Chapter 31
"Draco dear, do you really think this is a good idea?," Pansy asked.
"Taking a bunch of people who grew up in the wizarding world and throwing them into muggle culture in another country? Absolutely not."
"We're British, it's excuse enough to be a little odd," Blaise offered.
"We'll charm them with our accents."
"Yes, Harry is quite good at that one."
"Draco it's been months, those girls were only asking for ideas of things to do for their London trip!"
"I'm sure you were on that list."
Harry sputtered, elbowing Draco as everyone else laughed.
"I hate all of you. I'm staying here," Harry huffed.
"As if you could live without me for two weeks. You're such a drama queen."
"Must've gotten it from you," Ron muttered.
Instead of being offended as he once would have been, Draco laughed.
"Probably so Weasley."
"Does everyone have everything then?," Hermione asked.
"Yes love, you left us a very detailed list," Ron replied, kissing her sweetly.
"Let's go then."
Draco held out the portkey for everyone to grab, and then spoke something in French to activate it that made Harry's heart flutter.
"You love when I speak don't you," he whispered to Harry, his lips grazing Harry's ear causing him to shiver.
Not one to be outdone, Harry hissed in agreeance, and both men were smirking at each other, pupils blown.
"Hey lovebirds! In case you've forgotten, we've never been here," Ginny said with a snicker.
Harry grabbed Draco's hand so they could continue to tease each other without the rest of their friends knowing.
"Is this where you two went then?," Neville asked.
"Oh no, this is another property. The other one is strictly for Harry and I."
"Multiple properties," Ron mumbled, shaking his head.
"I don't think we want to step foot in that place anyway," Pansy muttered, wrinkling her nose.
"Probably not," Harry replied cheekily.
"Harry!," Hermione chastised.
"Oh relax, I'm just teasing."
When they got inside, Draco gave everyone a tour, and then sent them off to choose their bedrooms. He, of course, chose the master bedroom for himself and Harry. As soon as the door closed and locked, he and Harry were on each other in an instant.
"Gotta be quick my love," Draco muttered, kissing down Harry's neck.
"Got me all worked up on the walk over, shouldn't be hard."
"Oh but isn't it?," Draco teased with a smirk, trailing his hand downwards.
They had never been so grateful that their friends took forever to unpack. With a flick of his wand, Draco neatly had his and Harry's items packed away for their trip.
"What are we doing now that that's taken care of?"
"Dunno, we need to go food shopping. As amazing as the pizza here is, I can't live off of that."
"Let's see what everyone feels like, but I think tonight we should start off with pizza."
"It's a deal my Prince."
Draco yelled down the hall for everyone to meet them in the kitchen once we were done.
"I can make ravioli one night so you don't have to do all of the cooking," Draco offered.
"Well aren't you sweet."
"Only for you. Most of the time."
"I like when you're feisty."
Smirking at Harry, Draco leaned in for a slow kiss, pulling away only a few seconds after someone cleared their throat.
"So what's the plan then?," Ginny asked, leaning against the counter.
"We wanted to plan out the menu, we need to go food shopping either today or tomorrow to stock the fridge and pantry. Harry and I figured that tonight we could head down to the boardwalk and get pizza and deal with cooking tomorrow."
"Are we all going food shopping then?"
"That would be complete and utter chaos Pans."
"Good, I didn't want to go anyway."
"We can set up stuff on the beach then?," Neville offered. "Then you four can go."
They were all in agreement, and after making the list, Harry side apparated Ron, while Draco took Hermione. Draco found it very interesting to watch as his friends shopped. He had never worried about what was on sale, or what the better deal was. He saw it, he liked it, he bought it.
Everyone else was looking over sales fliers and "coupons", so Draco took to being quiet and learning.
"The food's on me."
"Draco that's a lot of money-"
"I invited everyone on the trip, it's really not a loss to me. Besides, I can't do much of the cooking anyway. I usually do the buying and the dishes, while Harry cooks. We split things up that way."
"Then I'll help with the chores around the house," she offered.
"If you wish, that's fine."
"I can help cook so it's not just Harry. Gin would burn the house down, and I love you to bits Mione but you cannot cook."
"I really can't. Ron loves to cook so I prefer to watch him anyway."
"You and Draco can share the counter then," Harry teased.
By the end of the shopping trip they had racked up quite the bill, and the cashier looked at the teenagers with slight concern.
"We're having a party and all of the guests pooled their money," Harry offered in explanation.
"Ah, I miss those days," the cashier replied. "You guys have fun."
Once they left the store, Harry cast a privacy charm so they could shrink all of the bags to apparate back to the house.
"We'll put these away," Ginny offered upon their return. "We can all go for a swim afterwards then?"
"That sounds nice," Hermione agreed.
"I have the sunscreen," Harry remarked innocently.
"Yeah, I'm gonna need some of that mate."
"Of course Ron. We're gonna go change then, we'll meet you outside."
"You mind your hands Potter we're in the company of our friends."
"I can't help that my boyfriend looks like a god and I like to show him off."
Draco's face burned under Harry's loving gaze.
"You're so whipped."
"Oh I know, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you."
"And I love you my Harry."
"You say I'm whipped but you just love adding 'my' in front of whatever you call me."
"I know you love it. You're mine are you not?"
"I never said I didn't love it, my Draco. Your name is tattooed over my heart isn't it?"
"Do they know we have matching tattoos?," Draco asked suddenly.
Harry opened his mouth and then closed it.
"No. I haven't taken my shirt off in front of anyone but you."
"Good. I'm keeping my shirt on, for now at least."
"Perfectly fine. You do what makes you feel most comfortable, Draco."
"I feel most comfortable with you carrying me places."
"You're taller than me, you'd be knocking your head on door frames sweetheart."
"You're right, we need higher ceilings when we live together."
"When we live together?," Harry asked with a grin.
"Well, I assumed-"
"Of course. It wasn't even a question that needed to be asked. I go where you go because you're my home."
"I love you," Draco whispered against Harry's lips.
Harry hummed in agreement as he kissed his boyfriend.
"Let's go, yeah?"
"Oh wait." Harry grabbed the ridiculously expensive pair of sunglasses Draco had gifted him. "Now I'm ready."
"You do look good in those. Not as good as me, but a close second."
Laughing, Harry threw Draco over his shoulder and carried him down the hallway.
"Potter! Unhand me at once! You're carrying precious cargo!"
"Oh, don't I know it."
Huffing, Draco smacked Harry's arse, making him yelp.
"I am throwing you directly into the ocean for that one," Harry threatened.
GInny and Pansy snickered to each other as Pansy took photos of the whole ordeal. Draco's focus was elsewhere... so he didn't notice.
"They really are cute together," Ginny remarked.
"No hard feelings over Harry then?"
"It was mutual. Things were too different and we couldn't give each other what we needed anymore. I should've spent more time staring at the Slytherin table myself then," Ginny replied with a grin, kissing Pansy.
"Yes, you should have. I was looking at your table enough because of Draco anyway."
"It took them long enough didn't it?"
"They needed to work things out on their own time. I'm sure it's better this way."
Meanwhile, Harry and Draco were now outside on the beach. Harry had applied sunscreen to Draco's arms and his face, and now it was Draco's turn. Draco took much pleasure in teasingly removing Harry's shirt slowly, kissing away the pout on his face.
"I'll do your chest first," Draco decided.
Harry hummed, leaning into Draco's touch.
"Stop slouching will you?"
"Your hands feel too good."
"They'll feel even better if you stop."
Draco's hands soon became teasing, and Harry lightly hit his hand.
"We are not doing this out here."
"Whatever do you mean?," Draco asked innocently.
"I'll have Ron finish my back then."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Wouldn't I?"
As soon as Harry opened his mouth, Draco pressed his lips to Harry's, slipping his tongue into his mouth.
"You did this on purpose."
"Of course I did."
"That is absolutely sinful," Blaise muttered, eyes on the two men. "Want to go next?," he asked Neville cheekily.
"If you're lucky enough."
Neville laughed at Blaise's reaction, and walked over towards Harry and Draco, against his better judgement.
Pulling away, Harry kissed Draco on the nose.
"Finish up sweetheart."
Draco looked for any and all excuses to touch Harry. The sunscreen application soon turned into a massage, and Harry was not complaining.
"You're so good with your hands."
"You haven't even gotten the full experience yet Potter."
"I'm looking forward to it."
"In 2 seconds we're going back to the bedroom," Draco muttered through gritted teeth.
"I promise you a shower later."
"This one does have multiple shower heads... deal."
"You're insatiable."
"Good thing you have a big appetite then hmm?"
Laughing, Harry kissed Draco once more before grabbing his hand and tugging him towards the water. They were soon joined by the rest of their friends and spent the next few hours laughing and splashing each other, like teenagers should.
"I am starving," Ron declared after they had all gotten out of the ocean.
"Let's go for pizza then. I wouldn't bother showering, we're still right on the ocean."
This was when apparating became more difficult. There were 8 of them total, and none of them thought it was safe to do so at once.
"Can we walk and then apparate back?"
"If you can survive for 20 minutes."
"We won't eat for an hour then at this rate," Ron lamented.
"What if some of you went and ordered the pizza and the rest of us walked?," Hermione suggested.
"I can go. Weasley, do you want to come with?"
"Yes Ron, you."
"I suppose so. What does everyone want?"
"Do you just want to pop in, order, and then apparate back? Then we can explore the boardwalk tomorrow? I'm getting tired," Blaise admitted.
"Yeah, that time difference is killing me too," Neville admitted.
Ginny and Hermione volunteered to stay back with Neville and Blaise, so it was just Harry, Draco, Ron, and Pansy who decided to go. Once there, Pansy's eyes lit up at the candy shop.
"I'll stay with Pansy if you want to go order?," Harry offered. "I know where to find you."
"Of course. Do me a favor though?"
"Of course."
"Can you get me a slushie?", Draco asked, batting his eyes innocently at Harry.
"I hate you," Harry replied with a laugh.
"That couldn't be further from the truth my darling."
"With that attitude you're getting cherry."
"You wouldn't dare."
Harry shrugged nonchalantly, and threw his arm around Pansy's shoulders to show her around. It was at this moment that it really sunk in that Ron and Draco were going to be alone together for the first time since their major disagreement months beforehand.
"Come along Weasley."
While those two walked in silence, Harry had questions.
"So, how are you and Ginny then?"
Pansy happily rambled about their relationship for a while and Harry was more than happy to listen.
She ended by saying, "I didn't think you'd actually be able to find me someone to date Potter, but this has been a pleasant surprise. I wasn't sure what you were thinking at first, but I understand."
"I saw two very headstrong women who could use some like minded company is all. I'm glad that it worked out."
"Thank you. Now, enough about me loverboy, I want to hear all about you and Draco," Pansy said once they'd paid for their sweets.
"What about us?"
"Oh please Harry I saw you two earlier."
"There's nothing much to say," Harry said with a shrug. "I adore Draco and I'd do anything for him. He's everything to me, and I can't imagine living another day without him by my side. Draco is it for me, there's no one else and there never will be."
"It's way too late for me to give you the best friend lecture. I've never seen Draco so happy before. I'm not one to get so sentimental, but you've done so much for him, thank you Harry. You're good for each other."
"We have our moments. He's not perfect, but he's perfect for me, and that's what matters. Whenever he's with me it finally feels like things are okay. I never thought that I'd feel that way again, but then he came back into my life, and I finally felt hopeful again."
Ron was also asking Draco similar questions, but much more awkwardly.
"I'm in love with him. Harry is one of the only people to ever see right through me and my mask, and accept who he saw underneath. Everyone else reacted in a manner similar to you, or even worse. He didn't care, and he became my friend.
Then I got to really know him. He's funny, he's caring, he's patient with me even when I don't deserve it. Harry loves with his whole being, and he decided that I was worth loving. He's shown me that I can be better, not because of him, but because of me. Harry believed in me before I was able to believe in myself."
"Harry has that effect on people," Ron agreed quietly. "When he's by your side it quite literally feels like you can accomplish anything."
That's how Pansy and Harry found them sitting, slushies in hand.
"Here's your blue raspberry slushie as promised sweetheart."
"Thank you my darling. Do you have some cherry for me later?"
"If you're good," Harry mouthed.
"And if I'm not?"
Thankfully, for Ron and Pansy, the food order was ready to be picked up. Harry passed the slushies for everyone else that he was carrying to Draco so that he could help Ron with the hot food. Instead of apparating back, Draco brought the port key for easier transportation.
When they were back at the house eating pizza a few minutes later, Harry didn't think it could get much better than this. Draco was curled up in Harry's lap, leaning back into his chest while talking to Pansy. All of their friends were joking and laughing with each other, and Harry was content.
The feeling only grew when Ron caught him alone for a moment.
"I probably shouldn't say anything, but Draco really has changed for the better mate. I'm sorry that I didn't trust your judgement."
"You're okay with all of this then?"
"The way he talks about you almost had me falling in love with you," Ron teased. "I think one of the most important aspects in a relationship is how you compliment each other. Both of you only want the best for the other. What you have is genuine love, I can see that."
"Thanks Ron. That means a lot to me."
Pansy on the other hand, had no issue in telling Draco exactly what Harry said.
"He said you're not perfect, but you're perfect for him, and I didn't know whether to cry or throw up. It was so sweet, and he just gets this precious look on his face whenever he talks about you Draco. He is head over heels in love with you, and I couldn't be happier for you."
"He's all mine," Draco said, smiling happily.
"Oh go to him will you? We'll gossip tomorrow."
The two men met with a sweet kiss in the hallway on their way to their room.
"Purple just may be my new favorite color," Draco teased, running his thumb over Harry's bottom lip.
"Come on you, it's time to get ready for bed."
"My most favorite part of the day," Draco agreed, eyes shining with happiness as he raced Harry to their door.
It would be hard to top this, yet they somehow always find a way to make each meeting more special than the last.
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