Birthday Bash

"So you like Isaac?" Stiles said loudly as he and Stephanie entered her room. Stephanie spun around, throwing her hand over his mouth to shush him and closing her door. "Be quiet, will you?"

Stiles pointed at her, ripping her hand off of his mouth and laughed. "HA! So you do like him!" Stiles said as Stephanie fell onto her bed, stuffing her face into her pillow, groaning.

Stiles looked at Stephanie and sighed, walking over to her bed and sat at the foot of the bed. "Look, Steph... I know you're not that close with Allison and Lydia so you don't have any one to really talk about this stuff with-" Stephanie groaned again and Stiles hit her leg. "Hey! Stop that!"

Stephanie flipped around on her bed, turning to face Stiles as he continued. "All I'm saying is that if you need someone to talk to about it, I can... I can be one of the girls." Stephanie rolled her eyes, sitting up across from him. "One of the girls?"

Stiles nodded as if it was obvious. "Yeah! You know... Have sleepovers, talk about guys, do each others nails." Stephanie gave him a 'really' look, making him sigh. "Okay, maybe not the nails but you know what I mean." Stephanie smiled and nodded her head. "Thanks Stiles."

Stiles nodded aggressively, a big smile on his face as he pulled her into a hug. "Great! Great! So I have to go now... but don't forget! Lydia's party is tomorrow night!" Stiles screamed as he walked out the door and Stephanie threw a thumbs up. "Got it!"


Will and Stephanie barely walked into Lydia's house for her birthday party when Stiles grabbed onto them, pulling them down the hall. "Have you seen Jackson anywhere?" Stiles asked, him pulling Will and Stephanie to Scott who shook his head. "No. Seen Allison?"

Stephanie pursed her lips, shaking her head as Stiles sighed. "No, but we should probably tell her what we found."

"I'm still kind of not sure what we found." Will said as he looked around the almost empty house. "I figured out it has something to do with water. You know, the fact that all the victims were on the swim team, the way the Kanima reacted around the pool." Stiles explained.

Stephanie brows furrowed as she turned to him. "So whoever's controlling the Kanima really hates the swim team?" Stiles nodded. "Hated the swim team. Specifically, the 2006 swim team. So it could be another teacher. Maybe, like, a student back then. I mean, who are we missing? What haven't we thought of?"

"Uh, Jackson's not here." Allison said, walking up to the four when they got to the backyard. Stephanie looked around the empty backyard. "Yeah, no one's here."

"Maybe it's just early." Scott shrugged and Stiles scoffed. "Or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia's turned into the town wack job."

Allison sighed, running a hand through her hair, pointing at Stephanie. "Well, we have to do something, because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks."

Will straightened up, pointing a finger at Stiles. "She's completely ignored Stiles the past ten years." Will defended and Stiles glared at Will before turning back to Allison. "I prefer to think of it as me not having been on her radar yet."

"We don't owe her a party." Scott said and Stephanie sent him a quick glare. "What about the chance to get back to normal?" Scott turned to her, raised brows. "Normal?"

"She wouldn't be the town wack job if it wasn't for us." Allison huffed, crossing her arms. Scott sighed."I guess I could use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here."

Will nodded along, pulling out his phone. "Yeah, I'll call some people."

"I also know some people who can get this thing going. Like, really going." Stiles said and Stephanie turned to him. "Who do you know?" Stiles shrugged. "I met them the other night. Let's just say they know how to party."

Suddenly, Lydia walked over to the group with a tray of pink beverages which Will instantly took one, Steph grabbing one right after him.


One hour into the party and almost everyone from school plus Stiles' friends from the club was there.

And Will was black out drunk.

He didn't know how much of punch he had but it was bad enough that he had more wobble in his step than he normally did and was giggling at every little thing.

He stumbled into Lydias house, looking for anyone he could recognize so they could keep an eye on him.

He could hear Stephanie down the hall and quickly turned but was met with a dead end. Will turned around to exit the hallway but there was no exit, he was stuck in the hallway with no way out.

He banged on the wall the door once was when he heard muffled screams from behind him.

Will slowly turned around and saw Stephanie, Scott, Stiles and Allison all tied up to chairs, restraints around their hands and feet with gags in their mouths.

They all cried out for Will to help them when he heard a hiss from the side of the room. He slowly turned his head and saw Jackson in kanima form, his lizard eyes trained on Will as he crawled to the four tied up teens.

Will practically shook in fear and anger as Jackson's tail ran across Stephanie's lap. "You know Will... It's such a shame your just human." Jackson spoke lowly. Will's brows furrowed and Jackson tilted his head to the side.

"Well, your only human. You'd never be able to help them." Jackson muttered before he revealed his claws and before Will could even process it, Jackson slit Scott and Allison's throats.

Will's eyes went wide as Jackson stalked towards Stiles and Stephanie. He stood in between their chairs as they tried to break free, screaming for Will but he stood frozen. Jackson gave Will a chilling smile before digging his claws into their chests, pulling out their hearts.

Will felt his breath get caught in his throat as Stephanie coughed up blood, looking up at him. "Help me, Will.." She muttered before her head slumped and the lights went out in her eyes.

He immediately went to run over to her but his four friends disappeared to dust, making him skid to a stop. Jackson started slowly walking towards him. Will went to back away from him but his back hit a wall. It was like he was in box. The room started to shrink, only him and Jackson in the room.

Jackson was chest to chest with Will as he sunk his claws into Will's chest. Will lost breath as Jackson leaned to Will's ear. "You could never save them. You're just human." Jackson whispered, removing his claws from Will's chest and disappearing in of thin air.

Will gasped for air, slowly falling to the ground, his hand to his bloody chest as he hit the ground, closing his eyes tight.

He could faintly hear someone call for him in the back of his mind but he ignored it, trying to catch his breath.

A hand on his shoulder made his head shoot up, gasping for air.

Scott looked at Will with worried eyes, his hands falling on Will's shoulders. "Will! Will! Are you okay?" Scott asked as Will finally started to breathe properly again.

He looked down at his chest and saw no claws marks, no blood, nothing, making a shiver go down his spine. He looked back up at Scott and nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine."

Scott looked at him worriedly, not believing him. "You sure?" Will looked back up at Scott and slowly nodded. "Yeah... Yeah, I'm good."

Scott sighed, knowing he wouldn't get anything out of Will and helped him up. "Come on. Let's go find Stiles."


Stephanie was walking down the hallway, trying to find a place to sit after her legs grew tired. When she walked passed a bedroom where where she saw a body in the ground. Stephanie froze turning to look down where Matt lied down on the ground in pain. Stephanie smirked, walking at the doorway of the room. "Aww... Did the creep get his ass kicked?"

Matt glared at her, quickly getting up and walking out of the room. Stephanie chuckled as he left before closing the door of the bedroom. She trudged towards the bed, flopping down on it sideways. She closed her eyes in hopes the ceiling would stop spinning.

"Kanays may be a friend to Earth but they can cause mass destruction." She heard Deaton say in the back of her mind and her eyes shot open. The ceiling was on fire, streaks of fire going down the walls, leading up to her hands.

"Steph! What did you do?!" Lydia screamed from the doorway, Allison beside her. Stephanie's head snapped to them, shaking her head. "No, no, no. I didn't mean to!" Stephanie said, raising her hands in the air to show she didn't do anything but a fireball flew out of her hands, right at Lydia, knocking her to the ground.

Stephanie's hands flew to her mouth as her throat started to close up.

"You- You killed her." Someone whispered from behind her and she slowly turned around, her heart breaking at the look on Stiles' face, Will, Scott and Isaac behind him. Stephanie shook her head, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

Before she could open her mouth, she felt a poke on the back of her head. Stephanie slowly turned around and her eyes locked on Allison, her bow raised to Stephanie's head, right in between her eyes.

Stephanie shook her head. "Alli- Allison? What are you doing?" Stephanie whispered and Allison just glared at her. "We hunt those who hunt us." Allison whispered as she readjusted the bow in her arms. "You killed Lydia. So I'm going to kill you."

Stephanie shut her eyes as Allison pulled the trigger but instead of feeling an arrow in her head, the room felt cooler.

She slowly opened her eyes and the room was left untouched, not burning like it had been before.

She looked down at her hands and saw little flames coming out of her fingertips, making her quickly shake her hands to put them out as she ran out of the room.

Stephanie put a hand to her chest to catch her breath when she reached the backyard. From a few feet away from her, she heard girls squealing in excitement, making her slowly turn her head, Stephanie's eyes falling on the cheerleaders.

One of the cheerleaders saw Stephanie and smiled, running up to her and grabbing her hand. "Come dance with us!" Before Stephanie could even protest, the girl pulled her to the rest of the cheerleaders.


"Stiles, Will, look at me." Scott said, looking between the two drunk boys; Stiles nearly unconscious and Will a giggling mess.

Scott groaned, pushing the two water bottles into the boys chests. "Drink the water. Stiles... Will... drink it! Something's happening, and I need you to sober up right now. Come on, please."

"What do you think you're doing?" Scott turned his head to look at the girl that sat beside Stiles. "You want to sober him up fast, that's not the way to do it."

"You can do better?" Scott asked and the girl laughed. "I can do best, boy." She quickly grabbed Stiles, dunking his head under the water. She sat him back up and he was immediately wide awake. She nudged her head to Will. "Do it to him."

Scott turned to Will and shrugged, dunking Will's head under water and after a few seconds, he brought him back. Will took in a deep breath, running a hand through his hair.

"How do you two feel?" The girls asked and Stiles  sighed. "Like I might have to revisit my policy on hitting a girl." Will turned to the girl, nodding his head as he glared. The girl made a hum sound and turned back to Scott. "They're sober."


"Hey, I can't find her. And, dude, anyone who drank that crap, they're freaking out." Stiles said and Will's eyes went wide as Scott nodded at the partygoers going crazy. "I can see that."

"What the hell do we do?" Stiles asked and Will hit Scott and Stiles. "Guys... Guys! I found Steph." Will said, pointing in the corner where Stephanie was dancing with the cheerleaders.

Stiles' jaw dropped as he sighed. "I'll get her." 

"I can't swim! No, no, no, stop, guys! I can't swim! I can't swim!" A voice screamed. Will and Scott whipped their heads towards the pool and saw a bunch of jocks lifting Matt into the air, throwing him in.

Will's eyes went wide and he ran to the pool, diving in and grabbing onto Matt. As he swam towards the edge of the pool, Jackson walked over, grabbing Matt from Will and lifting him out. Matt coughed before looking around at all the eyes on him. "What are you looking at?"

Scott walked over to the pool, helping Will get out as sirens rang through the air. "The cops are here. Party's over!" A voice screamed and everyone started running out of the backyard.

Stiles quickly ran over to Will and Scott, Stephanie on his back in a piggy back ride as he hit the boys' shoulder. "Guys. We gotta go."

Will nodded, him and Stiles pulling Scott out of the house.

When they got to the front of the house, Scott skidded to a stop, putting his arms out to stop Stiles and Will, making Stephanie groan as her chin bashed into Stiles' shoulder.

The three looked up to see what Scott was looking at and Stephanie quickly sobered up.

Right across the street from them was Jackson in his kanima form, standing in front of Matt protectively.

A car drove in front of them and when the car passed, the two were gone.

i'm writing for this book WAYYY too much

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