Chapter 8: Azmuth's Message-Enemies in High Places

We cut to outer space where we see a twisted white and black cosmic storm like cloud, circling the earth's moon as the mysterious cloaked alien figure stood in the center of it all, watching Ben and the Loud siblings through a glowing orb.

Cloaked figure: So... Ben is training some acolytes in hopes to overcome my power. Commendable but pointless... though our power gap is worlds apart, I still refuse to underestimate what Tennyson has up his sleeve. Even against the odds countless times... Ben has prevailed time and time over the universal threats he faced.

The figure thought for a moment until he spoke.

Cloaked figure: Hmmmm... perhaps a few... associates are in order.

The figure spreads his arms wide as black and white aura surrounded his hands.

Cloaked figure: Now... Come!

A sinister light shined bright in front of the figure, showing his cold, soulless eyes. Soon, the light faded as a couple of familiar individuals stood before the cloaked figure.

???: What the?!

???: How did we get here?

???: (noticed the cloaked figure) You, what is the meaning of this? I demand you Identify yourself and why have brought me here, lowly worm...

Cloaked figure: (unfazed) No need for threats... I know of your position and high rank, Vilgax, Conqueror of ten worlds.

The one named Vilgax narrowed his eyes.

Cloaked figure: I know more about you, all of you... Albedo, Aggregor, Dr. Animo, Charmcaster, Darkstar,  Ghostfreak, Hex and Eon. Each great individuals capable of extraordinary things, enslaved and/or destroyed many who stood before you but... you all seem to have a similar thorn in your sides... that same thorn that had bested you time and time again... the human with the omnitrix, Ben Tennyson.

The nine villains had mixed expression, mostly anger, cold silents and/or narrowed eyes filled with hate.

Ghostfreak: I thought I sensed an unusual power when I was once again trapped within the device by that wretched Ben Tennyson... you freed me...?

Cloaked figure: Yes... Ben Tennyson and I have crossed paths, I bested him and unleashed corruption code 10 by infusing my power to his Ultimatrix  upon earth, soon all will fall to Corruption as will the Universe...

Dr. Animo: So you managed to kill that nuisance?

Cloaked Figure: He managed to escape me though as The Ultimatrix has reboot his alien functions, its true powers are weakened.

Charmcaster: So why have you brought us here?

Cloaked figure: Simple... I want you to join me. I plan to engulf the earth & the universe in Corruption... destroying it and bringing forth a new world from the ashes, a new world where I am it's sole successor...

Vilgax: The universe is mine to rule alone and there's no place for you in it.

Eon: You are a fool if you think I'm going to be a mere pawn in your game... the world is mine to devastate.

Ghostfreak: You freed me from the Ultimatrix but in exchange, I'll merge with you and no power in the universe will stop me, hehehahaha...

Aggregor: I am no one's servant... I'll take your powers and put them to great use... for my own ambitions.

Albedo: If anyone's going to rule this universe and claim the head of Ben Tennyson, it's me. (Alters his DNA at will, turning into Swampfire, only difference is he has red eyes and no omnitrix symbol)

Hex: I am the most powerful and master magician, Hex. The world shall be under MY rule....

Charmcaster: (to Hex) Tch! Your time has passed Hex, I am the future. (To the cloaked figure) and you are nothing more than a vermin in my way.

Darkstar: Revenge is a dish best served cold... and I do owe Ben, Kevin and Lovely Gwen that... so how about I feed off you and make your powers my own.

Dr. Animo: I, Dr. Animo will be the one that dispose of Ben Tennyson and bring a glorious new order of species to the world! Though I'm curious to see what's in YOUR DNA through experimentation and I plan to take all you have for my creations... (grins evilly) as painfully as possible!

The nine villains looked ready to fight.

Cloaked figure: Being Defiant, huh? I suppose I should show you what happens to those who oppose me...

The Cloaked figure spreads his arms wide as black and white aura surrounded his hands as Vilgax, Albedo, Aggregor, Hex, Charmcaster, Darkstar, Eon, Ghostfreak and Dr. Animo were about to attack him.

Cloaked figure: Now... feel agony....

Suddenly, the nine villains stopped in their tracks as their entire bodies were glowing white and black, falling to the ground and yelling or screaming in excruciating pain.

Dr. Animo: Aaaggghhhhhh!!!!

Aggregor: Ngh! What is... this?

Hex: You... What have you done to me?! Guaaaaaahhhhh!!!!

Eon: Impossible... Impossible...!

Vilgax: This... power...

Cloaked figure: (cold tone) If you want this pain to end, you either join me or you perish....

Ghostfreak: Gaaaaaahhhhh... this burns worse than the light! Fine, I'll join you....!

Dr. Animo: Aaagghhh!!! Very well, I'll hear you out!

Darkstar: Aaaaaaggghhhhhhhh!!!!

Cloaked figure: Very good... (removes his attack from the nine villains)

Albedo: Huff... huff... alright, you've convinced us. What do you want?

Cloaked figure: (Brings the orb) First off, allow me to show you what's happening right now. (Show image within the orb) as we speak, the DNA rupture I released on earth is corrupting any human and animal DNA, mutating them into a mindless, savage beast like state of Ben's aliens, easily to control and bend to my will. (The image within the orb changed, revealing Ben and the louds) And it seems that Tennyson has recruited some allies as well as constructing multiple omnitrixs.

Vilgax: Ten Omnitrixs....

Albedo: (angry) Ten Omnitrixs?! It's bad enough this unworthy human has the Ultimatrix but that fool constructed TEN Omnitrixs for TEN unworthy human scum?!

Eon: Grrrr... that insolent...

Cloaked figure: They will try to rise up against us, these humans may have their own prototype omnitrixs but they're farthest from reaching their true capabilities. Assist me with spreading the corruption energy and destroying Ben 10 once & all... do this and you'll be rewarded ten-fold...

The nine villains thought about it before nodding in agreement but still had their own intentions in mind.

Vilgax: Very well... for now, this alliance is official to ensure the universe will be ours but know this... when Ben 10 falls & this alliance is terminated and I'll be coming after you, creature...

Cloaked figure: Hmph. I'll keep that in mind... now, shall we begin?


Back to the loud house, we see Ben & the louds facing the creator of the omnitrix & ultimatrix, Azmuth.

Azmuth: Ben Tennyson, do you know what you have done?!

Ben: I know Azmuth, I know and I'm sorry, okay? I'm doing all I can to fix the people of earth infected the DNA rupture wave from my watch when that alien touched it-

Azmuth: That and you made copies of the Ultimatrix for Ten random humans beings, who don't know of the knowledge and powers that they wield.

Ben: I know but I'm teaching them how to use the custom omnitrixs. Plus, they offered to help me out despite being them new at this. I get that it's foolish, irresponsible and-

Azmuth: Understandible Ben Tennyson but I'm not here to give a lecture on your mistakes in this.

Lisa: Pardon me but it is a pleasure to meet you, creator of the omnitrix and ultimatrix, Azmuth. I am Lisa loud, I was the one who assisted Ben in creating the ten custom omnitrixs. I may look young but I am a prodigy of science and technology.

Azmuth: Hmmm... that's intriguing. Anyway, I've come to warn you of the alien that you came face to face with, he's must worse than anyone you've faced... he is the last of his kind and plans to stop at nothing to reshape the entire universe in his twisted image, how he escaped our gaze is unknown but now he's back & at his full power.

Ben: So you know who or what I just fought?

Azmuth: As for who he is, I'm not sure. But what he is... the being is called as a Corruptrarom, a deadly alien species only known to infect & consume various DNA, mutating other species and driving them into utter madness, physically and mentally.

Lincoln: Whoa...

Luna: Yikes, that's freaky dude...

Lucy: Sigh... wicked.

Lori and Lynn: (stern glares) Lucy!

Lucy: Sorry, you know what I'm about... sigh...

Azmuth: Their capabilities are also similar to those of a celestialsapien (Alien X) and a To'kustar (Way big), making them nearly an unstoppable force. They have corrupted and conquered centuries of planets. They were an absolute danger to all in the universe until myself, the galvan, the plumbers and various alien races went to war with the Corruptraroms.

Ben: Really? How come you never told me about that?

Azmuth: My own Business, Ben Tennyson. Anyways, the war was catastrophic, many lives were lost but in the end we were victorious. The Corruptrarom planet was wiped out, every corrupted planet they've  infected we've managed to cure with a special remedy and the twisted aliens were nowhere or... so I thought.

Ben: So the guy I fought, that hurt grandpa Max, the one that... changed Kevin and Gwen was the last of these Corruptrarom guys that were wiped out centuries ago?

Azmuth: Yes. Seeing as you're still intact, the Ultimatrix keeps you safe from the Corruptrarom's effects but it's power has weakened the Ultimatrix.

Ben: Weaken?

Azmuth: Yes, I'll come by soon to reboot the Ultimatrix to it's full strength.

Ben: Okay, Azmuth... how are Gwen, Kevin and Grandpa Max?

Azmuth: Max Tennyson is nearly at 100%, he's gonna be okay. As for Gwen and Kevin, we're doing all we can to reverse what the Corruptrarom's effects did to them. I've sent other galvan and the assistance of the plumbers to various planets to find the ingredients for the special remedy needed to cure the Corruptrarom's DNA rupture as you can see I'm running low on. Once the supplies are full, I'll be able to transfer the remedy's DNA code to your Ultimatrix so you can undo the corruption that is happening on earth.

Ben: Got it.

Azmuth: But right now, you must train these ten humans, find the Corruptrarom wrecking Havok and stop him at all cost... the trials ahead of you will be dire Ben Tennyson... Be ready, all of you...

Azmuth's image projection vanished.

To be continued...

(Chapter 8 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. The mysterious OC alien has brought back nine of Ben's most dangerous enemies and has forged an alliance. Azmuth has returned with serious news about the alien known as the Corruptrarom and it's origin story. Will Ben Tennyson and the louds be ready for the trials ahead? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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