preliminarys part 2

Yuki pov-

The screen displayed:
Shirayuki hatake vs obi wolf.

Finally I can get this over with!

"Can shirayuki and obi please enter the arena!" Hayate shouted so everyone could hear him. I realized that half way threw Sasukes match he stopped coughing how strange. Maybe someone gave him a throat soother.

I jumped off the railings and landed in the arena while the obi kid went down the stairs... Wow he's boring.

We stood opposite each other in a fighting stance and Hayate started the fight.

Obi pulled out his katana and held it in front of him. So he's trained in swordsmanship well me to. I pulled out my own katana and blocked his attacks. I blocked his but he wasn't as quick to block mine. My blade shrunk into his shoulder and obi let out a scream of pain. Normally I would pull my blade strait away but I wanted to show this kid pain. I moved my blade upwards cutting threw his shoulder in the process of retrieving my blade.

Obi put his blade away and I followed. He started to weave have signs then he sent 2 water dragons towards me. "Nice try kid" I stated before weaving hand signs of my own. I froze the water dragons making them fall and smash on the ground. So this kid is a water user and by the feel of his chakra that isn't the only type he can use but what's the other one? Guess I'll find out if he uses it.

"Dam can't use water she'll freeze it..." I heard obi mutter and he was so right. So kiddo show me your other chakra nature I thought to myself.

He started weaving hand signs again and the next thing I knew he was sending a blast of lava my way. So I guess his second nature was lava, I thought that is was rare, well I guess I'm fighting a unique kid. Wait what am I on about I use all the chakra nature's... But thats the hatake Kekkie genkai, Oh what ever.

I started to weave hand signs of my own to counter the attack. I sent a water cannon at the lava turning it to stone. I was getting bored of the fight and decided to end it quickly. I wove some more hand signs then whispered "crystal style: crystallize" then obi was coved I'm crystal stopping his movement.

"Winner shirayuki hatake!!!" Hayate stated. I smiled then dad arrived on the battle field and congratulated me, before teleporting me to a dark room. Why doesn't anyone warn me before they teleport me! I swear people have no manners.

"Yuki im going yo seal your curse mark so take your shirt off and sit in the middle of the symbols on the floor so I can draw these symbols on your back." He wants to seal my curse mark! But its a gift! It gives me strength! But I have to do this or dad might suspect something and I can't have that can i?

I removed my shirt and sat the middle of the symbols on the floor as instructed. Dad started to draw the symbols on my back and it was so, so hard not to laugh and roll around on the floor due to how much it tickled. Is dad making it tickle on purpose? No, he wouldn't do that would he? Well he better not.

"Okay yuki this might hurt..." Dad stated as he wove hand signs to seal the mark. When he was done with the hand signs all I felt was pain. I screamed at the top of my voice then was swallowed by darkness.

Kakashi pov

Yuki screamed in pain as the curse mark was sealed. It pains me to hurt her like this, but it's for her safety. Yuki then passed out and I took her to a privet hospital room that was guarded by ambu one of them being tenzo.

I went back to the rest of team 7 to watch the rest of the fights. When I got there I was greeted by sasuke who asked me how his girlfriend was, I told him she was fine and he let out a sigh of relief and we watched the genin matches.

Sasuke informed me that the only battle I had missed from the leaf genin was inos and apparently it was against a weak grass ninja. Sasuke says it was a cat fight.

3rd person pov ( its easier to do fight scenes like this sorry)

The next people up were temari and tenten.

As temari made her way down to the arena and proctor who would start the match, she sized her opponent up. The girl looked more serious than her other Konoha counterparts, and obviously hadn't spent as much time on her hair and clothing as that ridiculous pink haired kunoichi. 

In the opening moves of their fight, her opponent showed herself to be something of a budding weapons specialist when she went on the offensive. It was such a pity that she had to come up against a Wind mistress considering. Unlike just about every other girl in Konoha that she'd encountered during her stay, the girl actually seemed to take her position as a Kunoichi seriously. She would rather have seen her in the final phase of the Exams than that blonde haired harridan who spent a good minute pulling that grass ninjas.

When the girl realized that her initial moves had failed and that she would need to step up her game, she released three storage scrolls worth of weapons, and did something with ninja wire that undoubtedly would have caught Kankuro's interest as a puppet master before the bout was over, but eventually the fight ended in her favor as she blew the last of the weapons away and caught the girl in a Kamaitachi no Jutsu which was rather aptly named after the sickle weasel which floated through the winds slicing anyone it encountered with its razor sharp claws according to legend.

After catching the wounded girl on her fan, she flicked her aside and one of the boys on her team jumped down and caught her before she hit the ground. After the boy had caught his teammate, she talked a bit of trash with the boy she could be battling in a month, and left the arena. While she had a little more respect for her opponent than she did the blonde Kunoichi she had seen battle, she still found the Leaf Kunoichi to be weak compared to her. She had hoped for a greater challenge than the one she had gotten only to have those hopes dashed.

As soon as TenTen's weapons were all cleared from the Arena floor, the names for the seventh bout were selected and announced. 

Zaku abumi vs shino aburame

Abumi Zaku made his way down to the arena floor a second after Aburame Shino. When the time for the battle came, he wasted no time in blasting the boy in the trenchcoat with his Zankuha. The boy evaded his attacks with relative ease however, and called upon an army of bugs. Growing frustrated with his lack of success, he then tried to blast both the boy and the bugs only to have his arms ripped apart from the inside.

He lay on the ground in unbearable agony knowing that he'd failed both Lord Orochimaru and himself. His technique had backfired on him, ripping his arms open to relieve the pressure because his opponent had crammed the openings in his palms full of bugs. Once again he had been overconfident and tried to fly too high, and once again he had failed. He had failed himself, and Lord Orochimaru who had taken him off the streets and had made him strong so he would never again have to stoop so low as to risk his life in order to steal a crust of bread in order to survive.

"C'mon, C'mon!" Naruto chanted at the board as it cycled through yet another set of random names. "Pick me already! I wanna fight now!" Sasuke had been lucky enough to be in the very first fight, and hadn't even stuck around to watch his teammates' fight their battles. Four battles later, Naruto still hadn't gotten a chance to fight.

He wasn't too picky about who he got to fight, if he had to pick it would be nice to go up against one of the people who seemed so interested in Sasuke. Who wouldn't like a chance to beat one of those stuck-up pricks who'd totally ignored him but seemed so interested in the broody bastard? Maybe that would be the way to make everyone finally notice just how awesome he was. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Which one then? Bushy-Brows? Nah, he's weird and freaky looking, but I guess he really ain't so bad since he helped Sakura-chan while I was knocked out, and he's crazy fast.
 I guess I could fight that Sand guy with the gourd, but … he seems kinda scary.

The bored finally landed on: naruto uzumaki vs kiba inuzuka

Inuzuka Kiba felt somewhat uncertain as he made his way to the arena floor. While he had always been able to defeat Naruto rather easily back at the Academy, that had been over half a year ago and Naruto had changed a great deal since then. The loud-mouthed prankster who couldn't be serious if he tried that he knew and skipped classes with long ago looked very serious at the moment. Instead of bouncing with excitement or trembling with fear like he would have been doing when they were in the Academy together, he was almost completely still as they stood in front of the proctor and waited for their fight to start.

He opened the fight with one of his better moves, a move that would have knocked the old Naruto out for days, in order to test the boy. Instead of standing there and taking the blow as he would have done back then, Naruto managed to dodge. At the very least, the Uzumaki's speed had improved to some degree since the Academy.

Deciding to try a different tack, he threw a couple of smoke bombs at Naruto in order to cover his attacks. Then, he and Akamaru launched themselves into the fight. Despite the disorienting smoke, they soon found themselves launched out of it again, heading in different directions with an explosive tag attached to each of them. Fortunately, the boy had placed a tag with a slightly longer timer on Akamaru, allowing him to save the dog from serious injuries; which had apparently been his plan all along, since Naruto went on the offensive while he was distracted with rescuing Akamaru.

Before he knew it, he was on the ground and in pain, and Akamaru was on the ground on the other side of the arena. In a rather desperate move, he pulled out a pair of food pills. If he wanted any chance of passing, there was nothing left to do but pull out his best attack. And to think, he was going to have to use the Gatsuga against the boy who had been touted as the absolute last of the class for a few years before he somehow managed to graduate the Academy, the boy he used to be able to easily pound into the dirt whenever he wanted to.

After taking one of the pills, he tossed the other to Akamaru but, Naruto caught it before it could reach the dog, and crushed it underfoot. Throwing another to replace the one that had been destroyed would be pointless, since Naruto would just catch and destroy that one as well. With the way things were going, he would have to hope Akamaru was able to distract Naruto while he did the Tsuga instead.

Preparing for his solo attack, he threw another two smoke bombs to disorient his opponent, and Akamaru launched himself into the smoke cloud. After Akamaru jumped in to pin his opponent, he flew towards the boy, spinning at an insane rate, while Akamaru attacked from the other side. The attack failed however because Naruto had managed to shake Akamaru off and dodge his attack and counter it, even with the smoke cloud disorienting him. Still desperate to win or at the very least land a single blow, he flew at Naruto once more, and the result was the same.

eventually, after giving his best, and after several failed attacks, he was forced to admit defeat when Naruto finally knocked him down one more time than he could rise, but he did this by...farting. Naruto definitely wasn't the omega of the pack he remembered, but an alpha in his own right.

As naruto returned to his team hinata gave him sind ointment which he was grateful for.

The next two name's were called making most leaf genin go silent.

Hinata hyuuga vs neji hyuuga

Hinata, who had been over the moon about the fact that Naruto was actually speaking with her, even if it was only about the properties of the homemade medicinal ointment that she had given him had been forcefully slammed down to Earth by the name of her opponent. That couldn't possibly have been a random selection. Someone had to have bribed whoever it was that programmed the boards, either that, or a Hyuuga had programmed the board at some point when it became apparent that Preliminaries would be necessary.

She understood why it had been done. Compared to Neji and her younger sister, she was weak. If she somehow made it to the final part of the exams and failed in front of the assembled dignitaries, her family would be seen as weak. By having her fight Neji and be eliminated now, it was guaranteed that a Hyuuga would make it to the final phase, and not shame the family when they did so.

She felt sadness and anger at this. She had worked so hard to be strong, and had hoped to prove to herself and everyone around her that she was so during the Chunin Exams. She had always wanted to be like Naruto who always picked himself back up off the ground and climbed ever higher after every time he did so. Every time she faced an obstacle however, she found herself stopping and backing away. This time didn't appear to be an exception, as while Neji kept telling her that she was a failure and always would be a failure she found herself drawing in on herself, trying to protect herself from his words.

Suddenly, as she was about to give up, a voice that never failed to cause her heart to skip a beat called out
"C'mon Hinata, don't give up now, I know for a fact that you're much better than this!". Naruto believed in her! Naruto believed in her! She couldn't give up now, she had to prove to both herself and everyone else that she was as strong as Naruto believed her to be.

Emboldened by the words of the boy she admired, she moved to strike. Neji provided no openings, no matter what she did however. Eventually, after what seemed like forever, her eyes found one. She scored a hit! She scored a hit against Neji! She could do this!

She couldn't do this. Neji proved too strong, and too fast. He closed all of the tenketsu on her arms, disabling her Juken strikes. All she could do now was try to block him. She couldn't block him forever, and the pain in her chest from one of his earlier strikes grew to be too much. She collapsed, and nearly lost consciousness. As the proctor announced her defeat, and the Jounin moved in to save her from Neji's next attack, she struggled to rise. She wouldn't stay down. She wouldn't stay down. She would get up like Naruto. She stood, and then she fell...

Naruto clutched the railing in shock. If he had known that this would happen, he would not have called out any encouragement despite the fact that He'd promised Hinata that he'd be rooting for her as she'd left for the arena floor. He had seen Hinata faltering, and decided then would be a good time to cheer her up a bit, especially since he now considered her to be something of a friend now that he'd actually talked to her. After he'd loudly cheered her on, Hinata had fought instead of forfeiting like she had looked like she had been about to do. She had fought bravely, and now, because she had fought, she could die.

Neji however had not needed to be so brutal. He had not needed to put Hinata down so much, and he had not needed to attack her so viciously especially considering the fact that Hinata was both family and a comrade to the Hyuuga boy.

Hinata was his friend, and as soon as he got a chance to do so, he was going to show Neji exactly what he did to people who harmed his friends. If Hinata's teammates didn't take him out back and show him what they did to people who hurt their teammate first that is. As her teammates, the Inuzuka and the Aburame had first dibs on any actions that might be taken against the Hyuuga bastard for what he'd done to Hinata.

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