Wrong Number -Part 2
Enjoy x
It's been a month since the first time Harry and Louis met . They managed to meet two more times , with Harry's busy schedule and Louis' constant working .
Harry was having the time of his life ; Louis was amazing , he was funny and sassy and so cute and beautiful . He enjoyed everything with him ; their long phone talks , laughs , jokes , kisses - oh the kisses .
But Louis was hiding something , and Harry was oblivious .
It's not that he was supposed to know , because Louis is such a good actor that he couldn't detect a lie .
Things went downhill the first week Harry couldn't reach Louis over the phone . He would call several times a day with no answer , and would get a text late at night from him that he was at work all day and going to sleep .
On day nine he was so worried that he got into his car to drive to Louis' place , and that was when Louis called him .
"Lou , holy shit , where have you been ? I was trying to reach out to you for more than a week ."
"I know , I'm sorry , I've been really busy with work . Like , really busy ."
"You're overworking yourself , love , take a break . This isn't healthy ."
"No , you don't get it . I have to go to work , I have to ."
"I know , I know you need the money but you're exhausting yourself . This is not okay , at all ."
"I'm not arguing about it , so can we please move on ?"
"Have you thought about what I asked ?"
"I- you know I couldn't ... I don't want to -"
"You are not a burden , I want you to come live with me . I get that it's soon , but please Lou ."
The line was quiet for a bit before Louis spoke again .
"I'll think about it ."
"Thank you . I care about you a lot , I want to know you're okay ."
"I am okay , I promise ."
It was three weeks later that they spoke again . Not because they didn't try , but because Louis wouldn't answer .
Harry couldn't sleep at night , barely went through the day without knowing Louis was okay . It scared him how much he worried about Louis , but he couldn't help it .
Then one night Louis called .
"H-Hi ."
"Hi Lou , how've you been ?"
"I'm - I'm good ."
"You don't sound like you're good ."
"This is n-not why I called ."
"Have you thought about moving in ?"
"Harry -"
"Please tell me you're saying yes ."
"Harry , this -"
"I'm so worried about you , love , I want you close to me so I know you're okay ."
"Harry this isn't working out ."
Harry got quiet for a few seconds .
"What ? What isn't working out ?"
"U-Us ."
"Lou I can hear you crying , please tell me what's wrong ."
"We're not working out Harry , I'm sorry ."
Harry's heart clenched in his chest . "But , why ? Louis I - I'm sorry if I pressured you too much , I just -"
"Please , Harry - this isn't working . Okay ? I'm sorry ."
Harry's body went cold with chills , swallowing thickly . "Right . Um ."
"I'm really sorry ." Was the last thing he heard before the line went dead .
"Why the long face ?" Niall asked as he walked into Harry's office the day after Louis cut things off with him .
Harry looked up from the papers and sighed , "Louis and I are done ."
"What ??" Niall gaped at him , "Why though ? I thought you two were going great ."
"Yeah , me too ." Harry sighed and went back to his papers , "I just - I still worry about him . A lot ."
"And you don't know why he ended things ?"
"Only said we're not working out . But I know something is up . I just - have this uneasy feeling about it ."
Why don't you try talk to him again ?"
"I don't want him to feel pressured to tell me sometime he doesn't want to tell ."
"What if he's in trouble ?"
"I'm sure he would tell me such thing . But I mean , maybe we truly weren't working out ."
"I don't buy that ."
Harry sighed . "Me neither ."
What Louis was hiding was something big - his life was falling apart . He got fired from one of his jobs , and now he couldn't make enough money to pay his rent and bills .
He tried looking for another job but kept failing , and at the end of the month he found himself selling his furniture . Every piece in his tiny apartment was sold , except for a mattress , a pillow , an old blanket and his fridge .
He stressed himself so much over finding another job to the point he wasn't being enough for his second job , and found himself getting fired from his second job aswell . That was when he quit trying , when he gave up on everything in his life . Almost giving up his life aswell .
His landlord was not the nicest person , he realized very quickly , but he didn't want to live in the streets so he managed to get through with him . But then it happened - he got kicked out of his apartment with no heads up or an explanation .
That same night he broke things off with Harry . He couldn't ruin Harry's successful life , and cried for hours after hanging up . He held on to his phone for one reason - it had pictures of him and Harry , only a little more than a handful but he didn't let it go , even when his number was blocked because he didn't pay .
The little bit of money he had he didn't want to spend , but he had to have at least a toothbrush and toothpaste because it grossed him out not to brush his teeth . He spent little to no money on food and water , telling himself it wasn't important enough to spend money on daily .
He would walk aimlessly around , with a backpack and a heavy heart . There wasn't a night he didn't cry , wanting nothing but for Harry to be there and hold him .
He was growing weaker and weaker every passing day , and only wished for everything to be over .
Louis walked aimlessly through the city , it's been five weeks since he was kicked out . he was running out of energy and hope , the streets were unfamiliar but he kept on walking , it was the only thing he had to do .
He looked around as he tried finding a spot to spend the night sleeping at , when his eyes scanned over this large , tall building that had it's name on the front in cursive letters .
Styles Muse Records
He let out a dry sob and covered his mouth quickly , tears filling his eyes . He felt his body growing weaker with mixed emotions , trembling as his heart pounded .
"Hey , lad , are you alright ?" He felt a hand on his shoulder as a guy with an accent talked to him . He took a deep breath and nodded , uncovering his face . "I-I'm okay ."
The guy looked at him with furrowed eyebrows , "You sure ?"
Louis nodded again , "I'm okay ." He said , though sniffled . He noticed the guy looking at him weirdly , making him take a step back . But the guy kept looking at him .
"Louis ?"
Louis' heart skipped a beat . He didn't know the guy , how did he know his name ?
"Wh-who are you ?" Louis asked , the guy gave him half a smile , "I'm Niall . Harry's friend ."
Louis took another step back at Harry's mention , Niall took a step closer , "You don't look very okay . Are you sure you're fine ?"
Louis nodded and wiped his cheek from the tear that slipped out . "U-um , is - is H-Harry in there ?" He gestured to the building , Niall pursed his lips , "No . He's - never mind ."
"No , tell me ." Louis asked , Niall sighed and looked away from him , "He's on a date ."
Louis held himself together for barely five seconds before turning away from Niall , walking away from him sobbing . His body felt weaker and weaker , he walked into the nearest alleyway and collapsed down against the wall , sobbing his heart out .
Niall knew something was wrong , the Louis in front of him wasn't the Louis Harry showed him in pictures and videos . He looked paler and thinner , looked smaller . Without second doubt he pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Harry .
He didn't answer the first call , but he didn't stop . He picked up at the fourth call .
"For god's sake , Niall , you'd better have a good explanation -"
"Harry I -"
"As to why I had to leave my date because you wouldn't stop fucking calling ."
"Harry , shut it for a second , I found -"
"I mean , this date isn't the best , and the guy isn't my type , but still ."
"Harry fucking shut up for a second !"
"What , Niall ? Make this quick ."
"I fucking found Louis , you dipshit ."
The line was quiet for a few seconds .
"This joke isn't funny Nialler , is this why you called -"
"I swear to god if you don't your arse over here I'll let him walk away , you have to get over here ."
"Why ? Why would I do that ?"
"There's something wrong with him , he doesn't look like the pictures you showed me . He - he looks lifeless , and he's sobbing ."
The line was quiet again .
"I swear to you there's something going on , he's really pale and thin and he's shivering , just - please get here ."
Harry sighed . "Fine , okay . I'll be there in twenty ." He said and hung up .
Niall sighed out and followed the direction Louis went , quickly finding him in the alleyway . "Hey , shh , calm down . Harry is on his way ."
Louis looked up at him . "Wh-What ??"
"I called Harry , he'll be here soon ." Niall said , frowning when Louis stood up , "N-no , I - I have t-to go ."
"What ? No , you need to stay ." Niall said , "I know something is wrong , Louis , that's why I called him ."
Louis shook his head , "N-no , you don't understand ." He wiped his cheeks , "I can't see Harry again ."
"Why not ?" Niall asked , Louis let out a sob , "He hates me now . I c-can't ."
"No he doesn't . You have no idea how worried he was about you ." Niall followed him , "He'll be here soon , he'll help you ."
"I can't . I can't . I'll ruin his life too ." Louis shook his head , trying to walk faster but he was very weak .
Niall raised his eyebrows , "What do you mean ."
"I don't -"
"Tell me , Louis , we're trying to help you ."
"I'm homeless , I'm n-nothing , I can't be around H-Harry . Or you ."
Niall froze . Homeless ?
He didn't realize Louis walked away until he disappeared . He ran down the street and tried looking for him , only to realize he lost him .
He returned to the Records building , waiting for Harry at the front . Harry was going to kill him . Behead him . Slice his guts out .
"Where is he ?" Harry suddenly approached him , Niall took in a deep breath . "I lost him ."
Harry rolled his eyes , "He wasn't even here , was he ?"
"He was , I swear to god he was here ."
"Then how did you fucking lose him ?"
"I - I told him you were coming over , and he got scared and walked away . So I followed him . Then he - he said he was going to ruin your life ?"
"Why would he ruin my life ?"
"He said - he said he was homeless , Harry ." Niall said , biting on his nails . "Did you know he was homeless ?"
Harry's body flinched at Niall's words , "Homeless ??"
"Yeah , that's what he said . And I was frozen for a few seconds , then he disappeared and I couldn't find him ."
"What the fuck is even going on ?" Harry ran his fingers through his hair , "Where did you last see him ?"
"He walked that way and turned around the corner ." Niall pointed the direction . "I don't think he was joking . I mean , all he had with him was a backpack , and as I said he looked really thin and lifeless ."
Harry didn't waste a second more before speed-walking down the street on hopes to find Louis and figure things out .
It's been three hours and Harry couldn't find him . He hoped Louis didn't walk far away .
The streets were quiet as it got later at night , except for a car here and there . Harry looked around in every direction , every alleyway , every corner . Then he heard it .
It was faint , he had to stop in order to listen properly . Faint sniffles .
He followed the sound into an alleyway , holding his breath , and that was when he saw him . His Louis , sitting under a street light with his knees to his chest , trembling and sniffling into his hands .
Harry's heart shattered into a million pieces . "Louis ."
Louis jumped at his name being called by a too familiar voice . He couldn't get up , he was way took weak , but still tried . He couldn't stop the tears from falling down his cheeks as he struggled to stand up , supporting himself on the wall as he walked away from Harry .
Harry watched him with sad eyes , throat tightening with tears . He followed him and caught up to him very quickly , "Lou ." He reached his hands out , putting his arms around him for support . He inaudibly gasped at how thin Louis was , so so much thinner than before .
Louis cried softly as his legs gave in , his head falling on Harry's shoulder . As much as he wanted to stay in Harry's arms and let him take him away , he couldn't do this to Harry . He tried pulling out of his arms , but was so weak that it did nothing . Harry held him tighter and shushed him , trying to calm him down .
"Shh , I've got you . You'll be okay ." Harry cooed as he took Louis' backpack off his shoulders to carry it himself , before scooping Louis up off his feet to carry him to his car . It took them fifteen minutes to get to Harry's car , though Harry refused to put Louis down . It was the first time he mentally thanked his personal trainer for pushing him to lifting five hunders pounds .
They reached Harry's house , Harry parked in the driveway and helped Louis out of the car . He carried him into the house and straight to the kitchen , sitting him on the counter .
"As much as I'd love for you to eat something , it'll upset your stomach . So we'll start slowly ." He handed him a cookie jar and went to make him some tea . Louis took the jar and opened it with a bit of struggle from being weak , taking a cookie out and munching on it slowly .
Harry quickly fixed him his tea and handed him the mug , Louis took it in both hands and held it tightly as his hands trembled . Harry cupped his hands around Louis' around the mug , "Talk to me ."
Louis sighed sadly as tears welled up in his eyes again , shutting them for a few seconds to try and will them away . "I - I got fired from both my jobs . Th-Then sold everything in my apartment . I had to pay s-somehow ." He sniffled , "I couldn't ruin y-your life too ."
Harry shook his head . "How many times do I have to tell you how much I care about you ?"
"Y-You shouldn't ." Louis cried , "You can do so m-much better ."
"Don't you ever say that ." Harry furrowed his eyebrows . "I was so fucking worried about you , why didn't you tell me all of this ?"
Louis only kept his head down as he tried quietening his cries , tears kept falling from his eyes . Harry took the mug from his hands and put it down , wrapping his arms around Louis in a hug . Louis cried into his shoulder , hands balled into fists , clutching Harry's shirt .
When he was calm enough Harry handed him back his tea , "Finish your tea and I'll take you to shower and sleep properly ." Louis sipped on his tea , taking the cookie Harry handed him . Harry dried his cheeks and moved his hair from his forehead , pressing a kiss between his eyes .
Once done with his tea and cookies Harry took Louis to his bathroom to shower , giving him some of his own clean clothes and a warm , fluffy towel .
Louis took his time showering , rinsing himself off the dirt on his body . The shampoo and soap smelled so much like Harry , it comforted him to be surrounded by his scent . Fourty five minutes later he walked out of the shower and dried himself , glancing at himself in the mirror . He really needed a haircut .
He dressed in the clean clothes Harry gave him , having to tie the string of his sweatpants so they wouldn't fall off his hips . He walked out of the bathroom , Harry gave him half a smile . "Do you feel better ?"
Louis nodded , "Yes . Thank you ."
Harry bit his lower lip before walking closer to him , wrapping his arms around him . "I know it's late , but I made you some soup . Don't want you to go to sleep without eating something ." He helped him down the stairs to the kitchen , sitting him at the table .
Louis thanked Harry again when he brought the two of them a bowl of soup and some bread , they ate quietly with Harry constantly watching over Louis to make sure he ate , even if he didn't finish the whole bowl .
As much as he wanted to keep eating , as it tasted really good , Louis' stomach shrunk due to not eating and he couldn't fit much food in his stomach .
"Done ?" Harry asked when Louis put his spoon down , Louis nodded . "Yeah . It was really good , thank you ."
Harry smiled softly and took both their bowls and spoons to the sink before grabbing Louis' hand , "Let's get some sleep . We'll talk tomorrow ."
Louis followed Harry up the stairs , looking for the guest bedroom , but said nothing when they walked into Harry's master bedroom as he realized they were going to share a bed .
Harry pushed the covers back and let Louis settle in as he quickly texted Niall he's got things under control and wouldn't be coming to work for a few days . He got in under the covers next to Louis and lied on his side , Louis laying on his side aswell facing Harry .
"Go to sleep , I'll be here when you wake up ." Harry grabbed his hand , Louis nodded and gave his hand a soft squeeze before falling asleep not even a minute later .
Louis woke up to fingers carding through his hair , then a hand rubbing down his shoulder , then back up to his hair again . He slowly fluttered his eyes open , before closing them again and whining at the sun blinding him .
Harry smiled , "Good morning ."
"'Morning ." Louis shifted a little , his body felt cramped . "How long was I asleep ?"
"About thirteen hours . You were exhausted ." Harry moved his hair from his eyes , "Did you sleep well ?"
Louis nodded , "Yeah . The bed is really comfy . Feels like a cloud ." He mumbled sleepily as he let his head sink into the soft pillow . Harry chuckled and let his thumb rub his arm , "Come on up , let's have breakfast ."
"Mm , too comfy to move ." Louis mumbled into the pillow , though smiled because Harry laughed and he really missed hearing him laughing . Harry moved his hand to rub up and down his back , "I'll let you stay for a bit more , then we're going to eat ." He said and got up from the bed to start making their breakfast .
Louis sighed softly and stretched , his limbs cranking as he sighed out contently . He relaxed into the softness of the bedsheets and closed his eyes again , whining when he realized he needed to use the restroom . He got up to use the restroom and brush his teeth before heading downstairs to the kitchen .
Harry turned to give him a smile when he entered the kitchen , Louis approached him , "Can I help with something ?"
"No love , thanks though . I'll be done soon ." Harry said , the petname slipping out . Louis' cheeks painted slightly pink as he nodded , "Okay ."
"I made you some tea , it's on the table ." Harry nodded his head towards the dining table before flipping the bacon strips on the pan , Louis thanked him and went to the table to drink his tea .
Once breakfast was done they ate quietly , and just as last night Harry made sure Louis ate , even though he couldn't eat much .
"Now we talk ." Harry said after they cleaned the table , he took Louis' hand and walked with him to the lounge room . Louis took a deep breath as they sat down in front of each other , his hand still held by both of Harry's large ones .
Harry squeezed his hand gently , "So what I know , is that you got fired from your jobs and ended up homeless , and you cut things off because you thought I shouldn't be involved ?"
"K-kind of ." Louis looked down at their hands . "I mean , I didn't want you to waste your time on trying to help me ."
"But don't you get that helping you is not wasting my time ? I want to help you . I will help you ."
"But -"
"No . Don't say that , or even think that you're not worth it . Because you are . Stop thinking so lowly about yourself ." Harry scooted closer , "I've been caring about you since day one , since the first phone call . You've had me wrapped around your tiny finger since then ."
Louis blushed , smiling softly with his lower lip between his teeth . "I've never - no one ever cared about me like you care , or - or liked me like you like ."
Harry tucked his hair behind his ear , "Come cuddle ."
The two wrapped their arms around each other , Louis sighed in content at the feeling of Harry again , properly cuddling him . Harry pulled him closer and lied backwards , making Louis lie next to him still wrapped in his arms . Louis laughed softly , Harry sighed , "I missed you ."
"Missed you too . A lot ." Louis nodded , Harry pulled his head back to look at Louis , eyes dropping to his lips . Louis quickly noticed and blushed again , before Harry pressed their lips back together .
Louis moved his arms to wrap around Harry's neck and shoulders , Harry had a death grip around Louis' waist . He moved to lie ontop of Louis as they kept kissing sweetly , Louis tapped his arm , "Can't breathe ."
Harry smiled against his lips and pulled back from the kiss , "I'm not letting go ."
"You're crushing me ." Louis let out a giggle as he tried pushing Harry's arms off , Harry grinned down at him before removing his arms , "Alright , alright . But you owe me a cuddle ."
"Fine by me ." Louis smiled and sat up , Harry leaned in and kissed him , "Didn't get to tell you how cute you look in my clothes . So tiny ."
"I'm not tiny ." Louis rolled his eyes , "I already said I'm 5"9 ."
"Yeah . And I have blonde hair ." Harry smirked , Louis rolled his eyes with pink blush on his cheeks , "I won't tolerate you bullying me ." He said and got up from the couch , as if pretending to leave .
"Oh nooo ." Harry wrapped his arms around his legs , making him fall on his lap . Louis laughed as Harry wrapped his arms around him again and kissed his cheek repeatedly , he put his hand on his mouth , "Stop ."
Harry smiled and kissed his palm before Louis pulled his hand back . He leaned in and pressed his lips to Louis' again , keeping his arms around his waist . Louis held his face in his small , soft hands , giggling when Harry flipped him on his back .
"I can't breathe again ." Louis pushed Harry away , Harry chuckled and sat up , "Cuddle me ?"
Louis smiled and held his arms open , Harry lied ontop of him and stuffed his face into the crook of his neck , Louis ran his fingers through his hair . He pressed his lips to Louis' neck softly and hummed , making Louis squirm , "D-don't ."
But of course , Harry being Harry , he kept pressing kisses to Louis' neck and humming , Louis laughed softly , "Harreh , stop , it tickles ." He squirmed as he tried pushing him away .
Harry grinned , he pulled his head back to smirk at Louis , "Does it ? How about this ?" He dug his fingertips gently into his waist , beaming when Louis squealed and laughed louder , squirming away from his torture .
Harry didn't want to stop , he absolutely loved when Louis laughed , he was too cute . But he had to stop and let Louis breathe , Louis smacked his shoulder weakly , "You're horrible ."
"You're going to have to get used to it , you're too cute when you laugh ." Harry kissed his lips quickly , Louis shoved him away half-heartedly , "Whatever ."
Harry scrunched his nose before leaning down to kiss him again . And again , and again .
And Louis knew he would be alright , because he has Harry .
Hope you liked it x
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