Chapter 16: 1000 year time capsule

Welcome back to Lap of the gods everyone I'm glad everyone enjoyed the chapter. Please remember to COMMENT and VOTE, it means a lot to me. Plus I like talking to you guys and hearing your opinions. Also, remember to watch the video it goes with the chapter. ~XOXO BUTTERBALL~

The song is: Kachofugetsu/Beauties in Nature by COALAMODE



I gripped my chest tightly as I violently coughed. My chest ached and my throat burned, black glowing liquid splattered from my mouth only to evaporate when it hit the ground.

Letting out a small sigh I leaned back a bit coiling my tail around the ceiling beam I sat on. I shuddered slightly as the rough yet cold wood on the wall pressed against my wings.

This feels nice...

"You're still burning up Lila," Marta said softly.

I felt a small smile spread across my face as I looked at her. Marta's form was see through, the low light of the ether lamp giving her ghostly form a small white glow despite the dark ether that streaked her skin.

When I saw her appear in front of me I legitimately thought I'd gone mad.

"How do you know that I have a fever if you can't touch me," I countered, my words slurring together more than I would've liked.

Marta sucked in air through her teeth making a small tsk of disapproval. Her violet eyes narrowed as she looked at me as though I was a misbehaving child.

"Lila, go to sleep. You desperately need rest,"she ordered.

I snorted slightly only to regret it a bit when my chest throbbed. Wincing I spoke softly, " I don't need sleep though. We don't need sleep."

"I don't need sleep, you however very much do Lila," Marta corrected me.

I barely forced back a yawn as I spoke, "I can't sleep, I have to make sure Sorey is okay."


"Please," I whispered. "My memories just came back. I just...I want to see him. Really see him, it'll only take a moment or two Marta."

Marta stared at me, a gentle scowl on her face. "Sorey would want you to rest as well Lila."

"I... I know," I told her, a slight smile on my face. "Sorey always was kind of a brat. But at least he can't call me a kid anymore."

She let out a low hum as she folded her legs beneath herself, her long red and white dress draped over her legs.

Even though she was silent I could feel Marta's eyes on me. It was an odd feeling, as though I was being watched from every angle.

"Hey...Marta?" I asked slowly.

"Ah! Sorry about that, I just wanted to make sure you didn't fall or anything," she told me hastily in an embarrassed tone.

"It's fine," I mumbled. My vision was blurry and the room started to spin. "Marta...if I find my family would you leave me?"

"Eh? No, of course not Lila. What brought this on?" She asked her eyes wide.

"I was just wondering. I recovered my memories of Sorey and Cheria, but even still it feels like a piece of myself is missing. I was beginning to wonder that if I did have a family out there they either then they're either dead or..." I trailed off as I rambled softly. "They abandoned me," I whispered.

"Don't worry Lila, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere, we're sisters," Marta tried to reassure me.

Her voice caused a wave of warmth to slowly roll over me slightly soothing my aching muscles. I let out a small huff as a loud yawn escaped. "If I go to sleep will you promise me one Marta?" I rasped.

"Only if it's not something dangerous." Marta sighed softly as she floated a bit closer. She reached out to me only to stop short and look down at her hand, a sad expression clouding her face. Slowly she drew back, her lips pressed into a thin line.

"Wake me up if Sorey comes in. I'm sure he won't listen to the warning we gave Alice because he's Sorey, but please," I pleaded softly.

For a moment or two Marta stared at me as she bit her lip, then she nodded slowly. "If it is just that, then okay."

I yawned as I curled up slightly, coiling my tail around my ankles. I drew my legs up to my chest and rested my head on my knees. As I allowed my eyes to eyes to drift closed I heard Marta sigh again.

"Sweet dreams Lila," Marta told me gently, her voice sounded muffled and far away.


Cold and pain, my body ached violently as I lay in the dirt curled in on myself. Above me I could hear malicious laughter echoing out as sharp stinging blows landed on my back, slashing at my wings in an attempt to clip them.

"You're nothing but a pet! Know your fucking place!" An enraged female voice shrieked at me.

"Be careful dammit, the more you break the more I would need to pay for a healer to fix," a harsh male voice grumbled, although he sounded more mildly annoyed than anything.

I shuddered weakly in the cold dirt, the man's voice felt like slime draping over my skin. As though he were standing over me drip saliva with every word. My stomach turned slightly and if I could have, found the energy to look disgusted I would have.

The woman chuckled. "You say that but you gave her a nice black eye with that punch of yours." Dark ether wafted off the both of them like smoke from a well burning fire.

Nothing but malice, I don't see a single speck of white or gray in there.

For some reason my realization of this soothed me for a moment as the trendies of dark ether seemed to happily slither around my wrist. Instead of the violent chill I expected all I felt was a light warmth.

So this is what Marta felt like in that Egaros scared me when I first saw her act like that. But now I think I understand, if only a little bit.

"She belongs to the royal family, as long as the damage isn't permanent they'll give us a nice reward for taking her back to them," The man huffed. I heard slow heavy footsteps approach me. At the noise my body began tingling as it practically screamed at me to run, to fight back as he loomed over me.

'These creatures are not my children. And yet they wake up every morning praying that I answer to their perverse wants and wishes,' Marta said softly coldness in her voice was something I'd only heard once before. I could hear her begin laughing the sound coated with a dark almost manic glee. 'Oh Richter how I could wring that neck of yours. Please Lila, teach them what happens who decide to bathe in malice.'

The man leant closer and I dug my claws into the dirt slightly.

That's right you bastard. Just a bit closer.

The moment I felt his fingers graze my wing I struck out aiming my claws at his eyes. I heard the woman before I actually saw her, flames shooting from my fingertips. The threads of ether snapping into focus as they flared a bright vibrant red.

The woman screamed, one hand going to her face as she blindly swung at me with the other. I scrambled to my feet nearly losing my balance, my camouflage rolled over my skin. Once, then twice, then it stayed in place as I fled through the bushe.

This! I had forgotten about this, it was a few weeks after I'd been brought to Kikwei village. I left to look for more herbs to make medicine but I wandered too far beyond the village walls. How could I forget...this was also the first time I'd heard Marta as well as the first time she spoke to me directly!

As I tripped on a tree root I frantically flapped my wings. But it was a few seconds too late. For a brief moment I saw the steep hill below me, then I was crashing and rolling.

Suddenly the world went black around me as though someone had blown out the sun like a candle in a dark hallway. I was no longer tumbling down a cliff hitting every tree on the way down.

In fact I wasn't even hurting anymore either, just cold and numb.

I lay on my back staring up at the oily black abyss above me that seemed to creep closer each time I blinked.

This is...

"The void," Marta finished softly as she suddenly appeared standing over me. A few strands of her hair tickling my face.

A white ethereal glow seemed to come off of her and a quick glance down at myself told me that I was giving off the same glow.

"Right, this place," I whispered but I didn't try to sit up. "I didn't bring you here did I?" I asked, my eyes going wide.

Neither Marta or I like this place but between two of us Marta seems to hate it most of all.

Marta looked away, turning her eyes to the dark abyss of a ceiling. "Many things have changed all these years I have watched over Adonis and even before then. However, this is one of the few things that seem to remain a constant in my life."

Marta let out a tiny humorless giggle. "It's a bit frightening if I'm honest."

"When you were here before we were together what did you do?" I asked softly.

Sometimes I forget that Marta and I haven't always been by each other's side.

Marta let out a soft hum as she closed her eyes for a brief moment. "I counted," she told me, scowling.

"You...counted?" I repeated my tail tilted slightly.

Marta nodded then she smiled slightly, her eyes half lidded her expression had a strange hollow calmness to it. "Every so often I would see a small white flash appear while I counted but, whenever I opened my eyes to find it I couldn't. At one point I just allowed my mind to stop."

Her words caused an ache to form in my chest and for a moment I was silent.

"Did you ever manage to find the light?" I asked hesitantly.

At my question her face softened significantly, her smile growing a bit as she looked at me. "A few times I did I would open my eyes and see a small white pinprick in the distance like a star. There was one point when I opened my eyes and they were everywhere. matter how much I tried to get to them I never could." She whispered.

Marta looked around briefly before letting out a sigh and shaking her head. "I don't know when but they stopped appearing. Now once again there's just this," she muttered gesturing to the darkness.

I frowned as I stared down at the ground. However, no matter how much I tried to imagine what she described in the void I could only see the vast oily blackness. I could feel the cold wrapping around my skin, I could taste dark ether in my mouth coating my mouth with the taste of dead leaves.


I jumped slightly as Marta called out to me. She was crouching down in front of me, she reached out taking my face in her hands. "Are you alright?"

"Uh...yes I'm alright," I whispered looking away from her.

For a few moments I could feel Marta watching me. "It's okay to be angry, just don't let it consume you," she whispered.

I said nothing as I closed my eyes.

I'm not angry Marta, I promise I'm not. I just wish my memories of this place, this void weren't so cold and empty.


I could hear Marta humming softly, her voice fading in and out. I moaned softly as I tried to curl up even more but realized I couldn't as pins and needles ran across my skin. My joints felt heavy and stiff, my left wing and my tail felt oddly numb.

Letting out a small huff I opened my eyes and frowned when I realized I was eye level with the wall. I was lying on the floor in a heap, tangled in the blanket I'd cloaked myself in earlier.

"Are you okay?" Marta asked as she looked me over. "I tried to catch you when you started falling," she muttered softly as she glared at her own hands.


Slowly I sat up leaving the blanket on the floor beneath me. Marta stood up frowning as she crossed her arms. Alice and Briar were standing in the door looking into the room in shock while Briar's guild leader Dalton, stood behind the two watching with interest.

Looking up my eyes met familiar amber ones and I smiled. Instead of taking the hand he held out to me I shakily climbed to my feet, my legs burning as I did.

Grabbing the hem of my cloak I bowed slightly. "Welcome back, Master Sorey," I said sweetly trying to keep myself from grinning.

Sorey's eyes went wide and his face paled slightly, he looked slightly scared to be honest. "L-Lila?" He spluttered.

I snickered softly which turned into full blown laughter when I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"I'm just just joking! Think of it as revenge for saying you've never met me in all of your life," I said in between bouts of laughter. Pain whipped through my chest and I flinched but it didn't stop me.

Seconds later I was wrapped in a warm embrace, next to me Marta let out an odd startled sound looking a bit frantic.

"Don't touch us! What are you doing?" She exclaimed.

Glancing up at Marta I smiled. "He's Sorey. I told you he wouldn't listen." I reminded her.

Marta just sighed and shook her head.

Sorey chuckled softly. "I suppose I deserve that, especially since I left you by yourself for so long," he said softly. Even though he sounded cheerful I felt his grip on me tighten slightly.

I remember this...

I could feel warmth gathering in my eyes as I returned Sorey's hug. "I'm just glad your here," I said softly.

Despite my vision being blurry I saw Alice move, making her way over to Sorey and I, as Sorey drew back. Seconds later she threw her arms around me much to everyone's shock.

"Not you too Alice," Marta muttered looking like she didn't know what to do.

Alice's shoulders shook slightly, I could feel her tears dripping onto my neck."You're both fools, Lila. You and Marta both," she told me her voice strained and shaking.

I glanced at Marta but she just smiled slightly as she twirled a strand of her hair between her fingers. Briar stared at Marta with wide eyes, his mouth hanging open as he slowly blinked.

Alice drew back a bit her eyes puffy and red as she looked me over a scowl on her face. "You really are covered in dark ether," she whispered. She looked over at Marta who gave a little wave back.

"It's nice to see you Alice although I wish that I wasn't in such an unbecoming state at the moment," Marta said as she stared at the dark ether streaking her skin. A look of disgust briefly crossed her face before she turned away focusing her attention on one of the ether lamps on the floor.

"Does it hurt?" Sorey asked as he tried to examine my hand.

His touch was gentle as he took my hand in his own but despite that my skin still stung. "The cracks came back," he said more to himself than me. He rubbed a thumb over the small thin cracks that had spread along my hand completely ignoring the way the dark ether tried to snap at his skin like a defensive animal.

However when I saw his hand going to my upper arm I drew back quickly nearly snatching away from him.

"Lila what's wrong?" Alice asked instantly, looking concerned.

I shook my head. "It's nothing, it just stings," I mumbled quickly.

I saw Sorey's eyes narrow at me as he crossed his arms.

Dammit...I messed up.

'No, Sorey has always been perceptive. You wouldn't have been able to hide it forever,' Marta replied.

Marta didn't speak aloud but I did see her bite her lip.

"You're a horrible liar Lila, let me see your arm," Sorey told me, his voice oddly cold. The wisps of dark ether that wafted off of my skin seemed to shift toward him slightly.

Even though I knew that the hatred in his voice wasn't directed at me I couldn't help but flinch. I didn't meet Sorey's eyes instead choosing to stare at the papers and scratch markings on the floor.

It was Marta's voice who broke the tense silence. "Can you all give us a moment we need to speak to Sorey?" Marta asked, a slight smile on her face. Even though she was smiling, her tone didn't make it seem like saying no was an option.

I saw an odd glint in Dalton's eyes as a strange expression flashed across his face. He and Marta stared at each other for a few more moments before he let out a huff. Marta's smile widened a bit more.

"You are one scary woman," Dalton muttered as he stroked his dark beard.

Marta let out a small giggle at his words. "I try not to be. I truly adore humans."

"What is it Dalton?" Alice asked, frowning as she looked over her shoulder at him.

Instead of answering Alice's question he shook his head. "Briar, come with me. You as well Alice."

Alice crossed her arms, a scowl on her face as she spoke, "Huh, why? I know what both Marta and Lila can do."

Dalton said nothing as he looked at me, his gaze resting on the arm I'd kept away from Sorey. Alice followed his gaze, her face draining of color as everything seemed to click.

"Oh...right," Alice whispered.

As she left the room she glanced back at Sorey and I, biting her lip. Dalton left the room last, he stopped for a moment and spoke as Alice and Briar's footsteps echoed down the hallway.

"Try to control yourself," Dalton warned his tone firm as he closed the door behind him.

Sorey didn't respond instead he glared at the door like he wanted to burn it down.

"Sorey-" Marta began.

"Why are you still here? How are you here?" Sorey growled at her as he turned his glare on her.

Marta sighed. "I am using the dark ether Lila absorbed and ingested as a temporary power source. This form is an astral projection I am using to watch over Lila. As you can see she is filtering the excess dark ether but we need time to completely dispose of it," she explained she looked exhausted.

Marta floated a bit further off of the floor and layed down in the air. She crossed her legs and rested her head on her folded arms, her hair draped over her arms.

"Leave," Sorey hissed at her. Marta yawned loudly seemingly unphased by his glare.

Marta reached out and for a moment I saw a gray ether thread pulsing in her grasp. She closed her eyes for a few seconds letting out a soft hum.

When she drew her hand back the ether thread was noticeably lighter. "I am leaving," she told him. "The ether threads are calm for the moment."

Then she was gone as though she'd never been there to begin with.

'I am here Lila, I always am. Sorey knows as well but he'll respond better if he feels as though it is only the two of you present in the room,' Marta reminded me.


I flinched as Sorey suddenly grabbed my arm. His grip was firm yet gentle, more than likely in an attempt to keep me from running away like I desperately wanted to.

When I heard Sorey give a small sharp gasp I knew that he'd seen what I'd tried so desperately to hide.

Slowly I looked up at Sorey, he was staring at my arm with wide horrified eyes. His face had drained of color and he almost looked like he was going to be sick.

"I...I bit you..." he whispered slowly.

Then as if he were just realizing what he already knew Sorey let out a startled grunt. He drew back, dropping my arm as if it were on fire.

I sighed softly. "Yes you did," I admitted to him. "But your familiar markings kicked in and you passed out from the pain."

Sorey's hand went to the markings on his arm as he scowled. His wings twitched as he glared down at the floor. "How many times?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter, once all the dark ether is gone they'll finish healing too."

Sorey looked at me like I had gone completely mad. Closing his eyes he shook his head. "Please just tell me how many there are," he said his voice on the verge of pleading

He sounds so scared...

I glared at the papers at my feet as I stroked my fingers over the bite marks.

One, two, There's seven bitemarks in total.

Sorey's words from days ago seemed to echo in my thoughts. His warning of telling Alice and I to put him down if he lost control.

I closed my eyes and let out a shuddering breath. For a brief moment I saw a horrifying image when I closed my eyes. Sorey laying at my feet on his side, a pool of dark red slowly spreading beneath his body. The blade of his sword glinted and coated in red from where it pierced his chest.


My body moved in that next moment.

"Hey!" Sorey exclaimed completely startled as we fell to the floor.

I sat up quickly straddling him, my hands were gripping the front of his kajime so tightly I thought it would rip. A loud hum buzzed in my ears drowning out almost every other sound.

"No," I told him softly.

Sorey's eyes widened at my words, I didn't know what look I had on my face but he froze no longer struggling beneath me.

"No?" He repeated back to me a scowl on his face.

"I'm not telling you, because if I do you'll try to run away again," I admitted as my grip tightened slightly. "Cheria, Varuun, Kikwei village, no more," I said softly, my voice was firm yet leveled.

Sorey grimaced and glanced away, his eyes not meeting mine. "You're speaking nonsense Lila. I'm not going anywhere," he sighed.

Silently I placed one finger on his chest tracing down until I felt his heart pulse beneath my finger. "You were. I know you Sorey."

I narrowed my eyes at him as I titled my head to the side. "Do you truly think I am that fragile and weak?" I asked my voice strangely hollow. "These claw marks on the door frame and on the very floor beneath us were caused by me." I told him softly as I glanced at the deep gouges in the wood.

Sorey glanced up at me. "What in the Maker's name are you talking about," he grumbled.

For a few moments I just stared at him, then I smacked his arm with my tail. Instantly Sorey gave a low growl. "There you go being a brat again," I muttered.

I sat back a bit, my hands falling from his chest but Sorey made no move to get up. I looked over at Sorey's sword, it sat propped up against the wall where I'd placed it.

"I'm not Cheria, Sorey. I won't break into pieces. You biting me won't kill me. You've seen me handle myself," I reminded him. Reaching up my fingers brushed over the collar there a wave of warmth washing over me.

Sorey stared up at me silently, his eyes following my every movement. He let out a soft huff, "That was Marta fighting in the Egaros den and sparing with me." He reminded me.

I felt some of the tension leave his body as he relaxed a bit beneath me. At his words I smiled slightly, "Quiet you, although it would be nice if we could spare again."

For a little while it was silent as neither of us made the move to get up.

"You weren't wrong," Sorey admitted softly.

Wordlessly I met his gaze, staring at him as I waited for him to continue.

"The thought of slashing my own throat did come to mind at first," he continued scowling.

"And what about now?" I asked hesitantly.

Sorey let out a shuddering breath. "I still have a goal to complete and a promise to keep." He responded. His smile grew a bit bigger. "Besides if I did kill myself I'm sure that both you and Marta would still track me down."

"We definitely would," Marta and I said at the same time, our voices layering over one another.

"I know," he whispered then he nudged me slightly. "Here let me get up."

Now that the tension was starting to fade away I felt slightly dizzy. I could feel Sorey watching me as I crawled off of him but made no move to stand up.

Sorey let out a soft huff as he got to his feet brushing his clothes off.

He looked really pretty with that glamour on.

"What are you smiling at me like that for, it's creepy," he muttered as he began going through his things. The first thing he picked up was his sword giving it a small once over before setting it off to the side.

"You were really pretty while you had that glamour on. That kajime looks really good on you, even the make up was well done. I-"

"I slice a man in two and gutted him like a fish and your first thought was that I looked pretty?" He said as he looked at me with wide eyes as he pulled a familiar red kajime out of his knapsack.

I let out a shaky chuckle. "I have to get used to it right? Although I will admit I prefer fighting Eagros compared to dealing with that."

I tried to scrub that imagine from my mind honestly.

"It's a necessary evil, I wasn't counting on turning into a crazed mad man in the alley. In fact we were supposed to be long gone by the time the Church even noticed the body," Sorey grumbled. He sighed, shaking his head. "I haven't screwed up a job this badly in awhile."

I bit my lip as I looked up at him. "Does not killing me back on Via count?" I asked hesitantly.

"No, since I ended up deciding to use you for information instead of doing what that idioctic village chief wanted. He slipped up and let me know that the church was involved which piqued my interest and well here we are," Sorey answered immediately.

"Are you sure that Varuun didn't persuade you into changing your mind," I suggested a slight smile on my face.

Sorey rolled his eyes. "Hard to persuade someone, when said person is being crushed under a literal mountain of fur."

As he changed clothes I started picking up some of the papers I'd ripped out of the various monster encyclopedias. Most had jag claw marks while a few more had bite marks.

I don't remember biting anything, then again I don't remember much whenever the dark ether took over.

'You ate quiet a few pages Lila, I tried to make you spit it out but you just growled at me,' Marta informed me.

"I did?" I exclaimed out loud my eyes growing wide.

"You did what?" Sorey asked as he looked up from folding the blue kajime. He carefully put it away in the same place where I'd put the combs that belonged to Cheria and his mother.

I shook my head and instantly regretted it as the world seemed to spin around me for a moment or two. I groaned softly as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Can you even stand up in your condition?" He asked, his voice sounding closer than before.

I opened one eye slightly to see Sorey bending down in front of me, a scowl on his face.

"Yes, I just need a moment," I told him softly as I closed my eyes again.

I took a deep breath wincing slightly as my chest throbbed. Slowly I started to get up doing my best to ignore the way my muscles and skin burned as though they were screaming at me to stop.

Once I was on my feet I couldn't help but let out a shuddering breath. Sorey sighed and shook his head, "I thought so. You're in no condition to leave, let alone fight."

"What do you mean? I can fight," I protested.

"Try saying that when you don't look like your about to collapse," Sorey mumbled.

'Sorey is right Lila but at the same time we can't really afford to stay in Trenna at the moment,' Marta pointed out. She sounded as tired as I felt.

"I'll be okay," I told him. "It does hurt a lot, but the cracks will heal like they did last time. Besides, we can't stay in Trenna."

Sorey let out a small tsk, a look of irritation covering his face. "Right, the city is on lockdown after Apont's death and the ether bomb."

I shakily walked over to the bed grabbing my knapsack and my whipmaces. I turned off the ether lamps before following Sorey out of the room, however I stopped in the hallway biting my lip as I stared ahead.

I could hear Alice excitedly talking with Briar about alchemy, the soft thump of wood being placed on wood every now and then. At the entrance of the hallway I could see a soft orange glow from the ether lamps.

It looks so warm but...

"What's wrong Lila?" Sorey asked as he stopped to look at me.

I shook my head as I nervously bit my lip. "I'm a little worried," I admitted softly. "When they first saw me covered in dark ether, everyone looked completely horrified. I just..."

I couldn't help but remember Kikewi village. I remembered the horror, fear and anger twisting their faces. The parents that screamed when they saw their children and what my blood had done to them.

Sorey let out a soft sigh and I flinched as I looked up at him. He reached out to me and began to pat my head a scowl on his face, usually he caught himself before doing it but this time he didn't seem to care. "Compared to everyone else in this forsaken place you are the last one anyone would be afraid of. Especially with me walking around."

I didn't say anything but I couldn't help the small smile on my face as I followed after him.

Warmth and noise washed over me as I stepped into the room, besides Alice, Briar and Dalton there weren't that many people in the room. The few that were, seemed to be focused on talking to one another, however despite how excitedly they spoke I couldn't help but notice the lines of worry on their faces.

Marta was it possible to save Phiex?

Despite the fact that I knew the answer I couldn't help but ask.

'No, even if his body was intact he would've been an empty vessel.' Marta said softly. 'That's the best case scenario.'

And what would the worst be?

For a few moments Marta was silent then she spoke, 'His body would've fell to pieces, with the shell no longer being able to contain the dark ether it would've burst forward.'


"Is the little god really in any condition to be walking around?" Dalton asked.

At his words I looked up, Dalton was staring at Sorey who was looking down at me. The room seemed to grow a bit quieter whether everyone was waiting for Sorey's response or mine I didn't know.

I bet quite a few are wondering how I'm not dead...

"If I had any say in it she'd be resting but the kid made a good point of how we can't really afford to stay here," Sorey explained bluntly.

"I'm not a kid!" I protested nearly instantly, my tail sticking straight up.

Sorey simply rolled his eyes at my response. "If she collapses I'll just carry her by the scruff of her neck like the child she is, not like she weighs anything."

Briar choked on his drink as Alice's shoulder's shook with barely contained laughter.

I quickly ducked my head so that Sorey wouldn't see the smile on my face. I also tried my best to curl my tail up to keep it from wagging.

Yep, he's still a brat.

'Don't allow him to tease you like that Lila. You're older than him! We're not children,' Marta reprimanded however there was no seriousness in her tone.

Dalton let out a low hearty chuckle as he got to his feet and approached me. I had to almost crane my neck up to look at him.

Now that I think about it I was in such a rush last time that I didn't notice how tall he is...

For a moment or two Dalton stood in front of me with a small smile on his face then he spoke, "Do you know what that collar means little god?" He asked, gesturing to my neck.

'I think he's testing us Lila,' Marta said letting out a soft hum.

I know.

"Lila," I told Dalton as I stared at him.

"Hm?" Dalton scowled at me as he crossed his arm.

"My name is Lila, not little god. And yes I know what the collar means, I had Sorey buy me one," I huffed flicking my tail out.

Sorey let out a soft chuckle, a small smirk on his face. Walking past Dalton he sat down at the table next to Briar.

I was about to follow Sorey when suddenly Dalton picked me up laughing as he spun me around. "I like this one, got a lot of bite for someone so small."

His grip was gentle yet firm; it didn't even seem to matter that I was trying to wiggle free.

My skin is still sensitive as well...

"She'll feed you poison, if you're not careful," Sorey mumbled as he watched Dalton and I.

"Hush you, I can cook!" Marta exclaimed before I could say anything. Her voice over powering my own.

As his laughter began to die down Dalton walked back over to the table with me under one arm. Grabbing a nearby chair he placed it next to Sorey before carefully depositing me into it.

Then Dalton walked over to the bar counter top and grabbed two more wooden mugs. He handed them to a nearby guild member who began filling them with ale from one of the many barrels behind the counter top.

"Is he always like that?" I asked softly as I watched Dalton move around the room.

Every guild member he stopped to talk to seem to instantly perk up a bit in his presence, almost like a weight was lifted from his shoulders.

The guild members seemed to respect him a lot.

"Dalton is a good man, a little strange from time to time but he means well," Alice told me with a slight smile on her face.

Briar nodded. "He's amazing on the battlefield too. One time a Regel bit his arm, a few of us rushed to help but he just jammed his arm further down its throat. It ended up choking to death because he shredded the inside of its throat." He said adamantly, his voice full of awe.

Sorey let out a soft tsk noise. "He was raised by Anju, I would expect nothing less."

"Oh right, Sorey how does that legend go?" Alice asked then, she shook her head slightly. "Well, I guess it's not exactly a legend considering it really happened," she muttered more to herself than anyone.

Sorey sighed looking like he'd rather be anywhere but here. "The Fangbreaker raised in the east by men of stone, although human it was said he could break the hardest of boulders with his bare hands."

Alice smirked. "You really know that by heart, hm? Especially for someone with no interest in things like this."

Sorey shrugged. "As a child I thought it may be useful to remember in case I got the chance to fight Dalton."

"Can he really break boulders with his bare hands without magic?" I asked my eyes wide.

Sorey nodded. "Yes, he's completely human as well. Apparently he trained most of his life, it's also the reason his hands are scarred and disfigured. He continued training even when his body wanted to give up on him." Although he seemed to have no interest in this conversation I could see a familiar maniac spark in Sorey's eyes.

"Let's be honest if we did fight to the death you're more likely to win," Dalton chuckled as he threw one arm around Sorey's shoulder.

Sorey glared at him shrugging his arm off. "Don't patronize me you old bastard." He grumbled.

Grinning Dalton sat down placing a mug of ale in front of both Sorey and I. Immediately Sorey took a drink letting out a soft sigh as he stretched a bit.

I could feel Dalton's eyes on me as I carefully took a sip, instead of the thick almost bitter taste I expected a soft warm sweetness coated my tongue.

It's sweet? It looks like ale though, is it wine?

I glanced over at Sorey's mug as I sniffed the air slightly. A fruity yet strongly acidic smell wafted into my nose stinging it slightly.

Hot orange wine...and mine is kreshelt berries.

"You said that Trenna is on lockdown right?" Sorey asked Dalton.

"Yes, the church has its soldiers at the main exits and entrances to Trenna. There's even a few keeping watch from the sky, considering that they're still allowing my men to patrol however they may believe they have everything under control," Dalton sighed.

"The first thing they did after the explosion was inspect the ether barrier generator," Briar added a scowl on his face.

His words instantly caught my attention. "They did!" I exclaimed, springing to my feet. Apparently I moved a bit too quickly because the room spun slightly and a sharp sting rippled across my skin.

So the church did plan this!

Marta let out a low hum of agreement, the sound echoing faintly within my thoughts.

Beside me Sorey grabbed my arm letting out a low hiss as he steadied me. "Would you just stay still for Maker's sake? You're going to hurt yourself."

I looked at Briar. "After the explosion they went to check on the ether barrier? Are you sure?" I asked quickly.

Briar nodded as he looked at me with wide eyes. "Yeah, a couple of the other guildmates saw them. They had an older looking Kindred mage with them as well."

"Makes me wonder how much of this was planned, " Sorey sighed running a hand through his hair.

I swallowed hard as I tried my best to smother the jolt of fear that shot through my body. "What do you mean?"

"Apont being here, is one thing normally he walks around with at least a guard or two. He's known to visit brothels as well, so whenever he goes to one the guards simply fly off and sit on the roof to wait for him, " Sorey explained his face twisting into a grimace. He shook his head, "Dammit looking back, I thought something felt strange when I entered the redlight District."

Dalton closed his eyes for a moment letting out a soft hum. "It'd be hard for them to intercept your orders wouldn't it?"

"Hard yes, impossible no, especially if a mole did somehow manage to infiltrate Vale's inner circle." Sorey replied, not even bothering to hide his irritation.

"Right, " Dalton sighed.

The traitor is still out there.

I scowled wincing slightly as I draped my tail across my lap.

"Would medicine even work on you Lila?" Alice asked suddenly, biting her lip as she watched me. "I make you something for the pain if you want."

Marta made a soft noise of disgust. 'That medicine Sorey gave us last time tasted horrific.' She muttered.

I shuddered slightly as I remembered the horribly bitter taste of the medicine in question. I shook my head giving Alice a small smile. "Once we leave Trenna I should be able to rest," I reassured her quickly.

"If you're heading to Olakator from Trenna then, it would be best if we traveled through Natia forest especially with the Church of the Sacred Wing," Dalton suggested then he closed his eyes and crossed his arms. "Problem is right now its spring, which means Relgel mating season, not only will they be more of them out in the open but they'll be even more territorial."

Dalton sighed before looking at Briar. "Did Aldreda and Ren get a chance to refill the pheromone traps after we left Noravahlis?"

Briar nodded. "Yes sir, we also restocked some of the bait as well."

Dalton let out a low hum and closed his eyes again for a moment before turning to me. "Can you use magic in your current state? Alice informed me about what happened in Medoh."

"Yes I can still use magic like this," I answered instantly.

"And your spell limit?" Dalton continued.

"Twenty smaller spells, for bigger ones four offense and five defensive," I told him.

"That's a bit surprising," he sighed although from the sound of his tone it didn't seem like a good thing.

"Dalton, you're worrying for nothing," Sorey sighed as he took a drink from his mug.

"I'm just making sure I know what we're dealing with," Dalton told him as he glanced at me. "God or not if she can't handle herself out there we'll have problems."

Sorey scowled as he crossed his arms. "Okay Dalton, what did you have in mind?"

For a moment Dalton was silent then a grin slowly spread over his face. "A little sparring match, we can use one of the old holding rooms in the back. It should be big enough."

"Dalton-" Alice began to protest.

"Oh my, my, this is interesting," Marta and I said at the same time. A strange buzz seemed to flow through me, filling me with energy. I felt almost excited.

"Your eyes," Briar whispered as he stared at me in shock.

Right this is his first time seeing Marta and I speak together like this...

Dalton smirked at us. "So I take it you both accept my offer?"

I smiled as Marta began to speak through me. "Yes, I would like to see something as well. It has been a long time since I sparred with a human of your caliber."

"It's decided then," Dalton announced giving a hearty laugh.

Beside me Sorey said nothing but I did see him drag a hand down his face.


"Sorey say something for maker's sake, they're in no condition to do this," Alice demanded.

Ignoring her Sorey looked at Dalton as he took his place across from me in the room. "Don't be surprised if your soul ends up damned after this."

"I have no clue why I expected you to do anything," Alice grumbled, shaking her head.

I said nothing as I removed my boots and cloak tossing both on the wooden floor. The room was enormous, almost shockingly so the walls were made of rough looking stone and were covered in splotches of a dried rust colored substance.

Other than that it was oddly clean and had no windows, the small amount of light in the room came from the ether lamps fixed into medium sized holes in the stone ceiling. Under the smell of slightly wet dirt that seemed to fill the room was the slight musky smell of wet fur. I could practically feel the ether buzzing within the walls which caused a small hum to travel throughout my body.

As I unfurled my wings and unhooked my whipmaces from my belt I caught Dalton smiling at me.

"Have you sparred with anyone before?" He asked as he stretched.

"I sparred with Sorey in Medoh, I also used to spar with him when he was younger," I answered as I smiled back.

Even back then Sorey was a bit ruthless, it was kind of frightening.

He chuckled as he glanced back at Sorey, who was leaning against the wall beside the door silently watching. "I see. Well don't worry you have no fangs or claws to worry about from me."

No I don't, but I'm sure that you could still break a bone or two with your bare hands.

"Are there any rules?" I asked as I stared at him. I'd learned my lesson about not paying attention while sparring, back in Medoh.

Letting out a low hum Dalton closed his eyes for a moment. "It'll end if I manage to hug you."

"Hm? Hug me?" I repeated slowly.

He nodded a large grin on his face. "I haven't held a kindred as cute as you in a long while."

'Oh my, he really is a bit of an odd one,' Marta said a small amount of surprise in her voice.

"Your strange taste in women is showing again," Sorey called out his face twisted in disgust.

Beside him Briar stared down at the ground, his face slightly red, while Alice rolled her eyes.

A couple of the other guild members who'd gathered at the door to watch the sparring match chuckled and cheered.

I couldn't help but laugh softly as I stared at Dalton, his movements and mannerisms reminded me of someone important. And I couldn't help the warmth that gathered in my chest at the thought.

Ah...I really hope he's alright. I didn't see him at Kikewi village that day so all I can do is hope. Still he was a stubborn man, I doubt he'd die that easily...

"Before either of you ask, there's no need to hold back," Dalton said, speaking to both Marta and I. "This room is reinforced to hold some of the toughest beast out there."

'No wonder there's so much ether running through the walls. I wonder what it was made to hold exactly...' Marta said softly, letting out a soft hum.

"If you two are ready then you can begin!" Sorey called out to Dalton and I.

I saw a small grin flash across Dalton's face then, he moved. I jumped back dodging out of the way just as his fist swiped through the area where my head had been.

I flicked one of my whipmaces out, curving it toward his arm, Dalton leaped back dodging out of the way before rushing forward just as I started retracting it.

As he attempted to attack me once more I couldn't help but notice how precise his strikes were.

He's faster than I thought he'd be...

I resisted the urge to wince as my limbs ached and my skin stung, the dark ether burning my skin. As I dodged to the side my eyes widened as Dalton suddenly seemed to appear in front of me a large smirk on his face.

I opened my wings moving back slightly as my camouflage came up but Dalton grabbed my tail tightly in his fist. Pain shot up my back as he wrapped it around his fist like a rope and yanked me forward, seconds later I let out a strangled yelp as his other fist sank into my stomach.

I fell, or rather was dropped on the floor by Dalton. I couldn't move as I struggled to breathe, my chest spasmed and my stomach throbbed violently.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alice try to step forward to intervene but Sorey stopped her shaking his head. Beside him I noticed some of the guild members cheering and laughing.

Slowly I managed to look up at Dalton, my eyes widening slightly at his expression. The warmth in his eyes was gone and a sneer was spread across his face as he stared down at me like a thorn rabbit caught in a trap.

"Is that all the fight you have Little God? Is this truly the power of a being that obliterated a dragon?" He asked as a strange smile spread across his face, although it lacked any warmth it'd had before.

I said nothing as I gritted my teeth.

Fuck...I'm going to have a bruise. A second later and my cameoflage might've let me escape.

Marta let out a low hiss of pain. 'Are you alright Lila?' she asked me, her voice strained.

As I stumbled to my feet I let out a low groan ignoring the way a sharp throb rippled across my stomach. "I'm...fine," I forced out through clenched teeth, my voice strained.

I might be able to get a surprise attack in if I use my camouflage but... I don't think that'll work as long as I'm holding my whipmaces.

I ducked down dodging Dalton's punch aimed at my head, I held back a wince as I jumped back nearly tripping over my feet as Dalton suddenly lunged toward me with a quickness his large frame shouldn't have allowed him to.

I can't let him get his hands on me!

However no matter how much I dodged Dalton seemed to follow, usually appearing in front of me within a matter of seconds.

I briefly glanced at Sorey to see him watching closely, a small scowl on his face.

'Lila, we can't-'

I know Marta... I know...

However Dalton gave me no room to breathe as he seemed to follow my every move. I raised my whipmaces as I braced myself against Dalton's punches.

As his fist collided with the whipmace I gritted my teeth as I was pushed back a bit, a small slightly painful hum running along my arms from the force of his attack.

I can't drop my whipmaces since they at least let me block some of his attacks but I can't use them to attack him from a distance either. If I do he'll grab the rope.

I gritted my teeth as I took a step back panting softly. As my wing brushed up against the wall behind me, I reached back laying my hand on the wall, searching for an ether thread. However despite the fact that I could feel the ether buzzing excitedly within the wall I couldn't seem to draw it out.

The confusion must've shown on my face because Dalton laughed incredibly loudly, his once relentless attacks stopping for a moment. "So you need ether threads for your magic to work just like anyone else. As I said before, this room is made to hold some of the toughest beasts alive. Including, Regels."

'I thought something felt strange, Regels use ether threads to sense things with startling precision. But this room is designed to strip that away from them,' Marta told me, there was a slight bit of awe in her voice.

I said nothing as I drew away from the wall using my claw to discreetly prick the palm hand, there was a small sting then a tiny amount of warmth began to gather where I'd cut myself. I allowed my whipmaces to slip from my grasp.

As Dalton rushed forward I began casting my spell a slight smirk on my face. I could feel heat burning my palms as the air around me seemed to crackle.

Tue lei zwe kuloa riou tue zwe!

"Whoever told you I needed ether threads for my magic lied," I hissed as I lunged toward Dalton my hands outstretched.

I could feel the ether crackling along my skin as the air hummed. A rush of energy flowed through me erasing the pain I'd felt mere moments ago.

'Lila stop you'll kill him!' Marta shouted.

At her words, my eyes widened, I stumbled ducking under Dalton's arm falling to my hands and knees. The moment my hands touched the floor there was a bright flash of white light and a thunderous boom.

Blinking away black spots from my vision I shuddered slightly. "Ow, ow, ow," I hissed as I slowly sat back. My hands were incredibly tender, the buzzing that had been there seconds before had turned into a viscous sting as the small wisps of ether drifted off of my palms like smoke.

Glancing up I saw that Dalton had leaped back putting a great deal of space between him and I. He was staring at the floor with narrow eyes, a strange look on his face.

I couldn't help but notice that the room was almost eerily silent, the loud cheering from the guild member that had previously filled the room was nowhere to be found. Silently I followed Dalton's gaze, my eyes widened as I saw the blackened streaks that zigzagged across the floor. The area where I'd placed my hands now had a black circle scorched into the wood.

Wincing I slowly climbed to my feet. "Sorry, I think I broke it," I apologized softly with a small smile on my face. I could feel warmth gathering in my face that definitely wasn't from the heat that currently filled the room.

This cell was really important to their guild too. I can't believe I broke it, the ether in the walls is gone. Meaning I either absorbed it or it evaporated when I used my magic...

"Broke it?" Dalton nearly exclaimed shock covering his face.

I nodded hesitantly as I glanced up from my hands, I had been blowing on them softly in an attempt to cool them down but it didn't seem to be doing anything. "I absorbed the ether in the walls by mistake."

Sorey sighed loudly as he approached me. "You really are a fool, what exactly did you expect to happen?" He grumbled as he carefully took my hands in his own. "You should've just shocked him."

"He would have died!" I protested my eyes wide as I used my tail to gesture to the scorch marks on the floor.

"And?" Sorey said, rolling his eyes. "Who knows maybe a good shock would've done Dalton some good."

I opened my mouth but instead I just sighed softly, shaking my head as a small smile crossed my face. "You're awful." I muttered.

'I expect nothing less from Sorey,' Marta chuckled softly.

"I told you to stop them, but you didn't listen now did you?" Alice huffed as she came over to us.

At her words Sorey glared at her. "Alice for once in your life do something helpful and shut up." He spat.

"Little God, what was that?" Dalton asked, his expression serious as he stared at me.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" I asked immediately as I looked him up and down. However thankfully I saw no wounds on him aside from the very small scratches I'd left on him earlier in our sparring match.

I let out a loud sigh, the tension draining from my shoulders.

That's a relief, when that flash happened for a second I was worried that the lighting magic actually connected for a moment.

"You used magic without ether threads, hell without ether in general," Dalton said as his eyes roamed over the scorch marks on the floor.

"Dalton, like Lila said you seem very mistaken about something. she doesn't need ether threads to use magic. Especially not when she's one enormous walking ether source on her own," Sorey informed him, his voice slightly calmer as he rubbed some bitter smelling liquid on my palms.

The liquid stung slightly but as the stinging faded away it was replaced by a welcomed chill. I wiggled my fingers slightly grinning when I no longer felt that awful burn that had been there moments before.

"Did you draw the ether out of the walls?" Dalton asked as he came over to me. He stared down at me, his arms crossed, he seemed more imposing somehow as he towered over me.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "I couldn't find an ether thread to grab immediately so I made one using my blood. But I didn't really think about what would happen with all of this dark ether on me. Although, considering I was forced to stop our sparring match I suppose you won," I chuckled sheepishly.

For a moment Dalton stared down at me slowly blinking, then he sighed his stance relaxing as a slight smile formed on his face. For the briefest moment I couldn't help but see someone else the more I stared at him, a ball of warmth uncurling in my chest.

"Lila what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Alice asked her eyes wide.

"Huh?" Reaching up I brushed my fingers underneath my eyes feeling a wet warmth on my fingertips. However even as I tried my best to wipe the tears away the more seemed to gather. "Why? I don't..."I whispered.

"Let me guess, you're probably hungry," Sorey said as he watched me.

Scowling I did my best to look up at him through the tears, my eyes narrowed. "I'm not hungry, why would you think that?" I huffed my tail flicking out.

"Because whenever you used to get hungry you'd start mewling like you're doing now," he answered almost instantly if it wasn't for the very faint smirk on his face he would've looked completely serious.

This time however Marta spoke through me and I let her because I was completely sure that if I said anything else Sorey would have continued to make fun of me.

"Mewling? I don't ever recall Lila or I doing anything of the sort," Marta huffed. Turning to Dalton I felt a smile spread across my face. "The way you fight, your stance, your strikes they remind me of someone very dear to me. Considering that both you and Mikhail learned much from the Anju I suppose it shouldn't be as surprising ."Marta admitted.

"Is that why you were crying?" Dalton asked as he stared down at me his eyes had softened significantly.

I shook my head as I grinned at him despite the tears running down my face. This time I spoke, "No, you remind me of someone close to me as well, more so your personality and movements. He was a kind man as well, a bit strange too. He took great care of me for many years..."

Dalton sighed. "I am sorry to say that I am not him. I would remember meeting you without question," he told me, his voice gentle, almost hesitant.

I couldn't help but laugh softly at his words. "I know that, however you do give me a bit of hope that he's still out there alive somewhere."

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