Golden leaves blew down from branches as they swirled around in the air above of us before landing near our feet.

The day was still grey, the sun was doing a great job hiding away, and the clouds were doing a great job helping.

I sighed happily as I turned towards the trees. It had been raining a while ago, the wet narrow road stood witness to that. But it was calm now, it seemed like it would be a while before the rain would grace us again.

As we continued to stroll down the path, my gaze wandered and stopped at the bed of white daffodils we were slowly approaching. Wild and untamed. The partially dead trees harboring it under their dying branches and slightly browning leaves. The grass however, looked as green as they came in this part of the area.

"This part of the park was not opened to public till 1993," Bryce spoke out and I tilted my head up in order to smile at him.

"It's beautiful." I said, grasping onto Bryce's arm tightly before leaning in closer to him as we continued to stroll.

We strolled around in peaceful silence for quite sometime before Bryce unexpectedly stopped and turned.

I gasped in surprise as the grip on my arm tightened and I was pulled in for a hug.

"Did I ever tell you how I felt when I saw you by the swing?"

I smiled. "I don't recall so. No."

"I thought you were the most beautiful girl I have seen in my entire existence-"

I felt him place a small kiss on my hair before he continued.

"I actually stared at you for quite some time before deciding to wake you up. Selfishly regretted it the rest of the night,"

"Why were you acting so mysterious, and Italian, really? " I cocked an eyebrow up at him as I played with his t-shirt.

"Well I made a blind throw, I didn't exactly what you to understand what I was saying. But then I wanted to say it all the more." He replied chuckling.

"Funny," I rolled my eyes, smacking his back lightly.

Bryce's deep chuckle rang out around the mostly empty park, and I titled my head upward only to smile at the sight of his brightly lit face as he continued to chuckle. His bright blue eyes showing me the depths of the bright blue sea.

Bryce crossed his eyes towards his nose and the soft spot of brown on one of his iris showed itself making my breath hitch in my throat. "You're so pretty."

A gasp ripped out of my lips as soon as I realized that I had said that out loud and my palms instantly found my shocked, gaping mouth.

Bryce on the other hand only shuddered slightly before replying, "I believe the word you were looking for was sexy,"

Oh wow! ... but yes ... but wow...

Despite his obvious confidence I couldn't lie, it was the truth, no one, no one could be able to deny. Bryce was sexy.

So I took the easy way.

"Mhmm," I hummed, indifferently.

Bryce turned towards me.

"You don't think so?"


He frowned. "If not sexy then what?"


I smirked. "Pretty. Like a princess!"

I couldn't help stifle the giggle that erupted out of me as Bryce moved back to look at me properly before in one swift moment taking me in his arms and twirling me around.

In our little haze we almost took no idea about the guy standing behind a fairly thick tree trunk, watching us with a firmly placed glare.

Only when he walked out of the shadows did I take notice, my laughter dying slightly when his expression registered in my brain, slightly diminishing the high of being the little moment.

"R-Roman! What are you doing here? We didn't see you!" I rasped out, surprised as Bryce turned towards him with a blank face before placing me down onto the ground again.

Roman stood infront of us, his blazing gaze settling on Bryce's for a minute before returning to mine. He was that crazy kind mad again.

"I was just passing by," Roman gritted out. I noticed his first clenched against the dark jeans he had worn today.


I jumped suddenly when a deep growl tumbled against my back, piercing through the quiet air around us.

"Stop staring at her!" Bryce growled again, his arms sliding around my waist before holding me tightly against him.

Roman's glare deepened, but he didn't look away.

"You're going to hurt her."

Another growl. "No I'm not. She's mine!"

Roman growled now, taking a few stances towards us before backing up again. Just like he always did when he was at the brick of utter destruction, "You know what I mean! Just tell her!"

This had to end.

I sighed. Looking back at Bryce I poked his side with my free arm to get his attention before motioning him to let me go.

Reluctantly, he did.

I turned to face him.

"Let me talk to him?"


So difficult!



Impossible! Think! Think Thi!

"I'll admit you're sexy?"

I could have breathed out 'Oh, Thank God' when a small smile broke on Bryce's lip and even though reluctantly, he nodded.

Mouthing a thanks, I turned towards Roman and with a hesitant step, began walking towards him. Slowly. Cautiously.

All the while—my recently made friend, Rome stood his ground and stared. His expressions fuming, and yet his were eyes blank.

Why is he so angry?

As I finally stood in front of him, I sighed, fisting my shaky hands beside my skirt. I didn't want to turn around and look at Bryce. I didn't want to see where the small bursts of growls were coming from.

"He will hurt you Thi." Roman suddenly snarled, and I shuddered from the viciousness of the growl that ripped out from behind me afterwards.

Do it moron! You both may hate each other, but he's your friend.

A soft sigh left my lips as I finally mustered enough courage to tilt my head up and look at Roman. He on the other hand, stood watching my sternly.

Taking a step forward into his personal space, I let my shoes slightly touch his before putting out my hand and wrapping it around his neck. Instantly his arms went around my waist holding me tight.

I ignored the growl that came from Bryce. Instantly feeling guilty, but not knowing why. I was just comforting Roman.

"I really really like him," I whispered softly as Roman breathed into my hair.

"How can you know! It's barely been a month! You barely even know Alex!"

I sighed. "It... I don't know Rome. It feels like there is this thing that's pulling me towards him."

Roman slumped against me, his breathing returning back to normal.

"I won't let him hurt you," he whisper promised. "I don't care if your his or he's K—" He paused for a second, "—I will kill him"


Shaking the curiosity away a nervous chuckle left my lips as I nodded, "Okay, deal. But now it is time to make peace."

I grabbed hold of his arm and turned towards Bryce. It took everything in me not to shudder when I saw just how livid Bryce looked.

"You shouldn't touch me right now." Roman whispered beside me, regarding Bryce with equally angry eyes.

My gaze still on Bryce I nodded and immediately let go on Rome's hand and started walking towards Bryce who pulled me into his arms as soon as I was at arms reach.

"Mine," he growled, his tone menacing.

I rolled my eyes. "You and your brother need to make peace"

"Cousin brother," Roman quickly butted in but I ignored him.

Bryce snarled at Roman again. "No,"



"Stop being clouded by jealousy, you guys know this is the right thing to do!" I snapped at the both of them before they could bluntly refuse me again.

I felt Bryce sigh against me as he let go and moved back, before extending his arm towards Rome.

Rome glanced at me and I nodded smiling. He gripped onto Bryce's hand and gave it a good shake.

"I must leave now," Roman spoke, eyeing me as he smiled softly.

I nodded, "Okay! I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Yeah, later." He agreed before turning around and disappearing into the woods again.


"Why did he take the wood's route?" I asked Bryce, turning to face him.

He shrugged. "Roman prefers the atmosphere in the woods. It's peaceful."

I giggled. "Well I guess so do you. Since, you know, you come and go by the woods often as well. And there is that monkey man aspect t—."

I stared at Bryce gaping at him. "Did you just roll your eyes at me mister!"

He did it again.

"That's it!" I yelled, jumping on his back, "You're going to give me a piggyback ride!"

Bryce's arms instantly went under my legs, hooking them around himself securely while he chuckled.

God, his torso...*dies of intense bliss*

"You're just something else Theia Anderson"


'...Some antibiotic inhibitors that could be involved at different protein synthesis steps are:
Diphtheria toxin. This inhibitor inactivates EF-2 and thus, prevents the translocation

Clindamycin and erythromycin, which blocks (due to irreversible binding) to a site within the 50S sub-unit of the ribosome. It is in this way that it inhibit the translocation. And lastly,

Ricin (from castor beans) is a very potent toxin that exerts its effects by removing an adenine from 28S rRNA, thus inhibiting the function of eukaryotic ribosomes.'

"Finally!" I mumbled, exhausted as I put the pen down and rubbed gently on my sore fingers. "What was I thinking, thinking it would be better to write rather than type this damned essay! "

Now don't get me wrong, I loved Biology. I just hated those lengthy essays Mrs. Jenson never forgot to hand out our way whenever we started a new topic.

Flipping close the book I got out of the seat and marched towards my bedroom door. It didn't take me long to reach the kitchen, it didn't take me long enough to avoid seeing my dad kissing mom smack on her lips as if he were a starved man.

I don't know about him being starved or not Theia but you sure are scarred for life.

"Alright break it up people! PG-13 in front of the kid please!" I yelled, opening the fridge and getting out my left over pizza. Yes! Dad didn't manage to find them!

"Hey! Where did you get that pizza from?!" Dad exclaimed, eyeing my beautiful pizza with yearning.

I smirked, and bringing the place at my chest rubbed it like it were a lamp. "My precious"

"Theia," mum scowled me and I rolled my eyes, before handing my dad a big piece and doing the same with her.

"Thank you." dad mumbled, his mouth packed with pizza. Did I forget to mention my dad loves pizza?

"All good, old man," I giggled as I moved towards the living room and plopping in front of the TV switched the channel to Glee.

Too busy staring at Kevin McHale, who I had had a crush since his NLT days, I didn't notice my dad settle himself beside me.

"So, Alexander Bryce Wilhem, aye?"

Kevin's so cu-


"Hmm-HUEY!" I glared at dad, "Turn the tv back on dad!! Pleasee!!"

He chuckled, shaking his head. "There is a re-run tomorrow. Right now, I need to talk to you."


I sat there looking at dad expectantly, hoping I looked calm on the outside, I felt anything but that on the inside though. What If he didn't like Bryce?

"Alexander Wilhem, how do you feel about him?"

I frowned. "Er... Dad—I like him. A lot. A LOT a lot. Th—the—it feels like there is this rope, and it's pulling me towards him. I've never felt this way before, you know? I..." My voice died down, this was the part I was afraid to admit.

"Go on," dad encouraged, a soft smile on his lips.

I sighed. "It feels like... maybe... one day... I could l—love him"

Dad nodded, surprising me. "Theia, I want you to know that that's normal. Okay? And your mother and I approve."

He approves!!

A smile broke on my lips and before he could prepare himself I leaped into dads arms. "Thank you dad! I love you so much!"

Dad chuckled merrily as he rubbed my back. "I know darling. But Theia... There is something else I want to have a talk about."

"Sure dad," I smiled, and moved back to sit on my space.

"Theia... There are things we think we know about this world. The things that we deem normal. Usual. But Dove, one must keep their minds open to new things. Things and facts that are new to us but may in fact be even older, more superior."

I frowned. "I- I don't know what you're trying to tell me dad,"

He smiled as me lovingly, his hand soothing down my hair warmly. "I just want you to know that if you ever come across a situation that isn't deemed normal by human standards. Don't run away. Keep an open mind Thi. The unknown is a dangerous thing Theia, but, it is also the most beautiful."

Still slightly confused I managed to nod at my dad as he smiled at me warmly, got up and turned towards the stairs, declaring that he was off to bed.

But not before reminding me to be in bed before twelve.

Situation that isn't deemed normal?

Shaking away the thoughts I looked towards the clock and sighed. 11:20 PM

"Guess it's time for bed," I mumbled to myself as I made my way to the kitchen and placing the dishes in the sink began to scrub and rinse them.

The sound of the storm going around outside made me smile. Even after hours since its beginning, the rain was still pouring down as heavily as ever. I could imagine the trees slightly wavering in their places being pushed and pulled with the strong forces of the wind.

The storm had started yesterday, just after I came back home from the date, although it did seem like only minutes ago actually.

Still smiling contently I wiped my hands and moved towards the stairs.

Walking in, I turned and closed my bedroom door shut.

Just then what felt like a pebble hit my window with a good amount of force and I stilled.

Seriel killer! Oh my god Jeff the Killer?

No no Thi don't move towards the window! That's what it wants! A tiny voice in my head pleaded as my feet from automatically moved towards the window.

I gasped when I saw Bryce gripping onto bare walls with his... hands? While the other was fishing in his pocket, soon retrieving a pebble.

He turned and our eyes met, I immediately slid open the window, and a gush of wind blew on my face, bringing with it the bone chilling rain.

Bryce jumped into the room on all fours.

Still quiet I closed the window shut and grabbed hold of his hand, pulling him towards the bathroom. He needed a warm shower if he wanted to stay out of bed and not sick with a cold or flu or something!

He let me lead him, following me slowly.

Walking into the bathroom I turned the shower on before pushing him in.

I turned towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Bryce immediately called out.

I stopped in my tracks and turned.

"There is a bloody storm going around and you're hanging by my home's wall! How can you even do that!? And I thought you told me to stay in because of the storm! That applies to you too! Just—Just shower and let me go and see if you had the sense to bring clothes in that bag of yours."

A low growl sounded in the bathroom but he nodded and I turned towards the door once more walking and closing it beside me.

I grabbed hold of the bag still lying on the floor by the open window. Moving towards the window I closed it shut before grabbing hold of the bag and pulling out its content. Okay shouldn't have done that. His boxers were the first thing that popped out.

My face heated I quickly placed the pair of boxes on the bed and pulled out a pair of navy blue sweatpants and a white t-shirt, before placing them on top of the boxers.

Just then warm wet arms slipped around waist and pulled me back against a wall.

"Wasn't that a little too early?" I breathed, the sensations running along my belly and arm too overpowering.

"I had already bathed before coming over," Bryce mumbled back, his voice low and husky.

It was then that I noticed something fairly large and hard poking me on my lower back, I frowned, and then gasped, my breath hitching in my throat.

"Bryce! You-you're naked!" I whisper yelled, wishing my heart could slow down with the excessive beating. It was hurting my chest.


He brought a hand around to my hair and moved it to one side, leaning down and dipping his nose into the crook of my neck.

He let out a content sigh.

"I missed you."

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