Chapter Thirteen: There Is No Other Way
College has started yay! Haha help me I'm dying inside. Anyway, this chapter made me sad, but I'm not going to spoil so just read.
Question: Who's your favorite Avenger? Yes, they can be a Guardian. Mine, if it wasn't obvious enough, is Doctor Stephen Strange! I love him so much!
Anyway, enough stalling. Sorry for typos! Enjoyyyyy!
"Back to the original plan. We need to get the Infinity Gauntlet off of Thanos!" I say to Iron Man who landed right next to me due to a blow from Thanos.
Doctor Strange spots me from across the battlefield and uses his Sling Ring to appear next to me. "Yes, that's what we discussed while you were in the Soul World. We could use your help, (Y/n)."
"Wait, how did you know I was in the Soul World?" I grab Stephen's sleeve as he starts to turn away to get his attention.
"You disappeared entirely, so I just figured that's where you went. You did absorb the Soul Stone's powers after all." Stephen puts a hand on my back and guides me forward. "But now we really do need your help. Thanos has everyone scrambling away and we can't get close. Could you distract him or us?"
A smile slowly forms on my face and I nod. Stephen squeezes my shoulder before heading back into the battle.
I observe the fight, trying to learn a few of the Avengers' fighting patterns so I can avoid hitting them. Finally, Spider-Man kicks Thanos in the face and lands a safe distance away. I take this as an opening to attack.
Thinking of how much I want to win this fight, I feel fire spreading through my body. I smirk and hold my hands out toward Thanos. A huge wave of purple flames exit the palms of my hands and rush toward the Mad Titan. Thanos gets hit in his right arm and turns his focus on me.
Thanos launches his own set of purple flames at me, but I create a portal on the floor and jump through. While in the portal, I change reality to make me look like I pop out of the ground on the left side of Thanos, but I actually appear on the right. Thanos punches the fake me with the Gauntlet and she falls over. I quickly change reality back to its original state, making Thanos confused. He turns around and I make a purple flame blade, slashing him across the face.
The Mad Titan yells in pain and clutches his wound with his right hand. I smile in victory, and I'm about to slash my blade again, but Thanos acts quick. He turns around unexpectedly and back-hands me with the Gauntlet.
The blow hits me in the chest, making me fly backward. My head starts to throb and I try to move my legs, but all the wind was knocked out of me. He just swatted me away like an insect.
Still gasping for air, I manage to make out someone yelling my name. It sounds younger, so it must be Peter Parker. As I suspected, Spider-Man lands next to me and leans over me.
"(Y/n), are you alright?!" Spider-Man leans my head up, helping me breathe better. "You're going to be fine. You did great! Look!"
Peter points toward the fight. I look where he's pointing and see Stephen Strange has conjured a flaming orange magic sword, and is now battling Thanos. He seems to be going all-out, not holding anything back. I catch a glimpse of his face and think to myself, why does he look so angry?
I manage to stand up just as Drax knocks Thanos down on his knees. Thanos grabs Stephen's blade at the end and chucks it away, throwing the Sorcerer Supreme off balance. The Cloak of Levitation pulls Stephen up and then smacks Thanos across the face, making me laugh.
Peter Parker joins the fray and webs up the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos responds by closing his fist and using the Power Stone to get rid of the webs. Stephen then opens a portal with his Sling Ring and Iron Man flies through. Tony shoots a sonic boom missile at Thanos' head, making the purple alien's ears ring.
I take this as another chance to attack. I raise my right hand and form a fist, summoning as much power as I can into that hand. Right when I can't hold any more power, I slam my fist on the ground. Glowing purple cracks form on the floor and go toward Thanos. The land crumbles away at his feet and he falls through the floor.
For a second, I take a breather, but it doesn't last long. A blue portal opens and Thanos falls through, indicating that he used the Space Stone.
I fall to my knees. Using so much of the Stones' powers drains my energy a lot. I used the powers of the Power, Space, and Reality Stones all within a span of five minutes! I'd call that a record.
Suddenly, a spaceship falls from the sky and lands on Thanos. Everyone stops in their tracks to look at what the heck that was. The occupant of the spaceship kicks open the door and jumps out just before it erupts into purple flames.
Nebula lands gracefully and takes out her sword. She looks right at Thanos with pure hatred in her dark eyes. "You should have killed me."
"Would have been a waste of parts!" That was all Thanos had to say for Nebula to tip over in anger. She runs up to her adoptive father and starts slashing her sword.
Not being able to keep my inner fangirl, I stand up and yell, "YES! GO NEBULA!"
Nebula glances at me and her eyes widen. She decides to ask questions later and quickly turns back to the fight. She blocks another attack from the Infinity Gauntlet and stares into her father's eyes. "Where is Gamora?!"
Unlike in the movie, Thanos looks like he's about ready to respond. Before he can, I shoot another round of purple flames at him. Thanos blocks the attack with the Gauntlet, but still gets pushed back. Nebula looks at me with a bit of anger, but her gaze softens when she sees my sad expression. Now she understands what happened to Gamora.
The Avengers thankfully take advantage of the time Nebula and I bought them. They take this time to become a step ahead of the purple alien.
Thanos tries to stand up from my attack, but Drax runs up and kicks him in the face. Thanos falls on his knees and holds his wound. Star Lord shoots Thanos in the left arm to keep him from using the Gauntlet while Spider-Man ties Thanos up with his webs. Star Lord throws one of those magnet-space-suckers on the floor next to Thanos' right hand, rendering that arm useless.
This is it! Almost time for the climax of the plan! Stephen makes a portal above Thanos' head and Mantis falls on the titan's shoulders. She uses her empath powers to make him sleep, but she's using all she's got.
"Be quick! He is very strong." Mantis holds the sides of Thanos' head to keep her powers working. He seems to be in a state of sleep, but also fully awake. He can process everything that's happening but can't do anything about it.
Stephen uses his magic whips to hold onto Thanos' right hand, Drax holds down his legs, Mantis keeps him under, and Iron Man starts to pull the Gauntlet off.
"(Y/n)!" I turn to where I hear my name being called and see Stephen struggling with Thanos' right hand. "I need your help!"
Without hesitating, I run over to Stephen's side and grab Thanos' wrist. Mantis grunts in frustration, but keeps a hold on Thanos. Spider-Man webs over to Tony, seeing that he needs help getting the Gauntlet off.
"Come on, kid, she said she can't hold him for long!" Tony says. Peter and him struggle with the Gauntlet for a couple seconds before Star Lord comes over.
Quill lands right in front of Thanos, turning off his rocket boots. "Thought you'd be harder to catch! By the way, this was my plan." Quill gestures to all of us and I roll my eyes, knowing he's just trying to gloat in front of his girlfriend's dad.
Star Lord walks up closer to Thanos, and I almost lose my grip on the titan's wrist at what Quill says next. "Where is Gamora?!"
This is my chance. I can stop everything right here, right now, once and for all. I look over at Stephen and sure enough, he has a firm grip on Thanos' wrist. He doesn't need my help anymore.
Thanos manages to break through Mantis' trap just enough to respond. "M-my Gamora..."
"Oh bullshit!" Star Lord starts yelling, not being able to control his emotions. "I know you took her, now where is she?!"
"He is in anguish!" Mantis feels overwhelming shivers pulse through her body at the intensity of Thanos' emotions. "H-he...he mourns."
"What does this monster have to mourn?!" Drax manages to ask through the struggle of keeping Thanos' legs intact. Drax and Quill don't connect the dots quite yet.
"Gamora..." Quill turns around to face the woman who spoke. Nebula's heart breaks at the thought of actually losing her sister for good this time. "She took him to Vormir. He came back with the Soul Stone, and she didn't..."
Quill slowly turns back to Thanos in realization. Hate, anger, vengeance, sadness, and denial can all be seen on his face at the same time. Tony knows exactly what's happening and puts his helmet down. "Ok now, Quill, you need to cool it, buddy. Don't engage! We've almost got this off!"
"ASSHOLE! TELL ME YOU DIDN'T DO IT!" Tears fall down Quill's face like parallel rivers. He lets out all his emotions in that one command.
"Peter." I let go of Thanos' wrist and step toward him. Quill turns toward me with a hurt expression. "Listen-"
"You knew?" Quill points his space gun at me but I don't flinch.
Instead, I take another step toward him. "You must desist. Is this what Gamora would have wanted to happen? How would she want you to react?"
I shouldn't have said Gamora's name. Quill looks down in sadness at his hands. He grips his gun harder with one hand while the other forms a fist. "Gammie, please no! Please don't leave me too, Gammie..."
Thanos breaks through Mantis' hold one more time. "I... had to... do it..."
"No you didn't." Quill's knuckles on his hands turn white. He slowly turns back toward Thanos again.
"Star Lord, please!" It seems my words have no affect. Quill raises his gun up above Thanos' head, ready to bring it down.
I reach my hands out to grab his arm and stop him, but I suddenly can't move. I feel what seems like hundreds of little ropes wrap around my torso, pinning my arms to my sides. I'm not giving up so easily though.
"PETER QUILL, HOLD BACK! YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS!" Quill hesitates at my outburst, and I'm about to say something else, but another group of ropes wrap around my mouth.
Where the heck are these coming from?! I turn around to see the rope leading somewhere directly behind me. I notice the ropes are flaming orange. It can't be.
Holding the ropes with one trembling hand is Stephen Strange.
A look of pure betrayal and hurt spreads across my face, making the doctor look away in shame. Why would he do this?! Why is he preventing me from saving everyone?! He can't be with Thanos, no. There must be a reason, but I'm too hurt to think of anything logical at the moment.
I still have time. Quill is still holding back, but only for a couple more seconds. Peter and Tony almost have the Gauntlet! I turn back toward them and dig my feet in the soil, straining against my bonds with all my strength. I try to use the power of any of the Stones, but I'm just too tired.
Peter Quill snaps and brings his gun on top of Thanos' head. I can't help it, but I start to cry. I try to yell at him to stop, but only muffled sounds break through the bonds around my mouth. He hits Thanos two more times before Mantis loses her grip on him, making him wake up.
Peter Parker is so close to getting the Gauntlet off, but Thanos wakes up fully and pulls the glove back from him. With his right hand, Thanos grabs the orange ropes Stephen uses and yanks them backward. Stephen flies in the direction Thanos pulled, taking me with him. I land right next to Stephen and the ropes disappear from around me.
Stephen groans and slowly sits up. I stand and stomp over to him. "HOW DARE YOU! My idea was working. Quill was letting up!"
"I'm sorry..." Stephen stands up and wipes some stray tears away. Is he crying because of what he did? "It's the only way. Quill needed to freak out, and as you know, Thanos must get all the Stones."
"S-so I really change nothing by being here?" I look down at my hands and see tiny purple flames dance across them.
"It doesn't look like it now, but you have a critical role in the outcome. This, however, there was no getting out of." Stephen puts a hand on my shoulder.
I look up at him and nod, understanding what he's saying. "But why didn't you tell me that sooner?"
"Your reaction to everything else beforehand wouldn't have been the same." I nod all the way through his short explanation, knowing he was going to say that.
I feel even more tears coming so I put both hands over my face, not wanting Stephen to see. Feeling completely guilty and heartbroken, Stephen pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head.
I hug him back tightly and cry into his shoulder. "I just do-don't want you to l-leave me! I love y-you so much! Please don't go...don't leave me..."
Stephen kneels down and looks up at me. He wipes away some tears with his shaking hands. "I'll never leave you. Plus, you're smart. I know you'll find a way to bring us back."
"I-I'm not like you. I'm not a hero..."
"No," Stephen takes off the fake Eye of Agamotto necklace and puts it around my head. "You're better."
I manage a smile right before I hear a big crash from behind me. Thanos must have thrown Star Lord already. Stephen stands up and looks toward the sound too. "I need to go, and so do you. Make a portal with the Space Stone's power and go to Wakanda. They will need you there soon."
I have so many more questions, but I know I don't have time to ask even one. Instead, I hug the magical Avenger one last time. "I love you."
Stephen hugs me back. "I love you too."
I break the hug and Stephen ruffles my hair, making me smile and swat his hand away. We both start heading in opposite directions, Stephen going toward the fight and me going to make a portal. Before I could get too far though, Stephen turns around and says, "This isn't 'goodbye', but a 'until next time'."
I nod and smile in confidence, turning away from the fight. I make a portal, but right before I step through it I turn around one last time. Doctor Strange starts running into battle to help the others. I face the portal again, and as I enter it I whisper, "Good luck everyone, I love you all."
Right when I step foot on the green grass of Wakanda, a big boom sound can be heard. I look above me and see one of the Black Order's army transportation vessels land on top of the dome. Out of all the moments I could have stepped into Wakanda, why did this have to be it? It's only my luck that the war starts when I enter the country.
Well, here goes everything.
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