"Someone call an ambulance!"
Ear piercing shrills and gasps fill the atmosphere, strangers flooding to the scene, many mouths hanging open and the clicks of cameras recording.
Your arms had been wrapped around his waist, the two of you entangled in each other's embrace, his warmth slowly fading from yours, head sinking into your shoulder.
You scream his name, all time seeming to come to a stop as his shaky breath remains by your ear as he struggled for every breath.
He winces in pain, red damping his ebony locks, thumbs wiping the tears spilling from your eyes, tears glistening in his. He manages a smile weak, "At least... You're okay."
You broke down, sobs roaring from your lips as his last breath had been swept from his lungs, blood trickling down your fingertips as you held him close.
As if you would never let go.
Your eyes had followed the culprits towering over you, their grins turning wicked from bloodlust, almost in a certain mockery.
They had won— you had lost.
They had gotten what they wanted.
Were they happy now?
Were they pleased watching you scream in agony from the sidelines as your lover's life had slowly dwindled from existence?
"Yoongi!" The painful shout had ripped your throat, his body unresponsive the more you tried to convince yourself that he was fine— that this wasn't real.
But you should've known better because...
A flower can't flourish in a bed of lies.
"Please hold on..."
"Somebody call an ambulance!"
An ear shrilling scream had sounded from the front. You ogle at your aunt who returns your stares with a worried glance.
"Did you hear that?"
Your aunt confirms her answer with a sturdy nod, "Shit." You cruse, rushing out of the front office without further incent, sprinting to the grand entrance.
Glancing out the large window, your breath hitches, a familiar shade of ebony hair catching your attention. "Don't tell me..." You rasped, pushing the glass door open coming face to face with the culprit. His figure towered over yours, a crooked grin pulling his lips.
He looked pissed.
You couldn't help but notice a slender brunette behind your acquaintance, his hand locked onto the ladder's wrist.
"Let go." Yoongi grumbles, tone severe.
The corners of Hoseok's lips fall, brows furrowing as he reluctantly granted the space that Yoongi desired, his pecan orbs showing much concern for his elder.
You clear your throat awkwardly, "Is everything alright here?"
"I'm fine." Yoongi manages, breaths shaky as he clutched onto the white railing, relying on it heavily as support.
"Fine?" The younger scoffs, tongue glazing his bottom lip, a hand brushing through his hickory mane, "Are you stupid? You collapsed on the sidewalk without any explanation!" He fumes, an irritated sigh releasing from his lips in response to Yoongi's stubbornness.
He turns to you, the sudden realization that their is a third party settling in. A heartwarming smile touches his lips, "Sorry." His cheeks flush a champagne, "My name's Hoseok, I'm his friend." He points to the man lingering by your side, whom is fixed on maintaining his balance.
His head had been swimming, a wave of dizziness and nausea fogging his mind.
He wasn't thinking straight.
Well, at least to others he wasn't.
His eyes were clouded with excruciating pain obstructed by his ebony locks. His skin a ghostly white in contrast to the warm undertone it held before he'd left the hotel. He bent over, struggling for every gasp of oxygen filling his lungs, his lips ashen.
Hoseok groans. "Idiot, just go to the hospital."
With a sudden wave of blood rushing to his head, Yoongi's legs had caved in, your arms catching him in the midst of his fall, his weight collapsing onto your small frame.
You strain to hold him up but manage to wrap an arm around his shoulder as a form of support. Your other hand, ghosts along his forehead, beads of sweat formed from his elevated temperature damping your skin.
"You're burning up!"
Yoongi shivered under the cool nice breeze, snuggling closer to your figure, his feverish lips nearing the crook of your neck, "Don't... Call them." His raspy voice moaned.
You send the man a worried glance, brows narrowing in dismay. "You're sweating profusely, you're barely responsive and you collapsed on the sidewalk yet you still don't want us to take you to a hospital? Pardon my bluntness, but are you nuts?"
Dry laughter followed his throat, his lips snarled with rage, "What position do you have to talk back to me?"
You gulp hard, wishing you could retract your words.
He had a point.
You really were in no position to oppose or suggest otherwise.
He winces in pain, clutching at his side, "Please..." His orbs shattered in discomfort lock onto yours with intensity. "Just get me to my room." He pleads in a whisper.
Guilt had coursed through your veins as your eyes darted from the brunette to Yoongi, the voices within arguing the both of their sides.
Yoongi hadn't been well and being the fully grown adult that he is, it's completely his choice as to how he wishes to care for himself.
However, you couldn't help but notice the sickening anxiety in the brunette's orbs. You bit your lip, unsure of which way to lean.
Yoongi was in the right.
But so was Hoseok, after all friends always worry about each other.
Pivoting to the brunette you shrug, finally coming to your final decision, "I can take it from here." You insist. "We're familiar with each other. I'm sure my aunt can treat him." You attempt to reason, eyes locking to his.
Yoongi's fingers curl the fabric of your shirt, his breathing growing shallow and eyes heavy in fatigue. His head lands on your shoulder, "Hurry." He urged.
The elder sends you a pleading look, his hand clutching at his abdomen. He knew he was fading from reality— that time was sprinting from his grasp.
He had tried to stay away from the temptation with his best efforts, straining his body in the process.
But now he knew karma had come for him.
He knew well what was wrong with him.
Withdrawal symptoms.
Hoseok shakes his head, brows laced with concern and distrust. "I refuse to leave until he's taken into professional care." He emphasizes, then stalking closer to the man perched against you.
He'd offered a kind smile, a cautious hand outstretched for Yoongi to take.
He had been fixed on the idea formulating in his mind— to nurse his beloved friend back to health in a facility.
Yoongi stares blankly at the man's hand, lips forming into a straight line despite his hazy state of mind. "Jesus Christ just leave." He grumbles.
The younger frowns, "No I-"
"My aunt's a nurse," You bluffed, you yourself shocked with the words that had manage to leave your throat, jaw hanging wide open.
Now you had just dug yourself deeper into your own grave thanks to yet again, another one of your fabulous fibs.
Nice going.
Sighing, a pained expression had made it's way to your features, contorting them to create a cringe. "Um I mean, she's had medical training before." You self-corrected, trailing off from the small ounce of logic this plan had.
Who were you kidding?
Anyone who would believe that your aunt of all people had done any medical training was beyond mad.
I mean, let's get real here.
It's your aunt.
Hoseok scoffed, rolling his eyes. His arms fold across his chest, "Great. That definitely makes me feel so much better."
The ebony-haired man leaning against your small frame had finally had enough of the needless bickering between you and his friend. "Hoseok just go." His gravely voice pushed, irritation seeping through his words.
Beads of sweat pool his skin, a nervous chuckle bouncing from his lips, "Fine." He pouts. "But I'm coming back first thing tomorrow and if you're not better, we're going to the hospital." He warns, wagging his finger.
Angry Yoongi was scary.
And Hoseok personally didn't have a death wish— Well at least today he didn't.
So he allowed his friend to go in peace.
"The only person who needs to go to a hospital is you." The sick man spits once the brunette had vanished from ear shot distance.
"That's rude." You huff, summoning the strengh from deep within you to remained balance and not drop this man on the floor.
Certainly a troublesome task indeed, as you didn't personally feel like affiliating yourself with the same man who had slammed a door in your face earlier in the day.
"I get you need me as support right now, but would it kill you to not squash me while you're at it?" Your comment causes him to snort.
Passing by the front office, your aunt had made out the face of the man perched against her niece, a pernicious smile tickling his lips as she forced her own laughter down her throat.
It was impossible for her to not make some fun of you in the bare minimum.
Her fuchsia lips round, air passing from her mouth to allow a hollow and airy sound to fill the front lobby. She giggles to herself afterwards, musing over your disgust in response to her catcall.
"Auntie!" You scoff, shaking your head side to side.
Yoongi chuckles to himself as you heave him up the stairs, one tedious step at a time. His arm glides along the walls of the narrow stairway—his method to reduce some of the pressure he had been placing on you.
Not the most effective strategy however.
His arm had slithered around your waist, a firm hand cupped on your hip and steamy breath exhaling in your right ear.
You had drawn a few long breaths in attempt to reason with your racing heart and to try and cool the red blush blazing your cheeks.
Yoongi's chest swelled, his lips molding into a wicked smirk. His upturned eyes fixed on the floor beneath his feet. Of course in an awkward situation much like this one, he'd felt obligated to create some form of small talk to somehow distract you from the fact you were nearly giving him a full-on piggyback.
"You're accent is odd."
You freeze in place, teeth gritting.
Now he was talking to you?
"No duh captain obvious." You sass, eyes seeming to roll to the back of your skull due to an overload of dumb statements people had been posing on this fine evening.
Had the whole world taken an extra dose of stupidity?
Yoongi chuckles, "Where are you from?"
You dodge his question, pretending as if you never heard his soothing voice in the first place, still lugging him up the stairs in silence.
Never had you ever wanted someone in your dear life so shut up so badly.
"Where are you from?" He repeats, a stupid grin plastered to his lips.
Yoongi tilted his head, his stare possessing a certain playful look as his orbs penetrated you. The fact that you even felt uncomfortable around him was amusing—and teasing you about it was the best prize that came with it.
You turned your head towards him, eyes rolling. "Seoul." You mutter, trying to distract yourself from his shrouded gaze.
He nods.
He should've known.
Seoul girls weren't your typical Korean. Their style was drastically different, fashion sense up to date with the rest of the modern world in comparison to other's. Not to mention their accent had been plain, one that would be on the radio and popular TV shows.
He hums thoughtfully, "You seem like a Seoul girl."
Your lips had pulled into a straight line, a painful silence filling the atmosphere. You avert you gaze, fixing it on the few stairs that remained.
A certain smugness had filled his feline features upon taking notice of your flustered reaction.
Toying with you was fun.
"How old are you?"
You jaw had hung open, eyes wide.
Oh God.
Who the fuck slipped this man an extra dose of arrogance while he was out?
His face held forward in a steady gaze, confidence screaming in his dark orbs. You eyes had trailed down to his ringed lip, the piercing catching your attention. His hair had been messy, a finger laced sort of chill-esque.
Though his appearance seemed careless, the man had been well mannered.
Sort of.
You lips release a scoff, completely bewildered from his outright bluntness. "I-I'm not obliged to answer your questions." You stutter.
He allows a chuckle, "You proved to be useful out there so I'll let it pass. Besides," he pauses, eyes crusading down your figure,"You're kind of pretty." A grin pops his lips, your ears turning a deep cherry.
"T-thanks?" Your voice had faltered, turning noticeably squeakier compared to before. You had just been so shocked, you were no longer sure even how to react.
Let alone figure out what to say.
Arriving at his hotel door, he parts from your touch. "I think I got it from here."
"I don't think that's a good idea." You argue, voice turning oddly desperate.
"Why?" The corners of his lips twitch, charcoal locks falling to side as he slides his key into the lock, "Looking to apologize?"
Your lips purse, "Hey!" You force a strong grip on his bicep, tone harsh. You met his gaze with your fiery one, refusing to render submissive to his cruel teasing. Taken aback, he flinches, pulling back with one swift movement.
He groans, back hitting the wall as your figure fell between his legs, lips so close you could feel his breathing on your upper lip.
You tilt your head upwards, only to quickly regret it.
He eyed you down, examining your flustered expression with a certain pleasure. An exhale from your lips had made his breath hitch, your hands locked onto his wrists.
This looked bad.
A crooked grin crawls his lips, "Mmm," He allowed a breathy moan, air continuously fanning over each other's lips, rendering them scorching.
"Are you sure you're not looking for something more than just forgiveness?"
His head falls to the side, arrogant laughter spilling his lips. Your heart fluttered as his dark orbs met your timid gaze, a subtle charm possessing his stare.
What was it exactly?
You weren't entirely sure, but you couldn't deny that they stood out from the rest -- a vast sea of black that was unreadable.
You couldn't deny that they drew you in.
Clearing your throat, your hands part from his chest, allowing you to distance yourself. Your eyes dart from his, a hand hovering over your burning lips in attempt to conceal your flushed expression, "Sorry, I didn't mean to okay? It was an accident."
The ebony-haired man muses as you trip over your words, "Right." He cocks an eyebrow, "Just like how the fact that my room is above yours is an accident as well."
You grimace in silence, a pout rounding your lips. Your fidgeting fingers behind your back had frozen, eyes narrowing in annoyance sending daggers his way. "It was!" You exhaust, your capacity to deal with this client nearly reaching its limit.
And that says a lot.
After all, your sibling is practically a meme lord who trolls people in her free time.
Yoongi shakes his head, a smile threatening to itch his lips. "Just what exactly are you trying?" His tongue runs over his bottom lip as he tries to dissect your character piece by piece.
He couldn't comprehend it
Just what exactly did you have that others didn't? What was it that made you so... Fascinating?
How did teasing you somehow become a sudden pass time for him even though you just met?
You force down the apprehensive lump swelling your throat, lips quivering as you spoke, "I'm not trying anything."
His gaze turns soft, your anxious expression reflected in his dark eyes. The hesitance in each word you spoke simply from just breathing the same air as the man— although odd, somehow put his heart at ease.
Because even though you had been a complete stranger, you cared.
Even if it was just a little.
That alone was enough for Yoongi to not feel lonely or yearn for something he could never have.
A small smile gifts his lips, his hand hovering over the door knob, "For everything, thanks... Niece girl."
Though this wasn't the first time you came face to face with yet another one of the doors he closed,
It was his first thank you.
And the first step closer.
2018 07 19
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