Forging a New Path
A/n: We don't own Seven Deadly Sins or Bleach hope y'all enjoy.
White: Alright we're here.
We then see White who was accompanied by Nagito and Elizabeth open the door to his room which was basically full of weapons and skulls covering the walls.
White: Make yourself at home.
Nagito: Why am I not surprised your room is like this? *He said with a deadpan*
Elizabeth: Where did you get all these weapons?
White: Took them off the corpses of my enemies. *He said before taking off his mask*
Nagito looked faintly impressed because of the sheer amount of weapons he stole but shrugged because this is White we're talking about.
Nagito: But why? Why did you have to do that?
White: Because my satisfaction will never end.
Nagito: I- You give me a migraine and goddesses can't even get migraines.
White: I give a lot more than that. *He said smirking*
Elizabeth didn't understand but Nagito grinned and fist bumped White before they both laughed.
White: Anyways I'm going to bathe. There's another bathroom on the other side of the room.
Nagito: Why do you got two?
White: One name, Zeldris.
Nagito: He lives with you?
White: He visits but he basically does.
Nagito: He's a nice kid. He did my hair in the hot springs.
Elizabeth: White did you raise him?
White: Basically raised both of them, Meliodas was a pain in my ass and Zeldris was just everywhere at once.
Nagito: You're probably exaggerating.
White: Keep thinking that. *He said walking into the bathroom*
Nagito just looked around, placing his hands on his hips before taking off his armor and shirt before sitting down.
Nagito: Can you believe that we're in the demon realm and survived talking to the Demon King?
Elizabeth: He almost killed you Nagito.
Nagito: It was my fault, but that's all in the past we're still alive!
Elizabeth: I know we are but you can't be so reckless, you're not invincible.
Nagito lost his grin and gained a solemn expression on his face as his personality took a 180.
Nagito: You think I don't know that? For the past 6 centuries I thought I was unstoppable but within a couple days my life was turned on its head as two of my own race beat me and left me for dead. Mom banished me from the clan and tried to take my grace to give to someone else. I don't have my wings, one of the most sacred objects to a goddess. So I have to substitute with these ice wings that can melt. Elizabeth, I feel weaker than I have in my entire life. I have been hiding the fear I've been feeling under the mask of happiness for the past two days. I'm scared, I'm terrified of what's going to happen next. I-I-
He was then stopped as he felt Elizabeth embrace him and hold Nagito tight as the goddess started to let out tears and muffled sobs.
This went on for a couple of minutes before Nagito calmed down and let go of Elizabeth who wiped away his tears.
Elizabeth: I understand why you're scared Nagi, and even I don't know if we'll be able to survive for long. But what I do know is that we have friends who can help us, and maybe with their help we can make it through this. It won't be easy but when it gets hard we'll be there to support and push each other to new heights.
She then placed her hands on his before bringing them up.
Elizabeth: Are you willing to push forward?
Nagito: . . . I will keep moving forward.
Elizabeth: That's good, I know this won't be easy but I'll be here for you.
Nagito: Thank you, you're one of the only people I have left.
They then hugged again as it cut to White squeezing a rubber duck in his tub while wiping some tears off his face.
White: That was so beautiful, maybe I should talk to Gowther.
It was now morning as we saw a blue demon sitting on a building before letting out a demonic screech as it then flapped off towards another building.
We see our three heroes all sleeping on a big bed that was put in the middle of the room as Nagito was seen being held by White.
The goddess man let out a groan as White patted his head before they continued sleeping before Elizabeth is seen spooning White from behind.
As they continued to sleep a grogley Meliodas was seen opening the door with his eyes closed and rubbing them.
Meliodas: White *Yawns* when are going to trai-
He then opened his eyes and saw his teacher being in the middle of the spooning session causing his eyebrow to twitch.
Meliodas: (I'm not even going to say anything, although.)
He then quickly slammed the door causing Nagito to jump up and look around before noticing the position he and White were in before leaping off the bed.
Nagito: (I could feel his Cock pressing into my ass) WAKE UP! *He said with a cherry red face*
White just opened his eyes as Elizabeth jumped up from behind him causing the two to look at Nagito.
White: Ya know I was having me a nice dream about a boat you know?
Nagito: I don't care! Why were we sleeping in the same bed and why were your arms wrapped around my waist!
Elizabeth: We were in the same bed?!
White: Probably Zeldris.
Nagito: That brat!
White: Whoever was holding me had nice arms.
Nagito looked at white as the blanket fell down and he got a grimace on his face as he was greeted by the sight of White's erected nipples.
White: What?
Elizabeth: Your um nipples.
White looked down and noticed how red they were.
White: Huh knew the ocean shouldn't have been that white. *He said scratching his head*
Nagito: Don't Elizabeth and I have to leave?
White: Still got some time so I say we get ready. *He said standing up*
Just as he did that the blanket fell revealing his nude body and causing him to inspect it and see a red hand mark on his left ass cheek.
White: Okay who touched?
Nagito: I was in front and Elizabeth was behind you so that means. . . .
They both looked at Elizabeth whose face was practically redder than an apple at this point as White just chuckled.
White: I appreciate the attention but gimme some dinner first. *He said walking over to his clothes*
Nagito cringed slightly as white flirted with his sister and just tried to get dressed but he noticed his sister staring at White.
Nagito: Hey, Hey! Elizabeth!
Elizabeth: W-What?!
Nagito: You're distracted, get dressed. *He said pulling his shirt over his head he didn't need to put pants on since he slept with them on*
Elizabeth: Right. *She said stammering a bit*
White: This is the weirdest sleepover I've ever had. *He said tying his sash*
Nagito: You can say that again. *He exclaimed while putting the chest piece of his armor on*
Elizabeth: It was an experience. *She said looking at White's back*
White: Anyways we need to form this alliance, who should we call in?
Nagito: Why don't we ask the giants and fairies?
Elizabeth: That's a good start, do either of you know anyone who can make an impact?
Nagito: Well I'm friends with the fairy king.
White: Droll owes me a favor. I say we go with him first, he's a calm and reasonable man.
Nagito: True, I doubt gloxinia's sister will be happy to see me.
White: What'd you do kid?
Nagito: Nothing, I just . . .dated her for a little bit, and uhh things kinda fell off.
Elizabeth: Nagito, what happened?
Nagito: *Groan* Can we just leave what happened in the past?
White: We're gonna have to find sooner or later.
Nagito: Alright fine, so I was sleeping with her once and her brother the fairy king found us while we were doing it so I panicked and flew off leaving her there and I haven't seen her since. Me and Gloxinia still talk sometimes.
He was then pulled by the ear as a pissed off Elizabeth could be seen about ready to smack him.
Nagito: I panicked!
Nagito: You can't do this to me! It's been over a hundred years she will kill me!
Nagito just let out a whine before he was clocked on the head by Elizabeth, making him cry out in pain.
Nagito: O-Okay, I W-Will.
Elizabeth: Good, White we're leaving.
White: Yes ma'am. *He said saluting*
The group of three were seen flying towards the Giant clans home aka the mountain area.
White: Smells like trees.
Elizabeth: Are the giants in the mountains?
White: No but they're good at making tunneling systems.
Nagito just grumbled with his arms crossed as he floated in the sky.
White: You okay back there?
Nagito: *Grumble* I'm fine. *Grumble*
White: Okaaaaaaay. Switching from that I never caught your age Ellie.
Elizabeth: I'm 726 years old.
White: Oh, um.
Elizabeth: Surprised?
White: Not just pleased, very very pleased.
Nagito: *Whisper* She's acting more like mom as time passes.
Elizabeth: Is there something you need to say Nagito?
Nagito: Yea- No, I don't.
White: Oh look down there.
They then did as the group saw a green skinned four armed giant moving around like he was dancing.
Nagito: Hey it's drole!
Elizabeth: Is he dancing?
White: Yup as usual, keep it professional Nagi we're not here for a hot spring this time. *He said descending downwards*
Nagito was quick to follow as he hovered right in front of Droles face next to White.
White: Hey Drole.
Nagito: It's been a while!
Drole: It certainly has, what brings you two along?
Nagito: Bad news unfortunately.
White: Since we're bad at breaking it we have Elizabeth to explain.
Elizabeth then flew down in front of Drole causing the giant king to quickly realize who she was.
Drole: Elizabeth, what does the Supreme Deity need of the giant clan? *He said kneeling down*
Elizabeth: I wasn't sent by my mother, we came to tell you that there is a war brewing and it threatens all of Britannia.
Drole: Who declared this war?
Nagito: Nobody yet, but we have a feeling the supreme deity is about to do something idiotic.
Elizabeth: In short we're asking you not to listen to her lies that she will most certainly spread.
Nagito: Every word that will come from her mouth in this war will be a lie, she's a rattlesnake that will lure you in and then strike.
Drole: This is alarming. But if what you say is true, then I shall lead my clan to the most peaceful solution.
Elizabeth: That's wonderful, if you join us we can set up a new and more balanced system where no clan or even human has to worry about war breaking out.
Drole: What is the name of this alliance you're trying to set up?
White: Still figuring that out, but are you in?
Drole: . . You can count on the giant clan for your support.
Elizabeth: I'm glad to hear that! Now we must warn the fairies.
White: See you later Drole, stay safe out here!
Nagito: Let's all get a beer sometime!
Drole: When this conflict is over I'll make sure to have one!
The three then took off leaving the king of the giants to quickly start jogging off to warn the rest of his people.
Nagito: Next destination. . . . Fairy king's forest. . . . Yippee.
White: Heard they had a bunch of fairy dust and could snort it.
Nagito: . . . That just sounds like a bad idea.
Elizabeth: Where did you even hear that rumor from?
White: Talked to this weird dog that could bark open portals.
Nagito: That's a thing?
White: Apparently so.
Elizabeth: How could you understand it?
White: Gowther taught me.
Elizabeth: Is that the name you kept muttering about last night?
White: Not only did you grope my left cheek, and twist my nipples, but you also listen to my sleep talking? You just can't help yourself can you Ellie?
Nagito: Can you guys please stop flirting around me?
Elizabeth: We aren't! *She replied back quickly*
White: Meh I'll think about it
Nagito: Can we just hurry up?
White: Already made it.
Nagito blinked and focused Infront of him where a saw a normal forest except it was brimming with fairies and it had a massive tree with pink leaves.
White: Swear that tree is too large even if it's making the fountain of youth juice.
Nagito: I mean it's basically immortal juice.
Elizabeth: And anyone can drink it?
Nagito: You can try, but that will most likely not end well.
White: Heard they don't like anyone coming close to it.
Elizabeth: Did someone steal it before?
Nagito: Not yet and I doubt someone ever will.
White just hummed in response before they landed in front of the tree as Fairies popped around them and looked at them while murmuring.
Nagito saw a golden armored fairy flying towards them with a pair of rainbow wings. The fairy stopped in-front of Nagito who recognized the fairy.
Nagito: It's been a couple years Gloxinia.
Gloxinia: Wait a second, Nagito is that you?!
Nagito: Wipe that surprised expression off your face. We need to talk.
Gloxinia: Huh? What happened to your wings?
Nagito: L-Lets not talk about that right now.
Nagito floated down next to White and Elizabeth with gloxinia following him.
Gloxinia: I assume you all have a reason for visiting my forest?
Nagito: Yeah- Oh no.
Nagito saw someone land next to Gloxinia as Nagito started praying to every god he knew.
Gerharde: How dare you have the nerve to show your face here again!
Gloxinia: Hey I'm in the middle of an important conversation Gerharde can you wait until it's over to scream at Nagito?
Gerharde: No! Over 100 years ago you left me after we got caught by glox!
Gloxinia: Funniest moment of my life.
Nagito: I'm sorry.
Gerharde: I'm sorry? I'm SORRY? IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAY?!
Nagito couldn't even say anything before he got backhanded by gerharde making him hold his stinging cheek while White, Elizabeth, and Gloxinia watched.
White: This is uh interesting.
Elizabeth: It weirdly is.
Gerharde grabbed nagito with vines and flew off carrying him with said vines nagito just yelped before one shot down his throat.
Gloxinia: He should be fine, he always used to make her mad like this.
Elizabeth: What is she going to do to him?!
Gloxinia: Probably beat him up, maybe kiss him I don't know, she'll probably kill him.
White: I see, *Clears throat* anyways we came here for something more important than drama.
Gloxinia: And that is?
Elizabeth: A war is coming and-
Gloxinia: Stop right there, which side are you guys on? To be honest I don't really care about this demon vs goddess thing that's been going on for millennia. Since I see the next leader of the goddess clan hanging out with a demon I'm going to assume you're the reasonable ones who are trying to prevent it.
Elizabeth: That is correct. *She said stunned*
Gloxinia: You seem shocked about how easily I put everything together, you really shouldn't. I used to hang out with Nagito on a daily basis.
Speaking of Nagito a high pitched scream split the sky as a small tower of vines formed in the distance.
White: I'm sorry but how did those two date again?
Gloxinia: Uh she kinda staked her claim on him after he saved her from being sold to a group of humans. And well poor nagito had to go on the ride. To be honest I'm not mad about him having intercourse with my sister because half the time he didn't even know what was going on. He didn't want to come here did he?
White: Nope, and she got that he left after doing your sister. *He said pointing at Elizabeth*
Gloxinia: I have never laughed so hard as I saw this man stammer tripping over his feet before shooting off into the sky leaving an embarrassed gerharde here.
Nagito: Ahhhh~ *From the distance*
Elizabeth: I- Okay maybe we should not have brought Nagito, but still he needed to have closure.
Gloxinia wasn't paying attention and was looking at the sky before his eyes narrowed and he summoned his spirit spear, launching it forward where it disappeared into the sky. Suddenly a dead goddess slammed to the ground.
Gloxinia: He's with you?
Elizabeth: No, mother must be putting spies across the lands she probably has the humans in sight next.
White: Eh do we really need to worry about humans, they're easy enough to deal with.
Gloxinia: Nagito told me about his mother but I didn't think she was this irrational to send goddesses to spy on me and my people.
White: It makes sense, she already has two of her greatest warriors taken down. She's on the defensive, that means she'll get desperate.
Gloxinia: If I were you I'd hurry you know humans.
White: Pesky.
Elizabeth: You shouldn't be so negative about them, besides we have to try.
Gloxinia: Try as you might, it might not be enough.
Elizabeth: We'll hold onto the hope that they will, now let's grab Nagito.
Gloxinia: That might be for the best.
They then heard more screams causing the two to fly over to where he was as Gloxinia shrugged and went to take a nap on his hammock.
White: You know for being a Goddess your brother really seems to like being defiled.
Elizabeth: He's not that much of a degenerate.
When the two found Nagito they found him adjusting his pants covered in bruises, his hair all out of place and gerharde unconscious.
Nagito: I was hoping one of you would save me, but no you didn't. I had to take matters into my own hands.
White: A hundred years of pent up aggression can do that to someone.
Elizabeth: Have you learned your lesson?
Nagito: I hate you, hate you both.
Elizabeth: Close enough, Invigorate!
A green aura took over Nagito's body as the spell suddenly healed all of his wounds causing him to get up off the ground while dusting himself off.
Nagito: So, did glox join us?
White: Yeah he did.
Nagito: I knew he would.
White: Welp that about settles that, I'm going to take a nap-
Elizabeth: Oh no you don't, we still have to convince the humans and now that I'm thinking about it have you told the Demons about our plan?
White: . . . . . No.
Nagito: You're joking right?
Nagito stared at white before flying up to him and grabbing the demon's shoulder. The demon got covered in a block of ice that slammed into the ground kicking up dust and dirt.
Nagito: Stop complaining.
Elizabeth: Nagito stop using violence like that.
Nagito: So you're saying violence is the answer sometimes?
Elizabeth: Only sometimes.
White: I like your funny words Magic lady.
Elizabeth: Your still on thin ice-
Nagito: That was a pun! And an ice one at that!
Elizabeth: We'll talk to the humans then you are going to convince the demons, is that understood?
White: Aye aye captain.
Elizabeth: Now let's go, we need to rally them together.
She then took off as White just scratched the back of his head before him and Nagito took off after Elizabeth.
20 Mintues of Flying Later
White: Are we there yet?
Elizabeth: No.
Nagito: Are there yet?
Elizabeth: No.
White & Nagito: . . . Are we there yet?
Elizabeth: No.
It then went silent before White was seen slowly flying towards Elizabeth before he was right near her ear.
White: Are we there yet? *He said whispering*
???: FIRE!!
White was then shot down from the sky causing Nagito and Elizabeth to look at him crash land into the forest below them.
Elizabeth: White!?
Nagito: Humans did it look!
They then saw multiple fireballs being sent towards them but none of them hit as Nagito simply stuck out his hand and made a shield to cover them.
We then see White getting up while rubbing his head.
White: Damn humans, never trust em.
He then felt water being splashed on him causing him to look up and see a kid holding a cross shaped bottle.
White: Di-Did you just throw water on me?
Kid: The holy water didn't work?!
White just looked at the kid before slapping the bottle out of his hand before pushing the kid out of his way.
White: That's a made up myth kid, go home.
He then felt a stabbing sensation on his leg as he saw the kid stab him with a stake.
White: That isn't.
The kid was then seen being thrown out of the forest causing Elizabeth and Nagito to see him go flying.
Nagito: Did he just kill that kid?
White: He shanked me in the back of my knee! *He said appearing behind them*
Nagito: You're an elite demon, a stab in the knee won't hurt you. But if you were a child and got bitch slapped twenty meters away I think that would hurt.
White: The cycle continues. *He said rolling his eyes*
Elizabeth: What's that supposed to mean?
Both Goddesses glared at White who crossed his arms and shook his head.
White: My point stands, also there's a tree coming this way.
Nagito: Hu-
Nagito got smacked by a tree sending him a couple meters backwards into a forest.
White: Alright we tried it your way.
He then stuck his hand out as Zangetsu quickly flew into it before he swiped his sword causing all the trees and buildings to be cut in half while the rest of the forest was blown away.
White then floated down and stabbed his sword into the ground causing hellblaze to rise from the cracks formed into the ground.
White: FEAR ME!!!! *He said firing a Cero into the air*
Elizabeth: WHAT IS HE DOING!?
White: I WILL BRING DOWN HELLFIRE AND THE END OF YOUR DAYS HUMANS!! *He shouted before summoning his mask* FEAR ME!!!!
Nagito pointed a finger at white before the demon once again got encased in a ball of ice before Nagito kicked him like a ball making White go flying spinning through the air making White scream with his voice disappearing as he flew through the village.
Nagito: He should be fine in about five minutes.
Elizabeth just groaned while holding her face before we cut to the three of them far away from the burning village as White could be seen still trapped inside the ice ball with his head and limbs sticking out of the ice ball.
White: In all fairness they started it.
Nagito: I agree.
Elizabeth: That's not the point!! Don't you two understand, they wanted us or more specifically White to destroy the village! Now the Goddesses can spread more rumors about this incident and use it against us! Gagh!
She then stormed off from the two as White and Nagito looked at each other.
Nagito: I think we messed up. I've never seen her this genuinely upset.
White: No, it's my fault. Can you unice me?
Nagito: Yeah.
Nagito placed his foot on White's ice ball and pushed him down a hill watching as the demon rolled down.
When the Ice ball came into contact with an uprooted tree the ice shattered freeing white.
Nagito: You're welcome. That will be five gold coins.
White: Asshole. *He muttered while holding his head*
Nagito: Hehehe.
White just grumbled before he saw Elizabeth sitting at the edge of the hill while looking at the sun.
Nagito: You should apologize to her. *He said appearing next him while whispering*
White: Yeah yeah, just back off.
White then walked over to her before plopping down next to her as Nagito flew off to look for something to eat.
White: So . . . . . . beautiful afternoon right?
Elizabeth: What do you want?
White: Just came down here to uh see the view and apologize.
She just sat there in silence as White just scratched his bald spot before looking at Elizabeth.
White: I know I overreacted, and may have killed some humans but I didn't mean to. I just I don't know. It's like you're created for destruction and then you're told to not cause it but then you ask yourself why you were created.
This caused Elizabeth to turn her head and look at White who was still looking at the sun.
White: It's such a weird thing, Gowther always told me to be me but I don't know what that means, I never did. All my life it's been to destroy alongside the Demon King and I desire that but these Past few days have had me question if I could really go through with my purpose.
Elizabeth: White?
White: I'm not a real demon, I'm artificial. It's hard to explain and if I drag you or Nagito down because of that I'm sorry.
She just looked at him before White had a single tear drop before he was embraced by Elizabeth.
White: Do I have a reason to exist anymore?
Elizabeth: You do, and always will.
White could only smile before his mouth could be seen disappearing causing him to worry for a second before he then focused his energy and revoked his commandment silently causing the orb to fly out of his back and towards the sky before it blasted off.
Elizabeth: What was that?
White: Nothin, just nothing. *He said holding her*
Far away in the sky, Nagito was seen hovering in the sky watching a group of wandering adventurers trench through the woods.
But suddenly a black and purple orb shot past him making him turn to face it. The banished goddess watched it disappear before turning his head back in the direction White and Elizabeth were.
Nagito: (Did he just?)
He then flew over to where White and Elizabeth were as he flew on their little hugging session.
Nagito: ( I understand now) *Clears throat*
The Goddess and Demon quickly let go of each other before looking over at Nagito with their faces red.
Nagito: So like are you two like together now or? *He said with a smug smirk on his face*
Elizabeth: I- uh well-
White: I don't mind.
Nagito: Not even a week of knowing each other. *He said shaking his head*
White: Would you rather find us sleeping togeth- Oh wait. *He said scratching his chin*
Nagito: Hehehehe, *Appears next to White while whispering* I will rip you apart and put you back together in the coldest conditions if you do anything to her that she doesn't like, got it?
White just nodded his head in silence as Elizabeth just looked surprised at how serious Nagito got.
Nagito: Alright good!
White: Sheesh.
Elizabeth: I don't think that was necessary Nagi.
Nagito: It was completely necessary, you just don't understand. Oh yeah also don't be all sucking each other's faces off around me I don't need that in my life. *He said before flying into air*
White: Oh grow up.
Elizabeth: *Blushing* So do we-
She was then silenced as White brought her in for a kiss causing her face to go even redder than before as it was then cut short by Nagito gagging in the distance.
(White has gained a girlfriend)
Nagito: Hurry up!
White: Yeah yeah.
He then got up and helped Elizabeth up before they all headed towards the demon realm.
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