Chapter 25: The Ultra dimension (Arc 2)

We see Red Heart being thrown across the street and slamming into a wall as civilians runs away as Red Heart slowly came out of the rubble and shake his head. He looks over to see Yellow Brother taking on Purple Heart and Orange Heart as the two charge towards him at the same time but he dodges their strikes and then dash towards them and grab them by each of their next.

Then he noticed Red Heart charging towards him so he tossed both Orange Heart and Purple Heart away and turn around and strike a powerful blow at Red Heart in the face, as he crashed hard onto the ground making a large shake as Red Heart slowly groan from the pain and then immune dodged Yellow brothers strike and stood up.

Yellow brother: You have no match against me. I will keep this nation protected from evil gods and goddess like you all.

Red Heart: Hate to break it with you but I think the only one who is evil is the one who is standing in front of me right now.

Yellow Brother was about to attack him when suddenly he disappeared when Yellow Heart came down, trying to strike at him but missed.

Yellow Heart: Where did you go!?

Yellow brother: Right behind you sister.

Yellow Heart turn around and blocked Yellow Brothers strike as Yellow Heart holds her claws but Yellow brothers pushes her down, making her fell onto her knees.

Yellow brother: I'm very disappointed with you big sis. Being a Fallen goddess is something I can never imagine but I guess she was right about you. Your nothing but corrupted and evil.

Suddenly Red Heart tackle him into the ground as he have him by the arms as Red Heart called out.

Red Heart: Whose she? Sho are you working for?!

Yellow brother: Someone that will help me change thid nation forever.

Before Red Heart could get any information from him, he was shot by a tank that sent him flying and he crashed onto thr ground. Yellow Heart, Purple Heart and Orange Heart gathered with Y/n as they see Ultra Planeptune's military arrive as the military surrounded them while Yellow brother stood in front of them.

Red Heart: This ain't good.

Yellow Heart: (smirk) Now this is a fight I'm talking about!

Purple Heart: No! We can't harm any military forces. They maybe against us but we can't harm them. Let's fall back and regroup with the others.

They take off flying while one of the tanks have aim but then Yellow Brother tell them.

Yellow Brother: Hold your fire. Let them escape for now.

The tank pilot node as they return back to baseleaving Yellow brother to watch Red Heart and the rest fly off and one's they are gone he too take off back to Ultra Planeptune tower.

(Sometime later)

The four arrived at Ultra Leanbox as we see them walking down the street badly hurt but not critical injured as they head to Ultra Vert's place to regroup with the others as Y/n says.

Y/n: Okay now I understand how Iris Heart was beaten.

Uzume: Who was that guy? Also Peashy YOU DIDN'T TELL US YOU HAVE A BROTHER!!!

Peashy: Don't yell at me! I didn't even know as well.

Neptune: More importantly he's also a CPU like us but way stronger then Peashy.

Peashy: Nobody isn't stronger then me!

Y/n: Still let's regroup with the others and think of a plan to retake Ultra Planeptune for Plutia.

Neptune: Yeah. Hopefully Plutia is doing alright back in our world.

Y/n: Yeah same here.

Soon the four arrived at the place as soon they get to the front door the door suddenly open and Vert appear I front of the door but wearing new clothes for some reason.

Vert: (smile) I see you came just in time.

Y/n: Vert. Glad to see and nice outfit. It suits you.


Y/n: Um Vert? Is something alright?

Vert: Sorry but do I know you?

Y/n: (surprised) Huh?! It's me Y/n! You know me! Did that portal mess up your head or what?

Neptune: (chuckle) This is funny.

Y/n: Why is it fun-

???: Ah Y/n you came!

Suddenly another Vert came out and hugged Y/n which surprised him as she let go and rub his eyes and see there are two Vert's.

Y/n: (shocked) Hang on a minute here! You two look the same except your outfits are different!

Neptune: (smile) The One that is wearing all green is this worlds Vert. You can call her Ultra Vert.

Ultra Vert: (surprised) Oh I see this is the Red Heart in your world is that correct?

Vert: (smile) Yep. Isn't he cute?

Ultra Vert: (smile) Vert much cute. Accepted my apologies Red Heart, I didn't know your from Neptune's and the rests world.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem. I guess I shouldn't have realised dimensions will have a counterpart.

Ultra Vert: (smile) Indeed. Now please enter, the rest are waiting.

They enter inside and head towards the living room and one's there they see Noire and Blanc talking to their Ultra dimensions counterparts as they turn to see them here.

Ultra Noire: Glad you all are here. You were late by away so next time be here on time will you.

Ultra Blanc: You four look hurt. What happened to your four?

Y/n: (thought) I guess Plutia is the only one that is totally different in this worlds Planeptune.

Neptune: Let's just say we were attacked by Peashy's brother in his CPU form.

Uzume: Yeah any idea who that CPU is?

Ultra Blanc: His name is Charles and according to the news on Planeptune, he was suppose to the one that will destroyed the corrupted goddess or gods.

Y/n: If by any chance be the guy on stage making a speech to all citizens of Planeptune? Because we saw him when we first came here.

Ultra Blanc: That's him alright.

Blanc: Many people on Planeptune very much support him and suddenly turned against us.

Ultra Noire: Which is weird because we just left Planeptune for a hour and all of a sudden they start firing at us like we're a threat.

Noire: Lucky Leanbox, Lowee and Laststion is still loyal to this worlds goddess but who knows how long.

Neptune: Man hoe come Planeptune always be the first to be attacked and take part in some story arc.

Uzume: This is serious Neptune. Who knows how long until that jerk will attack us. We must find a way to beat him and retake Ultra Planeptune.

Y/n: Hang on a minute. If all citizens on Ultra Planeptune suddenly turned against Iris Heart for no reason. Maybe they are hypnotised or mind controlled. I mean you guys have that happening a few times right?

Ultra Noire: True that could be a possibility. After all why else the other nations ain't shooting us down.

Ultra Blanc: If that is case we must find a way to break the mind control and beat Yellow Brother.

Uzume: Hold on. He mentioned someone helping him. What if there is another and more bigger threat then Yellow Brother?

Y/n: Yeah your right but who?

Neptune: It could be Arfoire. We haven't seen her for a while so it must be here.

Noire: Whoever she might be we can figure that out later. Right now we need to figure our how to take back Ultra Planeptune and defeat Yellow Brothrr. So any ideas?

They start to think and after a while they start to throw ideas onto the table.

Neptune: I know! What about we distract him! Lower him out of Ultra Planeptune and boom! We take back Planeptune.

Ultra Noire and Noire: That's the most lazy idea ever!

Neptune: Meanies.

Vert: (smile) What about we stage a peace agreement with Yellow brother and hopefully he'll accept it and understood we're not evil.

Ultra Vert: Unfortunately we try that but he believes it was a trick and kick us out of Planeptune.

Blanc: What about we set up a trap. We can trap him long enough for us to retake Ultra Planeptune and break everyone from their mind control.

Ultra Blanc: That won't work. Judging how strong he was to beat Iris Heart, he might easily break out as well.

Noire: Then what about we call up our troops to come down and stage a raid on Ultra Planeptune?

Ultra Noire: That's risky. It just proofs we're attacking the nation and plus, you do not want to make Plutia angry if she found out what happened.

Noire: (scared) True. Good point.

Uzume: (anger) Damn it these are terrible ideas! We need to think of one and fast! Standing around and thinking is going to piss me off!

Y/n: Wait. Ultra Vert, Ultra Blacn and Ultra Noire where have you first seen Yellow Brother and is there any building nearby?

Ultra Noire: Well I believe there used to be an abandoned laboratory but that was left abandon a long time ago. That's where we first meet Yellow brother. Well not at tne laboratory, just in the area of it. Why?

Y/n: Okay so if there is a laboratory and if that's where Yellow Brother was made. Then there must be a weakness to defeat him!

Neptune: A weakness?

Y/n: Neptune didn't you see the sisters are like goddess but not as powerful as you, Noire, Blanc and Vert?

Neptune: I don't want to sound mean to Nepgear but since she isn't here I can say yeah. Why?

Y/n: Okay picture this. Yellow Heart which is Peashy is far more stronger and Yellow brother which is Charles is evenly stronger then Yellow Heart right? Since Charles is Yellow Heart's brother then he too ain't as invisible as his older sister. So I think that Laboratory has something to do with his creation and if so there had to be a weakness to how we can defeat him.

Ultra Vert: You maybe on to something there Y/n. If that Laboratory is where Yelloe Brother is born.

Vert: (smile) Then there have to be a weakness that we can beat him.

Uzume: (smile) And if not a weakness maybe a countermeasure in case he turns against his creator!

Ultra Noire: (smile) Then there is hope of defeating his after all! Guess your not so bad Y/n!

Noire: (smile) Told you he's good.

Ultra Blanc: And no wonder you find him attractive. He is pretty cute.

Blanc: (little blush) Yeah, he really is cute.

Y/n: (blush) Can we change the subject and force on tne situation we have!

Uzume: He's right. If that lab has something to defeat Yellow brother then that's the only shot we can get.

Peashy: (smirk) Time to head down to that lab and kick that Yellow brothers butt!

Ultra Vert: Not right now. For one it's getting dark and you four are badly hurt. I suggest we rest here for the night and next day we head out.

Y/n: Yeah good idea. Let's get some rest everyone.

(Short while later)

Night came as we see Ultra Vert patching up Y/n as we see them in the living room while the rest were doing other things as Ultra Vert was done and place the medical kite away as Y/n tells Ultra Vert.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks for that Ultra Vert. You know, your are similar to the Vert I know.

Ultra Vert: (giggle) Thanks. I don't blame you to mistaken me as your Vert. We're both are very alike.

She then sat down next to Y/n as there was silence between the two as Ultra Vert looks at him in a flirty way while Y/n sees this and breaks the silence by asking Ultra Vert.

Y/n: So how did you meet Neptune and the other from my world?

Ultra Vert: (smile) Oh where do I begin. Well it was when they came to our world in hopes to cure their adorable little sisters from a virus known as a nightmare virus.

Y/n: Nightmare Virus?

Ultra Vert: It's a common thing when it comes to younger goddess sisters. What it dose it puts you into a deep sleep that no one cannot wake them up smile the sleeper will be pulled into nightmares that lasted forever.

Y/n: So how rare can this virus infects other goddess sisters?

Ultra Vert: Well not as often since they have a cure of it. It's not much as a threat like many other virus. Such as a virus that turned goddess into boys, or a virus that make them gaint, or a virus that make them younger, possible as children's age.

Y/n: (thought) Jeez my world have serious and deadly virus but in this world its nothing much serious of deadly then I believed.

Ultra Vert: (smile) But after that was done we visited their world and me and Vert got along very well. We even have our image into this magazine. Take a look.

She hands him the magazine which he looks and see the two holding hands with looking at the camera which was impressive but then Ultra Vert lend close to him and ask him with a smirk.

Ultra Vert: (smile) Say Vert told me you like it how huge our boobs are right~?

Y/n: (blush) Huh?

Ultra Vert: (giggle) I know we may have just met but I don't mind if you rest your head onto my breast if you like.

Y/n: (blush) N-No thanks I'm go-

Vert: (smirk) Oh come on Y/n. We don't mind.

Suddenly Vert appears behind him and now two Vert's were sitting with Y/n as Vert grabs him by behind and pulled him towards her breast and set his head onto her breast. Then Ultra Vert came over and set her breast onto Y/n's face as the two let out a giggle and said.

Ultra Vert and Vert: (smirk) Like our boobs Y/n~?

They giggled while Y/n try his best not to spill his nose out of blood while behind the couch we see both Ultra Blanc and Blanc peaking through the cracked door as the two glare and said to each other.

Ultra Blanc: I hate when they do that.

Blanc: Same here.

Ultra Blanc: We must not allow them to have him.

Blanc: Agree.


At Ultra Planeptune we see Charles looking out of hid window and to the night sky as he stare out of his window while a figure behind him show herself as she tells Charles.

???: (smile) You did a brilliant job Charles. Once we track down the evil goddess from another world, we can finally bring peace to this world and a new edge will come.

Charles: Rei.

Rei: Yeah?

Charles: Do you think......we can convinced my older sister to join us?

Rei: You mean Yellow Heart?

Charles: I believe there could be a way that we can change her somwhow. Show her what we are doing is right. That we can change the world together as brothers and sis-

Rei: I'm sorry but Yellow Heart is long gone. She's have already spent too much time with them and there is no hope of bringing her back to us.

Charles: But we can try! I know she can change! We just need to-!

Rei: That's enough Charles! When I say no that means no, got it!

Charles:.....Yes ma'am.

Rei walks up and gently grabs him by the cheeks and tells him.

Rei: I know you've seen your older sister and see how much she changed but it's too late for her now. We must now focused on taking down her and the others before they harm anyone else. Is that clear?

Charles stared at her and sees that she might be right but still he had to try. Until then he let out a sigh and agrees to Rei.

Rei: (smile) Perfect! Now get some rest. Tomorrow we're going out hunting down those evil goddess for sure!

Rei heads off to get some sleep while Charles is alone now as he turn back to the window to see the full moon as he lifted his hand as he look at his hand and then slowly closes it. He then look outside one final time and then turn and walks off to get some sleep. Just like Rei told him. Tomorrow.....they are going out hunting down "evil" goddess for sure and bring peace to the nations once and for all.

To be continued...................................

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