked desperately but he scoffed.
"You never understand! You're always shouting at me for doing my job. You don't know what the real world is like, you don't have to work because you can live off of your husbands wages, you know nothing about what a life as a hero is like! I'm leaving," Shoto stormed out of the bedroom whilst I remained rooted on the floor, hearing the front door open then slam shut again.
For the past couple of months we'd been having problems. We were fighting more and more, he seemed more interested in hero work than spending time with his children and we had started to loose our temper with each other very quickly. It was painful, borderline heartbreaking as I knew I still loved him but I doubted that he loved me.
I didn't care if he missed the occasional event due to his work but it seemed as though he was missing everything recently. He had missed last Christmas, my birthday, our wedding anniversary, the twins first steps and now their second birthday.
I collapsed on our large shared bed, his unnecessary words playing on repeat inside my mind. He was right, I didn't have a job anymore simply because we knew we could live off of Shoto's salary and I wanted to be able to raise our children to the best of my ability, meaning I'd be spending more time with them to teach them things. Me not having a job was an agreement we both came to, so him using it as an insult hurt. Despite his harsh jabs and cruel words I did still love him, I just doubted he felt the same about me. I wanted to at least try to fix our relationship but I wasn't sure how.
- Timeskip -
"Yay, happy birthday!" I smiled brightly at my two children as they excitedly jumped, flapping their arms about and seeing the pile of presents for them. "Come on then! Let's open some of them!" I had barely gotten any sleep last night but still had to put a smile one for our children. I didn't want to see either of them without a smile today, I wanted it to be a great birthday for them even though their father wouldn't be here to celebrate with them.
"Where's dada?" Mitsuha asked, Tomohito looking up at the word 'dada'.
"He's being a hero today," I smiled at my children, it masking the heartbreak I was feeling.
"Yay! Hero dada!" Tomohito said excitedly, jumping up and clapping his hands.
"You'll both be able to see him soon," I hugged them tightly, trying not to cry as I thought about my husband. "Now, lets open all these presents!"
As they were tearing off the wrapping paper of their new toys the doorbell sounded, and I knew it was my friend Kayano and her three year old who we'd invited over for the celebration. Mitsuha and Tomoihto knew exactly who it was so came with me to the front door, hugging Kayano's child, Ryunosuke. I hugged Kayano, knowing that I needed her now more than ever. "Are you alright?" She asked, concern in her tone as I let go. I smiled sadly but nodded, watching as the three children ran back into the lounge to play with their new toys.
Kayano and I headed to the kitchen just beyond the lounge, it being an open plan space meaning we could still see the kids. I made us each a cup of coffee but found my hands trembling as tears came to my eyes, thinking about my husband. "Hey- hey you're not okay, (y/n) what's wrong?" She asked quietly to prevent the kids from hearing us. She took the kettle and coffee from my hands and pulled me in for another hug.
"I'm sorry Kayano... it's nothing-,"
"It's not nothing. Tell me," she said soothingly, us pulling away from each other and sitting on the bar stool at the island.
"I think Shoto and I might be getting a divorce," I whispered and Kayano's mouth fell open.
"W-what? Why?" She asked quickly.
"All we do is fight, last night I begged him to stay for the twins' birthday but he refused, he could've at least stayed the night, seen them open their gifts and headed off this morning! A-and we've been fighting so much, arguing over the smallest of things... sometimes he leaves the house all night and I... I think he goes to see another girl. Sometimes I smell perfume on him when he gets back," I mumbled, having to bite my lip to stop a sob escaping.
"Oh (y/n)... I was there at your wedding, he was so in love with you-,"
"That was four years ago," I said and Kayano sighed.
"Listen, just because you two are fighting doesn't mean he doesn't love you," she said.
"B-but what about the perfume? If he does still love me, why is he seeing someone else?" I asked, my lip quivering.
"You don't know for certain that he is. It'll be difficult for you to see it, but I think the two of you just need a break from your lives. You need to go away somewhere, I'll look after Mitsuha and Tomohito for you," she said, holding my hand.
"I-I doubt he'll say yes... if he wasn't willing to stay for the twins' birthday then I doubt he'd be willing to go away somewhere for a few days," I mumbled and she smiled sadly.
"You won't know until you try," she whispered. I nodded, wondering if she was right. I came to the conclusion that it was worth a try - it was probably the last thing that could save our marriage.
"Okay I'll... I'll try it."
- Timeskip -
I stood at the porch as the door unlocked, my husband stepping inside. There was a somewhat solemn look on his face, but that was replaced with slight surprise when he saw me standing there waiting for him. "W-welcome home," I said with as much of a smile as I could. "I've made you some cold soba... if you're hungry."
"You don't like cold soba," he said and I nodded, looking at the floor to avoid eye contact.
"I-I know I just thought... I just thought you'd like some... if you've not already eaten," I mumbled, twiddling my fingers together. The silence was awkward but as I finally glanced up at him there was still a look of shock on his face.
"Yeah, okay... thanks," he whispered, slipping off his shoes.
"Let me take that," I took his suitcase from him.
"(y/n) you don't have to-,"
"I-it's okay... the soba's on the table," I smiled and turned, still feeling his eyes on me as I carried his suitcase upstairs towards the bedroom. I sighed dramatically when there, hunching over and trying to regain composure before I went back downstairs to rejoin my husband.
I sat at the table with him, helping myself to the food I had prepared. "How was the mission?" I asked, looking up at him to find his eyes already on me.
"Not as intense as everyone thought it would be... how was the twins birthday?" He asked quietly.
"It was really enjoyable. Kayano and Ryunosuke came over and we had cake," I said, smiling and thinking back.
"I missed them... and you," Shoto said and I felt an odd pang in my heart, one I'd not felt in a while.
"Y-you did?" I asked, a little shocked.
"Of course I did... you're my family," he whispered, looking away. "Thanks for the food, I - er - am quite tired... I think I'll head to bed."
"Of course," I watched as he quickly exited the room. I felt tears come to my eyes, so spent a moment trying to compose myself before heading up to the bedroom to join him. I heard the shower in our ensuite running as I entered the bedroom, so I quickly slipped into my pyjamas and thought about how to bring up the trip Kayano had recommended to me. I'd already found a beautiful inn out in the country we could go to, it being a completely different scenery with gorgeous mountains and warm hot springs.
I scrolled through the pictures on my phone of the place, jumping when Shoto came out of the shower. He was in his pyjama bottoms but was topless which made my cheeks heat up - as well as fighting regularly we had not been intimate for a long time. "Do you need the bath?"
"I had one before you came home... a-actually Shoto I was wondering if... if you wanted to go on a holiday?" I asked nervously. He was quiet for a moment, and I knew what was coming: a whole lecture on how he can't leave or go anywhere due to his hero duties.
"Sure, that sounds good."
"I said sure. Where did you have in mind?"
I was shocked as he sat down in bed next to me, slowly starting to settle down for the night. "H-here looks quite nice... and it's only just outside the city, in the mountain area, so if you're needed for your hero work then we can come straight back-,"
"It looks great. Book it," Shoto said, handing me back my phone.
"Yeah. Next week? I'll let my agency know in the morning," Shoto said, resting his head on the pillow. For the first time in what felt like a long time, I went to sleep that night with a small smile on my face.
- Timeskip -
Kayano, as promised, looked after Mitsuha and Tomohito as Shoto and I went on the holiday to the inn. The photos definitely didn't do the place justice - it was truly beautiful and the mountainous air was so breathable. The inn was small and traditional, it having beautiful rock garden out front with cherry blossom trees growing. Bamboo fence surrounded the back of the inn where I assumed the hot springs where located.
"Welcome," a kind old lady dressed in a kimono said sweetly as we arrived.
"Thank you for having us," I said politely and she smiled. We headed inside, it being incredibly homely and not even having a reception desk like an ordinary hotel. We walked down the corridors, the walls being littered with artwork and finely sewn tapestries.
"Here is your room and key," she said sweetly, handing two to me and gesturing a door.
"Thank you," Shoto said behind me, taking a key and unlocking the door. The room looked magnificent, its interior inspired by traditional Japanese furnishings. There was intricate bamboo paintings on the wall, and there was even a few woven tapestries of the village we were staying in. On the other side of the room was glass sliding doors which led onto our own private garden, it having a small rock pond with bamboo growing from it and a hot springs big enough for two people. Through sliding doors was the bedroom, the bed being incredibly large with silk sheets. Bonsai trees decorated the beautiful oak dresser, and more stunning tapestries hung on the wall. It was truly a magnificent room.
"Oh, er, miss?" I called out to the lady who was still stood at the door. I had spotted a bottle of champagne and a box of chocolates on the dresser, not knowing who they were for or where they came from. Shoto was out of sight in the small garden, looking at the plants. "I think someone may have left these."
"Oh no dear, Mr Todoroki requested them for you both," she said politely and I felt my cheeks heat up. I quickly looked towards the garden door, unable to grasp this romantic gesture of his. "If you need anything, feel free to call," she said, exiting the room. I bowed as she went before turning my attention back to the bottle and chocolates in my hand, wondering why Shoto had done something like this.
"It's nice out there-," he stopped talking when he saw what was in my hands. "Shit... they were supposed to bring them up at the end of the holiday," he muttered to himself, approaching me and taking them from my hands.
"What do you mean?"
"Well I bought them for us... I thought it'd be a nice surprise at the end of the holiday," he said and I was amazed. My heart was fluttering as this was the first romantic gesture he'd done for me in years. "We might as well open it now?"
"Fine by me," I said with a smile, surprised that no argument had broke out yet. We sat in the garden with the drinks he had poured, it being silent between us as neither of us really knew what to say. Not much happened that evening, especially when we went our separate ways to visit the split gendered hot springs. I sat in the hot water, the steam feeling warm against my skin as I thought about my husband. I was nervous about how this week would go, and wondered whether our whole relationship hinged on this week being a success. The champagne and chocolates were an unexpected surprise and it still made my heart flutter a bit, but I couldn't help the tears that fell due to the worry that lingered about him possibly debating a divorce.
I tried to remain as confident as I could but allowed a few tears to fall as this was one of the only times I'd be without him this holiday. Once done I patted myself dry, dressed in the dressing gown and headed back up to our room where Shoto was already waiting. "Did you have a good dip?" I asked as soon as I walked in.
"Hm? Yeah... it was okay," he shrugged carelessly and I just nodded.
"Well... it's been a long day, I think I might go to bed," I said, pointing to the bedroom.
"Alright," he said simply. I bit my lip and nodded, closing the sliding door shut behind me and letting out a deep breath. I clambered into bed and pretended to already be asleep when Shoto came in and settled down beside me. Out the corner of my eye I saw his arm about to wrap itself around my body, but it seemed to hesitate. He apparently couldn't decided whether he wanted to hold me or not and he finally decided against it, huffing slightly and turning over so his back was towards me. I felt a little disheartened but thankfully drifted off to sleep fairly quickly as I didn't realise just how tired I was.
- The Next Day -
I awoke and found myself sleeping alone, but that was nothing new. Through the windows I saw that the sun was already up and I checked my phone to see it was already 11:30. I sat bolt upright, immediately scrambling out of bed and putting on my dressing gown before stepping hurriedly into the living area, seeing Shoto sat on the balcony casually. "Why didn't you wake me?"
"You looked like you could do with the sleep," he shrugged. I couldn't argue with that logic, simply because he was right. A knock on the door caught my attention and Shoto stood up to answer it as though expecting something. In walked the woman who showed us to our rooms with a cart full of breakfast pastries and fruits. She bowed and left whilst Katsuki dug straight into the foods. "Well? You eating?" He asked.
"Oh, yes!" I quickly approached the cart and began picking at the food, glancing up at my husband occasionally and wondering what had gotten into him. "There's a small market in the village today... if you fancied going?" I asked carefully. In situations like this I'd usually expect an 'I'm busy' response but today was different.
"Yeah, sounds good," he said and I couldn't help but smile a little. As soon as I was ready we headed off, the village being old-fashioned and historic. The temples were beautiful and I looked at them with wonder, thinking about what they'd have been like when they were first built. I was walking ahead of Shoto so didn't notice his glances at me, instead being too focussed on my surroundings.
Up ahead I spotted the market and as quickly as I could I walked towards it, feeling a little childish but wanting to have a look at all the homemade trinkets. I was in my own little world when I suddenly felt a hand on my back, and my husband appeared by my side. "Do you see anything you like?" He asked, a hint of nerves in his voice.
"E-er, well-,"
"Lucky cats, you used to collect them didn't you?" Shoto asked and I was amazed that he'd remembered.
"Y-yes, I did... once upon a time," I mumbled, glancing down at the cats.
"Here, why don't we get the pink one?" Shoto said, reaching to take ahold of it. "What does the pink one symbolise?"
"Good fortune in... er... love," I said, avoiding eye contact with him.
"We'll get it," Shoto said, handing the man the money. "There was a jewellery stand over there with some pieces on I thought you'd like," he added, surprising me by taking my hand. He hadn't held my hand in public for over a year, so just this small action was enough to bewilder me.
The day went by smoothly, us holding hands for a lot of it. He was beginning to act friendly again, and it seemed as though he was trying. We took pictures together, we were smiling at each other again and for the first time in a long time I felt loved. If this was all it took to rekindle our relationship to what it once was then I would've done it a long time ago. One thing that did worry me however was the possibility that life would go back to how it was prior to this holiday as soon as we were back home.
When we were back at the inn I actually felt quite tired, it having been a productive day. I sat the lucky cat on the bedside table, and its adorable grin made me smile. "Hey, I'm gonna... I'm go in the hot springs," Shoto said and I nodded.
"I'll join you in a little while, I'll just shower," I said and he nodded. Once in the ensuite I was able to let out a deep sigh, this giving me a chance to collect my scattered thoughts. He had seemed normal today, our relationship seemed like it always had been but recent memories of us arguing were still clouding my mind.
When I stepped out of the shower I put my bikini on and headed towards the garden, a little on edge. The weather had turned cool but the hot springs was sure to keep me warm, and I saw my husband already sat in there looking up at the stars. The closing of the door caught his attention, and when he turned to look at me his cheeks flushed bright red.
That was when I realised this was probably the least amount of clothing he'd seen me in for a long time. We hadn't been intimate in what felt like forever, and we had both started wearing pyjamas to bed. I felt a little awkward, shifting my weight between my feet before avoiding eye contact and stepping into the hot water. I sat on the opposite side to him, feeling a little awkward and wrapping my arms around my body despite it being masked by the steamy water.
Suddenly Shoto moved around to my side, sitting so close next to me and taking my hand in his. My heart rate excelled, unsure on what to think as he held them tightly. I looked up at him, surprised to see slight tears in his heterochromatic eyes. He caught me completely off-guard when he pulled me in for a kiss, my eyes wide with shock.
Before long I found myself kissing back, his other arm wrapped around my waist and pulling me closer to him. What shocked me even more however was that I soon felt his tears running down his cheeks. I quickly pulled away, suddenly seeing him break down in front of me. My heart broke as he covered his face with one hand whilst still clutching mine tightly. "S-Shoto...?"
"I'm sorry (y/n)," he whispered, looking up at me with red eyes. "I've been so selfish and so stupid and I'm- I'm sorry..."
"Oh, Shoto," I whispered, my heart hurting with how upset he looked. "It takes two or more people to argue... so I'm sorry too," I whispered, trying to stop tears from coming to my eyes.
"You have nothing to be sorry for (y/n), you've been the one caring for our children, our house and me, and what do I do? I shout at you, I say horrible things and I leave when things get too hard... you deserve so much better than me-,"
"No, please don't say that Shoto. I love you, I love you so much," I whispered, tears beginning to fall from my eyes.
"I love you too (y/n), so much... please don't leave me," he whispered the last part but it was still loud enough for me to hear.
"Shoto, I'm never going to leave you!" I said, perhaps a little louder than I meant to. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and buried my head into his neck, refusing to let go as I mumbled repeatedly about how much I loved him. His strong arms held onto me tighter as he hid his head into my neck, whispering similar things. We sat there in each others hold for a while before looking back at each other and pressing our lips together for a passionate kiss.
"I love you, I love our family, I love our life... I promise I'll make it up to you," he whispered.
"Shoto it's okay, your love is enough-,"
"I promise I'll love you forever. I meant every single one of those vows up on that alter, I'm sorry for how I've been during these past months, I promise I'll prove to you how much I love you," he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine and I just chuckled. "I love you (y/n)."
"I love you too Shoto."
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