CHAPTER 4: First encounter (part 2)

(at the Darksyde)

we see the Predacons, or atleast Terrorsaur & Wasp in their new Jet modes flying around the wrecked predacon ship as we see a familiar chopper-face exit the ship while holding the Golden Disc, then growl in frustration

DinoBot: NO NO NO, It's all wrong, this can't be Earth. (turns around) Megatron, you failed! not only did you FAIL to destroy the maximals when you had the chance 4 million years ago, you FAILED to bring us to the right planet!! we stole the Golden Disc for nothing, YOU IDIOT!!!

he yelled as he threw the disc inside of the darksyde, then a silver & purple missle carrier drove out of the shadows

Megatron: i beg your pardon, what did you call me?

he asked to chopper face (aka: DinoBot)

Dinobot: You heard (snarls) you are an idiot and incapable of leading, and i am taking over. (aims in sword at megs) i challenge you to battle, Megatron! the winner shall lead the Predacons and the loser shall be destroyed.

he said with a sneer

Megatron: (sigh) you're so impulsive, Dinobot. Brave...but misguided. isn't that right, scorponok?

he asked as scorponok walked out of the shadows and aimed one of his claws at Dinobot, who was shocked at knowing at scorponok aiming at him as he fired missles from his claws, which made Dinobot fly out into the sky, far away from the Darksyde

Megatron: Loser. what does it matter of which planet we're on? we came looking for energon and this planet is rich with the element, enough energon to power the Predacon's entire galactic conquest. but only the maximals can only give us trouble now...if they survived the crash. (looks at the predacons) Find them, and if you find them...Destroy them.

he said as Scorponok turned into his truck mode while Tarantulas (in his motorbike mode) drove away as TerrorSaur and Wasp flew to the skies to search for the maximals

(at the Axalon)

we see RatTrap, in his robot mode, walking out of the axalon with scrap and tossed it to the ground

RatTrap: all this for a golden disc, what's so special about it anyway?!

he asked in frustration to Optimus Primal, who looked at the new yorker maximal

Optimus Primal: it was Cybertrons most carefully guarded relic, RatTrap. it gave the location of a major emergon source, that's why Megatron stole it.

he answered to the small, motorbike maximal

RatTrap: yeah, like i care. ya know, we we're supposed to be doin' deep space exploration. (grunts) playin' galactic patrol wasn't nowhere in my job description, you know what i'm sayin'? sure you cut out for this commannder gig?

he asked while leaning against a metal pole from the elevator he walked out of to get rid of the scrap he tossed out earlier

Optimus Primal: (groans) remember the Great War, RatTrap. if the predacons get enough Energon, they'll start it again. (balls up a fist) we can't let that happen. and besides, you want an exploration, and here we are on an unknown planet. what more do you want?

he asked

RatTrap: well, call me picky, but a workin' spacecraft might be nice.

he said, trying to act cool and shit

Optimus Primal: (sigh) there's just no pleasing some people, isn't there?

he asked to himself, then Cheetor came out of the axalon in robot mode as he jumped out of the elevator ramp and sees something in a distance with a smile on his faceplate

Cheetor: hey, check it out!!

he said as he showed optimus and the others a projection of a NASCAR race

Optimus Primal: those vehicles are pretty fast, you chose a good form.

he complimented

Cheetor: (scoffs) you think that's fast, wait until you see this.

he said as he transformed into his car mode and drove far away from the axalon really fast

Optimus Primal: CHEETOR, NO!!!! GET BACK HERE!!!!

he ordered, but he didn't hear his leader because of cheetor driving too fast

Optimus Primal: Cheetor, Return to base Immediately!! we don't have time for this!!

he ordered through the comms, but all he got was just static, then Rupture drove towards Optimus Primal

Rupture: No good. the energon fields messed up the comm links. if you use the comms in a distance from anything over a hundred meters, they're nothing but scrap.

he said the bad news on why cheetore didn't hear primal

Optimus Primal: well, that's just prime.

(After School in San Diego)

as school ended for this year, we see the students, along with Kai, Felicity & Leela walk out of the building and walk back to their homes as they passed by some bushes, but the bushed shaked and what popped out of said bushes were Blitz, Moxxie & his wife, Millie

Blitz: (chuckles) that's gotta be Kai, this is too easy. let's go M&M.

he said he and M&M follow Kai and his two female friends silently, like ninjas or something

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