Part 15
Louis POV
I wake up to an empty room, my head feels so much better. As I sit up in the bed a nurse and a very cute doctor walk into the room.
"Ahh your awake, how are you feeling sweetheart?" the nurse, Melanie I think I remember her name asks.
"I'm, I'm fine" I say shyly, pulling the blanket up to my chin.
"Do you remember meeting me last night, you were quite tired, I'm Dr J" the cute doctor says.
I vaguely remember him introducing himself to me, I didn't remember him being so cute though. I just nod my head at him and look down at the blanket. Melanie sets to checking my vitals and Dr J comes and sits on the bed facing me.
"Ok, so I was hoping, you and I could have a chat" he says calmly.
I look up and meet his eyes, there is no judgement behind them, and they seem to be filled with care and concern. I know he is going to ask about the bruises and how I got my head split open. I don't want to talk about it though and this guy has a lot more authority than Harry and the boys, he could potentially get the police involved and that would surely be a death wish for me, but if I don't tell someone, I'm going to explode. I nod my head but don't say anything.
"Can you tell me what happened yesterday, how you hit your head?" he asks kindly.
"Umm I slipped in the bathroom and fell on the sink" I say breaking eye contact.
"That's what your brothers said" he says, and I look back at him.
"What if I said that I didn't believe you, that I think something else happened" he says calmly.
What does he mean, how can he know, he can't know. I can't let him know, I try to remain calm, but my breathing is a little heavy.
"I-I-I, no, I slipped and fell I-I-I-I that's what happened" I say fiddling with the blanket on the bed.
"We saw the bruises, Louis; I know you're not telling me the truth" he says.
Tears gather in my eyes, and I try to hold them back, I can't break down and show I'm weak I just can't.
"I'm just clumsy, that's all" I say frustratingly.
"Are your brothers or Harry.... Are they hurting you?" he asks.
I'm absolutely dumbstruck I can't believe he suggested that, how could he think that. I'm starting to get really upset.
"No!! never, no they would never touch me, they would never" I struggle to get the words out.
"Ok, ok I'm sorry. I just had to ask ok, I believe you" he says reaching out and placing his hand on mine to calm me and surprisingly it does, and I relax.
"Was it someone at school?" he asks.
I look away from him, I don't answer. I don't want him thinking it was my brothers or Harry who gave me the bruises though. If I come clean, he will definitely know it wasn't them, but I'm scared of what will happen if I tell him.
"Maybe" I whisper "I don't want to talk about it"
"Bud, I'm here to help you, I want you to talk to me. If there is something going on I can help" he says and for a second, I want to spill my guts, but I don't.
"How? How can you help me? If I tell you anything, mention anyone, it will make my life 10 times worse and what do you care anyway. If you tell anyone, I'm screwed. What, I'm supposed to spill everything that I've been through, that's happened to me to you, a complete stranger that I just met, just so you can tick it off on your clip board that I spoke to you. Just so your conscience is clear and all the while making my life worse, no, that's not fair, I'm not talking. I slipped and fell over and that's what happened that's all" I finish upset a few tears escape my eyes.
"Listen Louis, it's not my intention to make things worse for you, I just want to help. Anything you say to me in this room is confidential, I can't repeat it to anyone, not even Scott. Unless I think your life is in danger and I need to get the police involved." he says sincerely.
"Why, why do you want me to talk so bad?" I ask.
"Because.......there is something about you that I can't place and I feel like I need to see you through this, through whatever is going on with you. After talking to your brothers and to Harry I know what you mean to them and I also know the signs of someone who is struggling. I want to help you"
His words sting my heart. I'm nothing special at all, I don't deserve help. Maybe it would have been better if I'd never woken up from the floor.
"I can also legally keep you here until you talk, I don't want to have to do that Louis" Dr J finishes.
I can't help the tears now. Why is my life so fucked, why am I such a fuck up, I'm fine I can deal with everything myself why do people insist on getting involved with my life, it's not fair.
"Talk to me" he says.
"Please....... Please don't tell my brothers please" I say desperately.
"I promise I will not tell anyone unless I think your life is being threatened Louis" he says.
We sit in silence for a few moments, I notice Melanie has left the room. I don't know where to start, I struggle to say the words.
"I- I- I'm bullied at school, and I was almost raped by my biology teacher" I say quietly.
After the struggle to admit those words, the rest just comes pouring out of my mouth. I spill everything to Dr J who just sits quietly and listens to me. The only thing I don't tell him about is the not eating. After what feels like forever I finally finish. He is looking at me with concern and pity and I hate it.
"Don't look at me like that" I say.
"Like what?" he asks confused.
"Like you feel sorry for me, I'm fine ok, I can handle everything" I say.
"I'm sure you can, but why do you want to?" he asks.
I think about that question, wiping my eyes with my hospital gown.
"Because I'm a burden enough as it is, I'm not worth anyone's time and worry. I'm worthless fat and ugly, I'm told that on a daily basis, I'm told to kill myself every day. There must be some truth to it if everyone tells me that. I'm better off dealing with it myself, I'm not weak I won't break" I say.
"I admire your courage Louis, you're really strong dealing with everything so far by yourself. I can see you are breaking though; it's getting too much. The things you think about yourself just aren't true, you need to understand that, I think it would be best if you saw a professional to help you" he says.
"No, I just told you, you're a professional. I'm not telling anyone else anything you're it! no, no way and if you make me, I'll sit there and never talk ever" I say angrily.
"Ok, ok calm down, it's ok. I think you need to tell your brothers, even just one of them or even Harry, they are at the same school they could help you"
"I'll think about it, ok, but I'm fine" I say quietly
"That wasn't really an option Louis, you ended up in the hospital because of the bullies at school. Your life has been put in danger more than once. I'm giving you the option here to tell your brothers yourself, before I have to Louis. Things look bad from the outside and it's only a matter of time before you break. I just hope you let your brother's or and let us help before you do" he says rubbing my arm.
I look to him with tear-stained eyes.
"You tricked me" I say, and he smiles slightly at me.
"I did what's best for you Louis, you have until the end of the week to tell your brothers, or I will" he says.
My chest is heavy, I hate this guy.
"Now let's get you some breakfast, then you can go" he says.
He's watching for my response, but he can't know that I haven't been eating as well, who is this guy?
"I'm not hungry" I say looking away.
"Do I have to right down eating disorder on your chart? Because you won't be leaving anytime soon if I do, I'm willing to overlook it, if you eat breakfast and you promise to talk to your brothers" he says.
I panic, I don't have an eating disorder, I'm just keeping my weight in check, I've only thrown up food once, that's not an eating disorder. I sigh.
"I don't have an eating disorder I'll eat" I say.
"Good" he says and smiles at me "Your brothers will be here by 9" he says, and he walks out.
When we finally get home, I head straight to my room. Scott and Edward are at work and Drew is at school, Andy picked me up. We have talked the whole way home and I'm glad he isn't treating me any different, I'm so thankful for him. He leaves me alone and when I enter my room, I go to get changed and end up throwing half my wardrobe across my room in a fit. Nothing fits me anymore; I need to go shopping for more clothes. I put a pair of my pyjama pants on that fall off my hips and a baby blue hoodie. I make my way to my bed and lie down, I'm exhausted. I reach for one of my textbooks and begin to revise. Exams start in two weeks, and I can't afford to slack off, especially if I want to get into college early. I don't realize how much time has passed with my head in my book until I hear a knock at the door.
"Come in" I say. I lift my head up, to see Harry enter the room, looking gorgeous as ever.
"Hey" he says smiling at me
I smile back at him, I missed him. He looks amazing in his uniform, his shirt untucked and his hair falling around his face. He sits on the Edge of my bed facing me. We are so close I can smell him, and he smells amazing.
"How are you feeling?" he asks.
"I'm ok" I smile.
"Look, I wanted to talk to you about something" he says looking into my eyes.
Oh no, what could he possibly want to talk about. I'm suddenly frozen with fear, what if he tells me he wants nothing to do with me, that I'm too complicated.
"Ok" I say shyly as I put my book down. Harry takes my hands in his and sighs deeply.
"I know Joey threw water on you and pushed you and that's why you hit your head" he says "I know they have been Bulling you" he finishes, looking me in the eyes.
My breathing picks up. No. No! How could he know? I feel like the air has been taken from my lungs. Harry is staring at me intently, his eyes bearing into mine, as if challenging me to deny it.
"How" I gasp.
"You slipped up. you told me when you called me. I know you lied about the Facebook messages you've been sent; I've seen your bruises and I know you lied about how you got them too. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on Lou"
Oh my god, how could I be so careless I'm so pathetic. what if he confronts Joey? I'm scared I'm actually positively scared shitless, Harry is going to think I'm worthless as well. Now that he has found out my secret, he is going to think I'm pathetic. I can't breathe.
"No Harry please, he told me to tell Scott but not you, I didn't want you to know and think I'm weak Harry" I say trying to calm down.
"Hey, hey, calm down Louis. It's ok, I'm here for you, you are not weak Lou, I would never think that I'm always here, and I'm going to help you." he says squeezing my hands, trying to calm me.
"Help me? How can you help me? You don't even know what they do to me Harry, and if they find out you know, I'm dead Harry, I'm literally dead" I yell.
"No, no angel, I would never ever let that happen ok" he says so warmly I can see the tears pooling in his eyes.
"Why, why do you even care? They tell me awful things Harry, that I'm so fat and ugly and that I should kill myself. That you and the boys would be better off without me. I know it's true Harry, I know it, why are you pretending to care, why?"
"Those fucking assholes" he says, and I flinch back at his tone.
"I'm sorry Lou, I'm so sorry. I promise you that I'm not going anywhere, I'm here, don't ever, ever think those things again baby ever, you mean so much to me Louis. I care so, so much about you" he says.
I look him in the eyes, his face has a few tears staining his beautiful cheeks. Harry shouldn't cry he should never cry, he is too beautiful, he deserves so much.
"Why, I just don't get it?" I say looking down.
Harry grabs my chin between his fingers and lifts my face up so I'm looking him in the eyes
"Because.........I'm, I'm falling in love with you Louis" he says.
My breath gets caught; my chest feels tight. Did Harry just say what I think he did? The tears come freely now, and I gasp for air.
"Is this a joke, are you joking Harry, because if you are I will never be able to get over it"
"I'm serious. I've liked you for so long. I think you're amazing Louis. You're this light in my life and I love it. Your smile, your heart and your innocence, the way you always have your head in a book. Your eyes, the way you look at me. I just I want you to be mine. Please be mine Louis. Let me love you and take care of you and keep you safe. Let me hold you and kiss you and keep you warm in my arms. You belong in my arms" Harry says his eyes never leaving mine.
"Harry" I say unbelieving this can't be happening. I've wanted this for so long.
"I'm going to kiss you now" Harry states and I gasp.
Harry leans in and cups my cheek, his lips are hovering over mine barely touching. His smell is addictive, and I can't help the small moan that escapes my lips barely audible. Harry leans all the way in, and our lips collide. I feel fire and tingles all over. Harry lips are warm and so so soft, he tastes like mint and cinnamon and its heaven. He pulls back, his hand still cupping my face. He smiles and leans in again, this time slipping his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance, I grant it and he doesn't hesitate. Our kiss slowly becomes heated. I can feel all of Harry's emotions in this one kiss. It's amazing. We pull back breathless.
"Wow" he says his forehead resting against mine as we look at each other intently.
"Yeah" I whisper back.
"Please be mine Lou" he asks
"okay" I say back.
He smiles brightly at me. He pulls me into him, onto his lap and we hug so tightly. I feel so warm and safe in his arms. I know this is where I belong. With Harry. My Harry.
We stay hugging for what feels like forever and I don't want to let him go. Eventually Harry pulls back and looks me in the eyes.
"Now Lou, as much as I want to stay and cuddle with you all day and hold you in my arms, we need to have a conversation with Scott and the boys. I know you don't want to, and I know it's hard but I'm here and I'll be with you ok. Please Lou for me?" Harry asks sounding desperate.
I know I have to tell the boys. I would rather tell them myself and control the situation rather than have Dr J, a stranger come in and tell them. I've been selfish for too long, trying to keep myself safe and not even realizing what I was putting them through.
I slowly nod my head and Harry smiles at me. We hop off the bed and Harry grabs my hand sending tingles all through my body. I feel like I can do anything when I'm with Harry, I take a deep breath and we leave the room in search of the boys. I'm finally going to tell them everything that's been going on.
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