Chapter 64
Leah POV
I woke up to see Alisana sitting on top of me, and Hydra sleeping peacefully next to me. I noticed that Alisana had a letter attached to her, and then I also noticed it was dark out. Someone sent me a letter in the middle of the night. How lovely.
You are to meet me in the potions room with Potter for extra occulemency lessons. Tell no one about this; the teachers are all aware however, so there is no need to sneak out of your dorm. Come at midnight precisely.
Oh my God, he's got to be kidding. I looked at the clock and saw that it was eleven fifty, and I shot out of bed to fix my hair and makeup. I was wearing a black silk nightgown, but if he's going to wake me up, he can deal with my pajamas. My hair fell in natural soft curls and I just put on a little eyeliner before heading downstairs and out the common room doors as quietly as possible. I reached the potions class room a little earlier than I thought, but too bad. I walked in to find Severus going over papers and I sat down in a desk.
"I was peacefully sleeping," I yawned and he looked up.
"Complain to Dumbledore, not me," he said.
"Why must I take occulemency lessons, Severus?" I groaned.
"Because, Leah, you are obviously having trouble keeping up your walls while sleeping," he said, looking back down at the papers he was grading. The clock struck twelve and Potter came running in, with Mort trotting close behind so he didn't get shut out again.
"Mort!" I said happily, picking him up and kissing his little nose.
"Miss Riddle, but the cat down," Severus said tiredly.
"You are such a kill joy," I rolled my eyes.
"You are annoying," he said and Potter walked up next to me.
"Hello Leah," he said.
"Hello," I said in return.
"Potter, we'll start with Miss Riddle first, so have a seat. Riddle I want you to just sit there and relax. Keep any mind blocks you have down, and try pushing me out. I will be coming at you full force so I suspect it will be much more difficult to keep me out. Ready," he said and I relaxed myself, closing my eyes. I felt his mind penetrate mine and I saw images of Christmas break flashing through my mind, starting with when I first arrived at St. Mungo's. I gripped the edge of my seat tightly, and I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I took a deep and shaky breath in. My skull started pounding and when it reached the wrist cutting memory I felt tears slip down my cheeks. Finally I was able to put up the wall and slump against my chair.
"That took you much too long," Severus shook his head.
"Well, I'm sorry," I said sarcastically.
"Again," Severus demanded and I relaxed. It hit me full force and I felt my back arc as my scar pounded. I saw memories of father practically killing me and then something that wasn't a memory made it's way into my mind. I saw Severus crying over Lily's dead body after my father tried killing Potter. I felt sadness and pain wash over me and I couldn't help by cry out. I subconsciously knotted my fingers into my hair and cried heavily, feeling intense pain wash over me, and it wasn't sure if it was Severus's memory or my own pain. I slammed up my walls and blinked, seeing the room come into focus. I brought my knees up and cried into them, seeing the memory behind my eyelids; Severus helplessly crying over Lily and seeing little Potter watching his mother with pain clear in his eyes and a fresh scar on his forehead.
"Miss Riddle," I felt Severus, put a hand to my arm and I sobbed.
"Oh my God," I cried.
"That is why you must keep up walls while you sleep. Would you like to have more memories or killings put into your dreams?" he asked and I shook my head, keeping my hands knotted in my hair.
"You're done for the night," he said softly and I calmed my crying, but still felt some of Severus's pain, not to mention pain from my scar. I got up from the chair and watched as Potter sat down in it, white faced and terrified.
"Alright, Potter, The headmaster has asked me to teach you Occlumency. I can only hope that you prove more adept at it than Potions," he said, and then went on to explain Legilimency, which I am still working on. It's basically when you can see feelings and memories in someone's mind. I'm fairly good at it, but father is much better. Severus also explained that eye contact is essential, but the rules didn't apply to him seeing as him and the Dark Lord seems connected by his scar.
"Then how is he contacting Leah as well?" Potter frowned.
"That could be a number of things. One of which is the fact that she is his daughter, and family is always easier to reach, especially when both of which are extremely powerful," Severus explained.
"Well why am I supposed to stop anyway, sir? It's been useful so far," Potter said and I rolled my eyes.
"He realized you were there and he can now use it against you. He was in Nagini's mind as were you," I said and Severus nodded.
"I believe he was able to sense you were there as well?" Severus asked me.
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Alright, now let's begin. One...two...three," Severus said, and I watched as Potter's eyes became unfocused and he looked strained. As well as Severus, I looked into Potter's mind and saw him about to kiss Cho. You have got to be kidding me! At that moment a spell shot from Potters wand and I broke off the connection, seeing Potter and the floor and a welt on Severus's wrist.
"When did you kiss Cho?" I blurted before I could stop myself.
"You were in my head as well?" Potter asked, standing up.
"Well..." I said with a false timid demeanor.
"Leah," Potter glared.
"I was curious. When did you kiss Cho?" I asked.
"When we were hanging out," he stressed, "before Christmas break. You were in St. Mungo's."
"Since when is there mistletoe around Hogwarts?" I asked. I understood a second later. They had a DA meeting and that's where it happened.
"I don't know, Leah!" he snapped.
"I suppose you care all of a sudden now that Draco broke up with you? It's a good thing he did too because your cheating ass deserved it," he glared.
"Shut up, just shut up! You have no idea what you're talking about!" I screamed, standing up so quickly the chair toppled over. My hair caught fire and Mort shied away from me.
"Don't you ever talk about that again, do you hear me?" I yelled, walking over to hit him, but Severus yanked me back.
"Enough," he hissed in my ear and I struggled.
"It's bad enough I had to admit it to him, but I don't need you relaying what happened back to me!" I said, still struggling against Severus.
"Okay, I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" Potter said quickly.
"Yes, yes you did!" I said.
"No, I didn't! I was just angry that you're taking interest in me now! I tried so hard to catch your attention and when I moved on..." he trailed off, as if he just remembered Severus was there.
"Leah, sit down," Severus snapped, and my hair went out as I pulled the chair off the ground. I sat down as Potter looked at the floor in embarrassment. They tried about two more times before Potter was yelling 'I know, I know!' in triumph.
"You know what?" I asked before Sev could.
"That black leads to the Department of Mysteries," Potter said and I stiffened.
"The one Mr. Weasley was guarding?" I asked, hoping he was not talking about that one, which would mean he was correct.
"Yes! What's in the Department of Mysteries?" Potter asked Severus.
"What did you say?" he asked and Potter swallowed hard.
"What's in the department of Mysteries, sir?" he asked.
"The Department of Mysteries had many things in it, Potter, none of which concern you...or you," Severus looked from Potter to me, but I knew that was a lie.
"I guess that's why it's called Department of Mysteries; we'll never know what's inside," I smirked.
"I want you both back here on time Wednesday, and do not forget to practice," he said to us and I picked up Mort, heading back to bed.
We were hanging out in my dorm room the next night, relaxing and such. The whole group of us, of course; Blaise, Pansy, Thane, Ariana, Draco, and I were talking about anything and anything.
"Have you ever had a pet before Hogwarts?" I asked Ariana.
"I had a parrot," she snickered and I laughed hysterically. Suddenly, as I was doing this, a sharp and searing pain filled my scar and I heard laughter that I knew as my fathers. He was so happy that I couldn't even begin to explain the feeling.
"Leah?" I heard and I felt a jolt before I saw the room again and the laughter died out.
"I need to see father," I said and Pansy was looking at me in understanding. She knew I was seeing into father's mind, but no one else did.
"Are you alright?" they all asked and I smiled.
"Yes, but I need to talk to father about something classified," I said getting to my feet and walking quickly into Severus's office.
"I need to see father," I said urgently and he handed me floo powder without a word. I ended up in the manor and I was about to call for father when I saw a few death eaters surrounding the Living Room. There were about nine death eaters in front of me, and they were all wearing Azkaban clothing. So this is why father was happy.
"Ah, hello Leah," father smiled, reaching a hand out to me, and I took it as he led me to the front of the crowd.
"This is my lovely daughter Leah," he said, and they bowed.
"This is Avery, Crabbe, Dolohov, Jugson, Macnair, Nott, Rookwood, Lestrange, and Mulciber. I told you they would be accompanying you, Lucius, and Bellatrix?" father asked and I nodded.
"'s great that you're all out of prison," I smiled and they smiled back.
"Indeed it is My Lady," Avery said.
"We are at your and the Dark Lord's service, of course," Rookwood said, just as Bella walked in.
"Ah, amazing!" she cackled and then gave me a hug.
"How are you?" she asked, seemingly satisfied I've gained a pound or two back.
"I'm lovely," I smiled.
"I have more news, Bellatrix, the deed is done?" father asked and she nodded.
"Yes, My Lord," she bowed.
"Bellatrix has infiltrated St. Mungo's and has delivered a little gift to Arthur Weasley's roommate, Broderick Bode. He is now dead from touching the Devil's Snare," father smiled wickedly and I frowned.
"Wait, why kill him specifically?" I asked and Bella turned to me.
"Oh, she doesn't know. Lucius put him under the imperious curse to retrieve the prophecies for us, but when he touched it the defense sprang up and made him believe he was a teapot. He started remembering things though, so we had to kill him. We already tried getting in with Podmore, but he was caught before he got in. Don't you read the papers?" Bella smirked.
"I haven't recently," I admitted. To be truthful, I haven't even been paying attention in class. I know that Umbridge's inspections have been brutal, and I believe Hagrid is on probation...Trelawney was fired I believe.
"I would greatly appreciate you controlling your emotions," I muttered so only father heard, rubbing my back. Father glanced down at me and put a hand to my shoulder which I took as an apology.
"We have to come up with another method of getting in without risking all of you going yourselves. It's a great risk, and we must have a better plan if we want all of you to succeed. We have to infiltrate the Ministry," father said.
"Father...doesn't the person that the prophecy is about have to get it?" I asked and he looked down at me in shock.
"Possibly," he muttered.
"Well...oh my God, I have an idea," I said.
"Do tell," father nodded.
"I know Potter is quite terrible at occlumency so what if we placed a vision in his head so he believed it was actually happening; such as torturing Granger or someone in the Department of Mysteries. He'll come running, and when we lead him to his prophecy, he'll pick it up and then we'll take it," I said and father suddenly hugged me tightly.
"That is one of the best ideas I've heard all year," he said, and I felt his happiness through my scar. Along with that, I felt pride in myself for making father proud of me. It makes up for losing Potter to Cho.
"We'll work on infiltrating the Ministry, and then we'll put the plan into action," father smirked.
January sped by and I was a bit creeped out by my friends. They decided to compliment me on something almost every day. My legs, my hair, my eyes, the way my skin's just odd! I haven't been attending DA meetings and I've canceled the Slytherin meetings because honestly, I'm trying to figure out ways to help father or memories to place in Potters brain. Quidditch has been a no go for me; I had to quit the team because I was so busy with Death Eater stuff. Father really has been consulting in me a lot since my brilliant idea. I've also been extremely wrapped up in school work as a hobby to keep my mind off of missing Draco. As for occlumency lessons, we haven't had one since that first night since Severus has been busy as well.
"Leah, you're going to Hogsmead today, right?" Pansy asked, holding Blaise's hand tightly. It's Valentine's Day today, and it's one day I cannot seem to forget about Draco.
"Oh, sure," I said half-heartedly. I got off my bed and set down 'Potions and Their Uses'.
"What exactly are we going to do?" I asked, putting on a cobalt blue eyeliner and pink lip gloss. I tied my hair back in a long French braid and pulled on my ankle two inch heeled boots. I was already wearing skinny jeans and a light blue V-neck under a tight yet comfortable leather jacket.
"Well it doesn't really matter to me," Pansy said with a quick smile and Blaise rolled his eyes.
"Let's just go," I said, and we met up with Draco, Thane, and Ariana in the common room.
"Don't you look pretty?" Ariana smirked and both Thane and Draco looked over at me.
"Can you guys stop telling me how pretty I look?" I asked tiredly, rubbing my scar subconsciously.
"I just spoke my mind," Ariana shrugged.
"Well I'm actually getting tired of hearing how pretty I am," I said, smiling slightly.
"She's been stressed," Pansy said apologetically, putting a hand to my arm briefly before we started walking outside. We reached the Great Hall and we passed Cho and Potter while walking out the doors. I met eyes with Potter and he faintly smiled his hello at me. I nodded shortly and kept walking with the others, not speaking as they chattered excitedly.
"Are you alright?" Draco asked quietly as the others laughed at something.
"I'm okay," I sighed. I felt bad for not telling Draco anything that's been going on...but he's not a death eater's boyfriend anymore. I have no reason to tell him, and he no longer has any reason to know.
"You're really...quiet lately. You seem tired a lot," he observed.
"Is that a way of saying I actually look terrible?" I joked half-heartedly and I wondered if that's why they were constantly telling me I looked good; because they didn't want me losing confidence.
"No you really do look's look drained. I've noticed you're doing a lot more school work and you haven't been around as much," he said.
"You're joking!" Pansy said in response to whatever Ariana said, and they all started laughing.
"I know...I'm just..." I sighed in frustration.
"Alright, I get it," Draco said quietly, looking away. We reached Hogsmead and we all stood in a circle, looking at one another.
"Well, what would you all like to do?" I asked.
"Oh Blaise, can we go to Madam Puddifoot's?" Pansy asked excitedly and I gagged.
"I'm not going there," I shook my head.
"I wasn't inviting all of you; I want to go on a date," she said, clutching Blaise's arm.
"Sure," Blaise smiled, kissing her nose and the two of them walked off.
"Jesus," I muttered.
"Actually...Thane would you like to go too?" Ariana blushed and Thane smiled.
"I would love to go on a date with you," he said.
"Well, see you two later!" Ariana said perkily and my jaw dropped.
"Are they dating?" I asked in shock and Draco frowned.
"They've barely even been flirting," he said.
"Well what do we do now? I am not going to Madam Puddifoot's to get them either, so forget about that," I said.
"Would it hurt to go get a Butterbeer? As friends, of course," Draco said and I sighed.
"I could use one of those right now," I nodded, and we made our way over to the Three Broomsticks.
"So are you willing to tell me what's wrong now?" Draco asked and I sighed as we sat down.
"You can't say anything," I said.
"Leah," Draco said in exasperation, "just because we aren't as close, it doesn't mean I'm going to spill all your secrets."
"I know, but this is just so...important," I said, and we leaned across the table so it was harder to overhear.
"I'm on a Death Eater mission to break into the Ministry," I whispered and his eyes widened.
"What?" he hissed.
"I really cannot tell you the details or why I am. I haven't even told Pansy that part yet...but she does know that even before Christmas I'd been feeling whether father was happy, upset, furious, etc. through my scar," I said even quieter, but he still heard.
"Before Christmas...why didn't you tell me then?" Draco asked.
"I didn't want to worry you...but after Christmas we weren't in any place to talk about this sort of thing. I suppose we are now," I said, leaning back.
"Yes, we're alright now I suppose," Draco nodded.
"I know I should've told you but I know I can handle it. I've been handling it," I said.
"Will it be this hard on me when I become one of you?" Draco asked, looking pale.
"I don't know," I said honestly.
"Alright...well enough about this. Let's talk about the Azkaban break out," Draco chuckled and then turned serious.
"Did you help with that?" Draco whispered and I smiled, shaking my head.
"No, I had no idea that was going to happen until it was done and over with," I said.
"Well alright," he nodded, "so how is Mikey?" he asked.
"I have no clue, I haven't seen him in a long time. I haven't seen my mum either...come to think of it I haven't heard from Mikey at all," I frowned.
"Well good thing I brought it up," Draco smiled, signaling a waiter.
"You aren't funny," a familiar voice said and I looked up to see Mikey.
"Mikey!" I yelled happily, hugging him tightly.
"Oh my God, I haven't seen you in forever," I said, kissing him on his cheeks and nose over and over.
"Ugh, sisterly love is just oh so fun," Mikey groaned, but he didn't stop hugging me.
"I heard about everything that happened and I am so sorry I didn't visit you. It's just that mum was having a fit because you were in St. Mungo's and she couldn't help. It was even worse when she found out about your...condition," he said, looking between Draco and me.
"You won't burst into flames if you say I was depressed," I said flatly.
"Oh Leah," he sighed sadly, hugging me even tighter. I buried my face in his shoulder and willed myself not to cry. I really have missed Mikey, even if he is a little less crazy than usual at the moment.
"Draco set this up you know. I wasn't supposed to be working today, but he said you might need a pick me up. I came into Hogsmead as fast as I could," Mikey said into my head, seeing as his face was buried in my hair.
"You did?" I asked Draco, pulling away from Mikey finally.
"Yeah, we were all supposed to come here, but the other four decided they would get all lovey dovey. I have no clue where Ariana and Thane came from, but apparently they are now love birds," Draco shook his head in amusement.
"It was odd how they just suddenly looked as if they were dating for weeks," I nodded.
"Whatever, this is better, right?" Draco smiled and I hugged him, much to his surprise.
"Thanks Draco," I said and he wrapped his arms around me.
"You're welcome," he said and we sat back down, pulling up a chair for Mikey.
"Are you actually working today?" I asked and he shook his head.
"No, which was why my boss was confused to see me," he chuckled.
"I see...well Happy Valentine's Day, Mikey," I smirked, and Draco smiled at my sudden perk in mood.
"Will you be my Valentine, Leah?" Mikey teased and we laughed as three Butterbeer's were placed in front of us.
"Oh of course," I said, and we all laughed.
"Draco says you quit Quidditch?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah, I have a lot going on," I sighed, taking a sip of my drink.
"That sucks," Mikey said, "I know you were really determined to play Quidditch."
"That's alright," I shrugged.
"How's the team doing by the way?" I asked Draco and he gave me a look.
"Eh," he said.
"That bad?" I winced.
"If you'd come to a match," he teased, "you might know."
"You know I've been busy," I laughed.
"I have been so bored, I can tell you that," Mikey said.
"Have you guys heard about the break out though? Crazy stuff," Mikey shook his head, becoming serious.
"I'm sure we're fine," I raised my eyebrows.
"Sure, you and Draco are, but me and mum aren't in the circle anymore," Mikey lowered his voice, and I looked up as Granger passed, sitting down a few tables away.
"Stop talking about it for now," I whispered, flicking my gaze to Granger. I then saw Luna and Rita Skeeter walk in. What is she doing here? She's been off the radar for about a year. To my surprise, they sat with Granger, and I almost choked on my Butterbeer.
"What...?" Draco trailed off as he too looked at them.
"I have no idea," I shook my head. I turned back to the table but cringed as my name was being called.
"Leah!" Granger said and I turned to see her walking over.
"We need your help. We want to print the real story of what happened in the graveyard the night Voldemort returned," she said.
"You want me to tell you what happened with my father?" I asked, looking at Rita Skeeter.
"Yes, we want the whole story. I know people have been leaving you out of the papers because, well, no one wants you angry at them, but Harry's been bombarded by cruel stories and...oh won't you help?" she asked and I looked at Mikey and Draco hesitantly.
"No, I'm sorry Mione but I can't," I shook my head.
"Oh...oh well that's okay," she nodded.
"I understand you don't want to be taken away from Malfoy and um...him," Granger gestured to Mikey.
"Well it's because I haven't seen Mikey in a while. He's my half- brother on my mother's side," I said and she held out her hand.
"Lovely to meet you, I'm Hermione Granger," she said and Mikey gave her a polite smile as he shook her hand.
"Mikey Parkinson," he nodded and Granger sighed.
"Well I better be going. I have to go over some boundaries with Rita," she rolled her eyes and then walked off.
"She thinks I'm going to rat out my father? Sorry honey, but that's a no go," I shook my head as I sat back down.
"How is he by the way?" Mikey asked and I smiled.
"Good as of right now," I said.
"Awesome, so what is this exactly?" he asked, examining all my rings.
"It's a promise ring," I sighed, taking a swig of Butterbeer.
"Before I comment on that, I must say that drinking alcohol like that is not lady like. Now, onto the ring," he said, his eyes moving from me to Draco and then back to me.
"It was a Christmas present that I decided to give to her anyway," Draco said with a shrug and Mikey just nodded.
"I see you have a lovely snake bracelet added to you collection," Mikey smirked.
"Father gave it to me along with Hydra," I smiled.
"Aren't you spoiled?" he chuckled. I didn't answer as I watched Potter walk in, looking highly angry.
"Harry," I called before Granger could attract his attention. Draco groaned quietly in annoyance but I ignored it.
"What?" he sighed, walking over.
"Are you alright?" I asked, observing his angry and annoyed expression.
"No Leah, I'm not. I should've just stayed at Hogwarts! This it really possible to cry that much?" he asked, pushing his hair out of his face.
"Yes, yes it is," I said and he frowned.
"You haven't even seen her," he said and I snorted.
"You think she's been through worse than I have? She's overly dramatic and she needs to get over it. He was only her boyfriend, not her freaking brother," I rolled my eyes.
"Only her boyfriend?" Draco raised his eyebrows.
"Well honestly Draco, it isn't very healthy to cry this much after about a year. She's dragging this out for attention! Just keep it on the inside because I can tell you right now, they were not in love. You can tell when someone's in love," I said and Draco nodded slightly.
"Still, it's surprising to hear 'only her boyfriend' come from your lips," Draco said.
"I still don't think other people should be so attached to the people around them. I am the exception," I said and the three boys laughed.
"Okay, so you can care, but others can't?" Draco asked.
"Yes, I don't want to see helpless and pathetic people crying over something that happened nearly a year ago," I said and Draco laughed again.
"Hermione's waving me over. I'll see you later Leah," Potter said and I nodded.
"Bye," I said.
"Well, do you want to head back up to the castle? I can see your itching to go do more homework or something," Draco rolled his eyes.
"Yes," I nodded.
"I'm sorry it's been such a short visit," I said giving Mikey a hug.
"Keep in touch, sis," he said, giving me a quick squeeze before I moved away.
"Bye," I said and Draco led us through the crowd and into the cool air.
"Thanks for having Mikey meet us," I said and he smiled.
"No problem," he said. I saw Sapphire walk by and she stopped, turning to talk to us.
"Hey!" she said, hugging me tightly.
"I haven't talked to you in a really long time," she said apologetically.
"It's okay Sapphire! So where's Damon?" I asked and she shrugged.
"I haven't seen him almost all day," she said indifferently and then her gaze moved behind us.
"Who is that?" she asked, looking him up and down and I turned to see Mikey walking out.
"Mikey!" I called, waving him over.
"I thought you were going back to school?" he asked.
"I wanted to introduce you to Sapphire," I said and she smiled.
"Hi, nice to meet you," she said.
"Hey Sapphire, I'm Mikey," he said, seeming quite interested in her.
"So how do you know Leah?" she asked, batting her eyes.
"I'm her older brother...well half-brother but it's the same thing," he shrugged.
"Oh, well I'm her adoptive we aren't really related," she smiled.
"Cool," Mikey smiled back. I glanced over at Draco who was looking at me and we smirked at each other. I knew we were both thinking the same thing; love is in the air.
"We'll leave you two to talk, I have homework," I said, and the two barely broke the conversation to say goodbye. We started walking back without saying a word and I waved to Damon who was talking to Daphne Greengrass. I suppose everyone is having a great Valentine's Day with their crush. All but me that is.
"So do you think Ariana will end up with Thane now?" Draco broke our silence.
"I have no clue, but she really likes him," I said.
"Yes I can tell," Draco smirked. I sighed and my breath came out as a white puff from the cold. I almost smiled as I watched it whisk away into the air and then disappear. I felt something cool and damp land on my cheek and I looked up to see it snowing, and it was snowing heavily. I'm not sure where it came from, but I don't really care.
"Are you cold?" Draco frowned and I looked over at him in his black coat and furry hat.
"Not really," I shrugged.
"Are you sure?" he asked and I nodded.
"Do you think the other's headed back yet?" I asked and he shrugged.
"I'd rather not go find out," he said and I smirked, falling back into silence. We made our way into the castle and into the common room to find the others snuggled up by the fire.
"Hey! Come sit with us," Pansy smiled, curled up next to Blaise.
"Yeah, get over here," Ariana said, and she was curled up with Thane.
"No thanks guys," I shook my head and Draco shrugged off his coat.
"I'm not in the mood," Draco declined and the others shared a look.
"Well the two of you look awfully cold," Pansy pressed.
"I'm going up to take a shower and then I'm heading to bed. I don't feel too well," I lied and Pansy bit her lip.
"Okay love, I'll see you tomorrow," she nodded and they all called goodnight.
"You reckon they're trying something?" Draco asked in my ear and I spun around on the steps to see him behind me.
"I honestly don't know. I think they just want our little group to be normal again," I said.
"Well, I'm honestly not in the mood to hang out with anything living at the moment. That is unless you want to play some wizards chess?" he offered.
"I really would like to," I said honestly, "but I'm so tired. I actually am beginning to feel a little woozy. I need some rest; maybe tomorrow?" I asked and he smiled.
"Sure," he nodded, and we headed separate ways. I walked into the room and instead of taking a shower I just changed into pajamas and curled up on my bed with Hydra. I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I tired keeping up a semi happy front for Draco and Mikey. I'm not depressed anymore; it's just that Valentine's Day truly does suck for single people.
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