Chap 20 Part 3: Jester

Chester was taken aback. His job as a jester was to be a goofball by trade. The genetic reconstruction of his body turned him into a lethal weapon. His fists could match the force of heavyweight boxers twice his size. Even if it was a robot, Jester shouldn't have been able to tank a blow of that magnitude.

The brighter clown rolled his neck around with his eyes once again shut. The blatant disregard despite Chester being only a foot away from him was infuriating. He pulled his arm back once more and let loose a gravity-warping left straight.

With his eyes still shut Jester leaned to the left with his right hand against his neck. The punch flew into the hoop he created with his collarbone, shoulder, elbow, and forearm. He clamped down on Chester's limb and cracked an eye open.

The dark jester tried to pull back but the grip of this upgrade would put a python to shame. Witnessing his template struggle with such a simple counter was hard for him to watch. Jester rolled his eyes with a tired sigh, "How embarrassing."

Jester pulled back forcing Chester forward. Then with his left elbow, he drove a hole through Chester's chest. The clown went flying as his ribs threatened to collapse under the impact. Jester crossed his arms while verbally pondering, "I understand why you were chosen... but why were you chosen?"

When Chester got back to his feet he reconciled with the damage. It was just like that tackle from before. He just had a head-on collision with a model trainset moving like a bullet. He listened on as Jester continued, "You are borderline insane enough for people to believe you would randomly snap yet somehow just sane enough for no one to believe you would blindly attack Brawlers."

Jester put a thumb to his chin and gazed into his own mind, "I guess that makes sense. We needed someone who would cause confusion. If they hadn't stalled so long on investigating you we couldn't have secured the numbers we needed so quickly. Guess you were good for something."

Chester had closed the distance amid his speech. Jester sidestepped him while proceeding with his train of thought, "I guess you're kind of like that girl, Colette." Chester's wild punches obliterated the air around him. "You know her right? White hair, strait jacket?" Jester ducked under a blow and got face-to-face with Chester. Their noses were inches from touching, "Really likes Brawlers." Chester tried to grab him but the clone dipped away. It was like fighting a puddle of water. His fists just displaced the position, it never did damage.

Jester's voice appeared behind him, "I guess we couldn't frame her though. She'd never hurt a Brawler." Jester walked away as he spoke, "Plus, I don't think her face would have accomplished the goal as effectively."

Chester rushed after him, "Hold still dammit!"

Jester ducked the attack to the back of his skull and continued to backpedal as he spoke, "I mean, you've been Jessie's big brother for years now. She practically treats you like her idol." Jester noticed most of Chester's weight was on his back leg. Surprisingly good form for a fledgling fighter. While he watched another punch approaching he kicked out the front leg forcing Chester to drop onto his face.

He pushed the blue and purple tassels aside as he crouched down to Chester's level. He watched as Chester groaned and attempted to push up with his arms. A cream-colored hand smashed down his blue scalp so he could get better acquainted with the floorboards. While holding him down Jester continued to think aloud, "Of course, I'll be taking over that role from now on. The only issue is actually confronting her crush. I'll have to find a way to nip that before it grows into a problem." Chester growled something below him, "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Ba..." Chester pushed the arm off his head. He managed to get to a feral stance akin to a tiger, "BASTARD!" He pushed off his hind legs with a rocket punch soaring above.

Jester leaned back so quickly he not only moved his head away but his stomach and legs were now suspended in air. With his back parallel to the floor, he planted his hands as if to make a reverse handstand. He displaced his center of mass to the upper half of his torso. His kip-up return was an extension of his technique as he caved in Chester's stomach once more with an awkward yet effective double-heel blast.

As Chester was once again sent flying Jester landed on his feet and dusted off his shirt. He was unable to hide his impressed smirk when Chester also managed to land on his hands and knees, "Good recovery."

Jester again looked off into the distance, "Speaking of recovery. Jessie is struggling to recover from the kidnappings." Chester nursed the growing bruises along his stomach. Jester's little monologues were perfect for regaining stamina. As he rambled on about Jessie he pulled out a notebook from his satchel, "I caught her with this last night." He absently flipped through the pages as he spoke, "She's made such clever observations. Pam's meetings with Nani. Adam. Even the lab. So smart." His eyes fell on the little picture in the corner. He rubbed a thumb over it as he cooed, "So very, very smart."

Chester started focusing again though he wished he hadn't, "Ugh... dude please stop."

Jester looked up from his book, "What?"

"It's just... the way you're talking about her."

He slammed the book shut, "What's wrong with the way I speak?"

"It's just... you hear what you sound like don't you?"

"What do I sound like?"

Chester looked around nervously. He knew no one was around but just saying this to a clone of himself felt awkward, "Dude... you're sounding like a pedophile."

The two stood in silence for a moment. The new model laughed aloud for a minute before restricting his immature outburst, "I should have known you wouldn't understand."

" I'm pretty sure I understand."

"I am the ultimate creature given form with one purpose. Complete and total dedication to Jessie."


"I have the ability to do something neither Nani nor Pam can achieve. Twenty-four-hour servitude to Jessie Junkerton. When she wakes up I'll be the first thing she sees. When she sleeps I'll tuck her into bed. Her education will be guided by my hands. Her growth followed across each rocky road. If she asks for a sandwich I'll prepare a banquet. If she asks me to bark, I'll roll through the mud. If she cries, I'll kill. Till the day she dies, I'll be at her side. Then when she passes on I'll follow in stride, knowing that my mission is complete."

Chester stared on with a disgusted frown, "Please... stop making those sounds with my face."

"Her first fight, I'll be there to patch her wounds. Her first love will be under my blessing. Even her first time will be carefully watched over by me!"

Chester begged, "Please, shut up."

"You could never understand my dedication, nay! MY LOVE FOR JESSIE!"

"No! No. This isn't love. You sicko, that's just grooming."

Jester's infliction finally snapped, "I'M PROTECTING HER!" A bit of saliva flung between them. It gave Chester a bit of relief knowing that even this so-called upgrade was susceptible to taunts. Jester once again readjusted his cap and tucked his strawberry locks. "Excuse me. I seemed to have inherited the teenage angst of Emz as well."

Chester's eyes widened, "What?"

"Not that it matters." He reached behind his back, "I've already entertained you enough." The jack-in-the-box lookalike was resting in his arms. He slowly cranked the handle as 'Pop Goes the Weasel' echoed ominously.

Chester responded with a nervous pace. He pulled out the black and blue original and started cranking at twice the speed. Jester just rolled his eyes as his somber sonnet was garbled up by Chester's rushed garbage.

Chester smiled when he heard the crank lock. He aimed the latch as the final tune exploded with a playful pop. A bit of smoke puffed out the hatch as a single green orb rolled onto the ground. Its slow rolling stop dropped an unfortunate note on Chester's comeback.

He turned to the box and shook it violently, "What are you doing!? Why now?!" Even if he couldn't verbally communicate with the object he knew it understood. What was it gaining by underperforming at a time like this?

"Ehem!" Chester turned to Jester who had finished his own tune. The latch was aimed not at Chester's head, nor above. It was directed just below his feet, "Pop Rocks."

A miniature turquoise typhoon came tumbling toward him. It landed just before the original clown and created a spiraling cloud of blue cotton candy swirls. It quickly dispersed until Chester was surrounded by an azure aura. He saw a landslide of stones and pebbles forming at his feet. He tried to move but a chilling sensation rushed down his back. Something wet and colder than ice. He looked up as a low rumbling cloud appeared above him. A centralized cumulonimbus bursting with rain.

The moment the water made contact with a stone it exploded like the name implied. However, these explosions weren't pleasant little pops along the tongue. It was more like little firecrackers you'd buy from a shady store in the back alley of your least favorite town. His lower body was on fire and his upper was freezing. He had to fight these rapidly swapping states as he tiptoed through a regenerating minefield.

Then there was the soft sound of a music box. He saw Jester cranking away with a subtle smile. Chester didn't know when or how but he was able to recursively activate his box's power. Now there was a new light bursting from the core, "Jawbreaker!"

This time Jester leaned back as a powerful burst of ionized candy-coated energy spewed out in a line. It made contact with Chester's cheek as promised and he spun on a dime. After rotating like a ballerina in her opening set he hit the floor and let the explosions engulf him. He was lucky enough to only suffer a few moments more. The water let up and the rocks melted away into the waxed floor.

While Chester's chest heaved under the weight of his ribs Jester casually approached, "What was that drab question you originally asked? 'Why am I telling you all of this?'" He stood opposite Chester's head looking at him from upside down. He playfully whispered as he walked away, "It's because I know you won't tell Jessie."

Hearing the mention of that kid again made his blood boil. He felt like his flesh was being torn apart even if the skin had yet to be punctured. It was the body's biggest organ. Attacks that target the skin directly, while non-lethal, are often the most painful. Even so, he couldn't care less about that right now. This monster was planning to do unspeakable horrors to not only this park but an innocent child. He wouldn't let him get away with this.


Chester stumbled to his feet. His head was starting to ache and his legs felt like gelatin but he was still breathing. He'd do just like the clown had predicted. He'd die before he gave up.

He whipped around ready to rush the cocky fool. However, he found himself alone in the gymnasium. Jester had suddenly disappeared without a trace. There were no footsteps, he didn't see or hear a door open, all he got was a solitary clap and then he vanished.

"Honestly, what makes you think Jessie would even want you around?" Chester heard his voice. He was still around here, somewhere. "I mean... you're so flawed." Was he behind the bleachers? Maybe he was hiding in the rafters. Where did he go? "Honestly it's a testament to how amazing Jessie is. Despite her perfect beauty and intelligence, she would still find something of merit in such a dull fool like you."

"Would you shut up about Jessie? This isn't about her."

A clubbing blow rocked his skull. Something heavier than a bowling ball had struck him from behind. He felt his vision fade but caught himself before he could face plant once more.

Jester's frustrated sneer was audibly visible, "It's always about Jessie."


Chester whipped around and threw a wild punch. Again he only sliced the air with his knuckles. "WA-he-he-he! Where are you swinging Chester?" Another stiff blow landed deep within his guts, "How sloppy."

Chester was starting to understand, "H-How?"

"How else? Do you think those kidnappings were just for show?" Chester put his arms against his head. He needed to protect himself in case of another attack. "I was given more than just those measly enhancements from the lucky six. Every Brawler we took was infused into this perfect form."

Chester thought about it some more. Gray said they were taking Brawlers with powers matching the box. So taking Gray, Leon, and Crow didn't make sense. However, if Pam was really trying to create the ultimate Brawler, every tool at her disposal was bound to be used.

Jester continued his taunts, "We would have further fueled my prolific power had it not been for the advice of her assistant. No matter, I'm already perfect as is."

The fact he couldn't see him. Invisibility. The way they suddenly appeared here after their fight within the streets. Dimensional Doors. Even the skill of his close-quarters-combat. He could freely use their most powerful abilities and techniques. Any skill they possessed was under his control. The horrifying realization dropped his guard. His arms drooped to his hips as he contemplated this rancid reality. What other abilities did this monster possess?

Suddenly a black hole appeared at his feet. He stared ahead as a face suddenly appeared from the darkness. He saw his reflection once again. A small glimpse into a past he nearly forgot. A glistening smile that proved tomorrow would be better than the last. Behind that was something different. Hidden beneath soulless black saucers was a haunting sense of humor. The pleasure he took in dishing out this unjust punishment was only enhanced by his chaotic dress code.

In his hands was a box. Once thought to be a cube of dreams now a portal to nightmares. A bright pink light was pushing its way up from the bottomless container. A sphere ten times bigger than the box it sat in.

"Candy Popper."

The explosion threatened to tear the flesh off his face. His body was lifted off the ground as he soared into the sky. He nearly touched the rafters at the peak of his ascension. Then he came crashing down in slow motion. He couldn't tell how long he was floating. An eternity of lies played through his mind.

Pam. All those years he worked under her. The dinners he was invited to. The jokes they shared. Were they all lies? What had he done to upset her so? Or is this just circumstantial? Was he just the unfortunate winner of the world's worst lottery? Could it have been any Brawler that fell into this multi-staged trap? In a way, he knew he was doomed the moment he entered their household. Even if he wasn't aware then he knew what his biggest mistake was now.

He was kind to Jessie.

His body slammed into the floor. His skull was definitely cracked this time. His brain had been bashed around like a rubber ball in a vacuum's dust collector. He felt a bit of drool running down his chin. A glassy luster was forming along his iris.

Something stepped in front of him. He was so confused. How was he looking at his old self again? He was sure he'd put on that black and blue costume again today. He should really change clothes. Otherwise, Starr Security would find him immediately.

Oh, he's crouching down. He didn't feel himself moving but he saw himself getting closer. "Don't worry. I won't kill you... quickly."

What was he saying? Who is he talking to? Himself? Why would he say that?

"Your death is destined to be a slow and painful demise. You should suffer for years like she has, but this will have to suffice."

She? Who is she? Mandy?


Where's Mandy? He hasn't saved Mandy yet. And Poco or Emz. Gray. Lou. Spike. Dynamike. Crow. That little rascal Leon. He's still got to save them. He promised he would.

He saw himself raise a foot, "Consider this payback... for stealing Jessie's heart."


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