Chapter 7: Fight the darkness

Thunder is heard throughout of clouds as it crackles into the sky. We see Neptune and Nepgear sleeping at their tents when Jiggles enter the camp and licks Neptune on the noise.

Neptune: (sleep) Come on Y/n, that tickles.

Jiggle licks her a few times until she woke up and see Jiggles as she sat up and ask.

Neptune: Jiggles what are you doing here?

Jiggles jumps around all panic and Nepgear woke up and sats up as she rubes her eyes and ask.

Nepgear: What's going on?

Neptune: Something is seriously wrong with Jiggles.

Nepgear: How can you be sure?

Neptune: Well if all main characters animus go to someone's tent and jumps around all panic like, you know it's trouble.

They all exist out and they hear thunder in the air as they look up to see clouds in the air blocking the sky.

Noire: Where's Uni?

Then Noise came out followed by the rest as they exit their tents and look into Y/n's tent and he was gone.

Very: He's not in his tent as well?

Compa: Do you think they take a walk through the forest?

If: Damn it, she must of beat us to Y/n.

Miya: I don't know, something isn't right, like how come there is a storm out all of a sudden?

Vert: That's true, I never of a storm.

Plutia: Its kinda creepy.

Unzume: What ever is going on, we gonna find Uni and-

Then their was a large explosion in the distance as they turn to see smoke.

Peashy: Are they playing explosions?

Umio: I don't think they won't be, something is going on.

Neptune: (smile) Well let's find out and save our friends.

Then they run off to see what's going on and hopefully find Y/n and Uni.


Y/n dodges another attack as Darkness heart slowly walks over to Y/n and bri g down his sword but Y/n dodges it again and turn as Darkness heart growls in anger and said.

Darkness Heart: Why are you dodging my attacks! Come and face me!

Y/n: Listen we can talk about this, this doesn't have to go down to any violence ok?

Darkness Heart: I've been waiting for my revenge for far to long!

Then Darkness Heart swing his sword at Y/n and he dodge it once again but this time pull out his Assault rifle and fires at him. But the bullets bounce off of Darkness Heart and Darkness Heart runs at him and try to strike at him.

But Y/n throws his rifle away and pull out his twin sword and blocks the attack as they enter a sword lock before they start to clash their blades but Darkness Heart gets the upper hand and elbows Y/n and grab Y/n by the back of the shirt and then throw him along the field.

Y/n lands hard onro the field and Y/n slowly stands up and Darkness Heart looks behind Y/n to see the still passed out Uni sat on a tree as Darkness Heart said.

Darkness Heart: How weak. Sisters like her are to weak to be called my sisters. They can't even stand against my fear spell. If she is weak then she must die.

Then Darkness Heart rais his sword into the air and Y/n realise what he was gonna to do and race over and active his shield and points it to the air while he hugs Uni as a lightning bolt hits the shield but cost some damage to Y/n's arm.

Y/n cry out in pain but the light bolts stop and Y/n looks at Uni to see her ok but he grunted as he looks at his burned and damaged hand. Luckily it's not too serious but he gently set Uni on the tree and turn to Darkness Heart.

Darkness Heart: (chuckle) Are you really gonna protect the weak? How foolish of you to try.

Y/n: Shut up! Your gonna pay for trying to hurt Uni.

Red Heart summon his sword and gets into a battle stand.

Darkness Heart: That's what I've been waiting for, bring it Red Heart.

Red Heart charges at Darkness Heart and he swi g his sword at him but Darkness heart dodges it and try to strike at Red Heart but Red Heart quickly turn and blocks a strike.

The two have a sword lock before Red Heart kicks Darkness Heart back and he charge at him and swing his sword at him but Darkness Heart grabs it by his hand and struggled to hold it and then kicks Red Heart in the stomach.

Red Heart stumbled backwards and looks up as Darkness Heart crackle his neck and stares at Red Heart. Red Heart charges at Darkness Heart and the two clash blades while Warechu and Arfoire watches the fight go on.

Warechu: Woah they are pretty strong Chu.

Arfoire: Yes but this Dark-Striker shown to be more stronger as I thought.

Warechu: Oh do you mean you have a crush with the dark god?

Arfoire: (anger) I'll show you I will crush you if you won't shut up.

Warechu: Y-Yes ma'am Chu.

Darkness Heart kicks Red Heart back and Red Heart stumbled back and feels kinda weak as he fell one knee as Darkness Heart lower his sword and walks over and pount the tip of his blade at Red Hearts neck and Red Heart looks up at Darkness Heart.

Darkness Heart: How pathetic. Your must be a new CPU or something cause I not impressed of your skills as a god.

Red Heart: Why are you doing this?

Darkness Heart: Because I'm sick of this world to be weak, I am sick of joy and happiness to this world. I wanted a world that is strong, a world that show no fear by GIVEING fear to everyone so they will be strong to face a new threat.

Red Heart: Your mad, you know that.

Darkness Heart: I maybe am but if I show you how fear is then you will thank me.

Then Red Heart feels fear as his hands were shaking and can't stop being scared as Darkness Hearts eyes glow Red.

Red Heart: (scared) Wh-What is this? Why I'm I scared?

Darkness Heart: Yes feel the fear within you and soon.....your be what I am. I AM DARKNESS HEART, A CPU THAT SHOWS FEAR TO ALL!!

Red Heart start to panic and can't breath and thought he was gonna die as Darkness Heart continues to stare at him but then he gets ramed by Purple Heart as Darkness Heart flys back and crash into a few trees.

Suddenly Red Heart's fears were gone as he looks up to see Purple Heart as she turns to him.

Purple Heart: You alright?

Red Heart: Y-Yeah I'm fine.

Red Heart takes her hand and Purple Heart helps him up. Darkness Heart stands up and was in rage and try to charge at them but then White Heart and White sisters came down to strike at him.

But Darkness Heart jumps back and dodge their attack but then Yellow Heart and Orange Heart land a surprise attack and strike at Darkness Heart.

Darkness Heart stumbled back and Green Heart and Black Heart fly over to him but Darkness Heart blocks their attacks with his sword and kicks them back.

Compa, Jiggles, If, Umio and Miya runs up the still passed out Uni and aid her while the rest of the goddess along with the goddess sisters stand together as Red Heart was in front as Darkness Heart slowly stands up and glares at them.

White Heart: So mind tell us who the hell is this asshole?

Red Heart: That's Darkness Heart the one that yous told me about.

Purple Sister: (shocked) Woah so that's him!

Arfoire: (smirk) That's right little brats.

Then Arfoire and Warechu walks over to Darkness Heart and stand beside him as she said.

Arfoire: (smirk) Yous may have a new CPU by your side, while I have my own new CPU.

Purple Heart: So you finally found a boyfriend?

Orange Heart: (smile) Awww that's cute, are yous gonna have babies?

Arfoire: (anger) He's not my boyfriend so will yous shut up!

Darkness Heart: Enough child plays CPU's. I will not allow yous to ruin my plans, I will succeed and make a new world, a world with fear.

Purple Heart: Well we're not gonna let you do that. Us CPU's will protect this world no matter what.

Darkness Heart: (laughter) Fools, you may have face many things over the years, but have yous ever face.....Fear itself!

Then Darkness Heart eyes glows reder then ever as everyone was struck with fear as they all drop their weapons and fell to their knees.

Purple Heart: (scared) Wh-what is this?

Iris heart: (scared) What is this spell?!

White sister (rom): (scared) I don't like this.

White sisters (Ram): (scared) me too.

Green Heart: (scared) I-I can't get ride of the fear.

White Heart: (scared) Knock it off jerk!

Black Heart: (scared) I can't pick up my weapon.

Red Heary was also in fear once more as he slowly looks up at Darkness Heart, Arfoire and Warechu as Darkness Heart slowly walks iver to Red Heart and was on top of him as Darkness Heart looks down at Red Heart and said.

Darkness Heart: You never win against fear. Fear is one of the greatest weapon any CPU couldn't ask for. Now time to end this.

Darkness Heart summon his sword and raised it to the air ready to strike at him.

If: We gonna do something!

Compa: I know but how?

Miya: Damn it, if only I have my goddess form!

Jiggles see this and not allow Darkness Herat to kill his only best friend so Jiggles jumps out of Miya's arms and hops over into the battle.

Miya: Jiggles wait! It's too dangerous!

Darkness Heart was about to strike at Red Heart but then Jiggles leap over and got into Darkness Heart's face and he stumbled around and drop his sword as he try to grab Jiggles.

Darkness Heart: Get off of me you little insect!

Red Heart: Jiggles?

Jiggles move around and licking Darkness Heart until Darkness Heart managed to grab him and then throw him and Jiggles crash into a tree and fell onto the ground. Darkness Heart picks up his sword while saying.

Darkness Heart: You stay out of my way little fool, while I finish this for good!

He then charges at Red Heart and was about to strike at him. But Jiggles can't allow that and leaps over between them and Darkness Heart slice Jiggles which shocked Red Heart and everyone else as Jiggles sacrifice his life to save his vest friend.

Red Heart: J-Jiggles?

Red Heart reach over to try an save Jiggles but Jiggles looks at Red Heart and smiles before he shattered into crystals and he was gone. Red Herat was horrified as crystal fly down to Red Hearts hand and looks at it and place two of his hands to the grass and screams out.

Red Heart: JIGGLES!!!!!!!!

Black Heart: (shocked) No way.

White Heart: (shocked) That pet sacrifice his life to save Y/n.

Black Heart: (shocked) Y/n.

Yellow Heart: (shocked) No, not the cute dogoo!

Arfoire: (laughter) Woah I never know yous ever cares a simple monster like that dogoo.

Darkness Heart: Yes a kind like that doesn't deserve to be in this world.

Red Heart slowly makes a fist and his arms shake in anger as Darkness Heart rais his sword back and said.

Darkness Heart: Now time to end this for go-

Then Red Heart punches Darkness Heart upwards in the chin. Darkness Heart stumbled back and Red Heart slowly stands up as he continues to stare back down to the ground as he crushes his fist one more and glares up at Darkness Heart in pure anger and said.

Red Heart: (anger) Your gonna pay for that.

Darkness Heart: Wh-what?! How is the possible?!

Warechu: (scared) Oh no, I think we mite be dead!

Arfoire: Use your fear eye thing and weaken him!

Darkness Heart: I am! But he's blocking it like his anger is blocking my fear.


Then Red Heart launches at Darkness Heart and grabs a hold of him as he drags him to the other side of be lake and there was a huge boom as we cut to Red Heart punching Darkness Heart in the helmet over and over again with pure rage and anger.


Darkness Heart managed to grab Red Heart fist and kicks him up into the sky but Red Heart hovers in the air and pulls out his hand and then he start to charge up a massive red ball as it gets bigger and bigger as Darkness Heart slowly stands up and looks at the sky to see the red massive ball aimed at him

Red Heart: (anger) Do you want the taste of fear! THEN TAKE IT!!!!

Then Red Heart fired a large beams that hits were Darkness Heart is at and followed by a huge booms that cost a huge shake and a sonic boom that set everyone back a bit.

After the explosion Red Heart slowly lands down and stands at a large hole as he was breathing heavily and looks around to see if Darkness Heart was gone for good.

Darkness Heart: I am impressed Red Heart.

Red Heart turns to see Darkness Heart with his armor damage and broken but he still lived as he said.

Darkness Heart: Maybe I was wrong about you, you've shown ti be very strong and powerful and managed to block my fear eyes. But let us take a break for now, until then....Red Heart.

Then Darkness Heart vanished into thin air as Red Heat trys to stop him but he change back to his human form and fell onto the ground and lays there as he lost Jiggles and feels it's his fault that he lost him. He looks over rto see the spirit of Jiggles as he reach out his hand to Jiggles while he calls out to him.

Y/n: Jiggles.

Then Y/n passes out as everyone else arrived and see he passed out after ghat massive attack.

(A long while later)

Uni wakes up and looks around to see she was at Neptune's place as she sat up and the rest turn to see her awake.

Noire: Uni! You ok!?

Uni: Y-yes I'm ok, what happened?

Compa: You passed out when that Darkness Heart guy came and challenged Y/n to a fight.

Uni: I see. Wait, wheres Y/n?!

Vert: He's ok, he's at his room but......

Uni: But what?

Nepgear: Jiggles was killed and.......Y/n is upset by this.

Uni: (shocked) No.

Rom: Poor Y/n, he really like Jiggles so much.

Ram: We all do, Jiggles was different to all the Dogoo's we've faced.

Miya: He was a hero. He saved Y/n and all of us.

Plutia: But there's gonna be a way to cheer Y/n up?

Neptune: Plutia is right. We gonna cheer Y/n up some how.

Noire: Be serious for once you two. Y/n is not in a mood of any cheering up.

Neptune: (smile) Come on guys, we're not gonna let him be sad all day. He is the main character after all so he's gonna be what it said in the Main character Page  about his personality.

Vert: She's right, Y/n is our friend and we need to cheer him up some how.

Nepgear: (smile) Yeah he deserve to be happy so let's cheer him up.

Unzume: (smile) Yeah so let's do it, to it.

Neptune: (smile) OK girls operation cheering up our boyfriend begins.

Noire: Right.....wait what was that last part?

Neptune: (smile) Oh nothing (giggle).

Miya: Well let's get to work.

They all nod and they all start their mission to cheer Y/n up.


We see Y/n sat on his bed in his room in the dark as he looks at Jiggles bowl and can't believe he lost Jiggles right in front of him like that. Jiggles was like his only pet he ever have and it makes him happy.

True his friends make him happy but in the human world, he never have a pet and he's always alone without his sister leaving the family and his family refusing to get him a pet. This sadden him until he came to this world and met Jiggles and he never felt so happy in this life.

He still remember everything him and Jiggles have been through along with his friends and Jiggles was man's own best friend. But he was gone like that by Darkness Heart and he was no more as a singal tear landed onto Jiggles bowl as Y/n have tears in his eyes and press his forhead to Jiggles bowl as he continues to cry.

Then his sadness turn into pure rage as his eyes start to glow as he was in rag efor what Darkness Heart has down as he said to himself with a deep and angry voice.

Y/n: If I ever see that piece of shit again, I will gonna kill hi-

Then he heard a knock as the door and Nepgear calling to him at the other side.

Nepgear: Y/n, are you there? If your not busy can we come in?

Y/n shakes off his anger and said.

Y/n: Yeah you may.

The door slids open and Uni and Nepgear walks in and walks over to Y/n and Uni bend down to him and place her hand to his shoulder an easy.

Uni: How are you doing?

Y/n: I'm just.......mixed. Both sadfness and...anger.

Nepgear: Y/n we're here for you, we don't want to see you like this.

Y/n: Yeah your right, I'm sorry you two but it's just that.......I lost my sister years ago and now I lost Jiggles. How many people I'm I gonna lose?

Uni and Nepgear hugged Y/n which surprised Y/n and made him blush a little as they said to him.

Nepgear: You won't lose us Y/n, we're with you.

Uni: Yeah we're here for you, you're never gonna be alone ever again.

Y/n: (tears) Uni......Nepgear.....(sniff) Thank you, Thank you.

Y/n starts to cry as they continue to hug him and soon Y/n stops crying and they let go and Y/n wipe the tears away and said.

Y/n: Sorry, it's not like me to cry like that.

Nepgear: (smile) It's alright, letting out the tears helps.

Uni: (smile) Yeah, now come on, we wanna show you something.

Y/n: What is it?

Uni: (smile) you'll see.

Y/n stands up and place Jiggles bowl and follow Nepgear and Uni out of tnr room and they take the elevator up and once the doors open, they exit out and Y/ was surprised to see everyone here with some snack, video games and all that as they cheered once Y/n was out of the elevator.

Y/n: (surprised) Is this for me?

Nepgear: (smile) Yep.

Vert: We figured this will cheer you up by having a small party to honour Jiggles.

Blanc: Jiggles was a good friend of yours so we decided to throw a party to celebrate him.

Umio: It was all Neptune's idea for this.

Y/n: (surprised) Really, it was your idea Neptune?

Neptune: (smile) Yep Jiggles was really cute and you two were bonded pretty close so I thought this is a way to celebrate him, so what do you think?

Y/n looks around and see they did all this not just to make him better but also honouring Jiggles sacrifice and a way to reward him with it. Y/n cracks a smile and said to everyone.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you Neptune and thank you all.

They all smiled and they were glad he was feeling all better and soon they start to party as they dance at the dance floor and play a few boards game and video games, all awhile Y/n was also enjoying the party and looks out of the window to see the spirit of Jiggles looks at Y/n and smiles and Y/n also smiles before Jiggles vanished as Y/n said to his thoughts.

Y/n: (thought) Thank you Jiggles, your sacrifice will not be forgotten. I will get stronger one day and I will defeat Dark-Striker once and everything will be in peace.

Neptune: Hey Y/n, wanna have a go with this game!

Y/n: (smile) Sure, your on Nep.

Then Y/n joins Neptune in a video game as everyone else was enjoying the party while we see Histoire at the share crystal chamber and see the share crystal was getting weaker and weaker.

Histoire: This isn't good, if this continues then Darkness will sure rain the world. There's gonna be a way to stop this, some how?

To be continued...............

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