Chapter 18 I Will Wait for you (Bonnie)

How could it have come to this. How could everything have led to this very moment. Bonnie wasn't sure, and maybe it was that fact alone that made him feel so lost. The world felt slow, but your final breaths were creeping around the corner. It was driving Bonnie nuts to think that in a few moments you could be lost forever.

Ugh! That thought alone tore him apart. He won't let that happen. He can't. He needed to save you, to get you to the pizzeria faster. Did he have to get stuck in the slowest car known to man? Is there any chance this thing could go faster?! Time was running out! Maybe Bonnie was being a little harsh about how fast the van was. (After all it's been many years since he's last been in a car. He had almost forgotten what it felt like.)

But to him the van was moving too slow. In the very back of the car, with your dying body clutched in his arms, Bonnie felt like they just weren't going fast enough. His mind was a mess, riddled with thoughts about how he could loose you soon. About how you may not make it home.

His desperation was getting the best of him.

His eyes gazed down at your sleeping form, your breathing was slow. In a way you almost looked like sleeping beauty. (That was if he didn't focus on your torn clothes and bloodied body.)

The van jerked as it hit a speed bump, nearly sending the two of you flying in the back. Bonnie was quick to hold you close bracing, then once the moment was gone he relaxed. His fingers were shaky as they gently ran along the side of your face trying to make sure you were okay even if you were dying.

It's not his fault. He did everything he could have. He has to keep repeating that inside his head, that this wasn't his fault. But it felt like it was. He hated how much you've suffered. How much pain you had endured while being alone.

You let out a shaky breath now, your eyebrows furrowed. You seemed troubled, lips creased into a deep frown rather than neutral. Were you having a bad dream? No you can't be having bad dreams right now. Bonnie couldn't stand that if you were. He had to do something about it.

"It's okay. Shh, I'm here princess. Just listen to my voice. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." Bonnie pulled you closer to his chest as he whispered close to your ear.

You were moments away from death. (How many times could he emphasize that.) Your breathing was so slow that it almost looked like you weren't breathing at all. But you relaxed to his words. Body slumping and face resting more peacefully. You are not alone.

Not like he was when he died. Not like the others had been. He wasn't going to let you go through this alone any longer if he could help it. Another speed bump sent the two of you flying again for a moment, this time it caused Bonnie's head to whip around towards the front. (No matter how many speed bumps they hit when they turned someplace Bonnie still felt like they were going too slow.)

"Can't this thing go any faster! We won't make it in time to save her if we keep going this slow!" Bonnie didn't mean to sound so desperate. But he was so scared.

"Oh shut up, I'm going as fast as I can." Vincent snapped from the driver seat.

"He said drive. Watch your words, remember who is in this car." Goldie glared at Vincent, his threat was mild compared to what he could have said. But it was just enough to push the vehicle to its limit as Vincent sped up.

Bonnie looked back down at you observing your face carefully. Making sure you weren't having any more bad dreams. He wished he had gotten to you sooner still. Wished that he hadn't gotten tied up with shadow the way that he had. But he's gone for now. Certainly not to bother you or the others for a few years while he regained his strength.

With a deep breath Bonnie forced himself to look out the window watching as the buildings returned in more volume and the forest disappeared around them.

Blue and red flashing lights caught his attention off to the side, but the car was whizzing past everything so fast that they became a blur in the distance of a parking lot in an apartment complex.

One last speed bump led the car straight to the pizzeria at long last. Vincent didn't seem to care how he parked the car, skidding into at least two parking spaces until officially stopping. The others fought their seatbelts to get out rushing to the trunk to help Bonnie carry you inside.

Though Bonnie couldn't wait too long for them. He nearly kicked the trunk open before it had lifted on its own allowing him to slide out onto the sidewalk holding you rightly in his arms.
He was quick to rush to the door impatient with every step. (The others just watched stunned at how quick Bonnie was to get moving.)

"Well?!" Bonnie snapped turning to look at the others. He's growing more and more desperate by the second. Each second that ticked by was a second they could loose you forever.
"Can someone please get the door already?! We don't have all night!"

"I'm getting real sick of this bossing around shit tonight." Vincent snarled as he marched up to the glass doors shoving his key inside the lock. With the flick of his wrist the doors were now able to be opened leaving Bonnie to immediately rush in.

Bonnie didn't want to waste anytime, immediately rushing towards parts and services. You were secure in his arms, though he couldn't help but glance down occasionally at you. Trying to make sure you were still alive as he ran.

Hold on just a bit longer (Y/N). Please. We've got to save you.

Bonnie pushed open the parts and service door with his shoulder desperately rushing inside the room to bring you to the table. He can't wait another second.

"Bonnie wait for us!" Chica gasped the moment she got into the room, though she barely made it through the door just as it was about to close.

"There's no time!" Bonnie looked around frantically gazing at the now empty shelves, aside from the stripped endoskeletons that didn't make the cut for repossession.

"Bonnie please wait a moment." Freddy now had the door open. Letting foxy and goldie through into the room before stepping inside himself, leaving Vincent to stand with the door, leaning into it arms crossed.
"There's enough time to discuss something important."

Bonnie gazed at Freddy tears beginning to weld in his eyes. What could be more important than saving you?

"Is this what you want?" Freddy motioned towards Chica, goldie, and foxy as he spoke.
"For her to be like us?"

Oh. It was a question Bonnie didn't want to answer. Did he want you to be like him? He wasn't sure. His mind was torn, struggling between what his mind and heart wanted.

Bonnie hesitated in his answer. Is this what he wanted? Was it really? His hands shook with you being held protectively to his chest.

"I-," Bonnie hesitated again, "I just want her to come back. I-I want her to stay."

Bonnie lowered his head to gaze at you. He always was the jokester. Always the one to cut tension with a bad joke or a bad prank. He may butt heads with Chica, though he never meant to be an ass to her. Their interactions more like brother and sister. Bonnie did know when to be serious. There was no question about that, though it was a rare occurrence. For him to be able to keep going he tried to be the prankster.

But in this moment, there was no way around it. In this moment he had to make a decision,  he had to be serious. In his heart he knew the answer. He knew what he wanted and because of that he hoped you'd forgive him for it.

"I can't loose her again." Bonnie closed his eyes as he spoke. That lost feeling beginning to weld up in his chest constricting him like a snake.
"This is the only way for her to come back to us."

Everyone was silent. No one moved or said a word. Until finally Chica spoke for the others.

"Okay. Tell us what you want us to do." Determination was clear in her tone as she rolled up her puffed up sleeves a bit more, tightening her apron around her waist in the process.

"Aye. We be here to help lad." Foxy took a step forward, nodding towards Bonnie before  patting him reassuringly on the shoulder. It was nice to know his friends wouldn't hate him for this at least.

"Someone clear off the table, we-we need to find a suit." Bonnie had to keep pushing forward. He had to get this done.

"You better hurry there isn't much time left." Goldie began to clear the table off.
"Someone look for a suit."

Bonnie kept you close to his chest, he refused to put you down now even if there was no way you could get any closer to him. He stood still as the others looked taking these last few minutes to stand here with you while he could.

No one seemed to find anything. There didn't seem to be any suits in the back now. There always was one of at least Freddy, but despite that there was still nothing.

Bonnie was beginning to loose hope. His heart twisted in sorrow as he waited. Did they really clear out the establishment that fast? There is always something back here.

But just as Bonnie was beginning to loose his hope foxy pushed a shelf, revealing a limp purple animatronic cat suit. Everyone stared in shock as he fished it out from its hiding place lifting it up examining its dramatic eyelashes and painted nails.

No one said anything but the same question hung in the air. Where did that come from? Though everyone had more multiple thoughts. How long has that been here? Why didn't anyone know about it? What location is this from? Is it even theirs? Or did it come from the puppet?

Despite the many questions none could be answered. Everyone accepted that this was your suit as it was placed on the table ready for the procedure. Bonnie's hands shook more with each step he took towards the suit.

Can he do it? Stuff you into a suit like he would a past guard? In the past was never hard for him. Though he was convinced at the time he was killing the mortal man who killed him.

Bonnie stopped at the table, unsure of what to do just staring. Tears flooded his vision as he gazed down at the suit that waited for you. In that moment now he knew he couldn't do it. He can't bring himself to kill you. He just can't. Even if he wanted you to live so badly.

"Bonnie?" Chica gently called out to him. Noticing the tears that ran down his face.

"I-I-" Bonnie's words looped, like a record caught on the needle.

"We're here for you Bonnie just take your time." Freddy lowered his head as he spoke a friend etched on his face.

"Lad." Foxy faced Bonnie from across the table a serious expression on his face.
"We can do it alone, ye don't need to be here while we stuff her. It be okay, we know this be hard for ye."

"W-what?" Bonnie swallowed thickly, feeling as if there was a lump in his throat.

"Foxy is right we can do it for you. Just wait for us." Freddy stood closer to Foxy nodding his head.

"N-no guys I can stay. I can do it I-I just-" Bonnie sniffled. He felt like a child again.

"Oh stop crying for a second." Vincent sighed glaring at the others with frustration. But then his gaze softened. He seemed different.
"I'll do it."

Everyone stared at him in shock.

"You?" Goldie scoffed crossing his arms tightly standing taller to loom over Vincent.
"What makes you think we want you to touch her after all you've done."

"Look I've done a lot of fucked up things in my lifetime." Vincent stood toe to toe with Goldie unwilling to back down.
"I know I'm a terrible person, but I'm just trying to get my daughter back. As much as I think you all are annoying and I wish I had never even made a deal with that bastard, I know what it's like to have someone you care about taken away from you. I'm already a cold blooded killer, I've killed for selfishness. You've all killed for revenge. It's only right that I stuff her, to save you all the guilt you'll feel later."

Bonnie was shocked. Vincent actually wanted to do a good thing. He acted as if he was still a cold blooded man but in this moment Bonnie could see him a bit better. He was just a broken man who lost his daughter. Now don't get Bonnie wrong, he didn't want to sympathize with his killer. Even if the real person who led the killing was shadow, but at least he could understand now. (Vincent was right if he or the others stuffed you they'd regret it for the rest of their time. Especially if this didn't work.)

Now it was up to Bonnie if he wanted to give Vincent the okay. Bonnie just couldn't help but be conflicted though. So much was running through his mind. Is this what was supposed to happen? Did the puppet know about this? (He wished he knew more of what was going on, but at least he could control something.)

"Okay," Bonnie sucked in a deep breath gazing at Vincent, "you-you can do it."

"Huh?!" Everyone gasped in shock. Maybe because they didn't expect Bonnie to so willingly give Vincent the permission to stuff you.

"One condition though." Bonnie kept you from being taken, Vincent had walked over to grab you resulting in his quick movements.

"What?" Vincent rolled his eyes slightly at Bonnie's behavior.

"If this doesn't work. I'll stuff you into a suit myself." Bonnie's eyes hallowed out as he spoke, venom hidden in his words. Vincent nodded, some sort of relief in his eyes as he held his arms out for you.

It took him a second, but finally Bonnie found the strength to hand you over. Vincent held you loosely in his arms moving towards the table meaning the others left the room one by one.

Bonnie didn't want to leave, he didn't want to leave you to be stuffed alone. But he knew he had to.

Casting one last look towards your body, Bonnie forced himself to leave the room walking out with the others to wait for Vincent to be finished.
Bonnie's leg bounced from where he sat at a party table. His eyes glued to the parts and services door, waiting for Vincent to come out with the news.

How long had he been sitting here for? Minutes? Hours? Days? Maybe he was being a bit dramatic, especially saying days, but to him it felt that long. He couldn't stand the wait. The lingering questions of whether or not you made it. The clock in the show room was ticking, causing Bonnie to break his intense gaze with the door to stare at it.

4 AM.

It was almost time for their final day. Almost time for Bonnie to play his guitar for perhaps the last time. What was going to happen to them after the pizzeria closes? Actually bonnie wondered what was going to happen to them since they left the pizzeria.

After all everyone knew what leaving the pizzeria had meant for them when they rushed to save you. No one said it, everyone acted as if they had forgotten but the puppet gave them the rules. If they left the pizzeria at any point for any reason they'd be cursed. That's all the puppet had said about it vague as always.

He wasn't sure how much longer he had just as himself. But he hoped it was long enough to remain with you.


Finally the door from parts and services was pushed open. Groaning at the force that moved it catching everyone's attention again.

Vincent stood there alone, now covered in blood from his shirt down to his pants, his eyes were heavy as if he was recalling a bad memory. Bonnie jumped up at the sight ready for the news.

"I did the best I could. I don't know how to tell if it worked or not but she's not really moving right now." Vincent glanced back towards the table obscuring the sight with his body.

"What do you mean?!" Bonnie clenched his hands into fists tears beginning to sting his eyes.

"Just that. I don't know if it worked." Vincent huffed, his patience's clearly wearing thin.

"Well maybe we should just wait." Chica forced a smile for her friends.
"After all we didn't come back that quickly. Maybe it'll take a little bit! There's still hope!"

Bonnie brought his gaze to her, his mind turning with the fear that it wasn't going to work no matter how much they tried to keep hope. But he can't argue with her logic. He wanted to hold on to that hope.

"Chica has a point," Freddy forced a smile from where he stopped his pacing, "you're all free to take care of what ever business you have left tonight. After all today is our last performance as a band together. Take your time and do what you need before 6 am."

No one said it, but they were scared for tomorrow. While goldie was the only one of the group who'd be fine even leaving the pizzeria due to his different nature that didn't stop the others fears. No one knew what was going to happen to them, no one wanted to really know. So with that they separated.

Chica was the first to part, taking off to go cry. Foxy disappeared towards pirate cove. And where ever goldie went bonnie only assumed to be where he normally hid during the day.

Now it was just Him, Freddy, and Vincent stuck in the main show room. There wasn't much time left. Bonnie wasn't sure what he should do. But he guessed he'd remain here till 6 am. (He can't bare the thought of you stuffed into a suit in the back now.)

Freddy resumed his pacing seeming like he was about to head off somewhere else until Vincent stopped him. Bonnie watched the two curiously now.

"Hey," Vincent stepped out of the doorway to parts and services, "I don't get it."

"Get what?" Freddy turned to face him readjusting his bow tie.

"You've all got free will. Hell you could all even pass as humans out in society with your weird transformation thing. So why don't you guys just leave? Or just come back to life after they try to turn you guys off?"

Freddy sighed deeply looking up towards the stage longingly.

"I'm not entirely sure we could do a thing like that. Our abilities are as much a mystery to me still as they are to you. But I do know there was a strict rule in place for us not to leave the pizzeria and we broke it for (Y/N). Now we'll suffer the consequences of it. I don't know what will really happen if they shut us off, but I don't really want to find out either. Even if no matter what we'll figure it out when the time comes." Freddy closed his eyes. Bonnie wondered just what he was thinking.

Vincent hummed curiously but didn't press any further just nodding. It was clear he wasn't entirely sure what to do with this information.

"I'm going to change into a clean uniform. Don't think you will, but if any of you idiots need me you know where to find me." Vincent nodded again at Freddy as a sign of respect before he took off. Freddy did the same, but walking towards pirate cove presumably to check on foxy and then to find Chica. Leaving Bonnie completely alone.

He leaned back in the chair staring up at the ceiling running his hands down his face. His final hours for now and this was how he was spending them. But it's all he could think to do. For now he sat alone in the main show room.
So, this was it huh? The pizzeria that's been open for almost 30 years now finally was at the end of its era. Cawthon almost didn't want to open the glass doors for the opening shift. His eyes staring at his reflection. Despite it all he pushed them open, keeping them unlock for its last day of business.

The familiar hallway was nothing but a bittersweet reminder of what was to come today. And then Cawthon saw Vincent. There standing in the main show room waiting for him alone. The main crew behind him ready for their final performance on stage.

"So," Cawthon forced a smile clapping his hands together in fake enthusiasm, "you ready for one last shift?"

Vincent sighed shrugging.

"Not sure. What about you?" His eyes were intense. Cawthon had no clue to what had happened last night, but the truth was he never had a real clue to what's been happening in this company for years.

"I don't think I'm ready to say goodbye." Cawthon looked towards the main crew sorrowfully.
"It's like saying goodbye to an old friend. It's not an easy thing to do."

"Well, what's the plan for today then?" Vincent stuffed his hands into his pockets as he spoke casually.

"I want to make sure that the kids who come through those doors today have a really good time. I want their final memories of Freddy's to be a good one. So I hope that everyone can make today extra special for them." Cawthon sighed still trying to keep his smile.

Vincent nodded, unsure of just what was to come. As he and Cawthon walked on towards his office to discuss a few more things together, Bonnie watched carefully with a heavy heart.

Time was cruel, it moved quickly when you didn't want it to and slowly when you wished it would go faster. That was the perfect way to describe the day. It felt like seconds after Vincent and Cawthon left, and soon enough other employees came in for their final shifts. And then shortly after them the children.

It was almost like any other day of a performance, the children cheered begging for more. Their greasy hands trying to reach for them on stage only to be ushered back by employees. And then what was so many became so little as the time for closing approached.

Five kids remained. Their parents chatting in the distance with employees thanking them for the service. Leaving the children to watch the final performance. But as Bonnie strummed his guitar their conversation stuck out to him.

"I'm going to miss them." One of the little boys frowned as he stood on his toes trying to see the band better.

"Me too. I'm going to miss Chica the most." Bonnie assumed the little boy's sister was the one who spoke, her pigtails bouncing as she turned to look at him.

"Well I'm going to miss Bonnie. He's the coolest." Another little boy puffed out his chest gazing up at Bonnie as he played his guitar for the final song.

"No way! Captain Foxy was!" Another little boy jokingly shoved the boy who said he'd miss Bonnie.
"I still miss Foxy."

"Well I think they're all neat." The second little girl laughed at her friends swaying on her feet.
"I'm going to miss all of them."

The other kids muttered in agreement at that.

"Fritz! Come on sweetie it's time to go." The little boy who mentioned liking foxy turned around to look at his mother smiling at her.

"Coming!" Fritz turned back towards his friends waving goodbye as he started rushing to his mother.
"See you guys later!"

"Jeremy, let's go kiddo dinner's waiting at home." Next the kid who said he though Bonnie was the coolest had been called to go home by his father. He was hasty to wave goodbye to his friends.

Then there were three.

"Cassidy. Come on sweetheart, we'll be late if we don't leave now." The mother to the little girl who said she liked all of the crew was ushered away by her mother who seemed to be in a rush talking on the phone with someone.

"We shouldn't stay too much longer either. Let's go Gabriel and Susie." The last two children's mother ushered them to come with her. Susie came with out any questions. Rushing to her mother and taking her hand but Gabriel stayed staring up at Freddy who looked back down at him.

"Goodbye Freddy. I'll miss you the most." Gabriel tried to reach towards his idol, who heard every word he had to say to him personally.

"Gabriel come on!" His mother called to him again and this time there was no arguments.

"Coming!" Gabriel glanced one last time at Freddy before he rushed off joining his family.

Bonnie had watched from the stage feeling a stray tear running down his animatronic mask. Those poor kids. But at least they got a normal childhood.

Then the last customers left. People came in and out of the room. Tables were moved. Table clothes and party hates removed from them. The floors cleaned and then employees began to leave.

The last one to leave was the mechanic. What was once a month routine for the gang to endure of tests on their mobility and voice boxes was now a moment of dread. The mechanic sighed as he marched up the show stages stairs. Beginning to open Bonnie's back.

Bonnie's heart skipped an anxious beat feeling someone prying around in his back. He casted one final look at Freddy, moving his mouth partially to smile at his friend. Though he couldn't say anything he hoped Freddy knew what he was trying to say. See you around.

Sucking in a final breath now Bonnie thought about you. Flashes of your came to his mind as he felt the mechanic searching for something in his back. He felt more at peace the more you fluttered about in his mind. Calling his name. Laughing. Blushing.

Oh, (Y/N). I'll wait for you my princess. I'll wait for you till the end of time. Please wait for me.

Bonnie closed his eyes at his final thought seeing you smile one last time in his mind and then there was nothing as the world became an endless night.

This was it, the end of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Now forever just a distant memory, a distant dream, to those who got to see it. This was the end.

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