Chapter 1: First day
(Iruka's Pov)
It's the first day of senior year, finally. I was getting ready for school when suddenly, I got a message on my phone from an unknown number.
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Unknown: Hello, Iruka!
Iruka: Hello? Do I know you??
Unknown: yes, yes you do. I am in your homeroom.
Iruka: Oh, well, do you need anything?!
Unknown: Yes, for you to notice me.
Iruka: What?? I don't get what you mean.
Unknown: Your already 5 minutes late, better hurry!
Iruka: What??!!
Unknown: Bye Iruka~!
Iruka: Bye??
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I put my phone away, rushed putting my books and my phone in my bag along with my pencils and other materials. I ran to the school on full speed. Once I arrived, I rushed to class without going to my locker to realize that nobody was there. I check the time, 8:10??!! UGH, THAT PERSON LIED!! I go back to my locker and settle my stuff. "Look who it is, you still decided to come to Konoha high even after we-" "P-please... just l-leave me a-alone.." "Haha, you really think we will?" one of the boys said pushing me on the ground, "OWWW!! PLEASE STOP!!" He was standing on my leg, putting full pressure. "Why?" "I-I'll-" "You will what? the best you can do is go cry about it to your mom" "I-" I didn't even have parents. They died when Kyuubi attacked. Tears were rolling down my face. "See, your already crying about it. If you-"
"Leave him alone" a silver hair boy wearing a mask interrupted the boy. The siler hair boy pushed the boy on the ground letting go of my foot. I moved back, "Now, all of you scram before I do something more unpleasant" "A-alright" then they all ran away. The boy held out his hand for me, I grabbed it getting up but then almost fell before he caught me. We were in the most awkward position ever. My back was bend and he had his hand on my back, holding my hand with his other free hand, as if we were dancing or something- I felt my face warm up, "Hmm, are you okay? You are" He said, after a moment of silence he let me go but then I fell again, god what's wrong with me!! "Looks like your leg is hurt very bad, I can help you to the nurses office," He said bending down and looking at my leg then looking back at me, "I'm Kakashi Hatake, by the way" "I-Iruka U-umino" GOD WHY DO I ALWAYS STUTTER?! He got up and let out his hand, once again. "T-thanks..." I said grabbing his hand and getting up, before I could fall again he put my arm around his neck and helped me walk over to the nurses office. I don't remember anything after that.
(Kakashi's pov)
I just watched him sleep. Yes, I skipped class to help him. He looked cute, what the hell am I thinking? I watch him as he gets up, "K-Kakashi..?" "Hm?" "DID WE MISS-" "Yes, that's fine though I let the teachers know. If your feeling better, should I take you home? School ended an hour ago so.." "Y-yeah-" He got up but before falling I grabbed his hand. The nurse gave him a temporary wheel chair as he had a hard time with crutches. That bitch hurt him this much, he can't even walk himself. What the heck.. I thought to my self and I pushed Iruka's wheel chair and walked. "H-hey... Ya know, I-I can g-go...m-myself.." "No, nurse said that you can't go up and down the stairs on a wheel chair" I said and I opened his door with the key (he gave it) and then went inside. He took off his shoes and so did I, "Kakashi?" "yes?" "A-are... you staying over?" "Yes" "Why?" "I don't know...the nurse said you'd need some help..." no... in reality it was different. I've known Iruka since sophomore year, he didn't even notice me. . . at least now he can. I thought to myself. "Kakashi?!" ...."Kakashi??!" "KAKASHI???!!!" He yelled and then I jumped, "Hm?" "So um if you want to take naruto's room, sure. You can have my room, if not." "Naruto's?" "Yeah, he visits my house often and sometimes stays over so I gave him a room. I only have... 2 rooms in this apartment, sorry!" "Eh, don't be. I'll figure it out when its time for bed" "Alright, what do you want to do?" "Hmm, I'm not sure but for now, I'm going to make dinner for you" "alright, if you need h-help...I can help!" "Please, just relax for now" "Alright" he said moving spots to the sofa instead of his uncomfy wheel chair.
(Third person Pov)
Kakashi was waiting for the ramen to boil so he just sat down and took out his book to read. He noticed Iruka looking at me with a weird look, "Hmm, you've been staring at me," no reply so he added on, "You wanna read too?" Kakashi leaned forward since he was siting across the room from Iruka. "W-what?! N-no!! not those p-perv-" "and when they did so, it revealed~-" then Iruka threw his school bag at kakashi which knocked down the book. "Sorry but, please don't read those in my apartments. If you do, read it where I can't see, and check up on the ramen please" "shit, shit, shit" Kakashi said running to the stove and turning it off mixing the ramen, "Phew-" "Next time, pay attention to what your cooking or you'll be burning down my kitchen!" Iruka said as he saw Kakashi place the food on the table. Iruka got on his wheel chair and went to the kitchen to eat. He noticed the Kakashi's mask on and questioned how he is supposed to eat, "Kakashi-san," Iruka paused for him to answer but nothing. Kakashi was only staring at him, "Kakashi-san, if you want some privacy to eat... I ca-" "No, no, it's fine actually!" Kakashi cut Iruka off. "A-alright!" He looked down at your plate and took a bite, looked up and Kakashi was already done. How can he eat so fast? After dinner they both sat beside each other on the couch, picking what movie to watch. After they found a movie. Half way through, Kakashi felt something on his shoulder. He looked to see Iruka sleeping, while his head leaned on his shoulder. Kakashi wasn't sleepy so he decided to finish the movie. After he finished the movie, he picked up Iruka bridal style and took him to his room. He placed Iruka on his bed and then started walking away before he heard a soft voice stutter, "S-stay..." Kakashi smirked then decided to just sleep there with him. Kakashi always wore a t-shirt underneath so he just took off his uniform and then wore some sweatpants he found in Iruka's closet. He didn't change Iruka or wake him up to change, he just let him be. Kakashi then got into bed. After a while, Kakashi felt something on his chest. He opened his eyes and saw Iruka laying his head on Kakashi's chest. He let out a sigh then wrapped his arms around Iruka and fell asleep.
Word count: 1343😭
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