It was the worst night of Wooyoung's night.
He used to think it was the nights where he was told he didn't get the part he wanted in a song, or they'd lost at a music show, or he came across hate comments online...
That was nothing compared to what he was going through now.
His arms were numb from being held above his head for hours on end and his back hurt from being pressed against the wall and not being able to move.
Plus, the smell was unbearable.
All of it caused him to hardly sleep at all, and the little he did was restless and not nearly long enough.
He would give anything to be able to lower his arms.
The fatigue also broke down all his defenses and he couldn't stop his mind from wandering.
What was his pack doing right now?
Did they miss him?
Was San okay?
Were... Were they looking for him?
Wooyoung sniffled softly to himself, not wanting to disturb the others. All he wanted to do was know why this was happening...
And really, that other voice inside him told him that this was something he'd need to get used to, that he needed to learn to adapt to his new life.
The Omega didn't want to trust that voice yet... he was starting to find comfort in it.
When morning came, Nikolai came with a male Beta to bring their prisoners back into the kitchen.
Wooyoung couldn't stop himself from groaning when he was finally allowed to lower his arms. It was a good groan, but one of agony.
Fire shot through his weary muscles and instantly brough tears to his eyes.
He wasn't given any time to work through it, though, because seconds later he was being yanked out of the room with Felix at his side.
The two of them made eye contact and it was easy to see that Felix was in just as much pain.
Once they were tied to the table, their gags were removed, and they were given ten minutes to eat the eggs and toast set in front of them.
Wooyoung's mouth fell open and gawked at the food in front of him.
Eggs. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed eggs until that moment. He was so distracted, he nearly ran out of time to finish his food before Nikolai returned, this time with Bastian and one other Alpha.
The third one took the three Omegas tied to the other table and took them from the room, while Nikolai took the two women and Bastian, unfortunately, took Wooyoung and Felix.
But not before he leered at Wooyoung, pupils dilating with some hidden desire.
He also kept Wooyoung's leash especially taut, forcing him to walk closer to the Alpha than Felix...
The next surprise of the morning came when they were led in the opposite direction of their makeshift prison.
Instead, they were taken to the main living room and forced to their knees by a harsh push on their shoulders. And it was only Felix and Wooyoung, the two females had been taken somewhere else...
Nikolai stood at the front of the room, eyes narrowed as he appraised the two Omegas in front of them. "Such rare beauties." He hummed, a small smirk tugging at his lips. "It's like you two are meant to be Omegas. Your packs must have felt so lucky."
Wooyoung felt his lip curl in a slight snarl. This man's way of thinking was all messed up... Could that be how he truly saw the world? Or had The Change affected him a little differently to warp how he viewed others?
"You'll definitely fetch a pretty penny. Not that either of your packs will be able to afford it." He chuckled, then turned his head to a Beta sitting on a plush chair in the corner with a leatherbound book in his lap. "Andre, write up notes to deliver to each pack. Let them know we have claimed their Omegas as our own, and if they want them back, they will need to offer..." He paused and shoved his tongue in his mouth as he thought. "2,000, no, 2,500 gold pieces each."
"What?!" Wooyoung gasped, his shock clouding his judgement. "That's ridicu-" He was cut off by a hand fisting his hair and yanking his head back and he yelped at the pain.
"Shut your mouth, bitch." Bastian growled, getting right in his face. "You need to learn your place."
It was like he could feel each individual hair being yanked out his head and tears came to his eyes instantly.
He also wasn't given a chance to try and say anything else because his awful gag was being forced back into his mouth.
"Make his 3,000 now." Nikolai said darkly.
A few chuckles sounded around the room and Wooyoung was helpless to stop the sob wracking his body now.
He heard Felix whimper next to him and he tried to shake his head to tell him not to do anything.
"What's the plan for today?" A girl asked, her English incredibly broken and forced.
"I want two groups of four to deliver the notes, at least two Alphas per group. I want another group of four to six to take our gold and go to the courtyard, see what's for sale and if there are any new announcements or competitions. The rest will stay here to gather supplies and do things to fortify our territory."
Many murmurs of acknowledgment rumbled throughout the room and movement could be heard as everyone started to disperse.
But Wooyoung saw none of it because he'd closed his eyes so he didn't have to keep staring at Bastian's red eyes.
How was that even possible?
Maybe he was just imagining it...
Yeah... He was exhausted from not being able to sleep. That's what it was...
"What of these two?" Bastian hissed.
The Head Alpha was silent for a long moment. Then he said, "Give them one more day." He said, making Bastian growl with displeasure. "Then you can have him tomorrow."
Wooyoung's heart started to race, fueled by his second voice telling him exactly what that meant.
Then he was being yanked off the ground by his hair and forced down the hall with Bastian grumbling behind him.
He couldn't do this...
He couldn't stay here...
Run. Now.
Wooyoung heard his own voice in his head, clear as day, only it wasn't his voice.
It was that second voice, wise and angry and protective.
Acting on his instincts, Wooyoung threw his head back, right into Bastian's head.
The Alpha was so surprised, he stumbled back and dropped both leashes in his hand, swearing into his hands as they cupped his now bleeding nose.
Wooyoung didn't waste a second.
He grabbed Felix's elbow and dragged his fellow Omega down the hall, though he wasn't dragging for long because Felix was quick to pick up what was happening and match his pace.
As much as he wanted to help the other captives, Wooyoung knew he couldn't risk stopping. Not now.
The exit was in sight, that small, unassuming door next to the room that had been their prison.
Felix got there first, slamming into it and forcing it open, and both Omegas stumbled out into the bright daylight.
Neither one stopped moving, legs pumping furiously beneath them, adrenaline coursing through their bodies.
In a way, it felt like Wooyoung was running with another wolf because of the way they moved in sync and didn't need to say anything.
He took a second to rip his gag out of his mouth so he could breathe better, then risked looking over his shoulder.
Only to see Bastian, Nikolai, and several other men and women charging after them.
"Go! Faster!" He shouted, pushing Felix in front of him to make sure he could go first.
The younger Omega was panting hard, but he showed no signs of wanting to give up.
All they could do was keep going, despite not knowing where they were or how to get home. Anywhere was better than this place.
Suddenly Wooyoung was being yanked backward by his leash and he let out a strangled yelp as all the wind was forced from his body.
And his world came crashing down around him when he was picked up and thrown over Bastian's shoulder. "Put me down!" He screamed; voice scratchy from how hard his collar had been forced against his neck. His limbs flailed as he tried to do everything he could to escape again.
Somewhere next to him he could hear Felix struggling as well and Nikolai yelling to take them back to the pack house.
No, no, no, no, no.
He couldn't go back there!
"P-Please! Let me go!" He cried, slamming his fists repeatedly into Bastian's back. "Someone help us!!"
That other voice in him told him to keep fighting, to not let them win.
He screamed, over and over, ignoring the way Bastian's hand would slap his thighs and the others around them would just stare with amused looks.
Instead of being thrown back into their prison like he'd expected, Bastian stormed up the stairs and into what looked to be a large master bedroom.
The Alpha dumped him on the ground and sneered, looming over him to make sure he couldn't go anywhere.
Once Felix was next to him, Nikolai slammed the door shut and locked it with an order for his pack to do what he told them. Then he turned around, eyes flashing between blue and red, and targeted Wooyoung immediately.
"That. Was a big mistake." He growled. "Are you this much of a pain for you pack? No wonder it was so easy for us to take you. I bet they just couldn't wait to be rid of you."
Wooyoung's stomach flipped and he shrank into himself.
But Nikolai wasn't stopping. "Such an annoying, pathetic, worthless, little bitch. And now we are going to make sure you know your place." He snapped his fingers and a blinding pain shot through Wooyoung's face as Bastian backhanded him so hard he flew across the room.
"Stop!!" Felix yelled and Wooyoung heard him start to move in his direction, but then he yelped and his voice became muffled.
"Last warning. Behave, or you're going to get the same treatment." Nikolai hissed.
Wooyoung sobbed while pushing himself up onto his knees, only to cry out again when a foot slammed into the small of his back.
The air was knocked out of him, forcing him to gasp in desperate attempts to breath and work through the pain.
Why was this happening?
"I think you're right, Alpha." Bastian sneered. "There's no way his pack would want someone as weak as this." Now a foot rocketed into his stomach, kicking him back across the room so he was sprawled on the floor in front of Nikolai and Felix.
Wooyoung looked up, trying to fight back the tears, to see that Felix had one of Nikolai's hands wrapped around his neck and the other shoved down the front of his pants.
Rage boiled within the older Omega, and he pushed through his own pain to swing his body around to slam his fist into the side of Nikolai's knee.
The Alpha roared with pain and dropped Felix as he stumbled to the side. "That's it!"
Wooyoung barely had a chance to move to the side before Nikolai was on top of him and pinning him to the ground by his wrists and sitting on his stomach.
"You're going to pay for that. Bastian, get the ropes."
At his words, Wooyoung started shaking his head and tried to pull his hands free. The bright red eyes glaring at him were terrifying...
Especially because he could feel that other part of himself starting to submit. Being forced to submit.
In a matter of seconds, he was flipped onto his stomach so that his arms could be tied behind his back, so tight and so painful that he wailed, even when he received another harsh kick to his side.
"Stop! Please stop!" Felix begged from somewhere behind them.
"SHUT UP!" Nikolai whirled around to point at the other Omega. "Behave or you'll get the same treatment."
Once he was secured, Wooyoung was dragged across the floor before being thrown on the bed. He did his best to roll away, but the effort was pointless.
His scream was cut off by Nikolai's hand squeezing his throat. The red eyes took over his vision once more, accompanied by animalistic growls and panting coming from the man above him.
"I think they both need to be taught a lesson. Bring that one over here." Nikolai snapped his fingers several times.
Felix's panicked whimpers filled the room, and the younger Omega was forced on top of Wooyoung the second Nikolai moved out of the way.
"What a pretty sight." Bastian sneered.
Wooyoung opened his mouth to say something, but he was silenced yet again...
By Felix's lips.
They both whimpered in surprised and tried to pull apart, but Wooyoung was pinned to the bed and Felix's head was being forced down by Bastian's hand.
"Kiss him right!!" Nikolai roared.
Both Omegas flinched and whimpered. Wooyoung could feel how Felix was trembling on top of him. Even so, the younger pressed his lips more firmly to Wooyoung's and began to truly kiss him.
Under any normal circumstance, Wooyoung would have been appalled or mortified. But nothing about this moment was normal.
He had all but lost himself to his other side. He couldn't fight anymore.
His Omega had taken over.
And he started to kiss Felix back.
If the Alphas wanted a show, then he'd make them happy and give them a show.
At the request, he opened his mouth to welcome Felix's tongue, twisting his own with it and really giving in. It was wet, it was messy, it was desperate.
Both of them whimpered softly and Felix lifted a hand to cup Wooyoung's cheek in an attempt to add a little bit of comfort.
Wooyoung wished he could do the same. His hands and arms were starting to go numb...
He heard shuffling off to the side and risked opening one eye just enough to peek out of it and see Bastian backing away from the bet.
And yet Felix was still kissing him. Really kissing him.
Wooyoung almost turned his head away to stop it, but then Bastian growled, "More."
Felix obeyed without questioning the command by lowering himself completely onto Wooyoung's body. Then he broke the kiss, which made the older gasp for air, and started to kiss along his jaw.
There was an odd... panting... coming from Felix that made Wooyoung frown a little. He wanted to ask if he was alright, but then the room started to spin a little.
It happened right when Felix's teeth grazed over a specific part of his neck.
His eyes rolled back, his body went lax, his mind slipped away again.
And when Felix started to slowly roll his hips, Wooyoung groaned. A burning sensation started to build within him, fueled by his Omega and the desire to please the Alphas in the room.
He tried to arch his back off the bed, press himself further into Felix, but he was completely trapped and at the younger's mercy.
Which was something Felix didn't seem to mind at all as he continued to kiss, nuzzle, and nip his way along Wooyoung's neck, even going as far as tugging the collar of his shirt aside to get at his collarbones.
After a harder press of Felix's hips caused a spark of arousal to shoot through him, Wooyoung whimpered when he felt a small dribble of slick soak into his underwear.
He vaguely remembered the feeling from his heat, how it had made everything feel so much better, how it drove Jongho and Mingi insane.
His Omega reassured him that it was natural, that it was his body's way of preparing for what was to come, that it wasn't something to be ashamed of.
Even so, Wooyoung wiggled in place a little and made a small purring sound.
Felix returned it instantly, making the same sound and nuzzling against his cheek with his own before capturing his lips in another kiss.
"Fucking hell." One of the Alphas hissed. The strain in his voice gave away just how much he was enjoying the sight in front of him, which only made Wooyoung's stomach flip.
He started to whimper again, feeling that sense of unease coming back, but Felix was quick to erase it by plunging his tongue as deep into Wooyoung's mouth as it would go.
The action took the older Omega by surprise and his eyes flew open, then stayed that way...
... because Felix's eyes were gold.
Wooyoung gasped and pulled his head away. "Fel-"
But the younger wouldn't let him speak.
He just captured Wooyoung's lips again and started to grind harder against him. The sensation made Wooyoung's eyes roll back and he groaned.
"That's it. What good Omegas." Nikolai stepped slower to the bed and slipped his hand between his captive's chests to start rubbing circles into one of Wooyoung's nipples. Then he fisted the back of Felix's hair to yank him off Wooyoung and into a bit of an unnatural curve. "Give him more."
Felix's eyes glazed over at the same time he nodded, his mouth still open in a silent cry.
When he was released, he slipped down the bed until he was situated between Wooyoung's legs. He didn't even give Wooyoung a chance to process anything before he was tugging on his pants.
"W-Wait!" Wooyoung choked out, his conscious fighting with his inner self, which was still begging for him to give in and stop fighting.
It was hard not to, though, no matter how many times he felt his mind slip away, go completely blank, whenever something different happened, he realized what was going on and he tried to stop it.
And failed ever time.
Especially when Bastian crawled onto the bed to grip his jaw, forcing his mouth open, then sneered, "Open up." Then he spat into Wooyoung's mouth and rubbed whatever missed into his skin.
Too much started to happen at once that Wooyoung stood no chance against. He was helpless, unable to fight anymore.
You win... Just... Help me. He pleaded to his Omega.
A warmth seemed to surround him, cradling him, almost feeling like it was rocking him. It was soothing, somehow, and the next time Wooyoung opened his eyes, his vision was rimmed with gold.
Everything after that didn't seem like it was as big of a deal anymore. Or maybe it was just his Omega protecting his feelings, his pride, his heart.
Felix started to go down on him, taking his cock as deep as he could go. It earned him a little praise from the Alphas, and he kept going, even as Bastian started to yank on his body, pulling him so that his head was hanging off the back of the bed.
It wasn't long before he forced his own dick deep into Wooyoung's throat, not caring when he left it in long enough that it cut of circulation.
But Wooyoung did his best to take it, knowing that the sooner he could get the Alpha to come, the sooner this could be over.
Only... Nikolai had no intention of stopping it.
After a few minutes of watching, he slapped Felix's ass and ordered him to strip. While he did, the Alpha took a knife and cut Wooyoung's shirt from his body.
His hands started to wander, tweaking Wooyoung's nipples or dipping between his legs to start gathering slick or placing a hand over his throat where Bastian's cock made it bulge.
He also gave Felix attention too, though Wooyoung's couldn't tell what. All he heard was the whimpers or slight groans the younger made.
Then Felix yelped and started moving back up Wooyoung's body until they were chest to chest again. His nose and lips pressed into the crook of Wooyoung's neck, his hands gripped Wooyoung's arms for support.
Both of them moaned when their legs were forced apart. Nikolai settled between them, hungry growls coming from him right before his fingers started to press into Wooyoung.
He must have been doing the same thing to Felix, because the younger cried out and dug his nails into Wooyoung's arms.
And all Wooyoung could do was take it. Tears rolled up his cheeks and soaked into his hairline, joined by whatever spit he couldn't keep in his mouth because of the brutal way Bastian was continuing his assault.
He did his best to pretend it wasn't happening... that this was all just a bad dream... He could feel his Omega trying to protect him as well, building wall after wall after forcefield around his heart and mind.
Which all but shattered the second Nikolai rammed into him.
Felix's soft moans became muffled when he started kissing along Wooyoung's neck. It was too hard to tell if it was because he wanted to or if it was his own way of trying to comfort himself.
Either way, Wooyoung felt so overwhelmed, he could barely focus on anything happening to him.
Although he did register when Nikolai pulled out of him and when Felix cried out seconds later before his body was jerking back and forth on top of him.
The alphas were talking to each other, low and menacing and hungry.
They took and took and took, using both Omegas however the pleased.
Time became irrelevant, speeding up and slowing at the same time, all while Wooyoung begged for it to end.
One small blessing must have been on his side, because neither Alpha decided to knot them, instead marking each Omega with their seed and permeating the air with their pungent Alpha pheromones as their way of claiming them.
Then they were gone with the closing of a door and the click of a lock.
Felix waited a few seconds before he rolled off Wooyoung and helped the older onto his side so he could work on untying him.
Neither one of them could speak. The only sounds were the tiny, pathetic whimpers both of them would make whenever their skin brushed or if Felix tugged too hard on the ropes.
When he was freed, Wooyoung hissed with pain and Felix was quick to rub his shoulders to ease the pain from being restrained. As he did, he started to nuzzle against Wooyoung's neck, and the older repeated the motion instantly.
For the first time Wooyoung could actually appreciate the younger's sweet vanilla scent now that it wasn't overpowered by Alpha stench. It mixed surprisingly well with his own lilac scent and they both let them flourish while the did what they could to comfort each other.
After cleaning themselves off with the corner of the blanket, and really it was Felix doing most of the work because it hurt too much for Wooyoung to move, they curled up together beneath the thick comforter.
It was soothing, like being wrapped in a comforting shell that could keep all the bad things, all the pain, all the fear far away.
Neither Omega acknowledged the other's tears more than small actions, like squeezing the other a little harder, or rubbing the back of the other's head, or even nuzzling the other's cheek or neck.
They needed that connection, that support, to help them come to grips with what had just happened.
And what very well could happen again as long as they were trapped here.
Wooyoung's thoughts, as much as both he and his Omega tried to stop them, wandered back through the forest to where his soulmate was.
Did... Did San know he was gone?
He had too by now... right?
Was San okay after going through his heat? Did the others comfort him like... like Wooyoung should have been...?
Did he even miss...
Wooyoung sobbed harder and clung to Felix like his life depended on it. And perhaps it did.
In a way, it felt like Felix's arms were the only thing keeping him together.
One thing he could be thankful for...
At least he wasn't going through this alone.
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