He's Back (Don't Leave Part 2)
Part 2 is coming up! I might make part 3 tonight because I'm too excited to wait! I'll update my other books to. So, wait for the updates!
You woke up the next morning laying on the couch. You saw that Piper wasn't there. You looked at your nightstand and saw that there was a note. Piper must have left at six because you woke up at eight. You actually woke up early, unlike a certain son of Hades.
You grabbed the piece of paper off the night stand. You stared at the paper and then started to read it. It read:
Hey (Y/N),
I left early to get ready for breakfast and meet Jason before it. I hope you feel better after last night. I'll see you at breakfast!
Your Friend,
You got ready for the day and walked out the door to go to breakfast. You didn't bother to wake Nico up since he would just tell you to leave him alone.
On your way to the dining pavilion, you bumped into Piper. You two smiled at each other and walked to breakfast together.
You and Piper went into the line to get food. You weren't that hungry, so you just got some yogurt. You dumped half of it into the fire and sacrificed it to Aphrodite for love help. Aphrodite told Piper that you and Leo were her OTP.
You went to the Hades table and sat across from Hazel. Hazel decided to visit and came that morning. She smiled at you and you smiled back.
After you were done eating, you went back to your cabin. You woke Nico up because you and him had to go to sword fighting practice. You grabbed your Stygian iron sword and waited for Nico.
You and Nico walked out of the cabin and walked to the arena. You and him would fight each other, since you both knew each other's weaknesses.
You made the first move and swung at Nico's chest. He blocked your swing and swung at your right leg. You jumped and took your foot and pushed Nico's chest. His sword flew up into the air. You caught it and put it to Nico's neck.
After winning against Nico, you went back to the Hades cabin for your free hour. You were bored out of your mind, so you decided to read. You luckily didn't have dyslexia.
You sat down on your bed and snuggled into the black fluffy blankets. You buried your head into your faux fur pillow.
You opened your book and began reading. You were so engrossed in your reading that you didn't realize someone knocking on your door.
The person knocked louder, getting your attention off your book. You didn't feel like getting up, since you were in a very comfortable position.
"Come in!" You yelled politely.
Your back was faced toward the person, so you didn't know who it was. You were still reading. You felt the person sit next to you and lay there upper body on your side.
You turned so the person was laying on your stomach. They nuzzled their head in your stomach, making you giggle. You lifted the head of the person and your heart immediately shattered.
"W-what are you doing here?" You mumbled softly while scooting back to your head board on your bed. You put your head in your hands as hot tears came to your eyes.
"I came to tell you that I was leaving..." Leo said.
"W-why would you t-tell me? It feels like y-you don't care about m-my feelings after o-our little ar-argument... Why don't you t-tell J-Jason!" You said as you choked on a sob and hiccuped.
"I just came to say I'm sorry. I know you don't want to hear that I'm leaving, but I just wanted you to know. Can I have a hug before I leave?" Leo said hopefully.
Leo was surprised that you refused. You never refused to his hugs or asking of hugs. He can tell that you were really upset. He hated to see you upset.
He wouldn't take no for an answer, so he wrapped his arms around your frail body and buried his face in your neck. You hesitantly wrapped your arms around his torso. You could feel Leo sigh in relief.
"Please don't leave." You whispered while sobbing into his chest.
"I have too.." He said before pulling away and wiping your eyes. You got off your bed and walked him out the door and to Festus.
When you both got to Festus, he hugged you one last time. He boarded Festus and flew off. Percy went up to you and hugged you. He was like an older brother to you. You hugged him back and sniffled.
You were in your cabin still in bed. Ever since Leo left, you felt an emptiness inside you. Maybe it was loneliness or jealousy? You couldn't tell.
You felt lonely because your best friend just left you for some island witch.
You feel jealous because you know once Leo is back, he's going to be dating Calypso and ditching you. You just felt like a big boulder was slammed on your chest, crushing you with feelings you don't understand. You feel sad and depressed and just missing from the world.
It had been a week and a half, and you haven't left your cabin for anything. Nico had to keep bringing you meals because you refused to go with him. You didn't sleep very much, even if you wanted to. Piper notified Chiron what you were going through, and he excused you from all of your activities.
You began crying again, wondering when Leo will be back. Along with all your feelings, most of all, you were drowning in your tears. You've cried so much, that most of your crying was just dry sobs. You didn't shadow travel anywhere because all of your energy has been drained out of you.
All of a sudden, the door slammed open with a very shocked Piper walking in. She sadly smiled at you.
"Leo's back..." She said softly.
You didn't give her a reply. Instead, you ran out of your cabin and ran to the center of camp, where Festus was. Everybody parted a way for you. Leo was greeted by many people.
You ran to Leo and jumped into his arms. He caught you and hugged back. You wrapped your legs around his torso and sobbed into his shoulder.
You got off Leo and punched him in the shoulder.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"I hate you! Don't ever leave me again! I've missed you so much." You said before hugging him again.
"Oh! I would like you to meet Calypso!" Leo said before pulling away from the hug.
A short girl with caramel colored hair and almond shaped eyes walked next to Leo. She wrapped her arms around Leo and kissed him. You looked down as Leo began kissing her back.
After Calypso pulled away from the kiss, she glared at you before smiling sweetly to look nice to everyone else.
"Calypso, this is (Y/N), my best friend of five years! (Y/N), this is Calypso, my girlfriend." You faked a smile before putting your hand out for her to shake. Deep down inside, you were screaming at Leo for doing this to you.
Calypso denied your hand and looked back at Leo. She French kissed him in front of you and 'innocently' smiled.
"Shall you show me around camp, Leo?" She said sweetly.
"Sure! Come on!" Leo said, taking her hand and taking her to the Big House to meet Chiron.
You walked back to the Hades Cabin to continue your depressing feelings and lay in bed. You were right. What did Leo do? Ditch you for Calypso.
It has been a week since Calypso came. The last time you talked to Leo was when he walked by you at the campfire and said 'hey'.
He usually sits by you, but where did he go? Of course, to Calypso.
Anyways, you were getting engrossed in your own thoughts until someone knocked on the door, bringing you out of them.
You walked to the door and opened it. You were stunned when you saw Leo there in front of you. You thought he didn't know you existed anymore.
"Hey Leo....what do you need?" You mumbled quietly, being the shy person you are.
"Hey! Will you help me with a project in Bunker 9 now?" He said like everything was perfectly fine between you two.
"Why don't you get Calypso to do it?" You said coldly.
"She said...she didn't want to get herself dirty..." Leo said cautiously.
"Fine. I'll be there in a few. Let me get changed and I'll meet you there." You said quietly as you walked back into your cabin.
You went to your dresser and picked out black jeans and a navy blue shirt. You got changed. You put on socks and slipped your feet into a pair of white converse.
You walked out of your cabin and trailed through the forest to Bunker 9. All of a sudden, something crazy happened.
You were slammed against a tree. You felt a hand slap you across the face and a fist punch you in the stomach. You crumbled to the forest floor and groaned in pain. The mysterious began furiously punching and kicking you everywhere they could reach.
The person pulled you up by your shirt collar and slammed your back against the tree again. You screamed in pain. You narrowed your eyes at the person to see it was Calypso.
"You better stay away from Leo. I don't need little pests like you coming and ruining our relationship. Leave our relationship alone and get it through your thick head that Leo doesn't like you. If you tell Leo about this, you will not live to see daylight tomorrow. Got it?" She threatened.
Even though you were a daughter of Hades, you were now terrified of Calypso. You quickly shook your head yes and ran back to camp.
You stopped under a tree to cry and text Leo. You were to injured to shadow travel back to camp.
You: Leo, I'm sorry. I can't make it.
Leo: Why? Are you okay?
You: Yeah...I just have to go to the infirmary.
Leo: Why?
You: Um...I got attacked by a monster...
Leo: Is it dead? What was it?
You: A...uh... Hydra? Yeah! A hydra!
Leo: Okay. I'm going to visit you.
You got up from under the tree and ran back to camp. Nico was the first to see your injured body and immediately ran to you. He picked you up in his arms and shadow traveled you to the infirmary.
"Will! We need to get (Y/N) a bed, now!" Nico yelled.
Will came out of his office and ran to inspect you. He was stunned at your beaten up body. He quickly got you a bed. Nico laid you on it before you passed out.
You woke up and saw yourself wrapped in bandages. You tried to sit up, but screamed out in pain.
"(Y/N)! What happened to you?" Will said. You trusted Will, so you told him the truth. Nico was also there, so he heard everything.
"I was on my way to Bunker 9 to help Leo with a project. Calypso came and beat me up and threatened me." You explained.
"Why would Calypso do this? She seemed like such a sweet girl." Will said.
"I don't know... She said she didn't want me coming in between her and Leo's relationship."
"How do you feel?" Nico asked worriedly.
"I feel crushed and sad. Will, what are my injuries?"
"Well, Calypso beat you up good. You have three fractured ribs, a broken leg, and a sprained arm. She also dislocated your elbow, but I already fixed that while you were passed out." Will said half shocked and half sad.
"Wow..." Was all you could say.
The doors burst open and a sweating Latino walked in. He looked at you shocked and ran to your side.
"Oh my gods! Are you okay? How bad did the Hydra hurt you?" Leo said.
"IT WASN'T A HYDRA THAT GOT HER! IT WAS YOUR STUPID GIRLFRIEND CALYPSO! SHE BEAT HER UP AND THREATENED HER!" Nico yelled angrily. Skeleton soldiers began to rise. Will ran over to Nico and calmed him down.
"C-Calypso did this...I don't believe that. What are your injuries?"
"Three fractured ribs, a broken leg, a sprained arm, and her elbow was dislocated." Will explained.
You smiled at Will to tell him thanks for calming Nico down and for explaining the injuries.
"I'll go ask Calypso now... I don't think she did this. She's to much of a sweetheart." Leo said before walking out of the infirmary,leaving you to suffer in your own agony of the world.
Will gave you some nectar and ambrosia before helping you get to the Hades Cabin to rest. 'How does Leo not believe me? He's supposed to trust me and believe what I say when it's true.' You thought. After that thought, you drifted off into a very long nap.
Hey guys! Part 2 is complete! Part 3 and 4 are coming tomorrow! The next part is going to have a 5 year timeskip. I know, that's a lot... The next one is going to be very depressing for the reader. Xoxo- Cierra, Daughter of Apollo🌞
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