Hiccup and I spent that entire summer together.
Every day he would bring me up to the Itchy Armpit, a place we had now made ours. We would sit there for hours and just talk before Hiccup had to drive me to my physical therapy, which I had managed to convince my physical therapist to help me do 5 days a week.
At our last meeting with Dr. Gothi, my parents and I had been informed that I had been making a surprisingly speedy recovery from my injuries, and that there was actually a chance that I would be able to walk again.
But I had kept that a secret from Hiccup. All he knew was that I went to physical therapy and that I was hopefully on the way to recovery.
I had worked my ass off that entire summer, forcing my body to fulfill my mind's wishes of being able to use my legs properly by the end of August.
And for once in my life, it seemed as though Lady Luck herself had blessed me.
August was almost over. School was commencing in a couple of days, so Hiccup and I were doing our best to maximize our time together, even though we had already spent that entire summer together.
That day had started like any other. I had woken up and gotten ready for the day, but the one thing that was out of the ordinary was that my dad didn't have to carry me downstairs, no, today I wanted to walk down the stairs myself.
My parents gathered at the bottom of the stairs, eager to see if I would make it, and ready if I were to fall. They both nodded encouragingly at me as I rolled the wheelchair to the top of the stairs.
I wrapped my fingers tightly around the railing as I slowly rose up from the wheelchair. I stood at the top of the stairs for a little while, getting reacquainted with my own height.
I glanced down at my parents, only to find them beaming with pride. Nearly 8 months ago we had gotten in a fight over my engagement, a couple of days later I crashed my dad's car into a river.
I have to admit, it had been a little tense in the Hofferson household a month after the accident, but my parents eventually realized that they couldn't blame me for everything. (Even though everything was my fault)
I was happy that my parents and I had managed to get over our feud and emerge stronger together. In those months after the accident I was definitely happy to have my parents at my side, much like I was happy to have Hiccup.
I felt a smile tug at the corners of my lips as I set one foot down on the step beneath me. Still gripping tightly onto the railing beside me, I slowly ascended the stairs, my parents beaming with pride and joy as my feet met the hardwood floor and I managed to stand unaided on my own two feet.
A wide grin spread across my face as I realized what I had just done. I had actually managed to walk down the stairs, all by myself!
Arms wrapped around me, and I turned to find my parents trying to squeeze the breath out of me. "We're so proud of you, honey!"
"Thanks mom, but can you please let me go? I'm struggling to breathe here" My parents complied almost immediately. "And by the way, could you please not tell Hiccup about any of this? I want it to be a surprise"
As if on cue, a familiar car pulled up in the driveway.
My dad quickly rushed upstairs and brought my wheelchair down, before allowing me to sit down on it. Gods, what a relief it was for my legs to relax for a little.
At the sound of a car door opening, I quickly wheeled outside so my parents wouldn't accidentally blurt out what I had just achieved.
"Looks like someone's excited to go out today" Hiccup grinned as I rolled up towards him.
"Yup, can't wait!" I shot him a smile as he gently placed me in the passenger seat, like he always did before stashing my wheelchair in the trunk.
We drove up towards the Itchy Armpit, parked in the same parking spot we always parked in, before Hiccup pushed me up towards the spot that was the Itchy Armpit.
Hiccup had gotten quite strong over the summer. By now he carried me in and out of the car and pushed me up and down trail after trail without so much as breaking a sweat.
He lifted me out of the wheelchair before gently placing me on the ground, under the tree we always sat beneath.
Toothless hadn't joined us on this trip to the Itchy Armpit this time because Stoick had brought him along to hunt, something Hiccup wasn't too pleased with. But at that moment, as we sat there, just the two of us under our favorite tree, Hiccup seemed pretty content.
Hiccup let out a sigh as he closed his eyes and leaned against the behind us.
"Hiccup?" I asked him after a short moment.
His eyes remained closed, but he still answered. "Yeah?"
"Thank you" I sent him a small smile.
Hiccup's eyes opened as he turned towards me. "For what?"
"For everything you've done for me" I replied as I took in the confused expression on his face.
He furrowed his brows. "I haven't done anything for you?"
"Well, you saved me from freezing to death on a park bench. You know, there's not many men in this world who would take me, a girl lying unconscious in her underwear on a park bench, into their home without cruel intentions"
"There aren't many people who should jump into an icy river to rescue a friend either" I took his hands in mine. "There aren't many people in the world who would stay beside a person they barely knew for so long"
He wasn't even looking at me anymore, his gaze was locked onto the grass.
I placed my fingers under his chin and lifted it up so he would look me in the eye. "Stand up"
"Just do it"
He slowly rose up, confusion written all over his face.
I shot him a smile before taking a deep breath and slowly standing up, using his hands to help steady me.
His eyes widened as his mouth hung open, and for a moment, he was speechless.
"You... you can walk again?" He croaked.
I let out a small giggle as I grinned at him. "Yeah, the physical therapy helped a lot!"
"Wow... this is..." He looked me up and down as a smile spread across his face. "Amazing"
My legs got a bit wobbly, not quite used to carrying my full weight again, causing me to stumble into Hiccup, but surprisingly enough, he caught me before we both fell over.
That's when our eyes met. Ocean blue on emerald green.
The entire world around us faded as I gazed into his eyes, and I was immediately reminded of all the other times we had been this near.
I felt my heart beat increasingly faster as a lump gathered in the back of my throat.
Hiccup's hands tightened around my upper arms as he slowly helped me stand up. Even after I found stability he didn't let go of me, just like I didn't let go of him, who I had been clinging onto for dear life just a second ago.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as his eyes shimmered in the evening sun. His hair moved slightly as a light breeze flew between us. My gods, was he handsome.
We came slightly closer to one another, our noses only an inch apart when our hands rose to the other's face.
I brushed away a strand of his soft hair before wrapping it around my finger. A smile spread across his face as I let my fingers run through his hair once, twice... gods, it was so soft.
Another shimmer passed through his eyes as he smiled down at me. I felt my legs growing weak and a shiver shoot down my spine as he traced his finger along my jaw, before bringing it to my lips.
Hiccup came even closer, causing our noses to touch, and me to feel his breath tickling my lips. Again, I was reminded of all the times we had been this close, all the times we had been interrupted. But this time there was nothing to stop us.
No boyfriends, no parents, no friends. Just the two of us.
Hiccup's eyes traveled down to my lips as a hungry look crossed them. There was no doubt that he wanted this as much as I did.
Hiccup's hands gently cupped my cheeks as he came even closer, his lips brushing against mine before pressing a soft kiss against them.
My insides felt like they had just exploded into a pile of rainbows, happiness and confetti. The butterflies in my stomach had spread to the rest of my body and my heart was pounding so hard against my chest I was afraid it would re-break my ribs. Did I mention that I couldn't wipe the smile of my face?
Wow, I hadn't even kissed the boy properly and I already felt like I was walking on clouds. What was I doing staying away for so long? I had really been missing out.
I glanced Hiccup and found his face to be one of surprise. He probably didn't expect to actually kiss me either, seeing as he's just as used to be interrupted as I am, but now it had finally happened.
But a small kiss wasn't enough for me, not nearly enough.
Before Hiccup even had the chance to register what was happening, I smashed my lips hungrily onto his.
Luckily for me, Hiccup Haddock is a smart guy, so it didn't take long for him to realize what was happening.
8 months of lusting after one another was poured into that kiss, turning it deeper and more passionate than any kiss I'd ever had before.
Hiccup kissed me like I was the air he breathed, like he couldn't live without me for another minute, and frankly, I felt the same way in that moment.
As Hiccup pulled me closer, eliminating the space between us, it was like we melted together. It was like we were two puzzle pieces had been put together, it was like he was the pencil and I was the paper, it was like our hearts had been ripped apart, only to be reunited after what felt like a thousand years.
But in the end, the need for actual oxygen became too strong, and we were forced to break up our kiss.
Hiccup wrapped his arms around my waist as he leaned his forehead against mine. I let out a satisfied sigh before smiling and wrapping my arms around his neck.
After finally getting my breath back, I glanced up at Hiccup and found myself feeling quite confused.
Sadness was etched deep into his features.
"Hiccup, are you alright? Did I do something wrong?" I asked him, drawing my brows closer together.
Hiccup furrowed his brows. "What? Gods no, you were amazing! There's just something I've been meaning to ask you for a while"
"Well, what is it?" I asked him rather impatiently.
"When you were in the hospital, the gang and I sat in the waiting room all night, desperate to find out if you were okay" Hiccup began.
I nodded slowly as my brows drew even closer. "Yes, you've told me this before"
"Yes, and as we sat there, Eret arrived. He went up to the receptionist and told them, that he was your... fiancé"
"Astrid, was it true?" Hiccup asked, anger flashing through his eyes for a brief second.
I hesitated for a moment. "Yes"
Hiccup calmly let go of me before taking a step away, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"How long?" He asked calmly, turning back to face me.
"A week before the accident" I replied, my boots suddenly becoming very interesting.
"A WEEK?" Hiccup yelled, which made me jump. I had never seen him this angry. "You held that information away from us for a WEEK!?"
Anger boiled inside me. "Yes, yes I did. And so what? It's not like it was any of your business anyway! If I wanted to marry Eret, then I would've married Eret, no matter your thoughts or opinions"
"My gods" Hiccup sighed as he rested the palm of his hand against his forehead. "Please don't tell me you're still engaged"
"What? No! We broke it off on the day of the accident, that's why I drove off the bridge!" I explained to him.
Hiccup paused for a second, turning towards me, sadness taking over his features. "You tried to commit suicide?"
"No, you muttonhead! I was just so upset I couldn't see or think clearly, and when I finally managed to focus for a second, I had to avoid hitting a deer!"
I narrowed my eyes dangerously at him before turning on my heel. "No, I don't want to hear any more of your shit Hiccup, I'm leaving"
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