Chapter Twelve: Third Date, Part One
I closed my apartment door and leaned back against it as I closed my eyes.
I couldn't deny that I had fun. Between the dancing and talking, I felt that I knew who he really was and where he stood now.
But it was also the second date that I was questioning why he refused to acknowledge the chemistry between us.
Like the gentleman he was, Chris walked me back to my apartment and gave me a quick hug, before taking off to his place.
I longed for his touch again. I wanted to feel his hands explore me and his tongue leave a trail of goosebumps over his skin.
Whatever the female equivalent of blue balls was, I definitely had it now.
I sighed and trudged over to my bedroom, ready to call it a night and get to work on satisfying the unspoken needs I had for him.
- - -
The next morning, I was enjoying a leisurely breakfast when Julia called.
"I have the shoot details!" She chimed into my ear in a sing-song voice.
I sipped more coffee to force myself to wake up. "Oh yeah?" I was dying to know what I would be modeling, but I tried to keep my voice level.
"So it'll be on Friday, two weeks from now. Mr. Decker has a studio next to his loft and said you can meet him there at 8 AM."
Just me?
"Oh, will you be there?" I asked to clarify.
"Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it - I'll be on vacation. But I can see if Melissa can accompany you?"
"Oh, no you don't have to. It'll be fine," I hastily refused.
I hope.
"Anything else I need to know?"
"I'll send you the address, but that's all I have for now. I asked him about which piece you'd be modeling..."
I sat up with interest.
"And he said he's having all the models come in without knowing it, so the reaction is authentic."
Damn it. Well, she tried?
"Thanks, Julia. I really appreciate it." I sincerely hoped I was hiding the disappointment in my voice.
"Anytime! Well I've got to go - enjoy the rest of your weekend!"
I hung up and set my chin in my hands. What other mysteries did Chris have waiting for me now?
Just as I finished the thought, my phone chimed with a text. Speak of the devil.
Chris: [I gave your manager the details. And we have one week left to squeeze in that last date.]
I rubbed my temple, not sure if my developing headache was from a lack of caffeine or my waning patience with him.
Alexis: [I suppose we do.]
Chris: [Dress for the outdoors next Friday. And wear comfy shoes - no heels allowed ;) ]
I sighed and stared at his text.
I had a week to get myself and my urges under control so I wouldn't jump him in the wilderness.
- - -
Chris pulled up to my apartment entrance again, this time in the late afternoon.
I stepped out to his car, dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt, and tennis shoes. I had a light sweatshirt tied around my waist, just in case it got cold.
He stepped out in jeans, a red flannel shirt, and tennis shoes and leaned in to give me another quick hug before opening my door for me.
I held my breath and pulled away from the hug to control myself. Damn him and his intoxicating cologne.
"You ready?" He asked once we were settled into the car.
"As ready as I can be for not knowing where we're going or what we're doing..."
He changed the radio station before pulling back out into traffic.
He smirked and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "You seemed to like the past few surprises."
I crossed my arms and looked out the window to see the city passing by. "I did," I grumbled, sinking further into the seat.
At first, it was cute. Romantic, even. Now, it was starting to feel inauthentic. Game-like.
"Are you angry? Because we're going to be stuck in this car for an hour and a half..." He asked, but didn't dare to look over at me.
I turned and glared at him.
How was I supposed to respond to that? I was sexually frustrated and trying not to sabotage this date.
"Just drive."
"Ohh-kayy..." He breathed out and turned up the radio.
- - -
"Hey, Alexis - wake up."
I was startled by the light pat on my shoulder. Apparently I fell asleep during the drive.
"We're here."
My eyes fluttered open to reveal the base of a forest-covered mountain ahead of us. I stifled a yawn and stretched out my stiff neck.
"Do you feel up for a hike? We're doing an easy trail, I promise."
With the cramped nap I took in the passenger seat, some fresh air would do me good. "Yeah, let's do it."
We unbuckled our seatbelts and got out of the car. Before he locked it, Chris pulled his backpack out of the trunk and pulled it on.
"We need a backpack for an "easy hike"?" I eyed the backpack suspiciously.
"It's just snacks and water." He shrugged and walked past me, leading the way.
I shook my head and followed after him.
We mostly hiked in silence, with the occasional check-in here or there. Despite sticking with my gym regimen, I wasn't a fan of this "incline hiking".
As the sun was setting, we finally stopped to appreciate the view of the river valley below us. Chris slipped off his backpack and unzipped it to grab us water bottles.
"Thanks." I whispered and we both took a drink in silence. "It's... beautiful," I observed aloud, feeling the air start to grow cold around us. "Do you hike here often?"
Chris scratched the side of his jaw and took a sip of his water, shaking his head. "Not as much as I'd like. But I used to when I first moved here."
I unwrapped my sweater from my waist and pulled it over me. "What made you want to bring me here?"
Chris kicked a few rocks off to the side with his feet. Something just didn't feel right today.
"I was actually hoping we'd talk on the hike. But guess I was wrong."
I crossed my arms, tired of this game. I had just about enough by now.
"Well, if this is where we're at, maybe we should just head home." I shook my head and took a deep breath as I felt my heart sink.
Why did I fight so hard for something so frustrating?
After a long silent pause, I huffed and turned to hike back down the way we came.
I heard Chris hurriedly slip his backpack on and follow after me. "Alexis, wait -"
"No!" I yelled, turning around abruptly to face him. "I'm done with the surprises and the games. If you don't want me, I can take a hint."
I spun back around and continued hiking down. "Don't worry about your shoot - I'll still do it. But after that, I never want to see you again."
I heard him jog after me and grab my arm. I yanked it out of his reach.
"Leave me alone," I ordered through gritted teeth.
He complied and followed me down quietly.
When we made it back to his car, I couldn't even look at him. He started the car and a few minutes down the road, a shrill beep cut the silence.
"...what was that?" I asked reluctantly, closing my eyes and rubbing the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger.
He sighed and I felt the car pull over.
"That was the check engine light..."
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