Chapter 17: Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Mouse

Chapter 17: Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Mouse

“Please don’t hate me,” Eli said, wincing slightly.

            I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. “Why would I hate you?”

            “Because of our date…”       

            “I love our dates.”

            “I don’t know if you’ll love this one…”

            “What is it?”

            He held up to two tickets. I peered closer. “We’re going to…”


            I…we…Disneyworld? I shook my head. “I can’t go there, Eli. Not after what happened to my dad.”

            “I want to share something that I love with you.”

            “I can’t,” I whispered, shifting my gaze down to the sidewalk.

            He lifted my chin and cupped my face. “You have bad memories of Disneyworld, right? That’s why you don’t want to go there?” I nodded. “Then let’s go and make memories. Good memories.”

            “I don’t know, Eli…”

            “Please? These weren’t cheap.”

            That was true…and I didn’t want to let them go to waste. I feel like Disneyworld is a good rip off. I plastered on a fake smile. “Okay, let’s go.”



            “Eli, can we pull over? I really need to use the little girl’s room.”

            He pulled over onto the shoulder. “You could probably go behind that tree. I promise I won’t look.”

            “I meant to a rest stop or something.”

            “Oh,” Eli said dumbly, driving back onto the road. “You should’ve specified it.”

            “I thought it was common sense.”

            “I’m kidding, Ash.”

            “I know, and it would’ve been funny if my bladder wasn’t threatening to burst any second now.”

            “Oops, sorry. I’ll speed to the nearest stop.”

            “Just don’t get us killed.”

            Two minutes and a continuous uncomfortable potty dance later, I ran into the building, almost squashing myself against the glass door. I raced into the first stall and relieved myself. After washing my hands, I found Eli feeding the vending machine.

            “What are you getting now?”

            “Food for the trip.”

            “We only have like an hour to go. Can’t you wait?”

            “Nope, I want my Doritos now.”

            I looked at him degradingly. “You like Doritos.”

            “Much better than Cheetos, wouldn’t you agree?”

            I scratched the back of my neck. “This is awkward, because I don’t agree. Cheetos all the way.”

            Eli shook his head, his hair swishing. “I don’t believe you. I thought we had a special connection.”

            “We do! It’s just that…we don’t the same chips. Does it really matter? They’re both cheesy.”

            “Don’t talk to me, Ashlyn. You can go to Disney by yourself.”

            “I don’t even want to go to Disney!”

            “Are we really going to fight over what type of chips that we like?”

            “Yes, we will be that couple that argues over little things.”

            He groaned. “I hate those couples.”

            “I think they’re cute.”

            He kissed my forehead. “I think you’re cute.”

            “What a coincidence, I think I’m cute too.”

            “No, this is the part where you say. ‘I think you’re a sexy beast, Eli.’ But it’s okay, you didn’t know. I’ll give you another chance. I think you’re cute.”

            I sighed and recited, “I think you’re a sexy beast, Eli.”

            He beamed. “There we go!”

            I snatched the bag of Doritos from his hand and sauntered away. Eli chased after me. “What the heck? I thought you didn’t like Doritos.”

            “I never said that,” I disagreed. “I just said that I prefer Cheetos over Doritos.”

            “You can only like one.”

            “Then for today, I’ll choose Doritos.”

            “But that’s not fair!” he whined, reaching for a chip.

            I held the bag away and bounced into the passenger seat, eating the chip slowly, torturing a hungry Eli. He scowled and stepped on the accelerator, the car jerking forward. “What the heck!? That’s not good driving, Eli.”

            “Never said I was a good driver.”

            “Let me drive!”

            “And let us die? No thank you.”

            “C’mon, I’m a good driver.”

            “No, you’re not. I can just see you swerving like a maniac because you see a squirrel a mile away.”

            “I can’t even see a mile away,” I pointed out.

            “You know what I mean.”

            “So let me get this straight, I can’t drive?”


            “I’m not sharing my chips.”

            “Actually, those are mine. I paid for them.”

            “We’re on a date and getting married. They’re mine.”

            He winked. “Alright, fiancée. I like the sound of that. We should really get married.”

            “That’s new. A guy that’s not afraid of commitment?”

            “Not with you!”

            I popped a chip into my mouth. “You’re sweet.”

            “So sweet that you’ll give me a Dorito?”


            “Then I take that comment back.”

            “You’re definitely not getting one now.”

            “Aww, why not?” he whined.  

            “Because you’re a meanie.”

            “It’s not like I meant it! C’mon Ash, give me a chip.”

            “Get your own chips.”

            “Those are mine!”

            I shrugged. “You should’ve gotten two bags.”

            “How was I supposed to know that you wanted one?”

            “Because I’m me.”

            “You have a point there…but still. Give me one. I don’t care if it’s tiny.”

            I laughed. “That’s what she didn’t say.”

            “You’re horrible.”

            “I know.”


            “This line is ridiculously long. Can’t we just go to the front? Shouldn’t we get like special treatment because we already have our tickets?” I complained.

            “Doesn’t work that way.”

            “I bet we’d bet special treatment if this was our honeymoon.”

            “Wanna pretend it is?”


            “Let’s pretend to be married.”

            “How are we going to do that? We don’t even have rings.”

            “Just play along, will you?”

            “Fine, but it’s not going to work. People hate standing in lines.”

            “Oh contraire, my dear. Watch and learn.”

            He went up to the front of the line and tapped on the shoulder of a middle aged man. I surreptitiously leaned over to watch his moves. Eli had his bubbly, social face on—the face that anyone couldn’t resist. He had a wide and cocky grin on his face as he strolled back. I rolled my eyes and scoffed quietly.

            “Guess who got us to the front?”


            “You’re a good guesser. Now c’mon, let’s go.”

            I looped my arm through his and cut a line full of anxious people. “How did you manage this?” I asked as soon as we were through.

            “I may have sweet talked a few people?”


            “Just some old people who fell under my charm. It was rather cute.”

            “So you’re running around terrorizing the elderly?”

            “I wouldn’t say terrorizing…”

            I shook my head, laughing. “You’re something else, Eli.”

            He half-smiled. “So…whereto first?”



            We started slow. We rode the gigantic carousal first. After that, it was getting easier and easier to go on different ones. Even though I wasn’t ready to go back on that rollercoaster, I still think I made progress. I could never ride that coaster again—it brought back bad memories, Bad memories I didn’t want to remember.

            “Eli, I’m starting to have second thoughts about this ride,” I stated nervously, my eyes teetering at the view before me.

            “It’s already too late, Ashlyn. We’re already in.”

            We were riding [EVIL HOTEL MOVIE]. Before I had a chance to respond, I felt my heart shoot up about 100 feet. I let out a bloodcurdling shriek. I was glad I wasn’t the only one screaming—I’d feel kind of like a chicken if I was.

            I clutched the safety bar and whispered quietly to myself, “Breathe. It’ll all be over soon.”

            Now if I could just take my own advice.

            A billion lifetimes later, the ride stopped. I was out faster than anybody else. As soon as Eli was out, I grabbed his hand and I got out of there. “I am never going on a ride that you suggest ever again,” I fumed, dragging him to a user-friendly ride.

            All while Eli was doubled over laughing at me. “It wasn’t that scary, babe.”

            “It was,” I said seriously.

            “So where do you want to go next? That flying Dumbo ride?”

            “Yes, but I was also thinking of those spinning teacups.”

            I felt a smile creep onto my lips. “Maybe.”

            “You’re lucky you’re cute.”

            I stuck my nose in the air. “I know.”

            I spotted a gift shop—they were placed all over the park. “Let’s go there!”

            “You want to go souvenir shopping?”

            “We don’t have to buy anything. It’s just for the Disney experience.”

            He shrugged and let me pull him along. A pang of nostalgia hit me. I remembered these characters, my childhood. I saw stuffed animals of Timon and Pumba. A smiled sadly as I looked at my dad’s favorite Disney characters.

            “You want them?” Eli asked, interrupting my trip down memory lane.

            I shook my head. “I’m okay, but thanks.”

            He nodded and sent me a pitying look. He pulled my waist closer to him and pointed at the rack of hair accessories. I scrunched my eyebrows, wondering what he was gesturing at. And then I saw it.

            “A Minnie Mouse veil!?”

            “And a Mickey Mouse groom’s hat. Let’s get married the right way, shall we?”

            I giggled and nodded. Eli grabbed them off the shelf and we waited in the line of three people to pay. The cashier looked at me with jealousy as she sighed over Eli. I was okay with that, because for now, he was mine.

            When Eli wasn’t paying attention, the girl whispered to me, “You are so lucky to have a boyfriend like him.”

            I beamed and looked at Eli adoringly. “I know.”

            I placed the Mickey hat on him and he put the Minnie veil on me. “You don’t think we could get the Disney characters to marry us, could we?” I asked curiously.

            “I guess they could if we found them…”

            I smiled hopefully. “Can we look for them?”

            “Anything for my princess.”

            We couldn’t find them. Any of them. Not even one.

            We ran around the park all day, chasing the people in costumes. Yes, we’re crazy. Sue us.

            “Sorry, they must’ve all disappeared or something.”

            I shrugged. “It’s fine.”

            “If it’s any consolation, I think you’re hotter than the real Minnie.”

            His smile was so contagious. This is why I loved him. He always found a way to brighten my day, even if it’s already shining.

            I threw my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. I almost told him my feelings, right then and there, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. Not on the hair on my chinny chin chin.

            Not that I have hair on my chin or anything…

             “Ashlyn, I think it’s time.”


            “It’s time to go on that ride.”           

            My eyes widened suddenly in realization. “No…no I can’t do that Eli.”

            “You’re not going to get hurt. I promise.”

            “It’s not me I’m worried about.”

            “Ashlyn, don’t you trust me?”

            “Yes, but I can’t go back there. Why can’t you understand that?”          
            He sighed. “Please? You just need to fight your demons.”

            “I don’t want to fight my demons. My demons are fine.”


            No amount of begging was going to change my mind. He was definitely putting a dulling my day. “I can’t, Eli,” I said firmly. “If you want to, go ahead. But I’m sticking to no-death rides. They should’ve gotten rid of it a long time ago.”

            He must’ve got the hint, because he didn’t press about it anymore. But after that, I was in a slightly sour mood. He just had to ask.

            “I’m sorry I upset you,” Eli mumbled.

            I looked at him, his eyes genuine. “All is forgiven.”

            He smiled and squeezed my hand. We were sitting on a bench, watching fireworks shoot up in the air. “Can I tell your something?” he asked.


            “Okay, but it’s not something I tell a lot of people…so I maybe be a little awkward,” he yammered.

            “Just spit it out!” I giggled.                                                                             

            “In the amount of time that we’ve met, I feel like it’s impossible to feel this way about someone. It’s taken me years in the past, but now? I’m not sure. It’s an incredibly new feeling, and I’m kind of scared.”

            Oh God. Oh God. Was he going to…I could feel bile or something rise in my throat. My heart started beating erratically and my breathing pattern was off—shallower.


            “I think I’m in love with you.”

            I practically leaped on him as I threw my arms around him. “Me too,” I whispered.


            “Don’t question it, silly boy!”

            “Oops, sorry.”

            I planted a kiss on his lips.

            Disney really was a place where dreams came true.        

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