🌼Chapter 7🌼
Hello everyone!!!!
So something happened.... You know that incident that happens where almost all the street has light but only a few houses don't... Yeah... That's my building's story.
They said we'll have to wait for Nepa officials to handle it cause we do, they can sue🤦. We don't know how much longer we'll have to wait.
The whole summary of this story is that I don't know when I'll update next. Disappointing right? I hate it too!
My phone is going to off in any moment....
Enjoy and Vote
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I want to turn on my phone to see my comment box flooded with comments❤❤❤
Chapter 7
5:30 am
Kilahi turned left and right in bed she was having a dreaming about her accident, she could hear the doctor say, "She's going into shock again. I don't think she'll make it" Just as they pressed the defibrillator on her chest she jerked from her sleep.
She looked around lifting up her wrist, gazing at the scar on it. She picked her phone to check the time, it was 4:34 am and her alarm was scheduled for 5:30.
Knowing she won't be able to sleep again, she rolled looking at Sewuese who was sound asleep. Even if the whole house was on fire, she'll still sleep soundly in the heat or even the whole building was shaking a big block fell on her, she'll drag another stone closer and use it as pillow!
Kilahi laughed at her crazy imagination! But that aside, Sewuese can sleep! Even if rapture was going on, she can even beg God to let her sleep first! Her elbow pushed the devotional to the floor so she picked it up looking at it.
At least she can use it to while away time!
She opened the devotional to the current date,
15th of Febuary, 2022
Topic: Quit underestimating!!!
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
Text: 2 Timothy 1:7 ESV
She proceeded to reading the content:
Do you know God has no given you the spirit of fear? That bible passage is a confirmation of it but then where does fear come In from? If God is saying that, It means when he created us, he gave us the spirit of power, love and Self-control but how did fear come in, how did weakness come in, how did anger and instability come in?
It came in through the devil via the instrumentality of your mind! He uses your mind as an instrument to frame up negativity and fear! It's a whole synergy that brings downfall to the life of any believer.
That's if you allow it? I want you to rise up today and say no to that fear!
The book of Isaiah 42:10 clearly states that, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
This Is God's promises but have underestimate God himself! You might wonder, how do i? Each time you fear, you underestimate the workings of his power.
Do this excercise no matter how crazy it is, Can you stretch your hands wherever you are and just look on to Him and ask him to uphold you!
Kilahi closed the book looking around to make sure no one was around, it was just she and Sewuese in the room but she was still looking around. Shame will not kill her!
Sewuese was even sleeping oh, shame was still catching her!
She opened the book and stretched her hands, "God uphold me" She muttered, then she continued reading:
God is ever ready to hold you hands and uphold you. If you're mixed with faith, you'll know that God Is with you that moment. He's ready to strengthen you in the midst of all this. Have faith, God is happening! You can do all things through him who strengthens you!
She felt this thick atmosphere in the room then she dropped her hands glancing back to the book to continue reading.
Widened your mind, see possibilities, engage the Holyspirit, let him guide you through the journey. Jesus said he'll be sending us an helper and that's the person of the Holyspirit. Don't underestimate Him! What's that thing you're dealing with, it is your prayer life, why don't you tell him to wake you up at a particular time to pray and then watch your prayer life grow!
You think it's a lie? Why don't you try it and see!
Prayer: Oh Lord, thank you for your word today... Give me grace to trust in you the more!
I cast away every spirit of fear! Loose your hold on me!
Gbadamosi heard his "Jireh" ring tone in his sleep, 🎶I'll never be more loved, that I am right now🎶
if only he could just ignore the call! It can be a church a member or a family member.
"Hello" His voice sounded raspy and Temi broke out in laughter, "Didn't you sleep?" "Don't ask. There was an emmergency with the church member's child, duty calls, i had to stand in the gap. Couldn't sleep much"
"After Valentine's day? Na was"
"The devil doesn't go on holidays"
"Sorry Is the child okay?" "Yes. We thank God"
"Sorry I called. If you're looking for somewhere to go to for a Romantic dinner, where will that be? Don't say Ivory Health Club"
Gbadamosi laughed, "Ivory is my place, are you planning a date with Alade?" "No!" "There are lots of options but the only thing that's ringing in m mind because it's where I'm planning on taking the workers to; That's Palm groove delight" "Oh. It's true, I didn't even think of it. Uncle Grey's resort"
"That's where I intend taking the church workers who came early to Valentine's programme"
"Ooh, Pastor with a difference"
"I believe in psychology it's called motivation"
"Thank you, Manny can finally leave me"
"Manny? What does he want with it?"
"I haven't even asked him, I woke up seeing his message, he left more"
He chuckled, "So Manny will be going on a date without telling me?" "Maybe he'll tell you later" "Should I slide into his DM and bust his bubble?" "No! Then I'll look like the amebo that gave you first hand information. Respect your calling and wait for him to tell you."
"Can I go back to my sleep now?" "Sure" She ended the call now messaging Manny on whatsApp, he was even online!
Good morning Manny
Palm Groove Delight sounds good, what do you think?
Perfect! I love you Sis
Why do I love you?
No will! Why do you need a place
I have a date
This Saturday
Really? You've been on dates these past years, why the sudden need to ask😒
I don't know... I wanted something different!
Who's the lucky girl?
How are you sure it's a girl?
😲😲, Manny she did you start?
Come on Sis, it's a girl
Is it someone I know?
"I don't think so
What's her name
🤐 🤐
Come on! I'm your blood sister
I'm not telling
Do you like her?
I don't know. You know that feeling when you meet someone special and you really don't want to let her go so you don't miss out. That was what happened
She must be a gem!
She looks like it😁
Manny searched Hilary's number calling it for the umpteenth time.
Lanre posted on the WFC workers platform.
Good Post Valentine morning to all people of God! It's another morning let's do well to flag this on our status!
Papa, I will have to apologize for posting this here but I just want to use this medium to thank whoever gave me garri Ijebu, groundnut and sugar as a gift yesterday.
I got home too tired to cook and I made this instead!
I see God delivering me from Bacherlorhood very soon! 😉
Deja: Please delete this post, it's not necessary on this group!
Deja hissed scrolling through it, "Can you believe this guy hasn't deleted it yet? Why will he post that kind of this" "What's there? He already apologized, there's nothing there. It's actually funny" Bimbo confessed with a smile while drinking a cup of tea.
"Funny on a church group"
"Duh? Even Papa makes jokes sometimes. Everything does not have to be serious, Brother Lanre is not a trouble maker. Leave the brother alone abeg!" "Just say it's your crush for him that's making you support this indiscipline" "Madam Teacher, kukuma carry cane and flog him. Disciplinary committe, eku ise (Weldon)"
"He'll see me in his DM"
"Ko le to yen now! (It hasn't gotten to that). Don't even bother that guy!"
"I blame Papa for all this, he's too gentle"
"Madam, when you become Mummy GO, you can now change things, for now, allow us enjoy the Papa we have!"
Deja rolled her eyes, "I'll chat Papa, right now" "Pele oh, just say you're looking for an excuse!"
Amazing called Kilahi while she was leaving home, she was clad in a pink chiffon top and a black pallazo trousers. "Good morning Ma" She greeted, "Good morning my dear, how are you? Have you prayed this morning?"
Kilahi laughed, "Wow, really?" "Yes. Call me your monitoring spirit cause that's what i'll be doing from now. That's what I've been instructed to do" "By who?"
"How do you guys receive this instruction?"
"By engaging God in prayer, trust me when I say he's ready to listen and but you must be willing to hear from him too. The problem we have is that, we're too in a hurry to leave him. Stay there and wait till he speaks to you, he'll say something, even if it's a word. God is beside me right now, do you know he's beside you right now?"
Kilahi shrugged, "I don't know. I'm a Christian, I know the word of God but I've spent years partially blaming him for my parent's death. Will he still want to stand beside someone like me".
"It's not as worse as a man that shut down a church, and sued the Pastor of the church. That man is my husband but when God visited him, it all changed"
"When you said..." She paused looking for a way to arrange her statement. "I was jittery that moment but when you said that spirit that came upon Bamidele Jones, what did you mean?"
"I was speaking via what i heard. See, God doesn't use the most qualified, he uses the unqualified. He's beside you, in front you and behind you right now, why don't you engage him?"
Kilahi looked around suddenly having goosebumps. "Now I'm just spooked!" She confessed and they both laughed. "How do you feel this morning?"
"Super, I don't know. I feel refresh, there's this breath of fresh air, I don't know how today will look like I don't know if Aunty Abebi, my boss' scary sister will make my life a living hell. I just feel like everything will be fine, I haven't felt this way in sixteen years. Maybe it's because I received a lot of compliments yesterday which gave me a boost"
"No. It's the Holy ghost at work in you, it's drawing joy. I decree, that's how it's going to be from now henceforth" "Amen"
"Don't let any man steal your joy, don't let the devil win."
"I hope"
"I just called to check up on you, if there's anything you want to say to me, dont hesitate."
"Manny asked me out on a date this Saturday"
"Manny Coker, the OAP I sat with last night, the one holding my purse" "Oh. I can't say I was paying attention to him. Where's the date?" "Definitely not in his house, I recognize that tone. You were about to go all African mother on me"
Amazing laughed.
"There's no venue yet"
"Don't do anything stupid, don't compromise for anything okay? Listen to God always okay, don't forget he's with you"
"Yes Ma. Thank you for calling"
"You're welcome dear"
Kilahi resumed work "Good morning Moni" She greeted the secretary, "Good morning Miss Agbo, Mrs Aisha needs you in her office. She said I should inform you when you walk in" "Oh"
"Work has start"
Kilahi knocked and walked into the office looking at Temi, Mrs Aisha and Aunty Abebi, "Good morning Mrs Aisha, Aunty Abebi, Miss Temi" "Hey"
Aunty Abebi scoffed, "Can you please step out, we're having a meeting" "I requested her presence" Mrs Aisha answered, "Why?" "She'll be handling this case too" "Can you give her something else?" "Why?"
"Maybe cause I don't want to be in the same space as her"
Temi rolled her eyes, "What's wrong about being in the same space as her? What is she a corona virus" "At least with corona virus we have to wear a nose mask or an Hamzat suit." "Really Aunty Abebi"
"This isn't your business Temi," "What If I'm making it my business?" "Why don't you focus on your forth coming wedding rather than poking your nose in people's inclination and sentiments?"
"At least I have a wedding to worry about" She snapped and Aunty Abebi scoffed, "How dare you?" "I'm sorry. Urgh! You know, you have a way of pushing someone's buttons"
"That reminds me, how's the wedding plan preparation?"
"It's fine, a week away from being Mrs Balogun" She replied and Aunty Abebi grabbed her phone, "The lucky ones"
Kilahi cleared her throat and Mrs Aisha smiled at her, "Sorry about all this, they do it all the time" "Why are you apologizing?" "Aunty Abebi? Please! Kilahi your first case.... We call it case, we have case files like I told you already, there are times we work with the Police, NDLEA, other NGOs to run investigations. This case is about the Ogar's family from cross river, although they reside in Lagos." She passed a case file to Kilahi.
"Happy family until the mother noticed her husband has been sleeping with the daughter" "Jesus Christ!" Kilahi muttered under her breath, "Step father?"
"Real father"
"Eleven years in marriage only to find out your daughter has been raped by her own father. Mrs Ogar is devastated, The Victim's name is Caroline. With appropriate investigation carried out, this is a case of incest and unlawful canal knowledge of the minor. Presently the girl is psychologically disturbed to give a vivid account of her ordeal"
"Of course she'll be!" Temi snapped, "She's still a child, even if she wasn't, if a twenty five years old woman can find it disturbing to recount a rape experience, how do you think a ten years old girl will feel?"
Aunty Abebi hissed, "I suggest we just have the man arrested, follow the due course of law and have him spend the necessary time in prison" She suggested but Mrs. Aisha shook her head, "The wife doesn't want that, any little police involvement, this thing will escalate!"
"Who cares what they want? It's justice we're talking about here! Let the right thing be done! Talk to the woman, let them arrest the damn bastard and send him to prison!"
Temi rolled her eyes, "Let's put in consideration the girl's mental health too, If it escalates, we don't know the negative inpact it will have on her!" "Oh please! Let a psychiatrist deal with the aftermaths, I'm talking about the law here, Justice, judgement."
"What about Prejudice? It's the child's welfare we're tallking about"
"And this is rape we're are talking about, it's a crime and that Bastard deserves all the clawing the law will give to him, that I will give to him." "She wants it to be peaceful and quiet"
"Okay.... Eyin peacemakers, What should we do then? We can't decide to hold a peacful family meeting over it and say Mr Stupid and unintelligent rapist, please don't rape your daughter again and he's suppose to just say. Yes, I promise, I wont do it again. No! I know his kind, they will do it again and again. I've seen it happen. So permit me to just handle the case and send him to prison! This is my job"
"It's also my Job too. Don't sit and act like you're the only Lawyer here, I'm also one. There are several factors, we need to thread with caution. If she wanted it to escalate, she would have gone to a law firm or even the police but she's here instead."
"Because our services are free"
"Aunty Abebi! Even if they are free, she has the money to pay a law firm! "
Kilahi cleared her throat, "What does the woman really want?" "The only thing this woman wants is the husband leaving her and her children alone and also a full child support from him when she leaves the house for him"
"Wow. So if she leaves the house, won't people ask her why she left? What will she say?"
"What she'll say will no longer be our business once we're done getting her the child support she wants"
"Child support doesn't cut! After all, he's the father of the child!"
"Exactly!" Aunty Abebi agreed to her shock, "He deserves to bleed from his crime"
"Mrs Aisha, what does the man do for a living?"
"He's a Naval officer, he often stays at sea. This encounter happened one of his visiting period, apparently he arrived two days ago and the wife has been looking for a way to lure him here. The man won't just come on his own. According to her, he won't agree. He''s as sturbborn as a mule"
"What does the woman do?"
"She's a full time housewife"
"How did he rape her then? Wasn't she home"
"Check the file!" Aunty Abebi yelled, "The woman's testimony is in there. Stop asking stupi questions"
"What's the plan then?"
"If the Mohammed doesn't want to go to Mountain... " Temi replied and Mrs Aisha cleared her throat staring at Kilahi who was trying to process the whole thing. "What's your opinion Kilahi?"
"Why does it matter?" Aunty Abebi snapped and Kilahi swallowed hard, "Every opinion matters, the last time I checked, we all have freedom of speech" Temi snapped looking at Kilahi.
"Do you have anything to say?"
"Um... I think Aunty Abebi is right" "Thank you!" "And I also think Miss Coker is right"
"I take back my appreciation. You're nothing but a confused person!"
"We can gave the best of both worlds"
"Lets give it up for hannah montana"
Kilahi almost laughed at the comment, wow so she knows Hannah Montana.
"We can have a family meeting and also add a strict lawful twist to it. Tor, I mean rape is a capital offense punishable under the federal law so by right he should be taken to jail but then again, who will take care of the children afterwards if he gets imprisoned? Knowing the woman has no job."
"His properties will be willed to the family? He's a naval officer, exposed to risk, I'm sure he must have a will"
"Wow Aunty Abebi, let's look at this scenerio, i'm charging my husband to court for raping our daughter and he'll be serving some serious time in jail. Even if he willed it to them, he might revoke it, yes! He has the right to! It's a lose situation for all of them" Mrs Aisha reiterated.
Kilahi lifted her finger, "If we however with a peaceful family meeting setting decide to explore Aunty Abebi's plan and make him think we want to escalate it and have him spend jail time"
"He will have no choice but to dance to our tune" Mrs Aisha grinned, "Exactly!" Temi added, "Good one Kilahi" She added knowing it will get on Aunty Abebi's nerves.
Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes. It has always been about violence for her! "We'll also put his reputation on the line, he won't want to risk the news getting to the Nigerian Navy so he'll definitely buldge" She continued and Kilahi smiled, seeing that she was buying the idea. "So we'll be killing four birds with one stone, the matter does not have to escalate, the girl gets the necessary help psychologically, the man will stay away from the children and the woman gets sponsored. I don't know if you guys can get like a legal binding so he doesn't go back on his word"
Mrs Aisha smirked, "Leave that to Aunty Abebi" her phone rang and she chuckled, "Talk about the devil" She comments and picked the call. "Mrs Ogar, we were just talking about you" She paused when she heard her sobbing, "Is everything fine?"
"He has done it again"
"Whaat? How?"
"I just escorted my cousin to the estate gate, by the time I came back... I'm tired of all this!" "Calm down, is he home?" "I was yelling at him and he stepped out, " We'll be there" "No police Ma, please"
"No police, we'll deal with this once and for all" She ended the call staring at everyone, "He did it again"
Aunty Abebi rose up, "I better get those documents ready then. Even though I prefer frying his ass the good old fashion way"
Deja typed on the laptop while her co-worker, Vincent, walked into her office with a pack of wrapped gift. "I know Valentine Is over but gifts don't fade away, neither do they lose importance so.. This was what I got from yesterday's trip. I'm sorry I wasn't around" he said dropping the gift on her desk.
"Why are you apologizing and how does that concern me?"
"Are you in a bad mood?"
"Will you leave me if I say yes?"
"Don't you have work? Cause I don't understand who you're doing body guard for" "You now" The guy laughed nervously. Let me be your bodyguard or your umbrella, to protect you when the rain falls"
Deja hissed, "What kind of stupid line is that? What are you a male Rihanna? My God, erm.. Vincent or whatever your name is. Can you just let me be?" "No. Come on now! Deja you know what I want" "And I'm not interested, what part of I'm in love with someone else didn't you get?"
"One year now and the guy has not notice"
"Wow... Wow Vince, Look who's counting, clap for yourself"
"Only a blind man will not like you."
"Are you insulting my future husband?"
Vincent shook his head, "Deja" He called out and she frowned at him, "I still like you with all the insults you've bathe me with, I'm just as crazily in love with you as you are with that... Whoever he is. Give me a chance to put you on uninlove mode with that blind man and then make you fall in love with me."
She arced her brow in disgust.
"The only reason you've not fallen Is because you have not given me face. Just look at my face small"
Deja glared at him, "Vincent"
"Huh? Are you going to call it a third time?"
"Vincent, how many times did i call you?"
"Three times"
"Wow, that means your ears are working fine so listen good to what i have to say cause i won't repeat it again. Take yourself, your stupid face, your stupid love and your useless gift away and give it to whoever is ready to look at it cause you see this girl, Adejare, huh huh" She shook he head, "She ain't for you cause the next time you pull this stunt, i'll take this straight up to the boss' office. You kukuma know he's my Uncle, this is me giving you a chance to walk away cause i'm not even a 50/50 choice. Besides even if there was no one in my life, I don't do office thing. Your salary is just what? Two thousand naira higher than mine, abeg!" She hissed and he scoffed picking his gift then he walked away.
Deja rolled his eyes, "The person that should be acting all romantic Is not doing it, it's another person. Wo, he should just carry his own and go! God what kind of rubbish is this?"
Gbadamosi sat in the office in church in a meeting with the President and Vice President of Women Fellowship discussing towards the forth coming women's programme the following month. "That is the budget Sir we are running with for Home Builders 4.0"
"Ash tag, HB'22" The VP added, "Any theme yet?" "We are still trusting God to open our eyes to what he wants for this year"
Gbadamosi smiled, "Good answer. I'll be praying with you too. Any guest minister in mind, the other year was Mrs Cheta" "We had to pay her flight ticket, hotel bookings, feeding and but Papa, not this year oh." The President scratched her hair.
"We have Pastor Tayla in mind, when i was praying towards the meeting, she kept coming to my mind. HB'20 was powerful with her" "That was Corona year oh, it was online"
"Oh, it's true, HB'2019 was powerful with her. Papa if you can talk to her, I've been chatting with her but we feel you should formally invite her so that she can clear her schedule"
"She'll be flying in from Texas, are you not still going to pay for her flight? Pastor Cheta is just in Abuja"
"That's the only flight budget we have oh, flight price has increased. It's not as if we're not capable, i still fly when i want to, there's no castng down with us Sir, we're are just being cost effective. Besides, we need onye obara Ka di ohuru (we need fresh blood), Papa you don't understand that Ibo, we want fresh blood. I was discussing with VP just after the Val programme about how Pastor Amazing will make sense as one of the guest. Yesterday was powerful, within seconds of holding mic, things were happening, kí a má tan ara wa jẹ (Let's not decieve ourselves). It's she we want"
He chuckled giving a nod, "So.... Have you guy discussed it with the women fellowship excos cause I don't want anyone coming in to complain that you guys want to hand the podium to a young woman to preach to grown up women. There's no complain I haven't heard"
"We have a meeting this evening after Bible study, we look forward to talking about it but it's really strong in my heart. I'm 55 years old by the grace of God, i dont think what matters is the age of the person preaching but rather the anointing and the person has. Don't worry Sir, we'll talk about it and get back to you"
"Perfect!" He answered when he noticed their hesitation. "Is that not all?"
"Well... Papa, please forgive us for intruding. You know we love you and stand with you, five years standing by you and I've never had any reason to doubt God's anointing over your life"
"Is this about me finding a wife?"
The President and VP laughed, "Not like we're pressurizing you Sir" The VP added, "Do you want to be like Paul who didn't get married, it will be your choice, after all Reverend Fathers don't get married too"
"I intend getting married, I just haven't found anyone yet"
"We have prospective sisters in church oh, Sister Deja kor?" The VP asked and Gbadamosi gasped, "Deja?" "Yes now, she has been with us right from the start, she knows the ways of the church"
"That one na true sha but Deja dey quick vex"
"I never see her vex before oh, person way dey always smile, busy for God"
"I no talk say she no busy for God, we sef busy for God, but..."
Gbadamosi laughed watching them argue, thinking of it, he has never seen Deja that way. She's more like a friend to him! Can she ever be a choice? He doesn't think so!
"VP, you no undertstand wetin I talk"
"It's fine!" He yelled in frustration, "I don't know about Deja, I'm still trying to get answers, this is a major decision" "Exactly oh, Papa take your time well. Deja? Abeg!" The president scoffed turning towards the VP.
"She's a good girl now" The VP's phone rang so she quickly excused herself to answer it.
"Papa, take your time. This is our future Mama we're talking about. Any small mistake in your choice of wife, you'll lose members exponentially, what about your home? Who will build it? I know wetin I dey talk, Deja for where?"
"Don't condemn her, you're not perfect too"
"I am not condemning her, I know my fault and I'm working towards perfection. What the elders see.... Erm, Papa, May you not marry wrong oh, we will always praying for you. In no time, God will do it"
Jamal came visiting Sewuese at work to seek for forgiveness. She marched outside the gate to see him. "What are you doing here?" "Babe" "Leave Jamal, I don't have the strength to shout, just go" "I am very sorry, I want to make it up to you"
"How? Can you make me unsee what I saw last night?"
"No I can't but I can make up for it"
"How?" "Let's get married"
"I'll get the ring if you say Yes, Sewuese I love you. All these ones are just trash" "Won't you still keep those trash after marriage? I mean after all, I can't satisfy your monstrous sexual need"
Jamal exhaled, "Sewuese I'm begging you, let's not throw away five years of love" "No Jamal, it's been five years of pain and tears. That is what Is paining me the most, the years that you've made me cry, the heart ache that I've endured because of love. Screw this love sef! It took me five years to realize you're not worth it."
"You won't find love like ours"
"I will, watch out. It's just that five years that's annoying me"
"Don't tell me, it's because of that Oyinbo"
Sewuese rolled her eyes laughing hysterically, "My stupid mistake was not getting the guy's number because I thought I had a boyfriend. Jamal, I just hate you right now"
He held her by the hands and she barked at him, "Get out! I hate you!"
Sefa snuck up behind Teju in his house and then she blindfolded him, "As if I didn't hear you shut the door" He replied busting her bubbles and she groaned in disappointment.
She picked up some books from the table, "Are you reading for the test?" "Yes. I'm just tired, it's like I should be in four hundred level like now" "At least you're in a level, me that I'm still struggling"
"Sorry. This year is your year, have faith."
"Pastor Tejumola" She teased and he shoved her aside, "Stop it. God forbid! I wish my colleagues are here to assess me right now"
"What happened to your girlfriend?" She asked grabbing the text book he was holding and he laughed, "You won't know the right way to ask them"
"For any answer you get right? You get a kiss"
Teju laughed, "You just got my full attention right now. Oya ask, that elasticity question."
She flipped through a material laughing, "Please don't use Dr Osifo's material" "God knows that I would have dropped out assuming I was a science student" She finally stumbled on a question. "Define, isotro..isotrophic elasticity" "Isotropic"
"Yes, that"
"Isotropic elasticity means that the principal directions of stress and strain coincise, that is the stress tensor and the strain tensor are coaxial" He laughed from the stoic look at her face.
"Correct." She climbed on him kissing his cheek and he chuckled, "This has got to be the best educational technique ever!" "At least you'll remember I did it, not your colleague"
"Thanks Babe" he wrapped his arms around her waist and they both stayed there, one minute, two... kissing each other senseless!
Teju reached out to take off her crop top when she broke the kiss then she took a seat, "I'm feeling bad, after all Pastor Bamidele said, here I am doing the opposite. I feel guilty" "Me too but we're already... What difference will it make?"
"Shey? I dont know... Sewuese broke up with Jamal, after five years. I'm scared, relationship is looking like a scam. I can't help but think that this our four years plan might be one too"
"This is my fourth year, after this, final year, NYSC, after service, work and marriage. I don't plan on waiting till I get old. 25 is the plan, you'll be 23 by then"
"What if it doesn't work? Have you ever thought of it?"
Temi entered into the little girl's room, Caroline looked older than her age, her breast had formed as though she was twelve; it was the size of a lemon, she assumed it was probably the reason why her father molested her.
"I don't want to see anyone"
"Caroline, they just want to help you"
"Go! I don't want to see anyone"
Temi made her way back into the sitting room where Mrs Aisha, Aunty Abebi and Kilahi were seated. "How is she?" Mrs Aisha asked and Temi shook her head in concern, "Not good. She's withdrawn, probably sees everyone as a threat" She paused turning to her mother, "Does she react that way with you?"
"Atimes. What does that mean? Sometimes she wants to speak to you, there are times she'll push me away"
"Your daughter needs to start therapy before this metamorphose into a disorder like Bipolar"
Mrs Ogar cried, "I had to give her postinor today, what kind of rubbish Is she going through?" "Postinor?" Kilahi asked in shock, "Isn't that like birth control pill? Is she..." She trailed off not knowing how to ask the question. "She's older than her age, she experience puberty quite early, her period started four months ago. She has every chance of getting pregnant, I didn't want to take chances"
They heard the front door shut, "He's here" Mrs Ogar announced, it took about three minutes before they saw him walk in since the house was that big. The dark tall man, stood still in surprise on seeing them.
"What's going on here?"
"Good morning Mr Ogar" Mrs Aisha rose up greeting him, "Good morning" She shook hands with him while she cringed within and wished she could burn her hands but she wanted to make him feel comfortable before the man will run out in fright.
Not as though they brought Policemen along!
"I've heard so much about you"
"Hopefully good things"
"Are you a friend of my wife?"
"You can put it that way Sir. Please have your seat Sir"
"Why? Anything the matter?" He asked giving his wife a 'I hope you haven't done anything stupid' look.
Mr Ogar moved to take a seat on a one-seater couch now crossing his legs trying to remain calm. After all if he gets accused of anything, he'll deny it straight away! What evidence can they use against him?
"What's going on here?"
"Mr Ogar relax, are you nervous?" Aunty Abebi asked but he shrugged irritated by the question, "No, why should I be?" "Oh you should be nervous Sir."
"Is that a threat, this is my house"
"Oh by the time we're done, this house you call yours will be too hot for you to sit in, you'll be begging to go out"
"I'm shaking in my pant already. You come to my house to threaten me. You do know I can sue you for that"
"Thankfully I'm a lawyer that has low tolerance for rapist so what are you going to sue me for again?" She asked and he scoffed. "Your low tolerance for rapist is your cup of tea, your own personal problem, how does this concern me?"
"Oh it has everything to do with you!" She snapped handing a file to him, "Have you heard of Revive Foundation" "Have you heard of I don't care about your stupid foundation?" He threw the file away and she scoffed.
"Oga, you're testing my patience".
"Mine has already worn thin, will you all get the hell out of my house"
Mrs Aisha shook her head, "We are not going anywhere Mr Ogar". He pulled out his phone from his pocket, " Tell that to the police " "I'll like to see the look on the police face when they find out you raped your own daughter" Aunty Abebi snapped and he hesitated.
"What rubbish are you talking about? Where did you hear this from?" He asked now staring at his wife, "Did she tell you? Come on! This one is insane now, why will I rape my own daughter"
"Shut up Godwin!" His wife cried out, "You did! "The same person that calls me Daddy, why will I rape my daughter"
"Exactly Moron!" Aunty Abebi snapped, "The same girl that calls you Daddy, how could you? This reminds me of things fall apart, Ikemfuna called Okonkwo father yet...."
"Blah blah blah... Let me guess your story, you've been raped before and now you're a bittered bitch who just wants to condemn anyone at the mention of the word rape, well newsflash I didn't rape my daughter"
"You did!" Mrs Ogar argued in tears.
Aunty Abebi clapsed her fingers together, "Well newsflash mister, i wasn't raped, i only hate injustice. The only truth about what you said is that i'm a bittered bitch, well this bittered bitch is going to fry your ass so dry, you'll wish for death literarily. So make a choice now, pick your phone, call the police and report a case of disturbance or I'll pick mine and dial the police number reporting a case of rape. Or better yet why don't I report to the Nigerian Navy instead? Make a choice Sir"
Mr Ogar stared at his phone weighing the options, none will be to his benefit, it was a lose lose situation so he kindly dropped the phone on the table and Aunty Abebi smirked holding up her phone, "Good choice but eitherway I'm calling the police to report the case"
"Please don't do that" His voice quivered.
Turning to towards him, she saw the fear in the man's face. Meanwhile Mrs Ogar's eyes widened in fear too at the mention of the police being involved. Wasn't this supposed to end here? Why is she talking about involving the police?
Mrs Aisha gave her a reassuring look which helped her calm down.
"What did you say?" Aunty Abebi asked wanting to take pleasure in his fear.
"Don't do it."
"Before the don't do it"
He scoffed, "I said please"
"So, i guess you are you admitting you raped her"
"I'm not admitting to anything! What do you guys want? Money? I can pay you guys off, my wife is just insane, name your price."
Mrs Aisha scoffed and clicked her tongue "You insult us. Does the name Lamido Bakare ring a bell to you? Money is obviously not my problem" Clearing his throat, Mr Ogar asked, "What do you guys want then?" "A settlement. Not for us, for your wife and children" she glanced at Kilahi who ended up passing two binded documents to him.
"The first one is a divorce paper and settlement which you're to sign on"
"I'll like to have my lawyer present"
"There'll be no need for that"
"Really? At least I have a right to it"
"You do but there's no time for that, I'll explain everything in detail." "Really?" "Or will you like us to go public?"
"You're going to go far away from your family"
"Done, I don't even want to see them again!"
"You're never to be seen close to them outside or inside"
"Your wife will get a sum of 2 million naira for the damages you've cause her, it's not even enough, I was just being considerate"
Mrs Ogar refused, "I don't want anything for myself just my children"
He stared at her in disgust, "Done"
"Your children will get 500, 000 naira monthly for child service from now henceforth"
"Whaaat? Till when?"
"Is that a question? Are you not shamefully their father?"
"You need to review this document"
"Why don't we review it in court then?"
"I didn't rape her, it's my word against yours"
"Goodluck convincing the judge when your wife, your daughter and the report from the gynaecologist are used against you. We're looking at 15-20 years and I'll make sure of it but if you can sign these proceedings, it will be like a fresh start for everyone"
"I don't have that kind of money to give every month"
Temi scoffed, "How much do you earn? How much do you give to your side chicks? Are you scared your lifestyle might drop?" She asked and he hesitated, she instantly knew her guess was right.
He's probably the kind that spends lavishly on young girls, yet paying 500,000 naira on his children is a big deal for him. All these men sef!
"You are to vacate the house too, hand over documents relating to the house to your wife. From today this house will cease to be yours"
Mrs Aisha arced her brow in shock, she wanted Aunty Abebi to handle the settlements but she didn't expect her to add the house to it.
"Who did I kill? Come on, It's not as if I murdered her, I only slept with her and now you want to take away everything from me. Kukuma kill me"
Aunty Abebi rolled her eyes, "Personally i think we should just jail this idiot at once. Ugh! This is clearly irritating" She screamed completely appalled. "You don't care about the damage you've done to your daughter"
"This is the only house I have in Lagos"
Aunty Abebi dialed the police line, "Wait..." He shut her eyes and she hung up. "Okay.... Should I also give up my kidney" "Maybe your dick too so you don't have to rape any other victim. Sign it damn it!" She yelled passing a pen to him.
"If you dare come close to them without consent, the deal will be off"
"Mtchew!" He hissed flipping through, "If any harm comes to your ex-wife and her children, the deal will be off"
"This is unfair, this isn't a deal. What do I have to gain?"
"Your freedom" Kilahi answered, she couldn't believe the man's non-challance! What an idiot!
"Maybe he'll prefer going to prison"
Mrs Ogar ran out of the room in tears, she couldn't believe her eleven years marriage has been dissolved. Temi ran after her.
"Let this face be the face you see the next you plan on raping any other person, cause if another case comes on our table with your fingerprint on it, it'll be game over for you"
Emerge Galleries
Sam walked into a room where six students were gathered. They all rose up in standing ovation, applauding him, he smiled waving his hands, "Na wa oh, all this one for me?" He asked and they all laughed.
"Come on guys, you can have your seat. Turn your seat in circle so I can be comfortable speaking to you guys, so that i can also look into your eyes when I speak. Thank you"
For the next five minutes the sounds of dragging of chairs filled the air. "Small small now! You fit wake up all the painting for this gallery, which one be the chair way you dey drag like say, you never carry chair for your life before?" A girl complained.
"Na my fault?"
Sam dragged a chair taking his seat, when they finally settled, he drummed on his laps, "I'm actually excited about this exhibition, are you guys as excited as I am"
"Yes Sir"
"Good, good. I believe you all are present today, today is our last meeting, we just had the last two join us one, all the way from Jos and the other from Makurdi, it's Makurdi right?" He turned towards a girl and she nodded.
"Yes Sir"
"Can we meet you, we've practically done an introduction before hand, we just wanted to wait for you guys because I learnt Makurdi and Jos is more like a two days journey on road." He rose up pointing to a guy, "This is Wale from Ibadan, schooled in University of Ibadan, this is Ken from Ilorin, forgive my pronunciation"
Everyone chuckled.
He pointed at a lady, "This Imose, University of Benin, and Friday... Uh.. University... Wait... Micheal something"
"Micheal Okpara university Sir" he corrected and they applauded him.
"Good to have another girl in our midst, can we meet you"
The girl rose up, "My name is Sewuese Terkimbi, I'm from Benue State" "Wow.... TIV right?" "Yes Sir, how?"
"It's a sad story of an African Queen I met yesterday that I sort of envisioned being the mother of my children"
"How did that end up?" She asked and he laughed, "Turned out I couldn't pitch my tent because someone already did. My heart shattered in pieces last night, worst thing is that, I didn't get a number. The only thing I have is a memory of how beautiful her face look and how her eyes shone when she laughs at me or laugh at my joke, or how serious she looked at me she calls me racist, as though she was going to call the police on me" He bit his lower lips now blinking his eyes into reality. Okay! Where were we? Yes! Welcome Sewuese"
"Thank you Sir"
"And the other?"
"Eleven years! Eleven years of marriage" Mrs Ogar cried running her hands through her hair. "I can't believe.... he'll do that do us" "Would you rather stay?"
"God forbid! And risk Sophia getting raped too." "This is a time for you to be strong, not just for yourself but your family, for Caroline. That little girl I saw in there is going to need your strength, you'll need to shower her with all the love a mother can give her, never blame her for destroying your marriage"
"I won't. I blame myself for not discharging my duty as a mother"
"One day the thought will cross your mind. Self-pity won't help matters. Love her no matter what. Psychologically, I think it's not advisable for her to live in this house, It might trigger memories. You can sell it and get another"
Mrs Ogar nods. "You'll have to work on yourself Ma and start up something with the money you'll get, it's not enough for the damage but it's something to start with especially if your husband gets involve in another rape incidence in the nearest future and probably gets arrested"
"You think he'll do it again?"
"Men like him are unstable, you don't know their next move. He deserves to be in jail but because we respect your choice, we couldn't go through with it. My point is, if this repeats itself and he gets jailed, automatically, there'll be no form of monthly income any longer but at least with this money, you'll create your own business and be established for yourself and your children"
Caroline got out of her room in order to get water to drink. On seeing Kilahi she ran away, "Hey!" She called out to no avail. Mrs Aisha, Aunty Abebi and Mr Ogar were thick into making sure some of the agreements were installed before he moves out of the house.
Sewuese ran a search on Sam Thompson on facebook and it brought up a whole lot of Sam Thompson, the ones from Nigeria to the ones Abroad, none matched his face. She furthered search
Samuel Thompson...
Samson Thompson
Mr Ogar pushed a luggage towards the door barking at Kilahi who was at the door, "Jesus!" She screamed standing still in shock, then he gestured for her to move, "You could have said so"
"In my own house"
Legally, it's not ! She replied within then she watched him leave.
"Why did you do it?" She questioned out loud and he stood still, "She's just ten" She added and he exhaled walking towards her, "My daughter might be ten but she does look attractive than you do"
Kilahi felt the answer pierce through her heart!
"Your own daughter"
"Watch your mouth!"
"Tor, Why don't you wash your own mouth with hyssop? Look at how I cringed and you those words like they mean nothing. Instead of transferring anger at undeserving people why don't you see this as redemption? You didn't get arrested for this crime, this is a second chance at life. See whatever document you signed as an absolution, your obligation to fulfil as a father. The obligation you were suppose to fulfil but you didn't."
Mr Ogar scoffed, "Sorry dear, how old are you? 21? 22?" "Why does my age matter?" "Cause you're preaching to the wrong congregation." He snapped walking away and she scoffed.
Mrs Aisha who was listening in shook her head, "Some people are beyond saving, trust me, I've dedicated years of my life to this service and I've seen people, I have been disappointed lots of times"
"How are we sure he won't run away"
"He's smart. He won't want to risk his job"
He wandered back to get his remaining things.
Kilahi walked into the living room tired from exhaustion. She found her Uncle reading the newspaper and for the first time, she felt grateful for having someone who isn't even related to her by blood care for her.
Not once has this man made advances at her, he has been a father and she has never really shown much concern. Even when they converse, they don't chat for too long.
So she walked behind him looking at the headlines, "1.2 billionaire pumped in for repairing of roads, really?"
He gasped in fear touching his chest "Jesus! how did you get here?" "Wow Uncle, who did you think it was? TIV witches? I thought you had faith" "I also have a heart and high blood pressure is real. Why will you scare me that way. My heart Is already hanging on the roof"
Kilahi laughed, "Sorry. I was just shocked seeing that figure" "Leave all this people in Nigeria. Are they not thieves? It's God that will judge them one by one. How was your second day at work?"
"It was fine Sir and you, how was work?"
"Same old! We are pushing"
Aunty Mabel laughed, "This one you're talking to your father this evening, is the world ending?" "Don't make her run away oh, now that you've said it, she might not say anything again till next month"
Kilahi smiled, "You know today there was this case we handled and, it's my first but I learnt a few lesson from it. Tor, I always think I'm the one going through pains because of what I went through as a kid but the truth is they are people going through worst and I'm here ungrateful about being alive to tell the story. A ten years old was raped by her father, her own father and yet my Aunty and Uncle took me in as their own daughter. Not once did you guys make me feel different, even when I made things difficult. Not once was I molested or assaulted" Tears poured down her eyes.
"Not once. I feel like I have the best father and mother in the world and I'm just getting to know" She added and Aunty Mabel blinked her tears in.
"Thank you Uncle" She wrapped her arms around him and then she walked up to her Aunt hugging her, "Thank you"
"It's nothing. Go in and freshen up, i wanted to cook but your father insisted I wait till you come back. He said he wants to eat your special Egusi soup"
Kilahi laughed wearily, "I'm exhausted" "Tell him oh, I wonder what he'll do when you get married. This one that you're close to getting married already" "Mom!" "Am I lying?" "You have a date on Saturday right?" Her Uncle asked and she scoffed, "Just one date, it's not as if I'm dating the guy or the guy will pop the question"
Her phone rings and she pulled it out of her bag smiling, "Excuse me Mom..." She trailed off picking the call walking away. "Hey Manny, good evening"
"Na wa oh voice don't change"
"Abi" Aunty Mabel agreed, "This is fifth time she's calling me Mom. I'm breaking through" "She's still calling me Uncle"
"Uncle rest, you still have a long way to go. She did she start talking to you?"
Her husband laughed not taking his eyes from the Paper, "Sweetheart?" "Huh?" "Why is everything happening in that pattern?" "What pattern?" He asked tearing his eyes off the newspaper.
"This might sound stupid but, I just feel like after Durojaiye's wedding, God took her to that church for a reason. Remember she didn't even want to go that thanksgiving day? God made her meet that woman that gave her the job, it's this same church she met this guy. This Is just the second day of her working and her eyes at finally opening to everything we've been saying to her."
"Are you saying she should leave our church and start attending the church"
"No! You don't always understand something! I meant, I'm just grateful to the church that's all"
"I'll call the Pastor and thank him later" He said sarcastically. She picked up a throw pillow, throwing it at him and he laughed.
"Are you familiar with Palm groove delight?" Manny asked as she made way into the room.
"That's the venue I picked for our date," "Where is it?" "There's no need to fear, you're in safe hands. You can google the place, i won't be selling your body parts"
Kilahi chuckled, "Okay. What time?" "Six" "Six then" "Until then, I'll be keeping in touch" "Thank you. I don't really know how to call people you won't be angry" "Like I said, I'll keep in touch. Bye dear"
He ended the call and she blushed, it still feels like a dream to her. Her first date ever!
She turned towards Sewuese who was lying sadly in bed, "Is it Manny?" "Yes. How do you feel?" "Can we not talk about it? Jamal came to the office today" "Ugh!" Kilahi rolled her eyes, "That your boyfriend ehn!" "Ex-boyfriend. Let's not talk about him, let's talk about your own boyfriend"
Kilahi glared at her, "Madam he's not my boyfriend" "Yet! Sit!" She tapped the bed and she jumped on it, "Eeesh! I'm supposed to go and cook" "Abeg gist me" "No! You owe me gist about your Oyinbo boyfriend you were talking to"
Sewuese rolled her eyes, "My only regret Is not getting his contact. I searched over 342 Sam Thompson," "Did you try Samuel or Samson Thompson?" "There's no variation that I didn't use. I even spelt the thompson as T-O-M-S-O-N. Omoh, I saw different Sam Thompson from all across the whole world. It's not as if there's a mutual friend now so... I've really been through a lot, you did not see my status, anywhere you see me, people should just give me a hug, I have been through a lot. I just feel bad"
Kilahi exhaled, "Tough luck. How was he like?" "Funny, sweet, charming, charming most of the time, with his accent and all" "You just pushed away someone that could have been our first Oyinbo in law, I would have personally rented a gun on your wedding day to announce our arrival" She rose up dancing and Sewuese wondered if she had been bitten by an ant.
"As I'm dancing, I'll be shooting and disturbing the environment so that all the witches can come out. Tor, the way I will use my buttocks to push some family members that day ehn. Express pushing, the ones that will fall inside gutter, will never forget that day"
"With which bumbum?" She laughed hard and Kilahi joined her laying in ned, "With the bones in my bumbum" She replied and her cousin coughed, "You're crazy"
"At least you're laughing."
"Do you know palm Grooves Delight"
"Oh Yes. I've heard of the place but I've never been there."
"That's where Manny fixed the date"
"Babe! You won't dress anyhow oh, we'll go shopping"
"Huh? I'll wear something old"
"No, kukuma wear the dress you wore on valentine's day"
"Simple, it will even save cost!"
Sewuese held a pillow, "I'll strangle you now!" She threatened and Kilahi laughed, "I'm telling you it's a nice place" "I'll buy material and sow" "This your sewing will not make you visit the boutique"
She quickly Googled Palm Groove Delight scrolling through the search option
Then the thought of Sefa crossed her mind. She has not heard her voice an there was no music playing when she passed her room.
"Where's Sefa?"
"I think she's at Teju's place"
"Yes. She has been there since in the afternoon, she told me when she chatted me up this afternoon to know how I was coping"
"And you just allowed her"
"It's not her first"
"When his parents are around, his parents are not home. One, I didn't even know she was dating, two, I didn't know it was him but you knew and you've been allowing it" "Because his mother stays at home most of the time, not like they'll be doing anything with the mother there."
Sefa walked in, "Good evening gentle ladies" She posed with a smile, "Talk about the devil, Sefa come in and let Kilahi know that nothing is going on between you and Teju before she paints me as bad sister"
Sefa snapped her fingers twice like a diva, "I'm not just coming from Teju's place, I went to Anu's house, she just got back from the university, I had to see her. Can you believe she's so fat now? Does school make you fat?" She asked trying to avoid the topic.
"Nice try, why are you lying? You said you were at Teju's place"
"Ouch. I left there like past 4 or so to meet Anu, do you want to ask him?" She stretched her phone at her and Sewuese observed her closely, she was telling the truth but something seemed fishy.
"Fine! Kilahi was accusing me of being a bad sister, please prove to her that nothing sexual is going on between you and Tega" "Iew Who's Tega" "Sorry Teju"
Sefa paused staring at Kilahi, "Well, wait, did you just come back?" She asked and Kilahi scoffed, "She's having sex" She concluded . Sefa quickly clasped her lips with her palm, "Shh!"
"You're using that same hand to touch her lips!" Sewuese snapped and Kilahi ran to the toilet to wash her entire face. Meanwhile Sefa closed the door, knowing she was in for some lecture. Her gaze met with her sister's glare.
Kilahi got out of the bathroom, wiping her lips with her top, "Thank you Sefa for adding to my scars"
"When did it start? Oya talk" Sewuese inquired rising from the ber her hands Akimbo to her waist, with a stern look that screamed, 'I'll kill this girl today!'
"Last December when his parents went for vacation" "Wow, so that's how you guys run your parole, when his parents are not home."
Kilahi scoffed, "So while the whole world was celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, you were losing your virginity. How can you be having sex on Christmas day?"
"No one said it was on Christmas day!" She rolled her eyes and Sewuese pushed her head, "She's still acting saucy. Why will you be having sex at all?" Sewuese asked and Sefa scoffed in return, "Wow, easy to start throwing judgement when the apple didn't fall far from the same tree. Not like I learnt differently from watching you!" She snapped and Sewuese lifted her hands to slap but Kilahi held her back.
"Did you hear what this idiot just said"
"I heard. Can you both calm down and just deal with this with a cool head"
Sefa cried feeling guilty about her response "Aunty Sewuese, I'm sorry" "Sorry for yourself" "I didn't mean it" "You meant it!" Kilahi and Sewuese snapped at the same time.
"What I meant was that..."
"That you decided to have sex because you were learning from me, so I'm the bad influence. That was exactly what you meant" She snapped in tears.
"I didn't see it as a big deal"
"Didn't you see Kilahi to emulate?"
"Kilahi is a virgin because she doesn't have a choice"
Sewuese moved closer to beat her but Kilahi seizer her arm, "Allow me slap this girl" "What if Mommy comes in, what will we say? This will break her heart" She whispered. A pained Sewuese turned towards her little sister, "Couldn't you have emulated Kilahi? I'm feeling horrible about my break up. Don't add careless sister to the list, you knew the right thing to do!"
"Don't drag me in Sewuese. Sefa, you don't have sex and blame it on people, if it was 2008, quite understandable but this is 2022. You knew the right thing to do, that is why you are given brain to make choices! Just because your sister was having sex with Jamal should not make you do same! If she puts her hand in fire, will you do same? Will you? No! When you made the choice to jump into sex, Sewuese was not there, we've all made bad choices in life, I've made mine and I'm trying to own up it, so madam 'i did it because of my sister is doing it too' take responsibility for what you did. You're just eighteen, Sewuese's own was 23, doesn't justify premarital sex but.... Let's be honest, even though sin is sin, if we want to weigh your own on the scale, yours will break scale"
Sefa cried clasping her hands towards her sister, she was enveloped in guilt! "Aunty Sewuese, I'm sorry" "Get out! And I mean it for real" Sewuese snapped and Kilahi nodded her head at the door, "I'll handle this" She assurer and Sefa got out in tears.
Sewuese sat on the bed shaking her head, "Can you believe this girl?" "I can't believe it too but... You can't push her away now oh, you're experienced, she's not. She needs you more than ever to put her through,"
"Who has been putting her through all these while"
"Be the big sister and do the needful. What do I know about sex? Zilch! I'm just as disappointed as you are, I thought with that her sharp mouth she'll be fiesty and hard to get. If you look at this thing closely, there are so many moral lessons"
"Kilahi!" Aunty Mabel called out, "I'm coming Ma! Two minutes, or five!" She yelled, "I'm beginning to wonder if she didn't also emulate some bad habits from me too. I think the whole moral lesson of this story is that we should careful of our action and inactions because they have consequences and influence on people whether we are aware of them or not. Food for thought"
"That doesn't make me feel any less better"
"Shebi you're the one always dishing me with motivational speech"
"I guess there's nothing like sweet truth"
Kilahi chuckled opening the drawer, "No dear, the truth is always mixed in lime and salt" "You should have allowed me slap her small"
Mrs Ogar puts a call through to Temi while she was having dinner, she left dinner to answer the call, "Is everything okay?" "You said I should call you if anything comes up, my baby is not talking, I've trying to get her to talk, she's been quiet. She refused her food too" She reported busting into tears.
"What should I do?"
Kilahi retired to bed by 10 o clock, before which she put the God-Alarm exercise into practice. "I want to wake up by 2 am to pray, please wake me" She requested, said a short prayer, read the bible and then slept off.
Four hours later she was already awake, almost as though someone tapped her. She pulled her phone close looking at it, it was 2:01. She couldn't believe it. She wanted to scream but she couldn't, it was late.
Then the scripture from that morning jumped into her thought, Fear not for I am with you.... Then she remembered what Pastor Amazing said.
She exhaled trying to gather confidence. She was freaking out already!!!!! "Good morning God. I take it you're here then, thank you for gracing me with your presence and welcome" She muttered busting into tears. "I know we've not had much conversation, I mean intentional conversations. I just want to say that I'm sorry first off, I know I've prayed this a lot of times but today I mean it with every fibre in me, I'm sorry. Can you forgive me? I want you to talk to me, I want to hear you" She muttered, "Above all discouragement that may come, I want your voice to sound louder than them. I want you telling me what to do, what decisions to make, teaching me to caution my speech, teaching me to be more positive. I know what I felt on that Valentine's night, I want to feel it again" Tears trickled down while she waited for an answer.
She sat still for about ten minutes, the sound of crickets chirping from the garden was beginning to distract her, those things can sound like they're in the room! So she plugged in her earpiece playing an instrumental on her phone.
She began to murmur in tongues, it wasn't flexible on her lips since she had abandoned it until Valentine's night.
"Thank you for today, thank you for my family, for favour and grace." She had a prayer points she wanted to pray concerning her self development but these two surfaced instead.
Pray for Caroline
Pray for Sefa
She wanted to argue it out there, Caroline's case was quite understanding but.... Sefa? Why should she pray for Sefa? What is she supposed to pray about?
Her prayer geared towards another direction, "I thank you because of Caroline Ogar, I thank you because I know even though she's hurting, you're healing her heart, you're closing up the wounds" She busted into tears. "She doesn't deserve it but you're the God that knows more than human knowledge, you see pass our ordinary eyes. Before yesterday, i may have stylishly casted blames on you but I'm here asking you to help her rise from this, comfort her, comfort her"
She couldn't stop until ten minutes before four when she finally slept off. Only to be woken up by Sewuese at 5:30 am.
"Are you not going to work today?" She asked and Kilahi sat up in anger, almost two hours of prayer and she couldn't even pray for herself. "Ugh!!" She screamed laying in bed while covering her face with the pillow.
At 6:45am, Kilahi knew it was rush hour, the excitement she felt when she heard Aunty Mabel made her favourite; tea, toast and fried eggs. At first she didn't intend eating because of how late she was but for fried eggs??? Especially one that is not fried by her!
She'll late that late today!!!
Even if she'll have to be running with her flat shoes to the busstop, she'll run that race oh!!
She carried her bag looking around the room to make sure she wasn't leaving anything behind. "What haven't I carried like this? God don't let me forget anything" She ran out into the dinning room, baam!!! The aroma of toast and fried eggs was everywhere! There's something about the mixture. She overheard her Aunt complaining about the price of a crate of egg.
"I remember when I always buy a crate of egg 500 naira, I seriously don't know what's going on in this country anymore. Are they importing chickens?" She asked and Kilahi laughed dropping her bag on the chair just close to the dinning table. "It's either that or the chickens are now laying their eggs through operation" She joked settling down and everyone laughed including Sewuese.
Kilahi was happy Sefa was not at the table, it would have been awkward!
"Aunty Mabel, good morning, Uncle, Good morning Sir"
Aunty Mabel frowned in disappointment, while her husband laughed at her.
"God, I'm so late" Kilahi cried out picking up the toast, "But I'll still eat anyway!" She laughed using her free hand to pick the cup of tea up now moving it close to her lips but she couldn't drink it.
So she dropped it on the table.
She plunged the toast towards her lips but ended up dropping it on the plate. Then she laughed nervously, "I don't understand" She said out loud and everyone gave her a look.
"Understand what?"
"Did I say that out loud? I guess I was thinking out loud" She replied looking up at the ceiling.
What's going on? I'm about to eat my favourite food and I'm feeling a kind of restraint? She asked within now picking the toast again.
Hehehe, it better not be what I'm thinking. Don't try me oh
She opened her mouth to eat but couldn't then she dropped it again still looking at the ceiling, God I'm late and we are wasting time, am I supposed to eat the food or not?
Are you trying to say something? Please try again later oh, this is fried eggs. Okay let's do it like this, she paused in thought, if there's something you want me to do, remember that table manner states that no talking while eating, we'll talk after breakfast okay?
Thank you for being so understanding and compassionate. Good to know you're close!
She smiled spreading the eggs on her toast just like she liked doing. Eating it was another failed attempt cause her mind kept judging her then Amazing's words came came breezing
Trust me when I say he's ready to listen and but you must be willing to hear from him too. The problem we have is that, we're too in a hurry to leave him. Stay there
So she dropped the toast rising up from the chair, "I have to leave, I'm already late" "For fried eggs? It's your favourite," "I know" She said with gritted teeth.
"You didn't even take a bite. Are you sure you're fine" "Yes Ma, I don't feel like eating" Her heart broke as she muttered those words. "I'll package it for you"
"Don't bother, Sefa can eat it"
Sewuese blinked her eyes, "Babe, are you sure you're fine, you have that look like when you're being forced to do something" "Long story dear, I'll explain later. Bye everyone" She blew kisses at Sewuese before heading out.
"Sewuese" Her father called out and she turned towards him, "Sir?" "So after all the nights of staying in his house, you still didn't get married"
He laughed tapping the table and herr mother laughed too, "Honey that's mean now!"
Sewuese's eyes became moist, "I promised myself that i'll say this the day the relationship breaks. You're lucky I didn't see you yesterday" "You guys are supposed to be my parents"
"I just didn't support a lot of characteristics in the guy. The fact that the guy makes you cry most of the time"
Sewuese turned towards her mother, the one that has been spilling. "You were also sleeping over at a his place when you're still under your parents roof, not minding that your junior ones might pick one or two thing from you. It doesn't speak well of any reasonable man. I hope you've learnt your lesson. Sorry ehn!" He sympathized still laughing.
"Sorry. Take heart, call it good riddance, I'll put your name up for testimony on Sunday"
Sewuese broke into laughter while chewing her bread, "You guys are mean" She grabbed her cup to drink from it. "Not as mean as your boyfriend. Take heart, I just hope your sister isn't taking after you cause I'll roast her if she does"
Sewuese cleared her throat coughing out loud, "Jesus! It entered the wrong place" "Sorry"
Kilahi removed her phone from her handbag the moment she got out of the house, the first number she pulled out was Amazing's number. "Hello?" "I wanted to eat my favourite meal today, that's toast and fried eggs but I couldn't because I felt this restraint, is it just in my head or God is telling me to fast?"
Amazing laughed, "Good morning to you" "Shit!" She slapped her face, "I'm sorry, good morning Ma, I'm just confused" "I understand" "Am I making this up in my mind cause I didn't hear any voice"
"Sometimes it's not a voice, it might be a nudge, like a leading"
"To fast? Ma, look at me, I'm the shadow of the shadow of myself. I'm managing to have shadow and God wants me to fast. Does he want me to disappear?"
Amazing laughed, "I'm trying to see past the fact you just insulted yourself" "Ugh! Self-building doesn't happen over night, I still have insecurities, lots of them. Like how my hips have more hiccups than hips. Ugh!"
"Take a deep breathe darling"
Kilahi breathes out loudly, "I don't fast. I had ulcer growing up, isn't God aware of it?" "If God is asking you to fast, then there's a reason for it. He's trying to bring you to himself. Call it the Bamidele effect" "Bamidele effect?"
Amazing laughed, "Yes. There were times when Bamidele will want to drink water after an evangelism trip only for God to tell him to fast so Yes, it's a Bamidele Effect, so to say. "Inumidun stop it!" She screamed at Inumidun who was trying to feed herself, "My baby is trying to feed herself" "Sorry for disturbing you" "It's no bother at all. I would have suggested we meet one on one today but I have Bible study"
"I understand"
"Something just dropped in my spirit while my daughter was trying to feed herself, God wants you to grow up. You have dwelled too much on this negative mount you're in, he wants you to take a step of faith and do something positive for a change. You might be a baby Christian right now, but God's strength to grow is available in his word, the right diet"
Kilahi shut her eyes perplexed.
"It's going to get more frustrating and crazy than this if you don't yield. Kilahi, it's time to discover yourself and God's purpose in your life. Yield darling and Discover."
Kilahi nods, "Okay Ma" "Lord I thank you for your daughter Kilahi, thank you because you're working on her to do your will. We ask that your will be done, may she fulfil kingdom purpose, break her, mould her, strengthen her and use her for that which you are set to. Amen"
"Amen" By this time, her airtime had exhausted but she had an inner peace knowing she call the right person.
Then she exhaled heading towards the bus stop, "God let's talk about something, what about table manners?" She asked laughing to herself while a man on the street gave her a look and she laughed harder switching to thought mode.
They'll think I'm running mad!
But God oh, when are you going to use your real voice to talk to me? How do you sound like?
Is it until I get a PHD in prayer right? Look at me being greedy, when did we just reconcile sef?
You're keeping quiet bah?
Say something nah
Even if it's a small still voice.
Pretty please?
What do you guys think about this chapter? 😂🤣
The Bamidele effect has started, what next???😁
Do you think Sefa was right for blaming her sister?
Solve this riddle, i am a place, Gbadamosi and the church members will be coming to me, Manni and Kilahi will be coming to me also. What am I??
Did you guess right?
Me: Palm Groove Delight 🌴
I'll taking you through the journey to Palm Groove in the next Chapter, who's ready??💃
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