Chapter Thirty Five: Secret's Out

"Wh-what?" Stelle asked. I couldn't see the expression on her face since I kept mine hidden in fetal position. Judging by the sound of her voice I could tell she didn't believe me, or didn't want to believe me. I couldn't bear to look. Couldn't bear to face the consequences of my confession. But curiosity got the better of me and I dared a glance. She was staring at the coffee table, her brow furrowed. "What...year did you say you were from?"

I swallowed what felt like a whole brick. "2024," I answered quietly. Stelle was eerily quiet, the only sounds coming from her being scoffs and murmurs. I expected her to throw me out right then and there. I waited anxiously until then but that moment never came. 

"I don't..." Stelle shook her head. "I don't believe you," she said finally looking at me. She looked like she had a million things to say and a billion questions to ask but she stayed silent. 

"I didn't expect you too," I mumbled. More than anything I wanted this moment to pass. More than likely I had just royally fucked everything up, including my friendship with Stelle. 

"I-I just can't-" she finally said. "You just can't-time travel isn't possible!" It seemed she was telling herself this rather than me. "It's just not possible!"

I thought it best to let her ruminate for a bit. Maybe if she really thought about it she'd come around? I kept myself busy by picking at a loose thread on my jeans. I could just barely see my necklace out of the corner of my eye. 

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible for you.

Yeah, tell that to Stelle...

But wait a minute. Is that why I'm here? Because I had faith? Thinking back to the day I first got here, I didn't believe it was possible either. So that couldn't have been it. I had been just as skeptical as Stelle. Or was there still some part of me that had the tiniest bit of faith that it could happen? A tiny, mustard seed sized part?

"I'm sorry, Hannah," Stelle said, breaking me out of my thoughts. Her eyes were downcast and glassy. "I just....I don't believe it. Why would you lie about something like that?"

She was setting the bait. Waiting for me to explain that it was all a joke and that everything was back to normal. The shine in her eyes would turn to one of mirth and we'd both laugh about it in the morning. Only I couldn't do that. I didn't lay down my cards just to take them all back. "I'm not lying," I said.

"What other explanation is there?" she said, her voice almost hysterical. "That's never happened to anyone else in all of human history so why should it have happened to you?" The implications of that statement stung a little. 

"Maybe word never got out," I said. "Maybe tons of people have time traveled and no one ever found out about it."

Stelle collapsed back on the couch, covering her face with her hands. While she was having a crisis I was having one of my own. What could I say that would change her mind? "So you just woke up one day in 2024 and a giant, magical whirlwind brought you here to 1978 just like that. Is that what happened?"

"When you put it like that it sounds ridiculous!"

"Because it is ridiculous!" she cried. "Alright then, let's say you're telling the truth. Let's say you really are a time traveler. Prove it." 

I paled. How the fuck would I prove anything? I could say anything I wanted and Stelle wouldn't even know until years later! I couldn't predict tomorrow! What was today? November 24. There had to be something coming up that I knew about....

"Do you know Elaine Esposito?" I asked warily. Stelle shook her head. "She dies tomorrow."

Stelle stared at me. "And how will I know that?" she asked. I shrugged.

"Newspaper maybe?" I suggested. 

"Okay....okay, I'll keep that in mind," Stelle said. "What else?" I purposefully avoided bringing up any of the boys because I just couldn't bear the thought of any of them knowing what would happen to them. I couldn't tell anyone about Bon or Malcolm. "Anything big that happens soon?"

Soon....what happens soon....

" know that Nancy Spungen died, right?" I asked. Stelle nodded.

"Of course I do, everybody knows that," she said. 

"Well....Sid Vicious will die too," I said. Stelle narrowed her eyes. 

"You mean Sex Pistols Sid Vicious?" she asked in shock. I nodded. No, the other one. "What from?"

I figured she could probably already guess. "Heroin," I said. Stelle stared at her lap in shock. 

"You're serious? You're not making this up?" I shook my head although part of me wished I were. So far the two things I brought up to prove my circumstances were both someone's death. "So if I look in the paper tomorrow, I'll see this...Elaine person will have died?"

"Yeah," I said. "No wait, not tomorrow, the day after," I explained. "Australia is a day ahead." My sudden change of story got Stelle's attention. I had completely forgotten about the time change. I was looking real suspicious.  

"Okay...and what about Sid?" she asked. "When can I read about that?"

"Not until February," I said. And I might not be around that long to see her reaction. 

"What about the band?" she asked and I felt a huge weight land on my shoulders. The one thing I didn't want to talk about. "Anything happen to them?"

I shook my head. "No, of course not." That was a big fat fucking lie. I wondered if it showed on my face. I had to say something. "I mean...they end up being a very famous band. And....they get wives and children and all that."

"And what about me?" she asked. 

"I have no clue," I said. "I didn't know you existed till I got here."

Stelle mulled over my words while I waited with baited breath. It felt like I was waiting for her to pass judgement on me. "I still don't believe you," she said. "But you're my friend so...I'll play along. For now." I watched her stand from the couch and head for the bathroom. "I'll read the papers in a couple days and if what you say is true...then we'll talk."

She closed the door behind her and I sat in a stiff silence. 

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