Aliza's Newfound Hunger

It has been...a month, since this all happened, since Samael and Aliza went into the Underground, and met with Sans and Papyrus. Samael has gotten pretty close with Papyrus, as he is a very friendly person to be with. Although he has declined to eat his spaghetti, which is really just some disgusting stuff, which he can guess are cooked body parts, he does like to be with him on other fun stuff. But when Sans is involved, he can act rather, threatening, at times, even if he does not show it in his voice. He can simply make expressions that shows that he wants to eat him, and only does it when he is alone, all in an effort to scare him and show that he dislikes him. But Samael has tries the best that he can to ignore it. But with Aliza...he feels much more happier, especially since he is next to her, and they both began to do stuff such as draw all over the wall of Grillby's, collect some books from the abandoned library, or whatever else that they want to do, as long as they do not venture outside of Snowdin.

But...speaking of Aliza...she just had her birthday a couple of weeks ago. So now...she is 16, and even had her Valentine's Day with Sans and Samael. Needless to say, she is happy...with having the both of them, and Samael...luckily, was able to bring her a gift, and it was of a book that she had wanted. Needless to say, Aliza was happy enough to give him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you, much to his embarrassment, and much to Sans' utter annoyance, though he does drop it when Aliza hugs Sans, which he appreciates, even if it isn't much compared to what Aliza had done with Samael.

But during the next couple of weeks, Samael noticed something strange about Aliza's behavior, ever since they went close and went into March. She is now bringing her onto the couch, acting more intimate with physical contact with him, and...she is holding her stomach, as if she is experience stomach aches, while times, he would see black liquid on the floor. This is really making Samael concerned, and when the they draw stuff in Grillby's...Samael notices that the pictures now look much more...gruesome. It involves a human in a picture that is eating another person. And...and her expression...when something that involves food is brought to her...she would have a hungering look in her eyes, as she wound than began to drool. But...what in the world is happening to her? Samael noticed that it was something familiar that he was told about, but he has no idea what it is. And needless to say, it is making him worried. He has asked Aliza if she is feeling okay. And Aliza said that, she's fine. But Samael could tell that it was something that should be worrying, as he feels like something bad is gonna happen to Aliza. And day came...where everything's gone to hell.


Samael is at Grillby's, as he is going around the building in an effort to try and find more food for Aliza. Of course, it is not his idea, but Sans' idea, since he needs to keep on eating. But it is also because of the fact that he thinks that Aliza should eat as well. Of course, he told Sans that it is not necessary, since he has food for Aliza inside of the boxes that he has with him. Sans does not argue back, seeing that he has a good point, but still does not like Samael, and only seems to try and give a damn about Aliza, much to Samael's confusion.

He looked around the cabinet, and looks through to see that there is more canned food. Samael sighed, as he than puts them inside of his backpack, and he looks around the area that he is in, and stood up. He is honestly surprise that there are just so many stuff here, and yet, he questions why no one has even tried to get food from this place, and even questions why not have food that is grown in an area of the Underground. That way, they would not have to worry about going all over Snowdin to try and find as much food to eat as possible.

Also...the chain and the sword that he had gotten is on his back, as Samael, with Sans' help, was able  to clean, polish, and sharpen the sword, so that it can act as a replacement for the bat that had been sliced to pieces, as well as the knife that he had accidentally gotten destroyed. Samael sighed, as he than stood up, before he gripped the straps of his backpack, and began to make his way back to the skeleton bros' house.

His feet stepped onto the snow, crunching against the ground, as the snowflakes from above began to float down, as some almost hitting Samael's face, as he reached the house, and he opened the door. He than closed the door, and he than puts his bag down. He than began to get the stuff out of the bag, with the canned food and the other stuff that is used for sustenance. Samael sighed, as he than looked down at himself, and he can feel like...there is something wrong...there is something wrong about the house that he does not know about. He never felt this way before. But...

"I need to check on Aliza."

He said, as he than puts his backpack onto his back again, as he than went up the stairs. Aliza is supposed to be upstairs right now. Inside of Sans' room, because of the fact that Sans is now outside, and is likely hunting for some stuff.

Samael than goes up the door, and opens it, as quickly as he could, just in case that Aliza is sleeping right now. But as soon as he opened the door...he is greeted with a sight before his eyes. Aliza is sitting on the mattress...her fingers digging into her head, and she seems to be mumbling something. There are...scratches on the walls, and...she seems to be shaking.

Samael...he could feel that something is wrong, and even Chara began to realize that something is very wrong. No...Chara knows what is wrong with Aliza, but before she could warn Samael, the young 15 year old had closed the door behind him. He than walks out to he than spoke out.

" okay?"

Aliza stopped mumbling to he head raised up a little bit. Samael was hesitant, but he needs to know what has gotten into her. He than touched her shoulder with his gloved hand, as he than spoke out.

"Aliza, what's wrong? Are you feeling well? Do you want me to get Sans in order to see what is wrong?"

Aliza than began to turn her head around...but than...something happened too fast, that he had no time to react. He was suddenly pushed into a wall, and he looked forward to see Aliza's face...and he was startled. Her looked...mostly the same...but black liquid was coming down her fade, all from her eyes, nose, and mouth. This made Samael shocked, as Chara than spoke out to Samael.

"The has taken a hold of her. She had been infected for sometime."

This made Samael shocked, as Aliza than began ti walk towards her.

"Aliza...stop, this isn't what you-"

But Aliza than spoke out to Samael.

"Sammy...I'm so you mind feeding me?!"

Aliza than lunged at him, as Samael than dodged the attack. But Aliza, not being influenced by the hunger, became persistent, as she than grabbed to grab onto him. Samael then grabbed her by the wrists, which have been outstretched, as he held her in place.

"Aliza, stop!! This isn't you!! Do not eat me, your only childhood friend!!"

The butterfly, Ruby, began to flap in front of Samael, seeming to try and make Aliza drop with what she is doing, but Aliza than moved her hand out of Samael's grips, and tried to swat at it, before Ruby flied away fast. Aliza than grabbed onto Samael's neck, only for Samael to put his hand in front of his neck. But Aliza still pulled it and tried to bite down on it. But than...Samael yanked his hand off of Aliza's grasp, as Samael jumped back...and he sees that her fingers are beginning to have their skin peeled off from some unknown force. Her fingers are now skeletal clawed hands, just like Sans is. Samael looked forward, as Aliza than tried to grab Samael, only for Samael to avoid her lunging towards him, and she toppled onto the bed. Taking the time that he has left, he opens the door, and closed it in front of Aliza, before he than flies fast.

He rushes down the stairs, though he doesn't make a ton of noise, as he than rushed as fast as he can to the door, and luckily, he was able to get there more quicker than he expected. He takes the time to grab the boxes that are on the floor, as he than gets outside fast.

Samael had quickly opened the door, exited out of the house, closed the door to give him some more time to get away from Aliza, as well as hopefully stall her, even for a little bit, and he kept on running, not stopping even once, as he was shocked and utterly disbelieved at what had just happened, with tears threatening to spill all over the whole ground, due to what he had just witnessed, his own friend being consumed by the hunger.

"Aliza...oh god. Aliza."

Samael said, as he kept on running away from Aliza as fast as he could. The fact that Aliza had now became a part of the is so utterly horrifying, yet heartbreaking. He cannot believe that this happened to her. He could not believe this. But at the same time...he does, even though he wishes that it is just a bad dream. But he cannot hesitate now. He needs to keep on running, to keep on fleeing from his infected friend. He could kill her if he wants to, but he does not have the heart to do it. In fact, even though she is infected, he still cares too deeply for Aliza to even do that, to even kill her. So his solution is to try and run, and hopefully, make some food in an effort to try and sedate Aliza's new ground hunger, in an effort to make her who she once was, even if it is temporary.

But as he kept on running, Samael didn't watch himself, as he than triggered a trap. And than, all of a sudden, a couple to a few cables wrapped around Samael's right leg, as it painfully ensnare this limb. This made Samael want to scream out in pain, but he kept his mouth closed, as he than began to use his sword to try and cut through the cables as much as he can. He cuts one, and two, and three cables...and than...a voice spoke out.

"and where do you think that you're going."

Samael snapped his head up, his eyes wide, as he sees that someone is coming towards him, and it was none other than Sans himself.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sans smiled, as his left eye flared up dangerously, like he always wanted to do this since the very beginning that he had first met Samael.

"did you honestly think that you can get away, kiddo? all just like that? oh no, kiddo, it does not work like that. it never works like that."

Samael, scared for his life, spoke out.

"Please, don't do this. I haven't, I didn't hurt our daughter, I even made your brother happy!! This will only make them both sad!"

But Sans snorted, as he than spoke out.

"maybe...but even with what you have, even with what you have done for me, aliza, and my bro, it is still not enough. and besides...the baby girl has got to eat, and to her, it'll be a merciful thing for her to do for you. but for me..."

He than summoned he axe in his hand, as a sickened grin than appeared on his face.

"it'll be for sport. sorry, kiddo...but your time has ran out."

Samael...he was scared for his whole life. He...he has no idea what to do in the situation that he is in. He tries to use his sword to cut through the trap, but the pain was so much for him to handle. He manage to get some of it off of him, but it is still not enough to come lose and let him escape. He stares scared, as he than thought out to himself.

'I can't...I don't want...I'm not...gonna...I don't want to die...I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die. Idon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodie Idon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodie.'

Samael felt his fear of being consumed growing more and more closer to him than ever before, as he looked and saw that the axe is raise up onto the air, and Sans spoke out.

"goodbye, samael."

Samael, unable to contain his fear, than shouted out at the top of his lungs.


The moment that he had said that, something unexpected happened to him. His entire body began to glow orange, and Sans reacted in utter surprise at what he is seeing.

"what the hell?!"

And before Sans could react to the sudden event that is taking place before his very eyes, Samael's body then glowing brighter, and before Sans knows of what was gonna happen...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


All of a sudden, Samael's body had then erupted in flames. The trap burned off of his leg, and Sans' clothes caught on fire, causing him to de-manifest the axe, and he went to the ground to try and extinguish the fire using the cold snow on the ground. Aliza than went outside, ran to where Sans is at, the black liquid of the Hunger seeping from her eyes, nose, and mouth, runs as fast to Sans as possible, and looked down to see that Sans is on the ground, as he was finally able to extinguish the flames off of his clothes.


Aliza screamed, as she ran off towards Sans, and hugged him, as Sans was able to calm down.

"Dad, where's Samael?! I need him brought to me!"

Sans looked frustrated, as he looked at the direction of where Samael once was, as he spoke out.

"he got away. and i have a feeling of where he's gonna run off to. c'mon, kiddo, we need to follow him."

Aliza nodded her head, as she than spoke out.

"alright, dad."

Aliza helped Sans onto his feet, as Sans than went on foot to try and catch up to Samael, as Aliza followed behind.

With Samael...

Samael is running as fast as he could. He has no idea how long it would take for Sans to come and find him, but he is not going to risk stopping. He needs to find a way out of this mess that he is in, and go to the next area of the Underground.

" could it be Aliza?"

Samael said, as his voice croaked with tears on his face. He cannot believe that Aliza would be infected. The meat that she ate must have traces of the Hunger inside of it. Curse Sans and his wanting to act in front of his own brother. He got Aliza, his own daughter infected!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Samael has no idea where he is going, but does all he can to follow the path that he is on. He runs and runs, as the trees whizzed past him, as Samael kept on going, even though he wants to stop. Samael than nearly got attacked by a bird monster, a snowdrake, but Samael sliced its head off, as his LV than grew immensely to LV 6. He now has 220 HP, which made him stronger immediately. But he does not have time to look at his Stats, he needs to keep running. But as he did, Chara than spoke out.

"Samael, stop. Look to the left."

Samael stopped, and he turned around to see that there is a machine worn a conveyor belt that reaches to the ocean.

"You need to activate this machine. It is important for where you will need to go to next."

Samael was confused, but...he did as Chara told him, and pulled the lever. The machine than activated, as the conveyor belt began to move, the wheels beneath it began to spin, as large Ice Blocks began to come out, rode on the conveyor belt, and move to a single direction. Samael has no idea where it is going, as Chara than spoke out.

"No time to marvel and wonder about the machine. Get moving. Sans and Aliza are likely to try and find you."

Samael, snapping out of it, immediately ran as fast as he can, as he tries to do all that he can to get away from Sans and Aliza. He looks behind him, and saw that he is making foot steps, which is now good, because Sans and Aliza will follow him without effort.

But he kept on running as fast as he could, and as he did...he stopped at what appears to be a river next to him. This made Samuel surprised, as Chara spoke out.

"We are at the area of where the Riverperson will meet you."

Samael looks at Chara, and was a little confused at what Chara has said.


Chara looks at Samael, as she than spoke out.

"The Riverperson is a mysterious monster that will allow people to ride to the Waterfalls, which is where you will be going to next. But you need to give it something in exchange. You have that large slab of meat in your box, right? It should be enough to last the whole trip. Quick, take it out."

Samael nodded, as he than opened a part of the box, and took out the slab of monster meat from the box. And thankfully, he took it out just in time. And as he did...something began to come out of the fog.

"Here it is. Get ready."

Samael looks at the direction of the fog, as he than sees that the Riverperson had just arrived. And needless to say, Samael was a little bit spooked out by what he is seeing before his very eyes.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The boat has a very scary dog-looking visage at the front, the lantern is glowing in the presence of Samael, as the eyes are also beginning to glow. But on top of it was a large entity wearing only a cloak. Samael felt nervous, as he gulped, but he needs to get away from Sans and Aliza. He hates that he needs to abandon his childhood friend like that, but he needs to do this. So he readies himself, and waits for the boat to arrive next to him.

And it did...the boat went next to Samael, and the Riverperson did not make a sound. But he can tell that it is considering into eating him. So he shows the Riverperson the large slab of meat on his hand, and spoke out.

"Please take me to Waterfall."

The Riverperson nodded, as he than, as Samael went onto the boat, and gave it to the Riverperson, who than grabbed it with one of the black cloak ends, and the boat began to move. Samael sighed, as he than sat onto the wood of the boat, though he knows better than to think that this is over, as it is not over just yet.


Samael turned, and he sees that Sans and Aliza have found him, but then Sans knows better than to come and go next to the Riverperson, or he will be consumed himself. Samael stood up, as he looked at Aliza, as a tear comes down of his eye, seeing that Aliza's infected, hungering, yet very sad face looks at Samael. But Samael, not wanting to leave her to starve, grabs onto one of his other baskets, and through it, which landed next for Aliza. Aliza looks down, and opens it to see that it is filed with chips and snacks, all for Aliza do feast on. Aliza looks at Samael, as she than ran to him.

"Samael, wait!!!"

Aliza than ran to catch up to the boat, but Sans grabbed her and spoke out.

"Don't run to the Riverperson, Aliza. If you do, you'll get consumed by them."

Aliza looks at Sans, tears of sadness crept onto her face, as she collapsed to the ground, and began to sob. Sans bends down and hugs his daughter, as Samael was gone from their sight. Samael sighed, as he spoke out.

"I'm...I'm so sorry, Aliza. I wished how much you meant to me...and I can't."

Samael sighed, as he turned around, and saw that he is halfway in reaching the Waterfalls. And as that happened, the Riverperson spoke out.

" the man...who speaks in hands."

This made Samael rather confused...but he doesn't question that sentence. And after a couple of minutes...Samael arrived, as he got off the boat, and sighed. But not before turning around, and speaking out to the Riverperson.

"Thank you."

The Riverperson looked at Samael and nodded, before moving away. Samael sighed, as he then turned around, and he than looked at the sight that is before his very eyes.

"Well...partner...let's get moving, shall we?"

Samael looks down, as tears came out of his eyes, not forgetting the fact that he had just abandoned the very person that he had just sworn to stay by his side with, even though he has said that he would not abandon her. He felt so ashamed of himself, as he wishes that he could be with her again. But with Aliza would be a no go. Besides...he needs to find out what is that he can free the monsters from this many long years of suffering. He looks up, eyes glaring at the entrance to the Waterfalls, as Chara spoke out to him.

"Stay determined."

Samael nodded, before he than began to walk towards the Waterfalls. His footsteps echoed at the long, dark, rocky corridors that is before him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They echoed, as Samael continues to go down the road that is ahead of him, he walks forward, and as he did...he than saw something next to him. It looks like a flower bud of some sort. He doesn't know why...but he feels like he has to touch it. Samael...he than walks over to it, and he then touched it. Chara's voice filled his head

"The sound of rushing water fills you with DETERMINATION."

Samael than sees 2 buttons before his very eyes. SAVE and RETURN. He pressed SAVE, and than...something very unexpected happened. The petals opened up, and in the center is an eye, which made Samael jump back. Samael spoke out.

"I think I just did something bad."

Chara than spoke out.

"Of course it is bad. But it is also necessary for your survival."

Samael looked confused, as he than spoke out.

"How is it necessary for survival?"

Chara than spoke back to Samael.

"If I tell you, you are not gonna believe it. You will have to see for yourself."

Samael sighed, as he should have guessed he was gonna get that answer. Samael than turns around...and spoke out.

"And I guess that I am gonna have to see what is gonna be at the other side, huh?"

Chara spoke out.

"That is correct."

Samael looks around...and he than sighed, as he held his head, and spoke out.

"I'm so gonna regret this."

Samael than began to move forward, as he walks towards the dangers that lie beyond his vision. He just hopes that...he knows what he is doing.

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