Chapter 6

The birds chirped on evergreen trees as spring comes whistling through the air with its breeze. The sun bright above the sky was slowly descending, where trees shadowed the beams below into magnificent arrays of small beams of light passing through the gaps of leaves.

It was approximately four in the afternoon by then, the calm whistles of nature alongside the gentle chatter of people nearby allured the area with youthful joy. It would be, if only a certain individual would cease the frown bestowed upon her expression.

Three days has passed since that night she approached the animatronic in the daycare, and still, not a clue. Vanessa couldn't help but release a sigh as she remained seated on the red and white checkered blanket sprawled on the grass in a nearby park, finding no purpose in being here in the first place.

"Sorry it took too long; the line was unbearable." You suddenly spoke when you approached her, two paper bags were carried in your arms, a somewhat tired expression looming your face. "Are these even that good for people to wait that long? Tsk." You mumbled.

Vanessa merely eyed you while you sat down on the blanket beside her, placing the paper bags down.

Apparently, today was a holiday where both you and Vanessa were allowed to take a vacation leave for the day. Instead of staying at home and sleeping, you chose to invite Vanessa out. For the past few hours, you played in the arcade with her, took her shopping in a nearby mall, and even went to see a movie after lunch. Now that it's four in the afternoon, you asked her out for a picnic near sunset.

The purpose of this is supposedly to take her mind off of work reasons, since lately, she has been pretty lethargic in nature. You knew right away that something is bothering her, but she just couldn't say it. With Freddy's advice, you spent the entirety of the day with Vanessa, in hopes to cheer her up.

But still, that frown of hers never left.

"It's a famous branch, who wouldn't expect a line?" she replied as lengthy as she could, despite the nonchalant eyes she held—they were tired. The nonsensical day spent in unproductivity.

Your eye could've twitched in great annoyance but held the urge to do so. You recalled Freddy's advice a few nights ago; patience is the key.

You simply opened the paper bag and took out the mozzarella sticks you've bought. "Well, what are you waiting for? Try it!" you tried to sound jubilant as you took a taste of the snack—indeed, it was worth waiting in line for.

However, Vanessa merely eyed the paper box where her portion of the snack is. "I'm not hungry, I told you this already. Can't we just go home?" she asked for the nth time today, a plead she repeated while being pulled and dragged around by you.

This time, you couldn't help but close your eyes in annoyance. "Vanessa, I really want to help you loosen up, but how will I do that if you keep pushing me away?" you shifted to face her fully, your body already facing her laid back stature. "I want to help you as much as I can, but I can't do that if you don't tell me what's wrong."

"Even if I did tell you, you just wouldn't understand—"

"Then make me understand you." You crossed your arms, your interest on the snack earlier faded quite quickly. "You can trust me, I promise." You finally proposed a promise in hopes that—after several hours of convincing her, she'll be more open.

Freddy told you specifically to be gentle and patient when confronting Vanessa, you and the animatronic discussed your ideas of helping Vanessa unwind. Lately, both you and Freddy noticed the unease in Vanessa's aura, and you genuinely want to help.

Yet you refused to accept the instances of the woman, trying to push you away.

Vanessa seemed to advert her gaze for a moment, as if contemplating whether or not she should just take her defensive walls down. "It's really hard to explain—"

"Is it what you asked me before? The whispers in dreams?" you couldn't help but ask, even though you're aware that its rude to cut someone off during their moment of speaking.

"Yes." She replied limitedly, bringing her knees at the level of her chest, her arms resting on her knees. "Lately, I've been hearing those whispers in my dream. Sometimes, when it gets too quiet, I could hear them." She tried to be as specific as she could, even though she knew not of what you could do to help her.

Evidently, you thought for a moment, seeing if you could recall anything—whispers in dreams, it makes you pause.

It's like a whirlwind of déjà vu brushing against you, the words she mentioned—you couldn't pinpoint what exactly made it so... unnerving.

Its like you experienced it before, but you couldn't remember what.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" Vanessa had to ask since your sudden silence made her a bit concerned, her hand waving in front of you, as if seeing if you were in a trance.

A sigh left your lips before looking straight at her once again. "Do you remember anything that happened to us before? Like, anything?" you suddenly asked—a question mostly exchanged between the two of you, but none could answer anything.

It was starting to become very tedious.

"Honestly, I don't know anymore. Sometimes, I remember something—and the next moment, I don't remember it anymore. But one thing is for sure, the feeling is very... familiar." She opened to you, her eyes slightly downcast as the wind brushed against her frame, her low ponytail lightly swaying in the breeze.

You shuddered for a moment from the sudden coldness, the sun was beginning to set, and the array of colors in the sky now cascaded down to its orangey hue. Casually, you took a piece of your snack and ate it—just to ease yourself. "I know the feeling, I'm getting memory flashes too, but I don't know what's it all even about. Quite a surprise that we both landed with the same condition, in the exact place, am I right?" your attempt on humor was left unnoticed, Vanessa simply remained stoic.

"Who knows? What if we forgotten something very important, something that involves both of us. I believe, you thought about it at some point too, right?" she stretched her legs for a moment, feeling numb from her current position. "Back at the hospital, you said you could only remember working with me under your probation period, and then during the accidental encounter with a burglar in the Pizzaplex. Honestly, that's how far I could remember as well. Anything else after, I couldn't recall."

"Then whatever happened after must've been really important, huh?" you mumbled, looking over at the can of FizzyFaz on the blanket. You couldn't help but pop the lid and took a sip of the carbonated drink. After so, you just held it for a moment. "But you're right, whatever happened after must've been important. Anything related to it might be connected to something big."

"Yes, and I think I triggered it somehow. I must've heard or seen something that's causing this feeling of uncertainty. Whatever it is, its triggering a memory." She concluded, looking up at the sky to see the darkened orange hue, the sun slowly sinking down and the coolness of the night nearing closer as time passes.

"I asked Freddy to help me do some research. Apparently, his memory chip is limited to only his first start up before his reset. However, his memory chip still had log files and save logs. He just needs time to manage through it and access his memories. He's doing progress, at least." You trailed off for a moment while in thought.

This caused the other woman to perk upon hearing your words. "What progress?" she couldn't help but ask—it could take her to the answer she yearns for!

"It doesn't really help, but he mentioned that there was a missing children incident during our time in the Pizzaplex." You whispered it to her lowly while looking around to make sure that no one is listening in your conversation with Vanessa. "Until now, those cases remained unsolved, but the issue eventually died down. Do you think it has something to do with that?"

Vanessa gave it a thought before shaking her head. "I don't know, it doesn't ring a bell to me, you know? I've read through the report files, of course, I know about it." she was a bit disappointed, since it didn't garner her the information she needs. Rather, it's just a bunch of events occurring before.

But is it linked to the both of you, necessarily?

"You're right, but I don't recall anything else." You gave up, seeing as talking about this further will garner no results, since you couldn't recall anything at all.

Just what exactly does that months' worth of memories hold? What secrets do they hide?

Did you know something that you weren't supposed to?

"What about you, though? Your injuries no longer acting up?" in an attempt to change the subject, she chose to ask another question.

During your days at the hospital, your injuries healed slowly—a normal pace for humans. You recalled the pain of the wounds on your back during those weeks, and painkillers were like tears of an angel and its blessings of relief. It's been almost half a year since you recuperated from the incident, the wounds rarely cause you any problems.

As long as you don't exert too much movement, of course. Other than that, you were fine, and the wounds healed nicely—the sad part is that scars eventually formed and tainted your skin with what remained after that horrid occurrence.

"I barely even remember them." You brushed it off, truth to be told, it wasn't a big deal anymore.

Its just that the memory loss became such a hassle. Especially, during your 'return to work' period. It was only by sheer luck that the Pizzaplex covered all expenses. Your family knew about it and visited you, but you were keen in staying at your current job.

Eventually, your younger brother went to medical school, and your parents enjoyed the peaceful days in their flower shop. It was but pure luck that they're convinced that you'll be fine staying in the Pizzaplex.

And then there's Freddy, a kind entity that guided you since you returned.

"It's getting a bit late, why don't we head back?" Vanessa proposed, having already stood and stretched, indicating the soreness of her sitting position earlier.

You couldn't help but frown, you weren't exactly successful even if a day's worth of effort but decided to let her go. "You go right ahead, I'll clean up."

Without any other reconsideration, she grabbed her things and left the park, her footsteps calm yet rapid in its wake. It seems that she's really eager to go home.

Without much of a word, you began packing up, folding the picnic blanket and placing everything in your backpack, the food left untouched was brought back to the paper bag where you went off with everything else. The sun has just set and night time was approaching to make itself visible. The streetlamps now lighted, and vehicles are only few on the road.

You have nothing to do anyways, why not take the night shift? After all, you'll take the day shift after. You could finish up quick, take a nap at Freddy's greenroom, and work. It wouldn't be so bad, right?

With this in thought, you headed straight to your apartment first to drop your things, as bringing too much will only weight you down unnecessarily.

All the while, you took Vanessa's words into mind; maybe, the incident that occurred before as well as the memory loss might have a meaning to it after all...

Who knows? Maybe, there's something you just had to forget.

And then remember.


"What a surprise! I thought you're on leave today?" your boss questioned, astonished to see that you're in the Pizzaplex—wearing your security uniform.

Sheepishly, you rubbed the back of your neck. "I had nothing to do, might as well be productive." You reasoned; it was partially true anyways.

For some reason, you feel well rested to be here than to be home.

"That's nice to hear, you're really dedicated—but you still have to keep an eye on your health." Although he was concerned, he was actually quite elated to see you—since there are no other security guard willing to take the task.

Despite half a year, only you and Vanessa were 'brave' enough to take the night shift. Not that the Pizzaplex nor its management minded, having only two people for the job was already feasible enough. They don't see the point in hiring more security guards, there are tons of patrol automatons anyways.

Ever since that near-tragic event of your accident, he has always kept his tabs on you to make sure you're okay. At least, someone in the Pizzaplex actually cares.

"I know, I'll make sure of it." you replied limitedly, glancing around to see that many of the customers are already out of the building. It was just two hours before your shift, best you go around before going around searching for Freddy.

Your boss seemed to be in a hurry, he kept glancing on his watch. "As much as I want to chat with you, I got to get home. It's my daughter's birthday, I've already disappointed her by going to work today." He sighed for a moment.

"It's okay, you can go right ahead. Wish her a happy birthday for me." You smiled and gave a wave, leaving first to ensure that the man doesn't get held up for too long.

Indeed, he rushed out the Pizzaplex after you turned around, eager to get home. You on the other hand, took the leisure of waltzing through Rockstar Row to get to the security office. You can't interact with Freddy when there are too many people still, it won't be convenient for both you and Freddy.

The automated staff were beginning to flock the place, and cleaning bots were initiating night time protocols to do their work of expertise. You simply headed over to where the security office should be—and it was left just as you remembered; dirty.

You wished for a moment that the cleaner bots were sentient, you could ask them to clean up in here.

But that's not the case.

You took a seat at the soft cushion of the worn-off swivel chair, the backrest reclining slightly from your weight. The monitors up front shows a brief view of various places nearby the area of the office, showcasing employees leaving, and customers nearly absent in the premises for the night. You couldn't help but ponder over Vanessa's words earlier.

Hearing voices whispering in dreams, that sounds all too familiar, but you simply couldn't point your finger on what. Its not that you've experienced it lately—but if felt like you've experienced it before.

But where?

Whatever it is, it must've been triggered by something. Is that why she is asking if you knew anything of what happened in the past? Was it something that triggered her to... remember?

It might be plausible, and definitely not impossible.

You were lost in your thoughts for quite some time that when you looked up at the digital clock by the desk, it was already minutes away from midnight.

You took a moment to disregard the thoughts you have and stood up. Placing your unnecessary things on the desk—of course, remembering to take you phone, the tablet, your flashlight, and the taser in case. You strapped those objects in necessary placements on your belt holster before taking ahold of the tablet and leaving the security office.

The ambience was as calm and melodious as it has ever been, the journey back to Rockstar Row was ever so quick. Your entire year of staying here allowed you to immediately decipher the numerous hallways in the building, rendering you unable to get lost.

By the time you arrived at the main pathway of Rockstar Row, the automated audio of the Pizzaplex closing for the night rang your ears, and the barricades to the exit was already being brought down, preventing access from entering and exiting.

You didn't bother with that, you simply headed over to check on the animatronics first, as the tasks assigned to you was really light—just keep an eye on the animatronics, period.

When you arrived at Monty's room, it was oddly quiet, the curtains were closed aside from a tiny gap that allows you brief visuals. It seemed; Monty was charging in the backrooms. On the other hand, you could vaguely hear Chica rocking out her guitar in her own greenroom with curtains fully opened, and Roxy was complimenting her appearance by her vanity, checking for any damages on her paint job, you presumed.

Then, there's Bonnie's newly built greenroom, just near Freddy's. his greenroom had blueberry curtains open for all to see, and the interior of his greenroom complimented the accents of his color palette. Bonnie himself, however, seemed to be strangely—sleeping on the couch of his. His couch was enamored with the presence of his plush dolls that were recently on sale, his eyes were closed, head hung low, and body slouched on the couch. If animatronics were human, he must've been exhausted as the new arrival—or returning player, rather.

You chose not to bother him for tonight and headed to the last greenroom—Freddy's greenroom. The curtains were closed shut, not a gap could be seen through. You didn't minded and simply used your security I.D. to get inside his greenroom. The automatic sliding doors opened for your entry which you gladly entered. The lighting was just decent to light the room, but not too bright to offset the accents of the color palette situated in the room. Freddy's room has always been the cleanest, his trash bin nearby was filled with paper towels and tissues that were obviously stained and used. It was probably due to the kids he encountered in the daytime.

Although, there was one, crumpled piece of tissue under the vanity, you crouched down to see what it was—it was just some tissue stained with ketchup. Someone must've dropped it, or Freddy overlooked it. you grabbed ahold of the piece of garbage and proceeded to throw it in the trash bin when a resounding voice calls to you.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" the low yet surprised tone of Freddy was heard as he left the backrooms, probably finished in charging after a day's worth of workload. "I thought you and Vanessa were on leave."

"We were, well, earlier. I have nothing to do so might as well take up the night shift." You patted your hands together to clear away what dirt was on your palms before once again picking up the tablet which you left on the ground when you picked up the trash. "Besides, I miss spending time with you."

The animatronic's eyes seemed to soften as he took a seat on the couch, the giant plush doll of himself placed on the ground beside the couch to give him more room. "Come and take a seat, you must have many to say."

"you know me too well." You smiled and obliged, placing your things on the vanity before plopping down on Freddy's couch once more, leaning on the animatronic's somewhat warm casing. It must've been due to his charging procedures which warmed up his mechanical body. "It was really hard; Vanessa didn't want to enjoy anything at all."

"People go through different things all at once, it is inevitable for her to remain silent despite your offer of aid. Remember what I told you, be patient and don't push her if she really doesn't want to say anything." He lifted his mechanical hand just above your head. "May I?"

You nodded in response and released a sigh of fatigue. It didn't take long before you felt Freddy's hand to gently pat your head, brushing his blunt claws through your (H/C) locks, removing tangles from your messy bun. It didn't take long before the hair tie slipped from your locks, your (H/L) locks gently laid on your shoulders while he continued to brush his hand through your hair. It was calming, so to say. "It's just so vague, she keeps talking about these whispers in her dreams. She didn't tell me the specifics, but she has been digging around to know more about that accident."

"Accident?" Freddy questioned, pausing his ministrations for a brief moment before proceeding to comb your hair with his fingers. "Was it the one involving your injuries?" he continued in questioning, his focus entirely on you.

"Yeah, the one we can barely even remember." You felt kind of annoyed of the fact that you remembered nothing, when it seems to hold important meaning in what's going on right now. "I think something happened which triggered her from remembering something, I just don't know what. This feeling of déjà vu isn't leaving my mind."

"I understand how you feel, I too have been reminiscing some parts, but most of which are of no importance relating to your accident. Hopefully, I could crack down the security protocol surrounding the data logs and remember everything." His hand once again paused its ministrations and went down to hold your left shoulder, allowing you to lean onto his animatronic casing of a body. "It sickens me to know that the perpetrator who has hurt you is still roaming free outside. There's nothing else I'd want more than to bring justice against that deranged individual." His eyes were downcast with a sullen hue for a moment before shaking away the thought.

You felt at ease being in the animatronic's presence, his warm yet hard-cased hand alongside his animatronic casing was surprisingly comfortable, you could sleep right there and then. "I do remember something, now that I think about it."

The animatronic perked, looking down at your small stature compared to his height. "You do? That's splendid news." He could've smiled if only he had lips, but his tone and eyes sufficed all the same.

"Yeah, it was a few nights ago, I dreamt about children disappearing." You tried to recall the vague and fading memory, but like all dreams, they fade away the further you tried to recall. "I did some research a few days ago, there has been child disappearances occurring here a month before the accident."

"Indeed, there is. Despite collaborated efforts between the management and the authorities, they were still unsuccessful in locating the missing youth." he couldn't help but frown but didn't dare show it to you. "On the positive end, you were still able to recall something despite having nothing at all in the past few months. This is indeed a significant improvement." He still cheered quietly, the fact that you were beginning to remember was giving him inexplainable joy.

After all, it was all for your welfare alone.

"Mhm, I think something triggered my memory too, I just don't know what exactly." You leaned your head on his casing, your ears picking up the whirring of his servos internally. "There's another thing I'm sad about."

"Oh? Please do share." He urged, slightly nudging you closer to his side on the couch. "Whatever it may be, I'll do my best to provide aid."

"I went out with Vanessa the whole day; I kept wondering what it would be like if I could just bring you out on a date too." You scoffed bitterly, another thing that disappoints you when considering of his nature.

Truth be told, its not just being close to Freddy which changed in your life. Rather, it was the very fact that you and the animatronic were...


Well, trying to, on the contrary.

The animatronic lightly nuzzled your head with his cheek. "I do apologize, it would've been better for you if only I were human. But then again, it was also a surprise that my sentience could also learn human feelings." Whenever you mention things like going out on a walk, talking to other people, or going to the movies, he greatly envied whoever was with you.

Despite your attachment to him, he is unable to let you experience what its like to go out with a male.

"Hey, it's fine. Although its hard, we can always find a way." You wrapped your arm around his stomach area in an attempt to hug him. "Movies are easy, the Pizzaplex has a theatre."

"I gained access to what humans call as 'surfing the internet', I have gained knowledge to many topics and anything alike. I could give you flowers, but I worry that you have pollen allergy." He recalled how flower gifting is one of the most common human-made traditions when trying to court a girl, sadly, there isn't a flower shop in the Pizzaplex.

He also frankly recalled the dangers of allergies.

"You're overthinking, I'm not allergic to flowers." You smiled anyhow, closing your eyes as you kept your head leaned on his body, your arms barely wrapping around to hug him, but it was enough for you. "I appreciate the thought, though. I've been running around all day to make Vanessa happy; I need rest."

"Do you want me to watch over the cameras tonight? I have a blanket you could use if you want to sleep." He proposed, watching the cameras is something relatively effortless for an animatronic like him, since he needn't too much effort to watch the surveillance, his batteries will be enough to last half the night shift before charging is once again required.

"No, I don't think anything will happen tonight." You adjusted your position to get closer to him, no longer caring of the fact that you and the animatronic were entirely different, incompatible entities. "Just stay where you are, I'm comfortable like this."

Freddy didn't pressed on the topic further since his systems can simply pull up the camera feeds right before his eyes if he wants to. Still, someone has to keep an eye on things. "Okay, I have a pillow on the couch if you want to sleep, I won't mind." He reminded, lightly patting your shoulder with his fingers to ease your tensed shoulders.

You didn't respond and just grabbed the pillow which was within arm's reach and leaned it against Freddy's hard casing, your head resting on the soft material of the pillow just made you even more drowsy than before. A random Freddy plush was already in your arms which you hugged. It didn't take too long before you drifted off to slumber, using Freddy's presence as a source of warmth as you dozed off, already comfortable despite the position.

It was a norm which you and Freddy have. You find it more comfortable to sleep against his body more than the couch alone, no longer needing a blanket thanks to his warm casings.

The animatronic simply stayed put, making sure not to make any unnecessary movements, lest you stir awake and get interrupted sleep. His eyes blinked as he digitally pulled up the camera feeds and proceeded to watch over the Pizzaplex throughout the night, with you by his side.

He loved every second of being right beside you. Would it even be possible? For an animatronic and a human to be in a relationship? Unlikely, but it was worth the shot for Freddy.

If only they didn't need to hide it from the rest, you just need time to assure yourself of what you're getting into, and Freddy still needs time to get used to this newfound set up.

But he is more than ready to test the odds.

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