In the City

Chapter 4

Marcus POV

As we approach the gate there were a line of people and other carriages and a few guards inspection said carriage after a guard gave a quick glance of our carriage they gave a salute of some sort and let us pass.

These people must be of some importance to let us pass like this.

After going inside the city there were quite some people inside the city most of them were humans while others had some sort of animal features. Once I can understand this world language, I will look and see if there are some books about their anatomy. After a few minutes pass since we enter the gate I received a message from Zack.

Yo be ready to get off.


I really hope he knows what he is doing.


Lisa let's try to get off.


Lisa: We appreciate for the ride to the city, but we really must be going.

Sebastian: No please let us express our gra-

Before the old man could finish his sentence, the carriage door open. Lisa and I got off Soon follow by Marcus who was behind us. We ran through the streets for a while and soon as we know it we were in an alleyway.

Zack: Man, those guys were creepy

Marcus: What happen?

Lisa: The old man won't stop asking for this book. *holds up the book*. And for good reason too.

Marcus: Why?

Lisa: This world magic advancement is quite low. The granddaughter book for beginners was so simple that it was boring, and the magic formations was also incorrect as well.

Marcus: Then your book contains magic information that were too advance that he wants to know more.

Lisa: That could be an option, he could be a knowledge hunger person.

Marcus: Could be, anyway Zack got an idea of where to go. I will need about a few weeks to repair the teleport pads and try to get rid a bit of radiation to be on the safe side and make new key cards as well.

Zack: Well since this is another world, my guess there should be an adventure guild in this town. After we register, we will look for an inn of some sort until you can repair the base. While your repairing the base, Lisa and I will gather information, resources, and income for basic needs. Sounds good?

Lisa: This is a plan that I can get behind.

Marcus: Alright, my drones just finish scouting most of the city I recall them and transfer the map to you guys. And for the money situation, any money we had before we enter this world is converted so we just need to gather resources.

After Marcus told us that we check to see how much we have. Lisa had 352,392,153 gold, Marcus had 170,570,380 gold after building the reactor, and I had 794,573,598. I don't spend much, so it was just sitting there collecting dust. We waited in the alleyway until Marcus drones reappear in front of us and Marcus place it back into his inventory.

Zack: Alright let's go.

As I pulled out the map, most of the important places have already been marked. One of them was the adventure guild. The adventure guild was on the other side of the city, so we took our time exploring the area while walking towards it. There were some people who were staring at us then mind their own business. At first it was only a few people until more and more keep staring to the point it became uncomfortable. We said nothing and continue to press forward to our destination.

When I saw a stone and wooden grand building along with a sword and shield sign in the front I knew we were there. I look towards both Marcus and Lisa and mentally prepared ourselves for what to come. When I reach the door and turn the handle, the entire door frame pop off the wall and both the people inside and outside were looking at the three of us. Both Marcus and Lisa enter the building while I tried to fix the door until I gave up and put the door next to the wall. Some of the people chuckle to themselves while others were looking at us with stern looks on their faces.

Glad to know nothing changes.

Yea no kidding

Entering the building, there were only a few people inside. Majority of them were drinking while a few of them were just sitting in an empty table. Looking around I noticed that there was an elf with blond hair in a green uniform of some sort staring at us and a sign above that said registration. I got curious, so I took a quick glance at her stats.

Ileana Oakgreen

Strength: E

Vitality: C

Dexterity: B

Agility: C

Magic: D

States: None

Title: Guild Receptionist

As we walk towards the reception table, the elf put up a fake smile and greeted us.

Ileana: Welcome, how can I help you today?

Lisa: we would like to be adventures.

When she said those words, the elf drops her smile and became serious

Ileana: you know that to become an adventure you must be at least 15 years of age and you must be able to pass a test by one of the adventures.

Lisa: I am confident we will be able to pass with no failure.

Ileana: *sigh* I guess kids these days will never know unless you try. Alright enter the training ground and I will inform your test instructor to test you.

She pointed us to the room next to the bar. When we enter the room, it was an empty square boxed dirt area. There were a weapons rack and training dummies to the sides. Sometime have passed and a different receptionist along a male with blue armor with golden trim on the edge along with a steel sword and shield both having engravings on them. The receptionist was an orange hair wolf beastmen who is also wearing the same uniform that the elf was wearing. The armor person looks to be a human male how appears to be in his mid-30's and have brown hair and blue eyes.

Justino Moro Quintal

Strength: A+

Vitality: S-

Dexterity: C+

Agility: B-

Magic: E+

States: In Love

Title: Ex-Royal Knight, Dragon Slayer, Loyal, Little Giant, Unbreakable, One-Man Army, Undisturbed, Slayer, "Friend"

These adventures are no joke, they aren't going easy on us. Well that is to be expected.

Justino POV

Another kids trying to be adventure, at such a young age well. Even if their determined, I not pass them even until they have proper training. Once I scared them off I'll offer them a program that will help children get training and become real adventure. I hear Miya whisper next to me.

Miya: Please, go easy on them

Justino: I will try not to hurt them. I will scare them off the area and then you will offer them the youth adventure program.

As I said those words I enter the training area Only to see three kids giving me a unsettling feeling, but I still have press forward.

Justino: Good Evening. My name is Sir Justino and I will be your instructor for this exam. To pass, you must be able to defeat me within the time limit or I give my consent that you have pass. If for whatever reason you leave the area, or I don't acknowledge your strength you will fail. Any questions?

To my surprise, I thought that my explanation was simple as it could get. Yet the weird kid with Rusty armor and holding a halbert that is WAY too big and heavy for his size, yet he is holding it. raised his hand.

Justino: Yes, kid in the middle?

Zack: is it ok if we knock you out?

For all the reason, this kid believe that he could knock me out. Both Miya and I could not hold laughter in

Justino: BWAHAHA. Kid that's a funny joke. Hahaha if you can knock me out I will pass you all. Miya, they have my word.

This kid is determined. I believed he will become a great adventure in the future.

Justino: Anymore question? No? My assistance Miya will count down and when she said go, you will have 10min to impress me. Don't worry I will not be using my sword, but I will be using my shield.

Miya: Is everybody ready? Alright. 3...2...1...GO!!!

The next thing I knew I was on the ground in the main guild area, and Miya was crying on my arm.

Lisa: Congratulations, you lived.

I was confused on what she said


I was confused on what she said until I looked at my armor and there was chips and cracks focus from the center. The same armor that took blows from an enrage orcs and ogres.

Justino: Miya what happen?

Miya: *sniff* It all happen too fast. *sniff* after I said go you went flying across the room

and... and... WHAAA.

Zack: Sorry, I don't know my strength.

So, this little kid knock me out.

Justino: BWAHAHA So you did knock me out.

Miya: you called that "knock out". To my eyes you were on death's door. Luckily this "kid" wearing some kind of bird outfit, was able to heal you if not the church will charge us a lot to keep you alive. And we don't even know if you be able to recover.

Justino: All well that ends well. Miya help these kids get their guild id's ready I'm going to rest here for a bit.

Zack POV

Zack, hold back your strength next time. Your lucky that he had a revive timer on him or else you committed murder in public and we can't afford to be doing that. And you owe me a revive syringe.

I was holding back my strength that time. I guess I should be careful in the future.

Almost kind of feel sorry for the guy. After decapitating someone head with brute force, I learn my lesson and held back a bit. Well I hope he recovers soon. As he began to drift asleep, Miya went to the back room and grab blankets and put one on Justino. She then slowly got up and walk behind the counter.

Miya: Well Justino gave his word and I agree to his condition.

She then went to the back of the room and came back with a stack of papers.

Miya: Please fill them out.

She handed each of us a slip of registration paper alone with an ink bottle and a feather pen. Most of them were basic such as Name, Age, and personal info. It was going well until Marcus send a message to us.

Guys I can't read what's on the paper.

Crap I forgot, Lisa help him out.

Lisa took Marcus paper and began to fill out everything except where we came from and name. She put 10 years old on all of us and race is human.

Zack: Sister I have a question.

Lisa: hmm what is it?

Zack What's a human?

Lisa:'re a human brother.

Zack: oh. Is she a human? *points to Miya*

Both the elf and Miya receptionist were amused and worry by our little exchange.

Miya: No I'm not a human. I am a Red Wolf Beastman.

Ileana: In case you were wondering, I am an elf.

Zack: I know what you are.

For whatever reason, the elf was shock with what I said with jaw drop.

Lisa: Aaand we are done *hands the paper to Miya*.

Miya: But you forgot to fill out your name.

Lisa: I can assure you that it was no mistake.

Miya: Well alright I guess, but you will only receive a blank name tag is that ok?

Lisa: Yes.

As Miya went to the back and prepare the dog tags, the elf tries to talk to me.

Ileana: you know it wasn't very nice to talk to a lady like that. You hurt my feelings you know.

I turn to look at her pouting and pretend to have her feeling hurt.

Zack: Your kind may look innocent, but I know better. Making people suffer and disregarding people lives. Your kind may have fool many, but deep down I know your kind are eviler and more twisted than the demons from the abyss.

She was stun by what I have said with a face of shock. She was about to say something until Miya return with a blank copper dog tag with numbers on them

Miya: Sorry it took a while, since I need some form of identification I put numbers on them. I hope it's ok.

Lisa: it is fine

Miya: Can we get a drop of blood to bound the tag to you guys.

Lisa: Very well.

Dog tag #1 was placed on top of a tray and Miya was holding a knife. Apparently, my defense was too high that the dagger was having a hard time to pierce the skin. After a few attempts I got bored and use my rusty sword and pierce my hand and blood was pouring out from my hand in great amount. The dog tag briefly glows and was bounded to me, yet Miya was shock by my action and quickly grab bandages from the back room. When she got back, my hand was completely healed.

Dog tag #2 Lisa walk up and again Miya was having a hard time piercing the skin

Lisa: Brother, Can I borrow your sword quickly?

As I handed Lisa my Sword, Miya was getting ready to wrap the bandage of where Lisa cut. Lisa only cut the tip of her finger and a single drop of blood touch the dog tag. The dog tag gave a flash of light signaling it was bounded to the person. Miya out of fear of what just happen wrap Lisa entire hand in bandage.

Miya: Look like it was a job well done

Lisa: ... B-but I can't move my fingers.

Dog tag #3 Marcus notice what was going on and follow our action. He extended his hand out and grab my sword.

Miya: OH NO YOU DONT. I'll will be the one to do it.

Before Miya could take my sword, Marcus already cut his finger. Miya wrap his entire hand in bandage and began to scold him. Luckily for him, he can't understand a single word of her which both Lisa and I were holding our laughter in.

Why is she getting mad at me?

After what seems to be hours, Miya began to calm down and handed each of us our dog tags and explain the rules to us.

Miya: Our first rule is that any argument between adventures will be settle between those adventures. Second rule. If you accept any quest on the board, try your best to complete it. Third rule. Make sure you come back alive. It's better to be alive then to complete a request. OK AND WELCOME TO THE ADVENTURE GUILD. Make sure that you don't lose your tags because you need to pay to get it replaced. Ilana please explain to them how the system works I'm going to try to wake up Justino, BYE.

Ileana: WAI- Miya why can't you finish the explanation? Anyway, Hello I'm Ileana and congratulations on passing the test. To start off with they are many quest on the guild board. For rank F-D can be found on the wall there* points to the board* they mostly range from help wanted around town to extermination of goblins. Rank C-B quest can be found on a different board by the bar. And rank A or high you will have to talk to the guild master for those kinds of quest. And to increase your guild rank, you must complete multiple quest of your rank and a few that are a letter higher than your current one. Any questions?

Lisa: If they're any argument between two adventures, will the guild intervene?

Ileana: As what Miya stated, anything between two adventures will have to sort themselves out. Anything else?

Lisa: Do you recommend any inn nearby?

Ileana: There is an official guild inn that is a few blocks away from here called "The Hilltop" you can't miss it. Just show them your tags and they will let you have a free room for the night. Just don't cause a ruckus because the inn is own by the Guild Master.

Lisa: Thank you for the advice. We will take our leave.

As we were about to walk outside, I saw Miya trying to wake up Justino. Now I kind of feel bad for knocking him out. I walk over to him and pulled out smelling salt and a red healing potion from my inventory and handed it to Miya.

Zack: I'm sorry.

After I handed the item to Miya, the sun was beginning to set. I follow the guys to the Hilltop inn. The Inn was very decent looking and was quite a distance away from the guild. When we enter the inn, there were quite a few people drinking at the bar. We look at our surrounding and found an empty table by the corner. We took a seat there and waited for a bit. A "big" girl with long brown hair and green eyes was walking towards us.

???: Sorry kids you can't be here. Please leave.

Lisa: Do not worry. Is this the hilltop inn? We were told that we can get a free room for the night.

Then Lisa began to flash her dog tag to the now shock girl.

???: This can't be real, let me see it.

As Lisa handed the girl her dog tag, she began to inspect it thoroughly at every single side. She let out a sigh and handed the tag back to Lisa.

Sasha: Well it's real no doubt. Sorry for the confusion. *points her thumb to herself* The name Sasha but you can call me Sass.

Lisa: it's a pleasure to meet you Sass. About the room?

Sasha: Oh right, since your new you can have a free room for the night. And for me being rude, you can have a meal on the house.

Lisa: Why thank you Sass.

Sasha: Anytime. I'll be back to grab your meals and your room keys.

As she was talking, we hear the other customer calling out Sass's name.

Sasha: ALRIGHT GIVE ME A MINUTE. Please excuse me.

When Sasha left the table the three of us just message each other while waiting for our food. Marcus as usual ask us what happen so we told him about the guild rules and having a relaxing time. Before long, Sasha return with a trey of soup, bread and cups that appears to be fill with water along with our room key.

Sasha: Your room is on the second-floor number 7. And rent is 3 silver per night that also comes with food. If you need anything just holla at me.

Again, more customer was calling at Sasha.

Sasha: I HEAR YOU THE FIRST TIME. Anyway bye y'all.

As the three of us look at the food, Lisa pick up the wooden spoon and when she scoops up the soup and the entire bowl lifted up from the table. After a minute nobody was attempting to eat it, so I muster up all my will power and ate a spoonful of it.


Trying to calm down my internal rage, I reach to the bread.


That that point I was too afraid to drink the water they served us, so I went to my inventory and gave water sack to the three of us.


Why? What happen?


Calm down it's not THAT bad.

I saw Lisa reaching for her spoon and preparing to eat the ABOMINATION called "SOUP". When Lisa took a spoonful of soup, she set her spoon down and began to drink the water I gave her.

Zack I would like to apologize for doubting you.

Yea I'll just eat my ration in my room. Lisa can you show me the room I still can't read or understand the language.

Alright I'm getting tired as well.

You guys go head I'll be there soon.

Just don't take too long, we got work ahead of us tomorrow.

As I saw them get up from the table, especially Lisa with a grim look on her face. I survey the room for a bit and saw a granny with a book sitting on a rocking chair and a young boy who is sitting on the floor swaying from left to right.

???: Grandma, can you tell me another story?

Grandma: My, another story? It is almost your bedtime.

???: Pleeese grandma, just one more.

Grandma: Oh, ok Billy one more couldn't hurt anybody.

I got curious by what kind of story are in this world. As I got up from my chair Sasha went by our table and collected the abomination called food. I walk over to where the old lady and her grandson is and sit next to the boy.

Grandma: Oh dear me, would you like to hear a story as well?

Billy: Grandma stories are the best.

I said nothing and just nodded my head in agreement.

Grandma: Ok where do I begin

She rocked her chair back and forth and told the story about her adventure days. When the story was over, I felt sad that it was over. She handed both of us a handful of blueberries and proceeded to sleep on her chair. The boy did as he promised and went to the back of the shop where I believed where his room was. It was getting late and I decide to do the same. When I knock our door, Lisa open it up the door and Marcus throw one of his meal kits.

Marcus: Took you long enough. What were you doing?

Zack: Grandma was telling a story, so It took a while. It was very relaxing.

After the three of us finish eating, we were fighting on who get to sleep on the floor. After 5 minutes of debating, I won the debate and got to sleep on the floor. After we all settled in, we all drifted asleep until a new day appear.

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