Chapter Thirty Seven: Day At The Pool
We were swimming.
Well, everyone else was swimming. I was sitting on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water. As this was a last minute activity I didn't have time to buy a swimsuit and came in a pair of shorts. One of the boys had the idea to rent out the whole hotel pool and invite some friends over. Stelle and I were included and we went, still not talking to each other. I kept trying to catch her eye but she kept her focus straight ahead.
That settled it, I had officially royally fucked up.
It was boiling outside and the water felt good on my skin. Angus had a great time relaxing in the water with his thongs.
I meant his footwear, you know.
Bon grabbed a lawn chair and spread out, taking a whole case of beer with him. Stelle found herself at one end of the pool chatting with some fellow ladies who also paid a visit. She finally looked at me and had an almost guilty look on her face. I'm sure my expression mirrored it exactly.
Tomorrow was the big day.
What would I do if she still didn't believe me? Claiming it to be a one in a million guess? Or what if the newspaper didn't even feature the story? It was American news after all, maybe the papers here were located in Sydney only. The radio? It was a reach but worth a try. Television news? Also a tiny shred of hope.
My focus was broken by the giant splash, water raining down all over me. My shorts were spattered with droplets and my hair was wet. If it hadn't been so hot I would have been a bit irked. "Sorry about that," Malcolm said from where he stood in the pool. The other guests weakly waved him off.
"Hey, Mal!" Someone threw in a pool noodle and it landed right at Malcolm's fingertips and splashed into his face.
"Thanks," he called, grabbing it. "Got a sword now."
Cliff noticed I was still keeping to myself more than usual if that were possible. He sat on the edge of the pool with me. "Hey," he said.
"Hi," I said.
"You an' Stelle have a disagreement?" he asked. Stelle was watching us out of the corner of her eye, trying to pay attention to her friends at the same time. Janis and Joyce came along for one last day in Sydney before heading back to Greece.
"We're working something out," I said, kicking my legs back and forth in the water. Cliff nodded and we let the sun warm our faces.
"Nice day out, isn't it?" he said, admiring the weather. I shielded my eyes with my hand and looked up at the ocean blue sky. Birds flew overhead and airplanes roared by from the Sydney airport. "Bit hot."
"Yeah," I agreed, refusing to move from my spot. If this was the best I could do to cool myself off, I would secure it and make sure no one took it from me. Malcolm and some other man got into a little fight with the pool noodles and they were hitting each other with them, stray droplets of water flying in every direction. Some women squealed as water landed in their drinks or laughed when someone fell into the pool on accident. Luckily it was big enough to accommodate the crowd attending.
"Splash Mountain!" someone yelled as he went running from the lawn chairs and jumping into the pool. A tidal wave swallowed us alive and water covered every surface. Some people cheered and whistled for him while others grabbed the last dry towels they could find.
Cliff and I narrowly missing getting soaked.
"You alright?" Cliff asked. I started laughing and nodded.
"I'm okay, I'm alright," I said. Swimsuit or no swimsuit, that didn't stop me from having a good time. Figured it didn't matter anymore and I squeezed the water out of my dripping hair.
"Good thing ya' left your notebook behind," Cliff said. Angus came walking up to us, holding on to the rim of the pool.
"Have either of you seen a pair of thongs floatin' around?" he asked. I peered over the edge and saw Angus' bare feet hovering above the bottom of the pool. He wasn't tall enough to reach the bottom. "They came off in the tsunami."
"What're ya' wearin' 'em in the pool for?" Cliff asked as we searched around for them. They could have been anywhere from the bottom of the pool to the other side of the hotel. "You're lucky they weren't your trunks."
"These will never come off that easily," Angus said, pulling on the waistband of his....swimsuit. "Stuck on good an' tight."
I saw one lone sandal floating in the middle of the pool upside down. "There's one," I said. Angus turned and looked around for something to grab it with. In the explosion someone had lost their pool noodle and Angus grabbed it, using it to fetch the shoe.
"Got it," he said, putting it back on his foot. "Now the other."
"Is that it?" Cliff asked pointing. Angus and I looked to see one of the guests trying it on after finding it. Angus sighed.
"Fuckin'-oi!" he yelled, making his way around the rim of the pool. I wasn't sure how well any of these men could swim but I was certainly of no help. "I'll have that back, thank you!" A couple guys tossed it back and forth between them before finally giving it back. Cliff and I laughed at the scene and I worried I would fall in the pool from laughing.
"I left mine by my chair," Cliff said. "An' they're still there."
"Maybe it's a hygiene thing," I said. "Like wearing shoes in the shower." Cliff shrugged.
"Could be. Well, nice seein' ya', love. I'm gettin' back on dry land." With that Cliff got out of the water and headed for his chair for a drink. Angus came back, both shoes on now, still holding the pool noodle.
"Fought 'em off," he said. "Blokes thought they had a real souvenir on their hands." A sandal worn by Angus Young himself. What a find. "Havin' fun?"
"I guess," I shrugged.
"Ya' know it'd be a lot more fun if ya' got in the water," he said smiling. I caught that mischievous glint in his eyes.
"I'm not exactly dressed for it." I gestured to my shorts and tank top, both of which were sticking to my skin as they dried from the man's cannon ball.
"They're wet already," Angus said voicing my thoughts. "What's a little more?"
I'd be an idiot to turn him down.
I got off the edge of the pool and slowly eased my way into the water, the waves lapping at my chin. The cold water felt great in the hot sun and I never wanted to leave. I hung on to the edge like Angus was doing as I also wasn't tall enough to touch the bottom without drowning. Angus tossed the pool noodle and supported me with one arm behind me while I tried to steady my breathing.
I was a blushing, giggling mess! I looked so uncool!
Either Angus didn't notice or he didn't care as this happened all the time. "Ya' got it?" he asked.
"Yeah, I got it." But maybe you should keep your arm where it is...just in case....
The Splash Mountain guest jumped into the water and another tidal wave covered us. Angus blocked the water from hitting me and I could feel a few cold drops land on my hair and neck. We turned around and the guy was laughing at everyone's disgruntled grumbling. Angus got the worst of it as his hair was dripping wet. "The fuck was that?" he muttered. I instinctively looked down to see his sandals were still on.
While I was looking I also realized I was wearing a white tank top. Good fucking shit, can I do anything right?? And when I looked back up Angus' face was right there, staring across the pool to watch everyone rip into this guy for splashing everyone again. A few people had grabbed pool noodles and were batting at him. A beach ball went flying through the air and he caught it, throwing it at someone.
And here we were in our own little corner of the pool, very close and personal with my see through shirt and Angus' invisible one. I started giggling. "What?" he asked. I shook my head and then Angus noticed. "Well well well, what have we here?"
I tried turning away from him so I wouldn't give him a free show but he already got an eyeful. And I was laughing so hard from the sheer absurdity of it all. Emphasis on 'sheer'.
"Happens to the best of us, love," he said, giving me a smug little smile. "Picture me onstage for a minute with me zipper down. In front of a crowd of payin' guests." I laughed harder. "This is nothin'."
Someone had the brilliant idea to swim around with a fake shark fin tied around him so it looked like a shark was in the pool. Most of us didn't fall for it, as we could obviously see the swimmer underneath, not to mention sharks didn't swim in pools. One man wasn't prepared, however, and turned around at the worst time, having just opened up a can of beer. He screamed and threw the beer out of his hand, the can sprawling on the ground, golden liquid pouring out of it. "Aw, what a waste!" someone shouted.
"Fuck the beer, what about my hospital bill?" the man who screamed said, holding on to his chest. The man in the shark fin stood up and took his goggles off, laughing.
"So I hear ya' got a VD," Angus said out of nowhere.
"And where did you hear that?"
"Little birdie," he said. "It's no secret what ya' said the other day." I sighed and rested my head against the edge of the pool, hiding my face. "No one believes it for a minute. Except the guy ya' said it to. But I assume he deserved it?"
"Of course word got out," I mumbled. "I fucking knew it would. And yes, he did deserve it."
Angus smiled. "Thought so. And uh...." He looked across the water to see Stelle getting out by the stairs and wrapping a towel around herself. "Stelle an' I talked a for a bit a while ago....she said some very interestin' things, ya' know?"
I turned pale. "What sort of things?" I asked.
He kept a straight face. "Guess I ought to tell ya'....I read a bit of your notebook." I knew he had and yet the confession still surprised me. I guess I thought I'd never get it out of him and yet here he was telling me. "Not a lot of it, but...some..."
"I thought so," I said.
"Did ya'?" he asked. "I jus' found it in me hotel room an' got a bit curious. I didn't mean' I wasn't expectin' to read what ya' wrote."
I knew what his next words would be and yet I still hoped I was wrong.
"An' Stelle told me what you told her."
I hid my face again. I didn't know what else to do. But why would Stelle say anything to anybody? I didn't give her permission to do that! "Great," I muttered. My secret was out. I was a time traveler and everybody knew it!
"I spoke to her first, I brought it up," Angus said. The water was warm now and covered our shoulders. It dripped off of Angus' hair which was just starting to dry. "Told her I read it because I didn't have the balls to tell you an'....she told me...."
I swallowed. I didn't want to face the reality of my situation after having such a good time today but it had to happen eventually. Might as well get a weight off my shoulders. "And what do you think about it?" I asked.
Angus looked around the crowded pool. "Maybe we ought to talk somewhere else," he said.
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