Chapter 14: I can be a CPU as well

Within Leanbox we see Y/n and Miya at the back yard and they were waiting for Vert to come out so they be ready to head out shopping but while they wait, Miya needs to try she can transform into a goddess like her sister and the rest.

Y/n was sitting down after he help her how to transform and watched as Miya try to focus as she can to transform into her goddess form. There was a spark which surprised Y/n and waited to see she can fully transform but then she gasp and fell onto her knee with Y/n rushing over and help her up.

Y/n: You okay?

Miya: I'm fine. It's just...damn it. Why can't I turn into a goddess, this doesn't make sense.

Y/n: Take your time. It will come around.

Miya: I try that but I can't seem to turn into a goddess like Vert or the rest. (Sigh) I'm sometimes jealous of Nepgear, Rom, Ram and Uni to even have goddess forms while I'm the only one that can't turn.

Y/n: It might be hard but you'll pull off. Besides you work very hard as a brilliant and clever person within Leanbox and always took care of your big sister no matter what.

Miya: (smile) Hehe, guess your right. Still thanks for trying to help me.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.

Vert: Alright you two, are you ready to head out?

They turn to see Vert wearing her casual clothes which looked kinda sexxy to Y/n as he blushes while try not to stare at her chest too long.

Vert: (giggle) No need to look away. You know how cute and hot I am right?

Y/n: (blush) W-Well....Um....I-I....Well.

Vert: (giggle) Your just too cute when your nervous. I'm glad you want to join us on a shopping trip, this will be like a date.

Y/n blushes even more while Miya just sighs while shaking her heard while Vert giggles once more and soon the two head off to town to do some shopping and have a great time.


We see them within a market place and they walk around when they enter a women's dress shop and try on some clothes while Y/n sat down and watch them get changed and have Y/n judge on the clothes.

Some where pretty good like some fancy dresses and cute wooly once while some where too sexxy that Y/n was afraid to say anything otherwise he might be a pervert to other women who were in the store.

After a while of paying they walk out of the store and make their way to another store with Y/n look around and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) This place is filled with these green golwing lines but all else this place is even more high tech then every cities I've visited. Still I wonder what type of city I'll own, since I am a god I should own some sort a city right? Let's see....Well kinda like a red castle and a red city with some cool lights and future like cars and I can have a throne room in my.....wait IT SOUNDED LIKE A DEMON KINGDOM THEN A GOD KINGDOM! Maybe I'll stick of being a god without a city. Less responsibility then taking care a large city.

???: Lady Vert? Is that you?

Vert: (surprised) Oh may, can it be?

They look in front to see a long green hair girl walking up to them wearing black clothes along with a green X on the chest as she walks up to them and says ti Vert.

???: (smile) It's been a long time Lady Vert. I am glad we met after so long.

Vert: (smile) Same here, how joyful to meet you here.

She looks over to see Miya but doesn't know of Y/n so she asked.

???: Lady Vert, who is that boy with you?

Vert: (smile) Ah yes I forget, Y/n this is Chika an old friend of mine and Chika this is Y/n also known as red heart.

Chika: (surprised) He's a CPU as well?! Unbelievable. I never know a male human can be a CPU, it must be rare.

Y/n: Well kinda if you see the enemies I've made.

Chika: (smile) Well it's nice to meet you Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Same here Chika.

Chika blushes all of a sudden and move her body a bit while she smiles with joy which made Y/n confused.

Chika: (thought) My goddess this boy is so cute and very handsome. If he is a CPU I wonder what he looks like in his god form. Ooohhhh~I cannot wait.

Y/n: Um is she alright?

Miya: She's alright, she's sometimes weird when it comes to things that she find it attractive.

Y/n: Um okay?

Chika: (smile) Anways, Lady Vert I can tell your doing shopping.

Vert: (smile) Indeed. Do you wish you join us?

Chika: (smile) Of course, infact there is a new store that is opening up and this might be interesting.

Miya: I never heard of a new store.

Y/n: What is it called?

Chika: It's a perfume like store that sells many perfumes and they are fantastic what I heard.

Vert: (smile) How exciting, we should heard there right away.

Chika: (smile) Great, follow me and I'll show you.

The two head off with Y/n about to go with them when he turn to see Miya not going but thinking about something so he asked.

Y/n: Are you not coming?

Miya: I find this perfume store suspicious. We should have news about this store or an email about it but it suddenly appear without a warning. Something is off.

Y/n: Well can't hurt to check it out right? Maybe you missed the message.

Miya: Maybe. Alright let's check this store and maybe see if it's just normal or not.

Y/n agrees and the two catch up with Chika and Vert so they can check out this perfume store and see if it's just a normal store or not.


We see them standing at the store which looks very off as they see this store is pretty old and it's far off anyone for miles and anything in public as they stare at the store.

Y/n: This store....looks kinda old.

Chika: True but I heard this placeis pretty good.

Vert: Let's see what perfumes they have inside.

They head inside while Miya looks back to see no one around before she fully enters the store and once inside they look around to see a line up of shelfs filled with perfumes as Vert and Chika gose into different shelfs and takes out one and looks at it.

Miya looks at tge nearby shelfs and grabs one and looks at it and suspect it trying to wonder what's inside.

Miya: (thought) Something about these chemicals are off.

Chika: Strange, where is everyone?

Vert: (smile) Maybe we are the lucky people to be here first. Well, let's see how good are these perfumes are.

Vert was about to spray hers and so dose Chika while Miya opens one and take a sniff and suddenly realise what these chemicals are and calls out.

Miya: Vert, Chika don't!

Then they spray it but the spray have this weird smell while Miya cover Y/n's mouth and nose ad the smoke gets to them and they fell onto the ground unconscious.

Y/n: Vert! Chika!

Miya: Those must be sleep gas. Someone set this store as a trap.

Y/n: But who.

They heard a door open and they dug down behind a shelf. They peek over and see two soldiers walk over to the unconscious Vert and Chika, soon they pick them up and carry them away while Miya signals Y/n to stay quiet and follow them. He nods while he take out his SMG and they follow the soldiers as they enter the back door.

Before the door would automatically lock, Miya manage to catch the door and opens it and she and Y/n enter the back room and they see two soldiers enter a second elevator and the doors shut.

Miya and Y/n rushes up to the door with Miya get down to her knee and start to pull the panel out of the control and start to call apon an elevator.

Y/n: You think the seven sages might be involving this plan?

Miya: Possibly but we gonan save Vert and Chika before something bad will happen to them. Got it!

They hear a elevator going up to their floor and soon the doors open and they enter and Miya chose a button and once chosen the doors shut and they go down.

Y/n: (smirk) This is where the fun begins.

Miya: Let's try to see what they are planning and then we start up some fun.

Y/n: (smirk) Right.

There were close to their floor so Y/n pull out his SMG waiting for a gun fight but luckily when the elevator doors open there was no soldiers. They peek out and look around but with no since of any soldiers so they make their way through the hall while trying not to get caught by any soldiers until they reach to a walk way and see machines making green chemicals down below that smelled bad.

Y/n: What is this stuff?

Miya: No clue but it can't be good.

They continue on and soon reach to a computer room with a cell in it as well as Miya looks through the computers while Y/n check on the cell and he thinks he sees someone until a man rush up and grabs at the bars in anger which cost Y/n to leap back in a fright.

Y/n: (shocked) Jesus!

Male person: Goddess and gods must die! They all must die.

The person repeated it over and over again and shown to have green vines on his arms and neck whike manage to find what these chemicals are and tells Y/n.

Miya: This chemical is used to make people hate goddess and gods so much, that they will kill them.

Y/n: That's pretty brutal.

Miya: What's more, Vert is gonna be a lab rat to see if the virus works. This can't be good at all.

Y/n: Where is she?

Miya: not far, come on let's go.

He nods and the two race to save Vert before she gets attacked. Soon they open the door and find Vert laying in the middle of the floor of a large room as the two rushes over to her and Miya shake her while Y/n looks around for Chika.

Miya: Vert! Vert wake up! Come on!

Then Y/n sees Chika at the far back so he rushes over to her and once there he try to shake her but she was still out cold.

Y/n: Crap. Don't worry, we gonna get you-

Suddenly a engery feild appear behind Y/n as he turns and see this and slam his fist at the engery feild.

Y/n: Fuck this is a trap!

Miya was shocked by this while a screen above them opens to reveal Mister badd was responsible for Vert and Chika's kidnapping and the virus.

Mister Badd: (screen) I see you two manage to find this place. Well congratulations you two, you are fools to come here to save Green heart and her friend.

Miya: So your responsible for this! Let us go!

Mister Badd: (screen) Unfortunately I will not. I need a goddess to help me with my experment and your older sister is the one. Now, let the test begin.

There was siren being heard as the door next to Miya and Vert opens and Miya sees people infected by this virus and looks at the unconscious Vert and roared in rage and charge at Vert.

Y/n: Miya!

Miya see this and looks at Vert and to a crowd of people rushing towards Vert which she makes a fist and stand in front of Vert and wave her hand to the side and tells them.

Miya: I order you to stop! This is not how you treat Lady Green heart like that!

They still charge at her and Miya see this and in her last attempt she hugs Vert and Shield her as people start to kick at Miya as she gets hit a lot by everyone while Y/n slams his fist at the engery feild.

Y/n: Miya!

Once changed inro Rec heart he try to fire a engery beam at the engery feild but it was too tough to punch through and he even try to punch it but it was still too tough.

Y/n: Miya can you hear me! Miya!

Within the crowd we see Miya hugging Vert while she gets hit a lot as she slowly open at one eye to look at Vert and remembers her fell asleep in one night and Vert took her to bed and even slept with her while she cuddle with her little sister which a tear pour out of her eye and onto Vert's cheeks.

Miya: (thought) Vert you always wanna have a little sister so you won't be alone right? You always want to have a sister that you can hug, smile and all that stuff and do what ever you can to protect me. have no fear because I'll do the same to you. I will....protect you!

Suddenly a green glow appear within the crowd and seconds later the crowd burst away and land hard onto the ground. Red Heart and Mister Badd thought that Vert wake up and turn into her goddess form but they were shocked to see a Purple sister like girl with long dark green hair and has a similar outfit to Black sister but with black and green stripes and she open her eyes to reveal green eyes.

Mister Badd: (shocked) What! This is impossible!

Red Heart: Heck yeah!

Green sister was holding Vert and she woke up and slowly look to see Green sister as she smiled to her.

Vert: Miya? Miya is that you?

Green Sister: (smile) You could say that but now...I'm Green sister.

Vert was surprised and proud of Miya as she set Vert down and looks around to see the still infected people standing up and rushes towards them but she wave her hand in front of them and a green engery feild suddenly appear with the infected people rush through and suddenly fell onto the ground with green vines and the infection disappear.

Mister Badd: (shocked) This is impossible! How can she destroy the virus.

Soon Green Heary use the nerve feild to cure the infected people and once that he turns to Mister Badd through the screen and suddenly zaps into the screen and soon appear in front of Mister Badd as he stumble back in a fright as Green sister looks down at him snd tells him

Green sister: Destroy the virus and the files and cone with me Mister Badd.

Mister Badd sighs to he defeat and rais his hand to signal her his surrender.

(Short while later)

We see them outside of the store with the police snd ambulance are here as the doctors take the people who were kidnapped and tested to the hospital to make sure the virus is still in them while the police take away Mister Badd and his soldiers away while Chika is seen away and repeatedly apologising to them about the store being a trap.

Chika: (panic) I'm so so sorry you all. I promise it will never happen again, I'm so so sorry!

Vert: (giggle) Do not fear Chika. It's not your fault.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah cheer up, it ain't the end of the world or anything like that.

Chika: Guess you right. Still I'm glad we are all save and I'm glad you can transform now Miya.

Miya: (smile) Yeah and I guess I know how it feels like ti be a goddess.

Vert: (smile) I'm so proud of you, my little sister is now Green sister!

She huge Miya with her breast on Miya's face as she try to breath while Y/n chuckle a little while Chika tells Y/n.

Chika: I am thankful for the rescue and seeing your god form is very interesting. I never seen any form like that before.

Y/n: (smile) You be surprised when you see I have more forms in stored.

Chika: (smile) That is very interesting. Well I'll be best be going, see you all around and take care.

Y/n: (smile) You too Chika.

She nods and walks off but in her heart she wishes she would stay but she feels kinda tired so she walks off. Y/n turns back to Vert and Miya and asked.

Y/n: So what's gonna happen to Mister Badd?

Vert: He'll be question by the police and maybe we can track down the rest and shut them down.

Miya: It might take a while.

Vert: True but we'll wait.

Y/n: Still we don't know what their next plan now. It's important we tell the rest about this and see what next we can do.

Vert: Agree. I believe it's time the goddess must disuse this and put an end to the Seven Stages once and for all.

They agree as the son sets down and they return home.


We see what's left on the seven Stages sat around the table and hear that Mister Badd has been taking which is bad news to them.

Warechu: (scared) Oh crap this can't be good, not good at all.

Anonydeath: I have to agree with the rat, if Mister Badd spilled the beans about our location, we might be introuble.

Arfoire: That old fool maybe smart but he is also a coward as well so he'll spill everything to the police within seconds. I suppose we should move out and then we-

Dark-Strike: No.

They look over to Dark-Strike as he looks at everyone before standing up and tells them.

Dark-Strike: I think this is sign. A sign that we must step out of the shadows and show the world who we all. We no only stay within the shadows doing nothing. I think it's time we make our first move on the goddess and Y/n.

Warechu: Like going to war with them? Are you nuts! Soon we be beaten by them and with Y/n with them, we have no chance.

Dark-Strike: Maybe so but I've achieved a new form and with this form.....we can soon have our victory.

They were interested and look at each other while Dark-Strike turns away and tells them.

Dark-Strike: Ready the troops. It's time we show the goddess the true power of pure darkness.

To be continued.............

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