girl meets a previous episode
girl meets hurricane
Lollie Parker
Currently, Maya, Riley, and Lollie have been with Cory, Shawn, and Finn all day, just hanging out.
"They're so cute together!" Riley smiled.
"We're cute together, Riley."
Mr. Matthews picked up a piece of cake with a fork and tried to feed it to Riley.
"Whoa-ho-ho... Oh!"
"What are you doing?"
"Why do they shove cake and we don't shove cake? Riley? Is it over between us?"
"It's not me, Dad. It's you."
"You know... it's very brave of you to stop a tradition, Mr. Matthews." Lollie said.
"So, so... brave." Finn added.
"Okay! Evening over!" Mr. Matthews said.
Maya and Shawn wined, "Hey!"
"Did you girls do your homework?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"I did excellent work." Riley said.
"I did the work." Lollie said.
"I also did excellent work." Maya lied.
"One of us is completely lying."
"Can you guess who?"
"Give them a hint."
"You guys need a hint?" Lollie asked.
"You know, a little discipline isn't a bad thing, Maya." Mr. Matthews said.
"Oh, thanks, Mr. Matthews. I'll ponder on that."
Riley started to smile and rolled her head around.
"I'm sorry, what?" Shawn questioned.
Riley continued to move her head around.
"Yeah. Just because you do the same weird gesture twice doesn't mean I get it."
"You know, this is usually the part of the evening when people give out fatherly advice." Riley said.
"Oh!" Shawn smiled, "No! No, it's not my place."
"Go ahead. What advice you got for me? I can take it."
"Oh, come on! We were having such a good evening. Can't we just leave it at that?"
"What's the matter?" She asked and hit his arm, "Boom! You don't think I can take it? Go ahead. Go ahead. Come on! Let's do this! Tell me to do my homework. Maybe I will just do it. You don't even know it. Come on! Let's do this."
"Why don't you ever do cute gestures like that?" Mr. Matthews asked Riley.
She hit him and he fell to the ground.
Lollie only rested her head on Finn's shoulder. Or what she considered a shoulder. She was very short.
"Come you got something for me. Tell me I dare you." Maya said.
"No, no, no. I have this wonderful instinct for far and we have arrived." Topanga said.
"There's nothing he could say that could bother me."
"She as tough as nails."
"We both are."
"Did you do your homework Lollie?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"You know I always try."
"Well, it's not gonna happen." Shawn said.
Maya started making chicken noises.
"Oh, right, cause chicken noises work on a grown man."
That didn't stop her.
"Cluck. Cluck. I'm a chicken. Cluck." Riley mocked.
"I'm so glad weren't not like any of them." Lollie said.
Finn smiled, "I know, right?"
"Alright, fine. You want one piece of fatherly advice?" Shawn asked.
"Sure." Maya said.
"And here comes the end of everything." Topanga said.
"Give me your best shot." Maya said.
"Oh, bad could it be?" Katy asked.
"I think you should dress differently."
"What you just say to me?" Maya asked.
"Oh, you see. You asked me for advice. I told you, but you pushed me."
Maya started to cry.
"Are you crying? I made you cry?" He asked. "Maya, you asked me for advice and I just told you how I was feeling. Why are you crying?"
"Because no ones has ever cared enough to say that to me before."
Maya hugged him.
"Well, now I would take exception to that, but wow, I like where this is going." Katy said.
"Make it stop. Can we make it stop? How do I make it stop?" Shawn begged, "How about I buy you new clothes?"
The crying instantly stopped.
That's when Riley looked up at her father and began to "cry".
"You has your chance, Riley."
Riley lifted her head off his shoulder. She hit him again and he fell.
Finn and Lollie looked at each other.
"You want clothes?" He asked.
"Yeah... you want clothes?"
"Yeah... I want clothes."
Maya has dragged the group to a store called Demolition.
A store Finn and Lollie had never been. So seeing what was inside was a new story for them.
"Gentlemen, may I now present the new and definitely improved Ms. Maya Hart and Lollie Parker." Riley said.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on out. Let's see what you put together." Shawn said.
Maya was the first to come out of the dressing room in a dress she found.
Lollie sighed, "I really hate this."
"Just come out." Finn said.
Lollie stepped out of the dressing room wearing a yellow dress that Riley picked out.
"Do you like it?" Maya asked.
"Wow. Look at you." Shawn smiled.
"It clashes with your hair." Finn said.
"I told you, Riley."
"Yeah. This might be my favorite day ever." Mr. Matthews said.
"Shawn, you really don't have to do this." Maya said.
"I want to. I want to be responsible for this, if you'll let me."
"Thank you. No one's ever done anything like this for me before."
"You're welcome. Now, pick something else out and go back into the dressing room and be happy and come out with that face on."
"You'll be okay?" Maya asked.
"Oh, I'm fine. I- I have this chair."
Riley smiled as she came out of the dressing room with an outfit on.
"But my face!" Riley said.
"No!" Mr. Matthews shouted.
"But I love you." Riley said.
"I'll teach you that next." He said to Shawn.
Lollie stepped away from the dressing room and sat next to Finn.
"Nothing to you're liking here?" She asked.
"No." Finn said, "I mean... that skirt is pretty cute but I don't think I could fit in it."
Lollie smiled, "You could if you tried hard enough."
"I bet. Hurry and find some clothes kid."
Lollie stood up and walked back to look at the clothes with Riley.
"What did you teach him?" Shawn asked.
"Nothing... he learned on his own."
"I went shopping for girls' clothes and had a good time. What is happening to me?" Shawn asked.
The group had made it back to Topanga's with everything Shawn and Finn bought for the two girls.
"What do you think?" Maya asked showing off her new style.
"Wow! New look, Maya. You look great." Bailey said.
"You look beautiful, baby girl." Katy said.
"Thanks, Mom."
"Can I have your T-shirt with the big tongue?" Auggie asked, "I like that big tongue blah!"
Lollie and Finn came inside with two or three bags in hand.
"That store was like walking through an avalanche. There's so much there." Lollie said.
Lollie sat one of the bags on the counter, "He said this was for you and that I couldn't look and that you couldn't open until you were alone."
Bailey nodded, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind."
Riley soon came inside with bags covering both arms.
"Cory!" Topanga said.
"No! It's not hers. I got her nothin'!" He said.
"Shawn! That's all for Maya? It's too much." Katy said.
"Why do you work so hard?" Shawn asked.
"To keep the lights on, Shawn."
"Katy, why do you work so hard?"
"Because I have a daughter to take care of."
"There you go. And I just have me. I travel light. I just need a cup of coffee and a sandwich, 'cause of that, I've been able to put a little money away."
"How much money?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"That much right there. And now it's all gone. I like taking care of somebody besides me."
Katy took Shawn to talk in private.
"Hey. You. Who's your mama?" Shawn asked Maya.
"That pretty blond lady." Maya said.
"She does all the heavy lifting. I got to do something fun this stuff comes from me and her. Don't ever forget that." Shawn said with his arm around Katy.
"I won't. Thanks, Mom." Maya said hugging her mom.
"You know, Maya... Lollie, you can borrow any of my clothes whenever you want." Riley said.
Lollie smiled, "Thanks."
"You can never touch any of this stuff."
"It isn't about the clothes, you know?" Maya asked, "It's that someone wanted to do this for me."
Maya was trying on all her clothes at Riley's. The two others sat at her bay window.
"Of course it isn't about the clothes." Riley said. "It's about you."
Maya came out in a new outfit.
"Love it!" Riley smiled.
"Look at me." Maya said.
"I need to tell you something." Maya said.
"And I don't want you to react."
"I won't."
"Because if you react too big, you're going to jinx it. Please don't jinx it."
She came out with a new outfit.
"Love it!" Riley shouted.
"I know!"
"Yay!" Riley shouted.
"I think there's a chance I might've been living life all wrong. And I think, maybe you've been right." Maya said.
"I like when I'm right. What am I right about?" Riley asked.
"Don't get all excited, okay?"
"I promise to not be excited!" Riley said.
"I used to think hope was for suckers." Maya said.
So did Lollie.
She came out with another outfit.
"Love it!"
"This is me now!" Maya shouted.
"Yay!" Riley said.
"But maybe if you don't hope for too much, but let yourself hope, for one thing, it might actually happen." Maya said, "Today was a real good day. I'm going to hope for one more and we'll see what comes. Please don't get excited and jinx it."
"That's a good thing, Maya." Lollie said.
Riley became giddy.
Maya had another outfit, "Okay, let it out."
"Love it!"
"Me, too!" Maya said.
"Yay!" Riley said tugging on her jacket.
"No!" Maya said.
"It came out of nowhere. The winds were blowing at one hundred and seventy-five miles an hour. A category five hurricane. There is no category six." Mr. Matthews said, "Who knows what a levee is?"
Riley raised her hand.
"It's like a hill or a dam that's supposed to keep water out."
""Supposed to." So, we build these protections to keep out the elements, but sometimes the storm is stronger than we are." Mr. Matthews said,?"Who knows anything about New Orleans geography?"
Farkle raised his hand.
"It's below sea level." He said.
"So where does the floodwater go?"
"Down. Right into the city." Lollie said.
"And what's the result?"
Lucas's hand shot up.
"Parish after Parish was destroyed. People lost their homes. People lost everything." Lucas said.
"Lucas went there from Texas to help out." Lollie said.
"I told you that?"
"Yes. In one of our many many talks on the phone."
"You know, when it ended, there were jazz bands playing on the street. Other people came out of what was left of their houses to dance. You know what they do in New Orleans? They have Hurricane barbecues. Hurricane picnics. Their city drowned but they still celebrated each other." Lucas said.
"Thank you, Lucas. So, their homes are gone. They have no power. And they live in a city where even geography tells them it's a sucker's bet to stay. What do they do?" Mr. Matthews asked, "Maya, raise your hand."
"I don't know the answer."
"Stop hiding out in my class, Maya. You know the answer. What did they do?" He asked.
"They stayed and they believed things would get better. And they did. They got better." She said.
"How come?"
"Because they had hope."
"New Orleans is one of my favorite cities in the world. Even in devastation, they didn't miss a Mardi Gras. The clothes look nice, Maya. But it's the hope that looks great on you." Mr. Matthews said.
Maya, Riley, and Lollie all sat at Topanga's.
"Kermit?" Riley questioned.
"Topanga?" Maya asked.
The two of them faced Lollie.
"Yeah, Finn and Bailey are pretty normal names. I lucked out."
"We're even." Riley said.
"Seems like it's going pretty good in there." Lollie said.
"I'm hoping." Maya said.
Soon the two of them saw Mr. Matthews run inside, a lady with blond hair followed suit.
"I'm sorry, Maya." Riley said.
"For what?"
"It's my fault. You hope for things and you get smashed. You're right. I'm wrong. I'm sorry." Riley said.
"Everything will turn out the way it should."
"How can you say that?" Riley asked, "That's Angela. She's going to take him away." Riley said.
"I'm not giving up hope yet." Maya said.
"Why not?" Lollie asked.
"I just got it." She said.
Lollie sighed and got up off the bench.
"Where are you going?"
"It's still wired being friends with you, Maya, but I know what it's like to have a father figure. I know I wouldn't want to lose him either."
She walked inside Topanga's and greeted the two, "Hi."
"Well, did you hear my dad died?" Angela said.
"Oh, no, Angela. I'm so sorry."
"A military man." She said, "A war hero and he dies fishing."
"My dad's an artist. He can read people and paint their auras or something. It doesn't sound as cool but it is. I'm Winter."
Angela stuck her hand out.
"I know. You're very important to Shawn."
"Oh, so you know Shawn?" She asked.
"He's very important to my friend."
Lollie smiled at Angela and headed towards the back.
Shawn brought back the original topic, "I liked him."
"Oh, he liked you." She said.
Lollie held a plate of croissants and walked towards the exit.
"Nice meeting you, Angela."
"You too."
She walked outside and saw Mr. Matthews and her parents.
"What do you call this?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"Well, we've got a storm going on, so a hurricane picnic." Lollie said.
Riley, Cory, Katy, Maya, Bailey, Finn, and herself each took a croissant and made a toast to each other.
"What's going on?" Shawn asked
"I'm married now." She said.
"Yay!" The girls shouted.
"Who's that?" Angela asked when she saw Maya, Riley, and Lollie.
"That's Maya and her friends Riley and Lollie."
"Maya has not taken her eyes off you since I walked in." Angela said.
"Yeah. I've grown very fond of her."
Angela knocked on the window and Katy came up.
"And that's Maya's mother?" Angela asked.
"Katy, yeah. That's her mom." Shawn said.
"Mmm. Is she the one?" Angela asked.
"What? No."
"Is she the one, Shawn?" She asked again.
"No. I don't know her enough to know anything."
"Well, let me tell you what's right. Let what we had to make you ready for something. Life knows what it's doing." She said.
She walked out and greeted them with a smile.
Riley wrapped her arms around her father.
"What's this for?" He asked.
"Nothing. Everything. I think we're cute together." She said.
"I know."
Lollie looped her arms around Finn, "You're a good person."
"So are you."
"You're a really, really good person. I'm glad you're my dad."
Finn smiled and kissed the top of her head.
The kids headed back to Demolition with Cory, Shawn, Finn, Bailey, Katy, and Topanga.
They were sitting down while waiting on Topanga to come out the dressing room.
"How's it going in there, super spy?" Mr. Matthews asked Auggie.
"It's bad, man. I think she's up to about a million dollars." Auggie said.
"I don't really like any of it." Topanga said walking out.
"Who's better than you?" Mr. Matthews asked her.
"Do you want anything?" Finn asked Bailey.
"You bought me something the other day."
"So? If you don't want anything help me find Mariah something at least. She's been complaining about not having clothes for a month now?"
Bailey smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Hey, can I buy you an outfit?" Shawn asked Katy.
"He's really good at it." Maya said.
"No, no, you can't buy me anything. We hardly know each other." Katy said.
"Are you asking me out on a date?" Shawn asked.
"Yeah." Katy said.
"Wait. What? Seriously? Right here in front of everybody?" He asked.
"Sure. It would be real bad for me if you said no."
"Uncle Shawn?" Riley said standing.
"This is, like, a real important moment in your life."
"Yeah, I think it is." He said.
"How're you gonna handle this, Ace?" Maya asked.
"I'll tell you how you're gonna handle it, son. You take a look at that tough little girl's face. You know what she's doin'? She's letting her guard down just enough to let you know she cares about you. So, how you're gonna handle that is, you gotta decide right now what that means to you. And then take a look at her screwball mother. Do yourself a favor and notice how she might be wonderful, too."
"You gonna leave me hangin' or what?" Katy asked.
"And finally, trust me, take a look at the expression on them two faces. You know what that is? Hope. Funny thing is, they could use just about exactly as much of it as you can. Shawn. If that little girl can let her guard down, why can't you?
"Maya? Would it be okay with you if I-" Shawn asked.
Maya began to smiled.
"Okay. Let it out." Riley said.
"Katy, I-? I would love to go on a date with you."
"Thanks for asking." Katy said.
"That's my boy."
Word Count: 2911
Episode: Girl Meets Hurricane
Pages: 48
Im adding old episodes because I just realized that I'm on the last two episodes of season 3
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