Chapter 13
As soon as they arrived at Harry's, the two men were at each other's throats. Over two weeks of having to worry about being caught had been starting to take its toll. For tonight, it was once again just them, and that was how they preferred it.
"Don't you want dinner first?", Harry asked, panting as he broke away from Draco.
"You told me I'd eat my words Potter, prove it", Draco responded defiantly.
"Touchy aren't we?"
"No, we aren't, which is my issue. I'm two seconds away from going back to my bedroom at The Manor."
"But I have questions."
"You always have questions. What was that morbid quote you said about killing a cat? It doesn't matter. I'm going to the bathroom."
If there was one thing Harry was good at, it was killing the mood. Before stopping in the bathroom, Draco headed to Harry's room to change out of his robe first.
"Draco", Harry whined.
"Potter, I don't know what you want from me at this point. Make dinner, go to sleep, hold your breath until you pass out, I don't care. I can take care of myself."
Rolling his eyes at Harry's lack of response, Draco turned around and began to take off his robe, when Harry's hand stopped him.
"For Salazar's sake Harry!", he snapped, turning around and bumping into Harry's chest.
"Let me", Harry whispered softly, undoing the fastenings of Draco's robe, then clumsily undoing his tie.
"Potter, if you're not into this I'm not forcing you into something you don't want to do."
"The only thing I'm not into is you calling me Potter so much. Dinner can wait because you want my attention."
"Well clearly you don't want mine."
"I'm still in your Slytherin robe aren't I? If I recall, you said I'd look better without it. I'm willing to put that theory to the test."
"You're sure?", Draco clarified, fingers going to the fastenings of the robe.
"We can talk later. It's not important. Just about earlier."
"I told you I was helping Granger with something. If it was important I would tell you, you know that right?"
It wasn't a secret per say, but Draco didn't want to say anything until Ron finally got it together and spoke to Harry. He had made progress with the spells, he needed to perfect them on his own time.
"I do know. I'm sorry, things with Ron have been weird lately. I just wanted to make sure he hadn't upset you. Enough about him for now. I don't want to think about anybody other than my breathtaking Draco."
"Well now you're making me feel like a jerk because you were worried about me. That was all you had to say. I'm fine Scarhead. My only issue is that we're both wearing far too much clothing."
Shaking his head with a laugh, Harry pulled Draco into him for a passionate kiss.
"Let's fix that, shall we?"
Looking down at Draco curled up into his side, both men only wearing boxers, made Harry incredibly happy. Draco was satiated, for now, and he wasn't letting go of his boyfriend anytime soon.
"Are you hungry my Prince?", Harry asked, running his fingers through Draco's hair.
"Why, are you offering me more?", Draco flirted, opening up one eye to peer up at Harry.
"Don't you ever think about anything else? Actually, I don't want to know. I hear enough from you sometimes."
"You're the one who wanted the potion. I helped, as I said I would."
"Can I be honest with you?"
Both of Draco's eyes opened immediately.
"Are you going to ruin the mood again?"
"Please sweetheart I do that without trying", Harry replied with a snort. "I initially wasn't planning on even using the potion."
"Then why did you accept my offer?", Draco asked curiously, propping himself up on one arm to look at Harry more directly.
"So that I had an excuse to see you", Harry admitted sheepishly, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks.
"You could have said, 'hello Draco, my wonderful future husband, you look absolutely stunning today. Would you care to spend your very precious time with me?' I, of course, would have said yes. I wouldn't even have made you beg. Much."
"Merlin you can be so stupid sometimes, but I absolutely love you for it", Harry teased, kissing Draco on the nose. "I honestly wasn't sure how long you'd be sticking around because of how I was. How I am.
But then we got to talking, and I really got to know you. When you first suggested the potion, there was no one in this world that I would allow to catch me and my thoughts off guard. They're not always the most pleasant, and I tend to be a very private person.
You helped me start to work through everything. I still have a very long way to go, but I just feel so comfortable with you Draco. I never thought I'd feel any semblance of peace in my life ever again, but you've given me that.
Just look at how much I'm speaking. There's no one else I feel safe enough with that I can actually open up to. I can speak with Luna of course, but she knows more about me than I do so it's more so listening to her speak about me."
"You, Harry Potter, are the love of my life. I wanted to be friends with you for years, did you really think I would pass up the opportunity when it finally arose? I'll admit that at first I didn't think you would give me the time of day. I thought I would send off my letter to try to make my peace, and that would be that.
Then, you wrote me back, and once again turned my whole world upside down. You're good at that, you know? I never dreamed that I'd actually be able to get to know you, let alone fall in love with you. I've had a crush on you for years, but I suppose I never realized the extent of it. You were also so unattainable, I didn't dare dream that anything could ever happen.
You're the only person I feel as if I can truly be myself with, so the feeling is mutual. You've always seen me for who I am, who I could be. I'm grateful every single day that you give me your time."
"So you teased me for years instead, hmm?"
"I have always wanted your attention, and I always will. That hasn't changed Potter. I just used some unorthodox methods to try and get it, no matter how ineffective they seemed to be."
"Some of your methods were effective. You certainly had my attention when you climbed that tree for me. Your drawing of me from third year had me questioning if it was a love note for a split second. That was an interesting delivery method."
"And if it had been?", Draco challenged, secretly pleased that he had been able to get in Harry's head after all.
"I would have thought you were having me on for a laugh. I hadn't given my sexuality much thought at that point, but I've always found you to be striking. I suppose that was my first clue."
"I don't want to know what the second clue was, unless it was about me", Draco decided, laying on Harry's bare chest.
Harry's arms immediately wrapped around his Draco, holding him close.
"It doesn't matter because I have you now. You drive me absolutely mental sometimes, but I would be completely lost without you. You keep me going when things get hard."
"I keep you going when things are hard hmm?", Draco teased, dragging his fingers slowly down Harry's chest.
"Merlin, I hate you."
"That was our first love language my darling."
"I'm going to make dinner."
"I didn't leave you satisfied enough?", Draco asked innocently.
"One more quip out of you and I'm spending the night in the other room while I watch horror movies", Harry threatened as he untangled himself from Draco.
"Oh please, you'd miss me eventually."
"I brought my lion home with me, and he doesn't hog all of the sheets like some people", Harry said pointedly, tugging on a shirt.
"Well, you just stole my shirt so we're even!"
"Draco, my sweetheart, this was originally my shirt."
"You stole my robes for weeks", Draco retorted quickly.
"That I did. You got me there."
"I've got you forever."
"Yes, you do. Now I'm going to make dinner, which I wanted to do two hours ago."
"I'll help", Draco decided, tugging on the shirt Harry had been wearing earlier.
With a smile, Harry grabbed Draco's hand, and led him downstairs to the kitchen.
"Oh, my counter. How I have missed you", Draco greeted, sighing dramatically as he sat on the countertop. "All is now right with the world."
Chuckling, Harry just shook his head, and cooked for himself and his idiotic lover. Draco spent the whole time "supervising", as he liked to call it, but Harry enjoyed his company nonetheless.
After dinner, Draco volunteered to do the dishes. While he did so, Harry got to work setting up an impromptu date night. He grabbed some blankets, and snuck into the backyard while Draco was trying not to make it obvious that he was using magic to clean the dishes.
Harry walked over to where he had orchestrated Draco's birthday surprise. The weather was still really nice, so he was looking forward to relaxing outside for a while. When he came back inside, Harry was met with the sight of Draco sitting on "his" counter, swinging his feet.
"There you are! I thought you got sick of me already."
"Never. We're having date night of course."
"Are we now?"
"Yes, we are. This is our first uninterrupted night alone in weeks. We're going to enjoy it."
"I should probably put on some pants if we're going outside."
"I almost forgot myself. I had to tug on a pair when I grabbed some blankets for us."
"Do I get another piggyback ride outside?"
"If you bring the tie", Harry replied with a wicked smirk.
Draco just rolled his eyes and summoned a pair of pants before using magic to put them on. He then held his arms out for Harry.
"I didn't realize I would have to be your servant once we got together", Harry teased, easily picking up Draco.
"It's apart of the package deal I'm afraid my darling.."
"I like having you this close to me anyway. I don't mind", Harry replied softly.
Smiling, Draco pressed soft kisses to Harry's face. He truly did have the best boyfriend. They spent hours laying under the stars, just holding each other and pointing out the different constellations.
"That's the Draco constellation right?", Harry asked, pointing up to the sky.
"It is! 10 points to Gryffindor for knowing one of the most important facts in your life."
"When we were hunting horcruxes, I would spend hours just staring at the night sky. The Draco constellation can be seen all year round, so I would always look for it to keep me grounded.
Then, when you lied to save my life after we were caught, it took on a different meaning. It gave me hope that I would be able to see you again one day. Now here we are", Harry finished softly, running his hand through Draco's hair.
"There's no place else I would rather be."
"I'm happy as long as you're with me Draco."
"As you should be, I'm the best thing in your life."
"You'll always be my beautiful boy", Harry whispered, kissing Draco softly.
"Speaking of, I cannot believe the first words you spoke to the school as a whole were my name."
"I did that on purpose. I knew it would make them shut up. Besides, you're my number 1."
"I hope you stick by that statement when they start dragging your name through The Prophet along with mine."
"I don't read that garbage. The only way I see any of it is when someone shows it to me. I just read The Quibbler. It's the only tabloid that holds any merit in my eyes."
"I should probably take up that habit as well."
"Things will be okay my Prince. I know they will. We'll continue to get through them together."
"I don't deserve you."
"Yes, you do. You're an absolutely amazing person, and everyone who doesn't know that is severely missing out. They let their preconceived notions of who you are cloud their judgement.
The same with all of the Slytherins. No one deserves to be mistreated like that. I was mistreated my whole life and it absolutely disgusts me that people think they know someone's whole story because of the way they act."
"I used to be like that, and I had to learn the hard way that things are not the way they seem. It's not too late for everyone else. It's the younger Slytherins I'm most worried about. I just hope things go okay this weekend without most of us being there."
"There's no point in worrying about it. McGonagall has it covered, you know she does. This weekend is just about us.
Now, with that being said, are you ready to head back inside?"
"You're making me look bad because I had nothing planned. How dare you be a better boyfriend than me!"
"I guess it's proven that I love you more", Harry said offhandedly.
"You better take that back right now Potter."
"Come see what I got inside."
"I'll prove that I love you just as much, if not more. I will carry you back inside."
"Draco, I don't think that's a good idea."
"Are you calling me weak?"
"No sweetheart, I'm just heavy, and the ground is uneven. I want to keep you safe."
"You just want to claim you're the better boyfriend. I'm taking you out tomorrow."
"Draco, it isn't a competition you git. Besides, your birthday trip for me is still my favorite thing that we've done together, so you win that. But once again, this isn't quidditch, we aren't competing. I know things haven't been the best for you lately so I wanted to do something nice for you."
"I just feel like I'm not doing enough sometimes."
"You do plenty, love. Come inside now, yeah? I'll carry you back in", Harry offered with a grin.
"You're insufferable, do you know that?"
"I learned from the best."
Snorting, Draco shook his head.
"At least you've finally recognized that I'm the best. That's truly all that matters."
Draco's smile gave him away that he was happy with Harry going through so much effort for him. He just wanted his boyfriend to be as happy as he made Draco, and he felt as if he could do more.
As the two men made chocolate ice cream sundaes, during which Draco threatened to hex Harry for even joking about contaminating his ice cream with cherries, Draco began to come up with a plan for the next day. He knew exactly what he needed to do, and was content as he and Harry watched Tangled, their limbs tangled together themselves.
{A/N: Hi all, I've decided to just post my chapters as soon as they're finished. I don't know what this means in terms of an update schedule, but please know that I'm doing my best. I don't want to let you all down or leave you hanging, because I know some of you depend on this story as much as I do.
With that being said, if for some reason I do go inactive (which I truly doubt will happen) and anyone ever needs a pick me up, please don't hesitate to send me a message. I do my best to check notifications once every day, but lately it's been every 2-3. If you ever need some Drarry to smile, I have 60 story ideas at least in my drafts, and I wouldn't mind writing personalized drabbles when I have the time to.
Once again, thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all of your kind comments. Things haven't been so great lately, and your support truly keeps me going. Thank you for being so understanding!
All my love,
J 💗}
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