Unlike most people, Ashtyn Montgomery never really looked forward to Fridays. While the whole working population must be celebrating and cheering, 'Thank God it's Friday,' she was loathing for the weekend.
She took a quick glance at the clock on her computer. Three o' clock. "Home time," she sang nonchalantly as she hit the save button of her work for the Nth time that day before shutting down her computer. She pulled her bag out of her bottom drawer and swung her bag over her shoulder. "See you on Monday!" She bade the office as she picked up the mug that still had the green tea she prepared two hours ago. "Eeeww," she grimaced as she felt how cold it has gone. She had been too engrossed doing edit logs for the footages taken from one of the events the company handled a week before. Looking at the pile of discs and tapes on her desk, bundled accordingly by elastic bands, she sighed. Thirty-six hours worth of footage and they want me to complete the logs by Tuesday? she shook her head in disbelief. She was pressed for time but in spite of that, she was happy. She enjoyed it. While everyone regarded it as one of the most boring chores in the post-production process, Ashtyn saw it as an opportunity. A stepping-stone towards something more important. Who knew? Maybe next week, her luck might change. She might start editing herself. Or be part of the marketing team, or help with setting up venues, organise designs or entertainment. Or...she would be just happy to be the gopher. Go-pher this. Go-pher that! she giggled. The possibilities of what she could do in the company were endless! She couldn't help feeling giddy over the thought. "It'll happen!" she exclaimed positively.
She looked around her to make sure that she hasn't forgotten anything. The office was bare. It was basically just a big room that had a glass computer desk tucked against the far left corner of the room. Other than a powerful iMac, keyboard, mouse and a pile of DVDs and tapes, there was nothing else on the desk. There were three drawers that were practically empty, except for the top one that contained her basic stationery—a wad of sticky notes, a pad of paper, a pen, a mechanical pencil and an eraser. The only thing that belonged to her in that office was a micro-bead pillow that she squished between her fingers while they took a bit of a break from tapping across the keyboard. When she gets tired of staring at the computer screen, all she had to do was swing her very comfortable executive chair to the right and she would be gazing out of the big panel window that gave her a picturesque view of Perth's cityscape and the Swan River. If she swung her chair another ninety degrees, she was facing a bare, white wall. If it weren't for the plastic plants that stood on each side, it would be pathetically boring. The other wall had a huge whiteboard with nothing written on it. Dull as it was, she still liked it. If they permanently assign this office to me, she thought, Baby, I'm giving you a makeover! She looked around the office one last time, making sure that she hasn't forgotten anything. "See you on Monday," she sang again and switched off the lights.
She walked down the wide corridors. As opposed to her office, it had more life. Everyone seemed to be walking briskly around as if they were running out of time. She could sense the stress in the air. It was the weekend after all. Most events were held on the weekends and every tiny detail had to be in place. Everything had to be perfect. To be part of team creating that perfection was what she has longed for.
She found herself smiling again. "I'm here, but not quite there yet!" And when I get there, the weekends will be a blast!
It was less than a year ago when she attended her lecturer's wedding, whose husband-to-be was a very wealthy man. She was just a few months off from finishing her Bachelors in Media and Communications then. She expected that the bride and groom would normally just invite friends and relatives. She didn't expect that Miss Tyler would invite the whole class. First thing she thought, Is she for real? But being the show off that she was, she was indeed for real. The groom was just as arrogant. Probably, with all that money, they both wanted to splurge big time to get people talking and all.
No one in her class wanted to go. Besides, she had other commitments—commitments that have kept her occupied every single night and she has kept up with it for over two years. She spotted Miss Tyler as she was entering the library. She intended to avoid her but her teacher saw her before she even had a chance to pretend that she didn't see her. Just when she was about to open her mouth to express her apologies for not being able to make it, Miss Tyler had the first word in.
"Miss Montgomery!" she exclaimed. "You are coming to the wedding, right?"
"Miss, I—"
"I look forward to seeing you. Don't concern yourself with a present. Just come, eat, drink, dance and enjoy. There will be a lot of important people. Mingle." She gently gave the young girl's cheek a gentle tap. "I don't know what your plans are, or what you want to do after uni, but if you haven't established your social network to help you secure your future, you can start at my reception."
Ashtyn was dumbfounded with the woman's words. Was that her intention for inviting the whole class? To help with their network? Getting a job in her field of study was difficult. Unless she had a great deal of work experience or a good set of contacts, she would probably end up at a random office as a clerk or be stuck in entertainment. So she decided to attend the 'circus', as her classmates called it, even though she was alone. I suppose, before you get your foot in the door, you first must knock.
Her jaw dropped as she came face to face with the enormous double gates that protected the mansion where the reception was being held. "Wow!" she gasped. She heard that the houses in the Mosman Park area were beautiful but this was something else. She suddenly felt out of place as she walked up the driveway. It was as if she was in a different country. Her eyes lingered around the exquisite front garden with sculptured hedges of swans and spirals. The meticulously trimmed landscape lit up with dainty lights that flickered like fireflies and the air carried the dainty fragrance of gardenias.
"Oooh wow!" she gasped again when she reached footpath that led towards the mansion's entrance. The French architectural design was absolutely stunning. From the front porch, she could already see the brightly lit chandeliers hanging from the cathedral ceilings of the foyer. When she entered the huge house, she couldn't help her eyes from sweeping around the enormous space around her. It seemed like all the furniture was taken out to make room for ice sculptures, exotic flower arrangements and guests. She continued to walk forward, following the crowd towards another room that looked more elegant than the previous. Her jaw dropped once again upon seeing the elegant staircases on both sides of the room that curved towards each other. She could imagine that the bride and groom must have stood at the top of the stairs, waving to their guests from behind the wooden balustrades. Then separating to walk down the carpeted steps, only to meet each other again at the end. "My god, this is so beautiful," she sighed under her breath. The staircase also served as an archway that led to another room. The jarrah panels that had intricate floral carvings decorated the sides of the stairs. From where she was standing, it seemed like the rich reddish stain of the wood was an arched picture frame for the black grand piano that stood in the middle of the next room.
She walked through the arch. The room was circular, filled with tall arched French windows. This must be the ballroom. She looked up and the chandelier that hung from the high ceiling was even bigger than the ones in the other rooms. She walked towards the piano and smiled. It was a Steinway & Sons. George would love to play this! she said in her thoughts.
She instantly spun around towards the owner of the voice. He was standing underneath the arch. She walked towards him, ready to leave the room. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just admiring the view," she said apologetically. She didn't know why she was suddenly nervous. It's not like I did something terribly wrong, she told herself. Must be part of the security team, she guessed.
"Do you have your invitation?" His tone was stern.
"Uh, y-yes." She gulped. "Yes, I do" She was surprised to hear herself stammer. She awkwardly tried to open her purse, while still holding the wedding present she had, and was failing miserably. She felt her face warm up as she saw him looking at her impatiently. With his six-foot-something physique towering over her five-foot eight self, he was intimidating. He probably thinks I'm gatecrashing! "This is a great place, huh?" she chuckled nervously, trying to break the awkward silence between them. He was just staring at her squarely. She couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. Underneath the bright lights of the chandelier, his deep-set, blue eyes were very clear. Though they stared at her inquisitively, she felt like she was looking into a crystalline pool of water. Suddenly, she thought that she should have chosen the peacock blue dress over the black one she was wearing. Maybe he would seem more impressed if she wore something that not only matched his eyes, but also showed off her shoulders and a little bit of cleavage. The turtleneck black dress was rather plain and did nothing to flatter her curves. With long-sleeves, a knee-length skirt that slightly puffed and black stockings, she didn't really show much skin. If she had only known that she would have an encounter with a gorgeous man, she would have bothered to wear something more colourful.
"Do you have your invitation?" he repeated.
She watched his strong jaws move as he spoke. He had a well-manicured strap of facial hair that lined his jaw and a matching Van Dyke-style beard that framed his soft lips. Even with the facial hair, she could still see the gentle cleft on his chin. His dark brown hair looked soft that it was tempting to run her fingers through them. His aquiline features made him seem rather heroic and righteous. He was such a beautiful man. God must have been in a very good mood and inspired when he was chiselled into perfection.
Her face turned bright red. Idiot! She must have stared at him for so long. "Sorry!" She felt flustered. She looked around on where to put her gift down. She was a bit far away from the piano and she didn't think it would be appropriate to put the present down on the floor. She looked at him coyly and handed him the box. "Can you please—" He rolled his eyes at her and she swore that she heard a soft breath of frustration from him. She opened her purse and quickly yanked out a cream coloured envelope. "Here you go!"
He handed the gift back to her in exchange for the invitation. He opened the envelope and took out the card. After finding the details he wanted, he inserted it back into the envelope and gave it back to her. "This way to your table, Miss Montgomery," he gestured, leading her back into the main living room.
She almost swooned upon hearing him say her name. She would just love to get her phone and ask him to say her name again while she recorded the deep sounds of his voice. She could imagine it as her alarm tone every morning. Miss Montgomery...Miss Montgomery...Miss Montgomery. She ended up sighing to the thought.
"Is there something wrong?" arching his eyebrows, he asked her.
Ashtyn could feel her face flush again. She didn't expect that he would hear her sigh. "Ummm....I was just relieved that's all," she quickly replied as she followed him through the house. "For a moment, I thought you were going to throw me out."
His eyebrows arched at her, rather perplexed. "Riiigghhht," he nodded casually. "Well, just go through those doors," he pointed towards the large glass doors that led to the garden. "One of the ushers can direct you to your table. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Miss Montgomery," he said with a little bow before he turned around and left her.
"Thank you," she managed to say softly, as if all the energy had been drained from her. She followed him with her gaze. She estimated him to be in his early thirties. Although he looked young, his confident stride, the maturity and the sexiness in him would probably put him between thirty-two and thirty-five. In her mind, she calculated the possible age difference. She was only nineteen. He would definitely see me as some awkward kid lost in a grown-up party!
She watched him talk to a few people, shook hands with them. Looking at his broad shoulders, she was certain that underneath his black suit was a lean body, rippled with muscles that worked out in the gym. He probably could feel her gazing at him intently. He turned around and met her eyes. She felt herself blush again. She quickly spun towards the gardens and made way to find her table.
After dinner, Ashtyn had to go to some place quiet. So this is how the filthy rich throw a party! The ice sculptures and extravagant flower arrangements were strategically placed in and out of the mansion. Photographers and videographers scattered all over the premises like a swarm of paparazzis, making sure that they didn't miss an important moment. The gourmet food was just divine. She would probably pay at least fifty dollars just for the entrée alone! Everyone was definitely happy with the selection of wine and beer offered by waiters. She was even surprised to see professional dancers hired to keep the dance floor occupied!
She sat on a boulder that was part of the lush landscapes. At wedding receptions, the newly married couple were usually the centre of attention. On this occasion, however, she was too busy admiring every detail that created a magical experience.
"You don't seem to be enjoying yourself, Miss Montgomery."
She felt her heart jump upon hearing that familiar voice. She lifted her eyes and met his as he walked closer with a glass of sparkling wine. "I—" There she was again, fumbling for words. "I was just admiring the view." A sense of déjà vu swept over her. She found herself fixated on his handsome face again.
He gestured towards the boulder. "May I?"
She was more than happy to say yes, but she found it hard to speak.
Handing her the wine glass, "Try this," he told her as he sat next to her.
Ashtyn didn't drink. In fact, she didn't like the taste of alcohol. "Thank you," she uttered, accepting the glass. The brief touch of his fingertips against hers filled her cheeks with a sudden warmth.
"There's a hint of lavender in it," he declared.
She took a sip. It was sweet. Probably not as sweet as his lips, she thought. "Mmmm," she nodded. "It's all right." She regretted that there was still a bit of space between them. She would have enjoyed the feeling of his arm touching hers. There was an awkward silence between them. She quickly glanced at him. He looked as if he was in deep thought. Maybe now would be a good time to ask his name. "So, have you encountered any gatecrashers?" she said instead. She squinted painfully to herself. Idiot!
His head turned to her with some confusion. He ignored the question. "So, how are you related to the bride or the groom?" he asked her instead.
"Oh, Miss Tyler—" She bit her lower lip, realising her mistake. "I mean, Mrs. Prescott," she corrected herself, "is my lecturer at uni." She watched the newly married couple. "It's amazing how they planned all of this! It must have been so stressful to make everything so perfect!"
He nodded, agreeing with her. "Yes, it can be."
"Well, she definitely managed it well. She seemed so relaxed in class and really happy. After seeing this, I'm actually surprised that she didn't turn into a bridezilla!" she exclaimed with a gentle giggle under her breath. "I mean....Teaching, grading assignments and organising this—"
"Well, she didn't organise this," he cut her off. "They hired people to do all the nitty-gritty stuff," he told her.
She nodded. "Of course!" She exclaimed, gently tapping her forehead. "Why wouldn't they? They definitely could afford for someone to organise the party."
"They do the lot!"
She sighed. "That is so cool!" In her mind, she thought that she would love to do something like that. Creating concepts and themes. Coordinating the decorations, the staff, the food and entertainment...She took another deep breath. "Put all that together, a party doesn't become just a party. It's a whole spectacular experience!"
He admired the alacrity in her voice. "Well, if—" He was suddenly interrupted by the beeping from the radio he carried. He quickly stood up. "Yes?" he said as he pressed against his earpiece. "Hang on, I'm having trouble hearing you."
She watched him reach for the radio that he clipped to his belt. Other than getting a quick glimpse of his trim waist, she quickly noted the sticker that said Hart Enterprises stuck to the back of the radio.
His fingers fiddled with a few buttons. "There, that's better," he said to the tiny attached to the earpiece. "Okay, I'll be right there." He looked at her. "Well, enjoy the rest of your evening, Miss Montgomery," giving her a slight bow before walking away.
When she got home that night, she turned her computer on and Googled Hart Enterprises. She found their website and discovered that it was one of the biggest event management company in Perth, Western Australia. She read the whole website, viewed the gallery of photographs of events they have organised. She felt a sense of exhilaration upon seeing some of the magic they have created. She definitely wanted to be part of that. She wanted to work for Hart Enterprises and she had a plan. She would be finished with uni by the end of the year, which was just three months away. "After that, I have some qualifications to show them," she said to herself. She was going to ask some friends' help to make a powerful resume for her. She didn't have experience in the area to impress them, so she thought that starting the next morning, anyone planning a party, she'll volunteer to help out in exchange for a good reference. She got too excited with the idea that her heart was pumping. She took a deep breath and ordered herself to calm down. She knew that she had a lot of research to do. Not only about the industry and what was involved, but she had to start establishing a network of suppliers.
She knew that she was getting way ahead of herself. She couldn't help but laugh. "One step at a time, Ashtyn." She finally turned the computer off. She didn't realise that it was close to daybreak and she spent most of the whole night researching on the internet. She hasn't even gotten out of the black dress she wore to the reception the night before. She felt so tired that she didn't bother changing. She slumped herself on her bed. It was Sunday. How she hated the weekend. Perhaps, she could sleep in until the afternoon before she started to prepare for work. If only she could take the night off. That'll be impossible! She was lucky enough that she managed to get the night off so she could attend the wedding reception. Another night off would be totally impossible, she told herself before finally drifting off to sleep.
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