Chapter 9
Ronald Weasley was not a bad person. He could be oblivious, temperamental, and overprotective, but he was not a bad person. At least, that's what Hermione kept telling him. As he was metaphorically chewing over his thoughts, he needed something physical to chew on. It was then that he remembered Harry had given him a box of sweets, from a trip that Ron knew nothing about.
He missed his best friend terribly. The memories of the horcrux preying on all of his deepest insecurities were still fresh, and often kept him up at night. The thought of almost losing Fred at the hands of death eaters was too much to bear, and Ron could not wrap his mind around how Harry could become friends with someone of Malfoy's sort.
Ron was all for making new friends, when their intentions were pure. He had to admit that he had no idea what Malfoy, or Zabini and Parkinson for that matter, were getting at. It seemed as if Zabini was doing everything in his power to piss Ron off, and honestly? It was working.
Going to sleep early, waking up at the crack of dawn, leaving everything neat and tidy, even applying labels to things. The last straw was when Ron had woken up to see Zabini tidying up after him.
"You have no right to touch my stuff Zabini!", he had yelled.
"You're the one who told me that we would divide the room in half. I simply moved your things that had somehow spilled over onto my side of the room."
With gritted teeth, Ron had visited McGonagall early that morning before breakfast, laying out his concerns.
"Honestly Mr. Weasley, if Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy can get along, I don't see why you can't get along with Mr. Zabini."
"Some personalities just don't mesh well, Headmistress. You told us to make you aware of any problems as soon as we experienced any. This is me telling you beforehand that this will not be working out well. I understand that you'll probably want me to wait out your weeklong minimum timeframe. I'll do my best to keep level headed, but I'm starting to think that I should have agreed to room with Seamus."
"Thank you for coming to see me first Mr. Weasley. Keep your head up. Remember that things aren't always as they seem. On day one of my Transfiguration class, you thought I was a cat, and not your professor. Keep that childlike wonder alive, and you'll be surprised at what you find out."
"Thank you Headmistress."
Here Ron was now, sitting in his bed, head swimming after having played games with all of the eighth years for two hours. They had an hour or so until lunch, and he needed to do something. He had all intentions of snagging a piece of candy from Harry and going for a walk, when a folded up piece of paper caught his eye in the corner of the box.
I wrote this note in case, as usual, nothing went the way that I had planned for it to. So if you're reading this, then you didn't have a good reaction to finding out that Draco and I became friends. I can't blame you really, you don't know him like I do.
You have to try to see this from my point of view, Ron. I know that this has to be hard for you. He wasn't kind to me, Hermione, you, or even your family. He is working to make amends, and I wish you would give him the chance to show it. I know this is asking a lot of you, and I understand if you need time to figure out how you feel about everything. Your feelings are valid, even if they contradict mine.
If I had to guess, I'd say your mind is probably working like mine did in sixth year, when he was still Malfoy. You're probably thinking that he's up to something or that he did something to me. All he's done is been there for me, and made me happy Ron.
To understand how I'm feeling, you have to see where I'm coming from. If you think you're ready for that, come and see me. For now, I've included some pictures in this box from the times Draco and I hung out. Maybe if you can see him in a new light, like I had to, it will help.
I miss you, I hope you know that. You've always been my best mate, but you've hurt me too. I don't even know if you'll actually end up reading this. That's how disconnected I feel from you.
When you found out Fred was okay, and you didn't even ask me if I wanted to go and see him with you, that cut me deeply. You've always said we're like family, and I guess that's one of the differences between you and I. You are my family, not like family. The difference showed when you said that because I was "me" and Saint Mungo's was crowded that I would have to schedule a time to come and see Fred, who was supposed to be my family.
Imagine how much worse I felt, crying myself to sleep, and then waking up and sneaking into Saint Mungo's to apologize to Fred. The feelings of self-hatred only increased when Molly told me that she had invited me over for dinner on multiple occasions, and that you never even told me. You also didn't tell me you were going to Australia with Hermione. You're not the only one who's felt neglected Ron.
Draco was worried about me that day. He sent me dinner through the floo because he knew I wouldn't eat since I was upset. There was no ulterior motive there. He was trying to be kind, and he really is now. As long as people treat him with some ounce of respect. I wish that you would try to talk to him.
I'm sorry that you found out in whatever way that you did. I hope one day we can forgive each other. It's your move Ron.
Ron didn't realize that he had started to cry until he watched the ink on the parchment swirl in his hands. He blotted it dry with the candy wrapper, before carefully folding the note back up. It broke his heart looking at the pictures of his best mate and Draco. Ron hadn't seen Harry that happy (or see him at all really) in years.
Draco Malfoy always hid behind a stoic expression or a sneer, his emotions well concealed. All Ron could see in his sparkling eyes was happiness, and it was a shocking sight. He didn't think he had ever seen Draco smile unless someone had been insulted or injured. Bracing himself, Ron went off for a walk around the castle. He needed to clear his mind.
A walk alone was preferred, but Luna seemed to have a sixth sense when it came to people who were emotionally unwell.
"Hello Ron, how are you?", she asked politely, twirling around him.
"I have a feeling you already know, Luna. How are you?"
"I'm doing wonderful. It's such a nice day outside. Would you like to join me for a walk? I'll be meeting up Rolf soon, but you need a friend."
"That I do."
Luna didn't speak again until they were outside.
"You're feeling very conflicted. Your head and your heart are telling you two different things. Harry will accept you back, but you need to decide if you want to fix things. I know that you do of course, but you seem unsure. I just thought I would tell you.
Draco really can be quite kind, you know. He took care of me when I was a prisoner in The Manor. He tried to set me free, but I told him not to. I didn't want him to get hurt, they would've known it was him. He just pretended to torture everyone to keep us safe.
He was the one who summoned Dobby to set us free, you know. Dobby was his first friend, he loved the kind little sir. I took him to visit the beach where we buried him after the trials and everything. It was quite sad.
My point is that you should try speaking to him yourself, Ron. We can all tell you how much we like Draco, but you won't let yourself believe he's changed. Sometimes seeing is believing. I've noticed that that's very common here. It's harder for people to believe in things they can't see. You saw how surprised everyone was to see the thestrals for the first time that I've been seeing for years. You just need to open yourself up."
"Thank you Luna, really. Should I talk to Malfoy or Harry first?"
"You'll know once you get back to the common room. Good luck."
Shaking his head, Ron walked for some time outside, enjoying the fresh air, before he headed back up to the common room.
"Ron! Where were you?", Hermione asked worriedly.
"I needed some air. I went outside and spoke with Luna for a while."
"Okay, we're going to head down for lunch soon. Did you want to do something before then?"
"I actually have to do something first. I'll catch up with you later, alright? I love you."
"I love you too Ron", Hermione replied, kissing him softly.
Bracing himself, Ron made his way down the hall to Harry's room. Before he could knock on the door, Malfoy walked out, pausing in the doorway as he saw Ron and his raised fist.
"Harry has had a rough few days, please don't upset him again Weasley. I really don't want to have any more issues with you, but when you make Harry cry, then you have an issue with me."
Malfoy was not making it easy for Ron to like him, that was for sure.
"I'm actually here to speak with you."
"Is that so?"
"For Harry's sake?", Ron asked.
Sighing, Draco agreed. Only for his Harry. And maybe a little bit because he liked Mrs. Weasley.
"My room? Your room? The common room?"
"The common room."
"It's probably best if we're in an open space", Draco agreed.
He followed Ron to the common room, wondering what exactly he had gotten himself into. It was empty, so they took a seat in front of the window.
"I don't like you", Ron announced, leaning back into the couch.
"I'm glad the feeling is mutual, because I don't like you either."
"Look. We have a lot of shared history, and I just can't forget that. I'm happy that Harry can, he's always been the more forgiving of the two of us. I just don't know if I can get past the whole reformed death eater thing, or all of the insults you've hurtled at me and my family over the years."
"If it's any consolation, I have apologized to your family as well. They're very lovely people, especially your mother, and I'm truly sorry for everything negative that I've said about them. You didn't deserve that, and neither did they."
Ron looked at Draco, blinking slowly, looking for any sign that Draco was lying. He didn't find one.
"Surprised to find that I mean it? We didn't all grow up in a loving home like yours, Weasley. I've always envied that, you know. Yes, I had money and whatever I wanted, but the newest brooms meant nothing when I had to watch my family choose between their lives and the lives of those around them. I'm not asking for your pity, I'm simply telling you a small part of my experience growing up."
Draco detested showing weakness, especially to the Weasel, but he felt it was necessary to show him that he was being honest. Harry owed him later, big time.
"I can't sympathize with you, I'm sorry. This is as weird and unfortunate for me as it is for you. We're not friends, we never will be friends. I'm doing this for Harry, not for you."
"Look Weasley, I don't expect you to like me. I just ask for the bare minimum amount of respect. I thought we could do things differently, but clearly we can't. I care about Harry, and I will continue to look out for him as I have been these past few months when you and Granger were elsewhere, and you left him alone.
Get it through your head that no matter how much you dislike, or even hate me, I'll put up with you for Harry's sake. What you will not do is belittle him for how he copes with his trauma. He is allowed to be hurt and upset because of everything that he's been put through. Trauma is a normal response to all of the hell that he's endured, he is not seeking attention. If he doesn't want to speak, let him communicate in other ways. Learn the spells. I've taught Luna, Weaslette, Pansy, Blaise, and Neville.
I plan on teaching the rest of the eighth years if Harry is comfortable with that. It's ultimately his choice and I will respect his boundaries. You saw earlier today during the games that when others noticed he wasn't speaking much, he was still able to be included in the activities. If you want your best friend back, you need to work on respecting him and his wishes more. If you ever hurt him again, you will be dealing with me, I assure you.
Harry has always been there for you, even when you've let him down in the past. He blames himself that your friendship fell apart when it was your fault. You made him feel isolated when he had already felt that way all his life. All he's ever wanted is a family that loves and appreciates him for being just Harry. He thought he had that in you, but you let him down, and now he doesn't feel like he's good enough.
I don't care what he says. If you hurt my best friend again, there will be hell to pay Weasley, I promise you that. Harry deserves better than the both of us, but I'm trying, for him. Now, it's your turn. This is a start I suppose because you reached out first, but your hatred of me is clear. You're unwilling to leave the past where it belongs and see that I'm not my father, not any longer."
With that, Draco immediately headed back to bed. Harry tried to ask him what was wrong, but he didn't want to talk about it. There was so much on his mind that he didn't know where to start. He decided to skip lunch, feigning a migraine. By the time Harry brought him back something to eat, it was no longer a mistruth.
"Did someone else say something to you my Prince?", Harry pressed, leaning against Draco.
"Can't you just snog me against the door again?"
"You're the one who said we need to communicate first."
"I hate when you listen to me sometimes you know that, don't you?"
"I just love getting under your skin."
"I wish you'd get under something else", Draco muttered.
Laughing, Harry placed a kiss onto Draco's collarbone.
"We have time for that later, you just need to talk to me first."
"Promise me you'll try not to be mad."
"I promise I'll try."
"The Weasel... confronted me? When I left, he was standing outside our door about to knock. I told him that if he made you cry, he would have an issue with me. Then he told me that he actually came here to talk to me. I only agreed because I love you, I'll have you know. He's made it very clear how much he hates me.
He started the whole conversation off by telling me that he doesn't like me. He said he didn't think he could get past me being a death eater or the unkind things I said about his family. I was vile, I understand that. Just because his family forgave me doesn't mean that he has to.
He then said he couldn't sympathize with me, we will never be friends, and that he was only speaking to me for you. I opened up to him a little bit, and he completely disregarded everything that I said. You know I hate feeling vulnerable like that Harry, but I tried for you. I truly tried, because you're my everything and I want you to be happy. I'm not making you choose between him and I.
I also told him that if he hurt you again, there will be hell to pay. He needs to respect you and your wishes. I told him that you were allowed to be hurt and upset and that your trauma is not for attention. It's a natural way to cope, and if he was truly your best friend he would learn how to communicate with me.
No one hurts MY best friend and gets away with it."
Draco was fuming, and Harry wasn't saying anything.
"I'm sorry if I overstepped or something with talking to him. I've been trying to avoid him because I don't want to ruin whatever is left of your friendship with him. I just got so upset because I hate seeing you feel like you're worthless. You aren't worthless, you're priceless."
Tears in his eyes, Harry pulled Draco in for a soft kiss that got increasingly more passionate as Draco's words filled him. Hands found soft skin, and shirts were tugged off.
"Are you alright?", Draco asked, pulling back slightly.
He didn't get very far because Harry was back on him in seconds.
"I just love you so much Draco."
"And I love you Harry."
"You better", he murmured in between soft kisses.
"I thought my feelings were obvious", Draco teased, rolling his hips against Harry's, loving the reaction he got out of his boyfriend.
"Thank you."
"Whatever for?", Draco asked, kissing down Harry's neck.
"For standing up for me."
"I'd get down on my knees for you too."
"Draco!", Harry squeaked, turning his face to hide it in Draco's pillow as he laughed. "I'm trying to be serious."
"Merlin, you're adorable. And all mine", Draco whispered lovingly, tracing Harry's face with his fingertips. "I told you, even before we got together, that I would do anything for you. If that includes talking to the Weasel for you, then I'll do it to make you happy. Seeing you happy makes me happy."
Draco always made Harry feel loved and cared for. Now, he wanted to return the favor.
"Let me make you happy."
"I am happy", Draco cut, head tilted to the side in confusion.
"Let me make you happier then", Harry replied, trailing his hands from Draco's neck down to his chest, and then stopping at his hips, toying with Draco's waistband.
"Oh, I like the sound of that", Draco replied, grinning as Harry tugged him back down on top of him.
If this was what Draco got for speaking to the Weasel, he would speak with the insufferable twat every day.
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