Part 26


I walk out of the Louis room, and I feel physically sick. How could that fucking asshole do that to such a beautiful boy. I'm so angry, I can't keep it together. This is all my fault; I didn't try hard enough to stop this from happening. How is Louis going to cope with this, he is going to go backwards and it's all my fault. I try to take deep breaths. Suddenly Dan walks out of the room.

"Harry" he says as he comes towards me.

I turn around to face him.

"Mate, I know this is hard I understand, I do, but Louis needs you Haz. He just broke down in my arms, he thinks you don't love him anymore. He thinks you think he is disgusting now" Dan tells me his voice breaking and his eyes filled with tears.

"No, Dan, no. I love him, I will always love him. I'm just angry" I say frustratingly.

"I know that Haz and you know that, but Louis doesn't. He is starting to freak out again and I need your help. I think it's an abscess on his kidney and we need to take him back to theatre" Dan tells me seriously.

"Fuck....Dan, why, why is this happening to him. He doesn't deserve any of this" I yell.

"All we can do is be there for him Harry, we need to deal with this, I need you to do the surgery I need to ask someone else Haz?" He asks me gently.

"No, no way. I won't let anyone else touch him" I say heatedly.

"I didn't think so, so let's get in there and do what we need to do for Louis Haz" Dan says.

I look down and place my hands on my hips. I sigh. Daniel comes over and he hugs me, I return the hug tightly.

"I'm sorry, thanks Dan" I say sniffling.

"Of course, Haz, come on I haven't told Louis yet" Dan says.


When Dan leaves the room, I really start to freak out, they have both left me, they promised they wouldn't leave or let anyone else touch me. They hate me, I'm so disgusting and vial I hate myself. Molly comes over to my side and tries to get me to slow my breathing down. I can't, I don't want to. Everything hurts and I've been raped. When Mr Charles said he wanted to ruin my life he sure succeeded. Harry and Dan hate me and when the boys find out they will too. I sit up on the bed, my gown falling off my shoulders as its too big.

"Louis, sweetheart I need you to lie down for me" Molly says.

When she calls me sweetheart it send shivers down my spine..he called me sweetheart.

"Please.... please don't call me that, please no....." I say closing my eyes.

"Okay honey I'm sorry......just relax Louis, just relax, you have broken a few ribs and your kidney is in a bad way, I need you to lie down for me honey" she says.

Broken ribs again, that will explain my pain. I knew something was wrong with my kidney, shit. What if I die, what if I'm going to actually die this time. I won't see Harry or Daniel or the boys again. At least they won't have a disgrace for a brother, at least I won't be an embarrassment to them. I don't want to die though, for some reason I really don't want to die. I'm going to die I just know it.

"Louis relax Hun" Molly says again, but I can't listen to her.

I look up. The door opens and Harry and Dan walk back in the room. Harry rushes to my side as Dan speaks to the nurse, something about theatre.

"Louis, baby calm down" Harry tells me as he cups my cheeks.

"No nnnoooo you... you hate me, Harry I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...I'm such a fuck up I'm soo disgusting" I choke out as I try to breathe.

"No, my Louis, no baby, you are none of those things. I love you Louis and you could never ever disgust me or disappoint me or anything, do you understand" Harry tells me.

"But, but.. he.. he raped me, he's been inside me and I didn't even know. I feel so disgusting and I'm so sore and it hurts, everything hurts. I'm scared Harry I'm so so scared" I tell him.

"Don't be scared Louis, please I'm right here, I won't let anything happen to you baby. You are not disgusting, I'm here Lou I promise, I'm not going anywhere" Harry tells me as he brings me into his arms, and I sob.

"I need you to lie down though baby, we need to take you back to theatre to fix your kidney" Harry tells me.

"What??? What's wrong with me Harry. I don't want to go through what happened last time, Harry please... please" I panic.

"Shhhhh, I promise you will be okay, it's not as bad as last time Louis, but if we don't fix what's wrong it will get that way okay. Just trust me and lie down" Harry says.

I look into Harry's eyes, and I trust everything he is saying to me. He helps me lie down as Dan comes over and hooks up some drips and more monitors.

"Am I going to die Haz, I'm so scared, am I going to die?" I ask Harry, completely serious.

Harry looks up from my face and Dan and him share a look. He looks back towards me.

"No baby, no you are not going to die, you have my word Lou, I won't let that happen" Harry tells me.

"Louis, you are in the best hands okay buddy, we won't let anything bad happen to you" Dan says.

"But how do you know, you can't promise me that, how can you promise me that?" I ask getting choked up.

"I can promise you that because you will be fine, I didn't let you die last time and I sure as hell won't let you die this time, Louis. You are going to make it through this baby all of it and when you get through surgery and get better and come home again.....We are going to move in together for good and we are going to be together forever and we will get married, you and me baby" Harry says smiling down at me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Dr Styles, theatre is ready for you" Molly says.

Harry looks up and nods at her. He then turns his attention back to me.

"Marry me Louis, please I want to marry you, you will make me the happiest person on my husband... marry me" he says smiling so brightly at me.

"You're crazy Harry, like literally crazy, I'm I'm... I I, you're saying that because I'm going to die right you are just trying to be nice because you know this is the last thing I will remember" I stumble out.

I hear Dan snort and laugh as he plays with my drips and slips something into it.

"No, Louis, I'm asking because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you baby, I know you will make it through this and we will have the most wonderful wedding and maybe even kids down the track..... I love you Louis....marry me" he asks again smiling widely.

I smile up at Harry

"Yes......yes Harry, I will marry you, I, I love you so much" I say.

Harry leans down to kiss me and the nurses and Dan are smiling at us like crazy.

"Congratulations love birds.... but we need to get going" Dan smirks out.

Harry stands up off the bed and leans down to kiss me again.

"I'll take care of you I promise" Harry says.

"I know, I love you" I say.

I can feel my self-getting sleepy from the drugs that were put in my drip.

"I love you too baby" Harry replies. Before I'm out once again.

LOUIS POV - one year Later

"Oh my god I'm so nervous Edward" I whisper out.

"Lou, you look fucking hot as, Harry won't know what hit him babe" Edward smiles out.

I take some deep breaths. As I finish looking at myself in the mirror. Edward turns me around and starts fixing my tie.

"Lou, stop worrying Harry and you are going to be amazingly happy babe, you are made for each other and meant to be together" Edward tells me.

I nod my head, today Harry and I are starting a new chapter in our lives, and I couldn't be happier.

Andy and Scott come bounding into the hotel room holding Lacey's hand. She is dressed in a very beautiful black and white dress.

"Ready to go kid? I've just been speaking to Drew and there is a very very excited Harry waiting for you at the altar" Andy smirks out.

I smile.

"Unca Lou, you look handsome" Lacey tells me.

"Thanks baby girl" I say bending down to her level and giving her a big cuddle.

I grab her hand and we all walk out of the hotel to the waiting cars and head towards the church.

So much has happened over the past year. My recovery from my second hospital stay was a lot smoother than the first time, having Harry there was amazing and with Kimberly's help I didn't relapse again, and I've learnt to cope with what happened to me. It was hard at first but opening my eyes to Harry after my operation made everything okay. I still have some kidney problems and I will for the rest of my life but nothing we can't deal with. I am now at a healthy weight and my eating habits are better than they have ever been. There are days when I feel like I don't want to eat but I know my limits and I know what I need to do in order to not relapse.

Mr Charles was sent to prison again for 20 years this time and his probation revoked, he won't be out anytime soon. The rape though, was really hard to deal with and I still suffer from nightmares. That fact that I don't remember it though was a real godsend and helped a lot with my recovery. The first time Harry and I had sex again was difficult and very emotional, but it helped us reconnect and it helped me to actually deal with the events that happened. It actually brought us closer, and we have a very healthy sex life.

Work wise I'm still going strong and am still the face of 'London Now' and 'H&K' I'm still followed by paparazzi and I'm sure a bunch of them are following me right now as we drive to the church, but Alberto is still with me and has been a massive help with dealing with the public. Harry is still working with Dan at St Mary's, and they are definitely the dream team and not to be messed with. Harry and I moved in together as soon as I was released from the hospital. We ended up buying a little house just outside of London and it's definitely our home.

Scott and Sammy welcomed their second baby girl, Emma last year also. She is such a cutie and being surrounded by so many babies is making Harry want kids, we have talked about it, but in a few years, when I'm ready to give up working we will look at adopting. Edward and Amy announced their pregnancy four months ago, after a long haul of miscarriages and difficulties they are going to be parents to a baby boy. They are amazingly happy, and we all can't wait to meet the new arrival. Drew is still playing for Manchester and is serious about being single, he is happy though and just loving life at the moment. Andy and Chloe are engaged but the wedding will have to wait until after their next baby is born in a months' time.

As we pull up to the church, we all get out of the car. I'm so nervous. Scott makes sure my tie is straight and Edward Scott and I all share a hug. None of us are talking to our parents still and for my dad to give me away on my wedding day doesn't seem right. Scott has been the closest thing to a dad I've had and has practically raised me. Walking down the aisle to Harry, with Scott giving me away is an honour, he has given me so much and I will always be thankful for him.

"This is it Lou, are you ready?" Scott smiles at me.

"Yeah" I say smiling shyly.

Scott smiles at me and I grab his arm as we enter the church. Andy and Edward walk in front, Lacey in between them as they walk down the aisle first. I look up and see Drew and Dan at the alter next to Harry and when my eyes land on Harry my nerves completely disappear. He looks so sexy and amazingly hot; he has his signature smirk plastered on his face and I can't wait to kiss him. He winks at me, and I can't help but blush. When I reach him Scott and him share a big hug and he then takes my arm, and we walk up to the alter together. He leans down to whisper in my ear.

"You look so gorgeous Lou, I'm so lucky" he says.

I look towards him and smile, he grins at me, and we turn to face the priest. The ceremony begins and I try to keep my composure. I'm marrying the love of my life right now and I couldn't be happier. When it comes our vows, we decided to write our own and I try my hardest to keep it together. As I turn to face Harry and look into his amazing green eyes, I take a deep breath.

"Harry, today I stand here in front of all these people marrying my best friend but, it's so much more than that. Harry, you are my soulmate and my whole world. Being able to wake up to you every morning and go to sleep next to you every night makes me the luckiest person in the world. Your smile and your laugh never fail to bring a smile to my face. If I could hear you laugh every day for the rest of our lives, I would be complete. You are the most honest and caring person and I'm honoured to stand here today and become your husband and spend the rest of my life with you. I love you with all of my heart" I finish as a tear falls down my cheek.

Harry is smiling so brightly at me, and he has tears in his eyes, he reaches out gently and wipes the tear off my cheek with his thumb.

"Lou, you are the most amazing, gorgeous, wonderful person in the world. You make my heartbeat faster every time our eyes meet. I am in love with every piece of you, especially your heart. I love your smile and the way your eyes crinkle when you really smile for me, the way you have to sleep on your left side, how you only eat peanut butter and chocolate ice cream, the way you hate anchovies on your pizza, and I even love the way you leave your dirty socks in the sheets because your feet get too hot throughout the night" Harry laughs.

The rest of the guest laugh at Harry as he pauses before he continues.

"Seriously though Lou, when I nearly lost you twice. I felt like my world was crashing down and coming to an end. I never want to face the day without you by my side, you mean absolutely everything to me and to grow old with you and be by your side for the rest of our lives, making our own memories and creating our journey together is an honour. You are such a strong and amazing man Louis, and I can't wait to make you mine forever" Harry finishes. He winks at me again and I try to wipe the tears from my eyes discreetly failing miserably.

The rest of the ceremony goes off without a hitch and when we are announced into our reception as Mr and Mr Harry Styles, the room breaks into huge hoots and cheers. Harry never lets go of my hand and never leaves my side all night. We eat, drink, dance and laugh together, the day is absolutely amazing.

Harry and I end the night slow dancing on the dance floor. My head resting in the crook of his neck and my feet on top of his as he sways us around the dance floor.

"I can't wait to wake up to you in the morning Mr Styles" Harry whispers softly in my ear.

I pull back and look at Harry in the eyes and smile.

"Me neither, I love you so much Harry" I say back to him.

We look around the room and see all our close friends and family who have been with us over the past few years. It has been a hell of a tough road for me, and I couldn't have gotten through any of it without the support of my brothers and their amazing families. Without Daniel and especially not without my Harry. We move on to the next chapter of our lives together and I cannot wait to share my life with this amazing, funny and caring gorgeous man. My husband and my soul mate.... my Harry.


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