New Year's Day
December 31st, 1922.
Paris, France.
It was a cold night. It was not as cold as for it to snow, but you could definitely smell a storm coming. Theseus stepped out of the fancy car that had driven him to the event, shivering when a sudden cold breeze embraced him. He moved over to the opposite door and opened it, the hand of his date gripped strongly around his own and she stepped close to him once she was outside the car.
"It's so cold." She said, her face close to his neck.
"I know." He commented and he looked behind them, the visitors entry of the Ministry appeared before them and both stepped inside quickly. Once they were in the building, his eyes landed on a familiar face he was surprised to find in the building. "Hello, Newt."
"Theseus, hi." His eyes met the woman's. "Hello?"
"Hi." She smiled and, damn, Newt was amazed. The woman's too similar to another woman he had seen his older brother walking hand in hand with. "Forgive me, but I must be excused for a moment, I need to find the bathroom."
"Find the bathroom? You work here." Said a familiar voice, Tina Goldstein. She stood beside Newt, when she noticed her mistake, she went serious for a brief second. "Oh, sorry. I mistaken you for someone else." Newt almost laughed.
"No worries."
"The restroom is down that hall to the left." Theseus' date nodded.
"Thank you." She walked away, that's when Tina and Newt looked at Theseus amazed and confused.
"Who the hell is that?" Asked Newt all of the sudden.
"Nice to see you, too, little brother." Said Theseus. "Miss Goldstein, you look amazing." She fixed her baby blue silk dress and smiled.
"Thank you, Mister Scamander." A beat. "And I hope you don't mind me asking this, but I do want to know who the hell is that as well." Theseus sighed. Tina and Newt may seem to be very different people, and they are in so many ways, but they're also very similar. Both are curious by nature.
"She's no one." Said Theseus.
"Merlin's beard, Theseus. How can you bring her to an event like this and say she's 'no one'?" Asked Newt.
"Well, her name's Angela Lawrence, alright? She works at the Ministry, is that what you want to know?"
"Yeah, partially."
"Boys, no need to cause a scene." Said Tina.
"It's not a scene, Tina." Said Newt. "I just want to know why is my brother now dating Amélie Rosier's doppelgänger."
"She's not her doppelgänger." Tina and Newt remained silent.
"She is." Said Tina and Newt rose his glass before taking a sip of his champagne.
"Stop." Asked Theseus, he breathed in and out and looked at Newt. "Why are you here? You hate coming to the events organised by the Ministries."
"I hate it, yes. But Amélie kindly invited me, so I came. And I met Tina here."
"I've invited you plenty of times before."
"Yes, but you're my brother. I see you constantly, you're not someone like Amélie that I see once every time the world's about to end."
"That is one of the biggest lies you have ever said."
"Hi, what did I miss?" Said Angela as she arrived back by Theseus' side. That's when he realised it, she is almost identical to Amélie. Same lips red, same eyes green, lighter red hair, freckles on her nose. He looked at his brother and Tina, both nodding and drinking their champagne.
"Nothing." Said Theseus. "Allow me to introduce you."
Names were exchanged, as well as more conversation until everyone was called to gather at the ballroom for the feast. As they did, they all laughed together. Newt made a comment about a woman's hair and the three people that walked alongside him laughed loudly, specially Theseus because he was about to say the same thing.
On the other side of the room, Amélie had gone quiet all of the sudden and her eyes traveled towards the spot she had heard the laughter come from. She didn't know if he'd be here, not after what had happened between them.
Rosier tends to forget Theseus is a professional and that he'd be at the ballrooms he's invited to no matter if they had an affair, or the had broken up, or if he hates those fancy dances. What was shocking and what hurt was the fact that he had said he hates these balls if he's with the wrong company, anyone that wasn't her. And now he's walking in side by side with her reflection?
"What the hell?" She whispered as she found the sight funny. Until he laughed again, that was as if someone had thrown an arrow at her heart, and not in the romanticised kind of way, but in the literal and painful way. She had once asked him in New York to never become a stranger whose laugh she'd recognise anywhere on a night like this, New Year's Eve. And now he's here as a stranger she has too much past with. A sigh left her lips.
"Amélie?" Asked her own date and she jumped when she heard his British accent. "Are you alright?"
"Yes, sorry. I got lost in my mind for a moment." She smiled at him as someone close to them hit their glass with cutlery gently, calling the attention. They sat down and Antoine stood up to give a speech.
"Bonjour, goodnight everyone." He said. "Welcome, welcome. I'm Antoine Cotilliard and I thank each and every one of you for being here." He let out a breath. "So, another year has gone by. I promised myself I wouldn't get into political matters, but I must since most of you work as Aurors and Magical Security, you read the news and your families are here. Grindelwald is still out there and every single person is trying to catch him day and night, we've been trying to bring this man to justice for two years now. We haven't been able to catch Gellert Grindelwald, however, we've gotten many of his acolytes behind bars, which is a huge success." People started clapping. "I know we've...lost people along this rough way. Friends," Theseus looked at his hands as Tommy appeared in his head. "lovers..." He remembered Leta and his blue eyes started looking for Amélie in the room. She was sitting right across from him on the other side of the room, looking at Antoine and gifting him a soft and sad smile as he spoke, certainly both remembered Alexandre. "Family, perhaps. That's exactly why I appreciate your presence here tonight. Because you're alive. I don't know with certainty how has life been treating each individual lately, but I know that it has had its ups and downs. And yet, here you are, wearing a fancy dress or an elegant suit, drinking champagne or wine." A pause. "I guess that, what I'm trying to say is that we must forget for one single moment, one single night that our world is at war. Just one night, to be able to feel alive and get drunk, and kiss our wives, and thank the fact that we are here alive and breathing, ladies and gentlemen; because we'd be lost otherwise. We'd go mad. So, join me." He rose his glass and his wife stood up beside him, asking every one present to follow her lead. That's when Theseus realised Evan was here sitting beside his sister and a man was beside her too, a bit too close to her. "Tonight, I propose a toast to remember those we've lost, and to celebrate us. The ones in this room. Cheers."
"Cheers!" The room replied and everyone took a sip of their beverages. Theseus' eyes were pinned in Amélie, as well as the man that appeared to be her date. And he knew who he was, for he works with him. Better said, for him. Edward Nichols.
"What?" Asked Angela and Theseus looked at her.
"About what?"
"You whispered something." He had thought out loud.
"Nothing." He smiled and kissed her hand. From the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Ed kissing Amélie's cheek.
"Now, let the feast begin!" Said Antoine and everyone sat back down to start eating. Theseus finally took his eyes off of Élie and focused on his plate, as well as the conversation that was taking place at his table.
On the other side of the room, Amélie was finally able to breathe in, for she had felt Scamander's strong gaze on her. She played dumb and elected to ignore it, pretend it wasn't there, pretend he isn't here. Instead, she focused on Edward and Evan, talking to them, enjoy their company.
Dinner went by smoothly and after the feast, the dance started. The people gathered in the middle of the large room to dance and talk. Evan asked his sister to dance and they enjoyed a nice chat as they danced. Amélie was surprised at how good of a dancer he was and he just laughed it off, she also was surprised to feel this kind of brotherly love. Love. It made her happy to think that she wasn't all alone in this world and made the oath to never let Evan be alone in this world either.
Her peace ended and they separated from each other, when Evan moved a step back, he collided with someone.
"Apologies." He said and the man turned around. Theseus smiled at the boy.
"No worries at all." He extended a hand with a smile. "Nice to see you again, Evan."
"Likewise, Mister Scamander." Theseus' eyes quickly found Amélie.
"Miss Rosier." He said and her heart leaped in her chest.
"Mister Scamander, I'm glad you were able to join us tonight." He nodded and shook her hand. In this period of time, formalities are crucial. However, it's painful to not be called by your first name when the other person pronounces it so beautifully.
"I'm glad you invited us." She almost scoffed and repressed the urge to say the Ministry had just invited him, not both of them. "This is Angela Lawrence, Angela, this is Miss Amélie Rosier and her brother Evan."
"Nice to meet you." They shook hands.
"Nice to meet you, too." Evan smiled. "Your name is very similar to my sister's name." He said.
"But her name's Amélie." Said Angela.
"Well, her middle name is Angelina, similar to our mother's, whose name was Angelique." Angela smiled.
"Indeed." Said Amélie. "I believe it to be extremely funny." She faked a smile.
"Well, excuse me, but I'd like to have some water. See you later." Theseus and Angela nodded at Evan with smiles.
"Could you find a way to get me a glass of red wine, please?" Amélie asked Evan, who rolled his eyes with a smile and nodded anyway.
"Yes. Excuse me." With that, Evan excused himself from the conversation and left.
"His English is good." Theseus complimented.
"He's a fast learner." There was a pause. "How have you been? Busy, I presume?" She asked eyeing Angela for a fraction of second, the ginger haired girl didn't notice, but Theseus did.
"Yes." His hand landed on Angela's waist. "I have been keeping myself busy, just like you, am I right?"
"Your wine, darling." Said Edward. Amélie turned and smiled at him to receive the glass. Ed looked at Theseus and smiled. "Sir, nice to see you." He extended a hand for Theseus to shake it, only that Scamander didn't. His hand only found a glass of whiskey a waiter had offered.
"You too, Ed." He took a sip and Ed kept his hand in his pocket, uncomfortably. Amélie glared with fire in her eyes at Theseus. For you to picture him properly, Ed is almost as tall as Theseus, with green eyes and golden tanned skin, his hair is curly and black and he wears glasses, he's well educated and charming.
That's when Angela cleared her throat to call their attention. Amélie rolled her eyes as she looked away and took a sip of her wine while Ed just stood there and almost whispered a 'whoa', for he was surprised at the similarities between Angela and Amélie.
"Right, this is Angela, she works at the Ministry. You surely know her." Theseus introduced her. Ed shook her hand nodding. "This is Edward Nichols, an Auror that works for me." Rosier couldn't help but stare, it was like looking in a mirror. Both girls had almost the same height, almost the same hair, almost the same eyes, almost the same outfit. "How do you know each other?" The question snapped Amélie out of her thoughts and she smiled at Ed, who smiled back at her and pulled her even closer to him, causing Thes to exhale, exasperated.
"Well, one day around September you sent me to France to hand in some reports, Sir. And Miss Rosier was the one to receive me and we talked." Rosier nodded.
"After that, some dark wizards and witches tried to strike a square near the Ministry and Ed came along with us. That night we hung out with a bunch of my Aurors and we've been seeing each other since then." Edward laughed and kissed her temple.
"Aren't you too young for her?" Amélie scoffed and Edward just placed a tight smile on his face.
"I'm twenty eight, sir. Born in 1894." Said Ed with a chuckle. "I'm a year older than Amélie."
"Oh, I didn't know that."
"You're also a year older than Mister Scamander, dear." Edward laughed.
"I didn't know that either." Theseus just faked a smile and watched Amélie, then, his eyes found Angela. His attentive eyes started analysing both women.
Although Amélie is taller, and her hair is darker, and her eyes are greener, and she's wearing midnight blue dress instead of a sparkly black dress, and her hair is long and curled tied in a way it simulated a bob haircut instead of being actually short. And Amélie is far more beautiful and breathtaking than Angela is. At least that's a list Theseus came up in his head and he damned himself for looking in every woman for Amélie Rosier.
Thankfully, Tina and Newt realised what was going on, the inevitable collision of these people made them stand up from their seats, grab their drinks and join the party. They started making conversation to ease the tension everyone felt building up but that wasn't yet to explode.
As they talked, Amélie noticed the way Theseus was looking at Edward when he placed his hand on her hip, she recognised that glance from that New Year's ball years ago, when he met Alexandre. Back then, the fire of jealousy could be seen in his eyes but it was contained; this time, the fire in his eyes could reduce a forest to ashes. And she was not going to let him intimidate Ed, if he was going to be a bitch she could be one too.
"So, Angelica-" Amélie asked, after gulping the sip of wine she had taken. Everyone looked at her, Theseus and Angela with exasperation in their eyes, Tina with surprise, Ed and Newt with amusement.
"It's Angela." Both Theseus and the ginger spoke.
"Right, Angelica, what exactly is it that you do at the Ministry?" Theseus shook his head with an annoyed smirk as he took a sip of his whiskey while Angela just blinked and smiled.
"I take care of the correspondence." Amélie nodded.
"That's right, she's good at what she does." Said Theseus.
"Of course she is." Said Ed, Amélie nodded again.
"Sure. And, are you head of the department?"
"No, I am not."
"What? I'm making conversation."
"Watch it." Everyone frowned.
"Theseus!" Newt spoke.
"She's bothering her."
"No, I'm not. I'm getting to know your girl, that's all." Amélie looked at Angela's eyes.
"I'll get some more champagne." Said Tina.
"I'll go with you." Said Newt.
"I haven't gotten promoted yet." Angela answered.
"I believe you'll be promoted soon. After all, handing over letters and packages is not rocket science."
"Enough." Said Theseus and Amélie placed her free hand up.
"Just saying that working in correspondence is not as complicated as being an Auror. Getting promoted in that department is a thousand times more complicated, it takes guts, blood, sweat, tears and even death to get there." She took another sip of her drink and placed her hand on top of Edward's hand, lacing their fingers together.
"True." Ed backed her up. "No offence." Angela scoffed. "Unfortunately, someone had to die for me to get to where I am today. I was at the bottom of the line when I graduated, then the war started and I started moving up. It's terribly sad." Tina and Newt returned and a pause was made.
"Maybe it's tougher to get promoted as an Auror. However, in correspondence we don't have to hook up with our bosses to get to where we are." Said Angela and a silence was made. Amélie only heard the music in the background.
"What did you just say?" Asked Amélie.
"I just said what many people think of you, Miss Rosier. It's interesting you got promoted so fast when Alexandre Blanchett became Head Auror." Amelie's hand was intertwined with Ed's over her dress and she squeezed his hand as he sent Angela a death stare, not caring about the pain Amélie was inflicting in him as her knuckles went white.
"Angie." Theseus said. Even if he was angry at Amélie and Ed, and even if he was probably drunk, he knew Angela was spitting poison. However, she didn't stop.
"Or when he died-"
"Don't you dare." Amélie whispered.
"People say you had an affair with Antoine, the Minister, to get to where you are." Rosier's eyes filled with tears of anger. "I may not be head of my department, but at least I'm not a slut." And that was it. Amélie's palm found Angela's cheek when she slapped her, making the room go silent. This time, the music was the only thing audible and all eyes were on them. Tina gasped and covered her mouth and Newt almost dropped his glass.
"Who do you think you are as to try to demise my name?" Asked Rosier as she scoffed. "I don't need to justify myself to you or anyone, but since you seem to be nothing but a stupid and not well educated young woman, I will clear some things out for you, sweetheart. Okay? First, I did not have an affair with anyone to get to where I am today. I worked for it. Hard. I knew Alexandre since we were kids and I fell in love with him eventually to the point where we were going to get married." She breathed in and appeared taller. "Second, you have no right to speak of Alexandre Blanchett and my relationship with him at all. He was an honourable man and he was smart. I always said he was smarter than me. That's why he was Head Auror and I wasn't, I was behind him by merely a point and a half in our scores. Third, the French Minister is the father I never had growing up and that stupid gossip is the most ridiculous thing I've heard today besides your exasperating voice. Now, I don't care if you try to speak on my reputation or if you call me a slut, I've heard it before. My whole career, as a matter fact. What I do care about is that you know how awful it is listening to a woman talk shit about another woman in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shame on you." She looked around and gulped. "Forgive me." The people around them started to look away, then, she looked back at Newt, Tina and Ed, unable to meet Theseus' eyes. "If you'll excuse me, I need some fresh air."
"Do you want me to go with you?" Asked Ed, she smiled at him.
"No, thank you. Could you look for Evan? I'd be more comfortable if we left." He nodded.
"Whatever you need." He kissed her cheek and both walked their separate ways as the rest watched.
"We should go, too." Newt commented and Tina nodded. "Goodnight, Theseus. Be careful out there."
"I will. I'll see you soon, Newt." Newt nodded and Theseus embraced him. He then shook Tina's hand, she had a look of disapproval in her eyes.
"You should apologise." She said before looking at Angela, whom was holding her cheek. "With all due respect, that was deserved. Goodnight." With that, the pair left, leaving Theseus and Angela all alone.
"Why did you have to do that?" He asked her.
"She started it."
"You behave like a child." She scoffed. "I'll be right back."
"Where are you going?" Theseus ignored her and walked out being received by cold December rain, truth is, it was almost snow.
He walked onto the balcony and saw Amélie all lone standing near the maze cut out from bushes that rests in the Ministry's garden. He walked downstairs quickly and reached her side, Amélie was walking from one side to another as to calm herself down, but when her eyes met his, she felt angry all over again.
"You need to come back inside. You'll get sick out here."
"I don't care." She stepped into the maze and he walked after her.
"Well, I do."
"Do you?"
"Yes, I do! Now, let's go back inside, pelase." She scoffed.
"I'm not going in there with you."
"Come on."
"No! Otherwise I'm going to give your new girl something else to insult me for."
"She doesn't know what she was saying."
"Amélie, please!"
"No! Fuck you." They arrived at the centre of the maze, Theseus stood there and watched as she almost crumbed down without being able to comfort her. She wouldn't let him.
"I'm sorry."
"On her behalf? Oh, how the mighty Theseus Scamander has fallen."
"No, Amélie! I'm sorry. Me, Theseus, I am sorry."
"What exactly are you sorry for this time?"
"Everything." She shook her head. "For losing you."
"Is that why you got together with her?" She was not going to reason. "To make yourself feel better?"
"What are you on about?"
"Her! That despicable woman you're with." She groaned. "I'm talking about everything, Theseus! Your new girl is my clone. She's talking about rumours of my past all of the sudden and- Lord! Why her?"
"I don't know!"
"I hate to think that I'm just your type."
"I mean, if she's got green eyes and red hair I will surmise that you'd probably date her."
"Not true."
"You-" She stepped close to him and pushed him. "You lying traitor!"
"Lying traitor?!" Now he had gotten angry, not as angry as Rosier was, but angry. "What the fuck am I lying about?! Why am I a traitor to you?!"
"You break promises!" Another push. "You say that you're mine in mind and soul but you are not, you know why? Because you go on searching in every maiden's bed for something greater!" Another push. "You said you wouldn't become a stranger and that's exactly what you are now!" When she tried to push him away, he grabbed her wrists and placed her hands over his chest.
"So I'm a traitor for trying to distract myself from you? Alright. But what about you?"
"What about me?" She pulled herself away from him.
"Yeah, you've got yourself a new lad that calls you 'darling', and touches you, and certainly has already slept with you. And allow me to tell you, sweetheart, I assure you that would be the only way you'd stop thinking of me, and even then, you wouldn't exactly be able to do so." She slapped him, too. Although she knew she was right. Even if the nights she spent with Ed helped her ease her mind from Scamander, it didn't help her forget. Not one bit. As a matter of fact, she tends to remember him even in Ed's company.
Both stood there in the rain and, even if Theseus was taken aback for the slap, he just stepped forward and kissed her. His arms found her waist and her hands found his neck. The clocks stroke midnight and the fireworks went off illuminating the place with bright colours.
Even if they found themselves in a haze, Amélie couldn't allow herself to do that, so she pushed him away.
"No! You can't just try to fix things like this, Scamander." A beat. "I know it's New Year's eve, but can't kiss me and expect that to make everything alright. It doesn't work this way. I had been waiting for you all these past months, hoping to see you come running and say that one thing I've been wanting. But no!" They just stood there in silence. In the darkness of the night and she knew it was time while he refused to accept it. "I'm tired." She said all of the sudden. "This was the final blow."
"What does that even-"
"Stop. You're losing me. I feel like my heart won't start anymore. Not for you." He felt as if someone had stabbed him and something pressing and tingling his chest. So that's heartbreak. "I sent signals that you never read, we've been sick this whole time. The air has indecision in it and it's crushing my lungs, Theseus. I cannot breathe in this atmosphere. I cannot be just your comfort zone."
"You're not."
"Prove it." Silence. "See? How long can this go on, Theseus? We're too far gone to bring back to life." She tried to swallow the knot in her throat. "I've given you all my best me's, my endless empathy, and all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier whom has been fighting in only your army. I'm the best thing at this party, and yet, you got yourself a copy of me." He held his breath. "You know? I wouldn't love me either. Lord, I wouldn't marry me either. A pathological people pleaser who only wanted you to see her. But here I am, fading thinking 'do something, say something, Theseus. Lose something, risk something, Theseus. Choose something, Theseus. I got nothing to believe unless you're choosing me'." A shaky breath left her lips with a shiver. "Will you choose me and tell me that you love me for once and for all?"
Her eyes begged, her voice begged, and he opened his mouth. His parted lips only allowed the breath he was holding to be exhaled but no words accompanied that breath.
"I want to choose you." He said after a while. "I choose you, Amélie, but if I tell you that I love you I fear that I'll lose you." When the words 'I love you' left his mouth, Élie felt her knees weak. When she heard the rest, she felt as if the weight of the world had fallen on her shoulders. "The thought of losing the person I love most in the world- God, the thought of losing my world is unbearable. I know that if I say that I do feel that way for you and something happens to you I would not be able to live with myself. To forgive myself." He scoffed bitterly. "You know, my mother told me once that love scares me and that one day it'll cost me highly." He looked deeply into her eyes and begged for that day not to have arrived.
"She's right." Rosier breathed in and out. "I guess I'll be a traitor too." He frowned. "I said that I could never bring myself to hate you again because I loved you more."
"Don't say that. Don't do what you're about to do, Rosier." He stepped closer to her, his hands finding her hair. She closed her eyes and he feared understanding what everyone says: you don't know what you had until it's gone. "Don't you dare."
"You've broken my heart too many times I fear I don't have one anymore. It won't start, there's no pulse. And that makes me hate you." Theseus feared crying as his own eyes had the storm that raged over Paris right now. She stepped away from him "You're a coward, Theseus. And the cost of your fears is losing me. This is it, you've lost me. Goodnight, Mister Scamander. Happy New Year."
With that, she walked away and it was the last time he saw her for a very long time. That night, Amélie and Evan were taken home by Ed, when he was about to leave, she asked him to stay. When he asked why, she just kissed him and said 'make me forget'. And that's what he tried to do, what he thought he had achieved. And she let him think so, only that he clearly hadn't.
When Theseus arrived at his hotel, accompanied by Angela. He looked into her eyes and pretended she was someone else when he pressed his lips onto hers until she made him forget. The next morning, he woke her up with a kiss and almost said Amélie's name when their eyes met. He had failed, that day he knew he'd never be able to forget her, no matter how hard he tried.
Ever since that night, they resented the cities and the places that reminded them of each other. Rosier started hating London and never set foot on it again, not even for work. The same could be said about Theseus, he couldn't even see a picture of Paris without feeling the urge to punch a wall and drink until he passed out.
They haven't spoke since she went away, rust had grown between telephones and, from time to time, even the phones missed each other's calls; no ink was used for writing letters, not even drunken words. There was no contact between them, nothing at all. Amélie hoped one day he'd call her and say he's sorry too. And Theseus hoped just the same, but I've said it before, these two have too much pride. Neither will call. Neither will write. Neither will try.
Whenever Theseus saw a picture or Élie in the Newspaper he wondered if it was over. Was it really over? I mean...think about it.
Was it over when he walked away the first time? No, it wasn't. Was it over when everything went downhill after New York? Not really. Was it over when he saw Angela in a pub one day after work and thought it was Rosier, talked to her, both got drunk, he got them to his place and she laid down on his couch? Not exactly. Was it over when Ed unbuttoned Amélie's blouse? He didn't think so. it over now? Only time will tell. Only time will let them know.
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author's note:
happy new year, lovelies!
thank you for everything and your support for this silly little story.
i hope your year is filled with love, kindness and success in everything you do.
keep on being you, keep on shining. ily.
stay safe and drink some water, alright? see you soon.
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