Chapter 34: Hello Rosie!
Fang went on to explain the truth to everyone in the hotel who are not only shocked of the information that was given to them but also pissed at the one who ruined their lives back when their were alive and the reason their down in hell in the first place. Now the extermination is almost here and Fang needs to get his friends prepared for the worst to come.
Angel: You mean to fucking tell us that everything that happened to us and for all the bull shit we did back when were alive was all that dipshit angels fault?! He's the reason for everything!
Fang: Yes.
Husker: I knew something was up in heaven thats why I never wanted to go there in the first place. But seriously Fang I mean this is a lot to take in and hard believe.
Fang: I know its hard to believe buts it's the truth.
Alice: I agree with Fang, I sense no lies coming from him.
Vaggie: I can't believe everything I knew about heaven was a lie this whole time and I didn't even see it. First finding out that sinners are suppose to be redeemed, the heavens God is trapped who knows where, Adam being the manipulator who caused so much chaos on earth, Him and Sera lying to heavens people of the truth...argh when I see that asshole I am going to rip him in half.
Fang: You will get your chance Vaggie but right now we need to focus. Does anyone else have questions?
Husker: I got one, how did heaven take it when they found out the truth?
Fang: Oh they took it a different way and are now ganging up on Adam, now he's a fugitive of heaven and an enemy so all of heaven is against him.
Husker: Heh, bastard got what he deserved.
Angel: Say where is Charlie? Shouldn't she be down here to tell us about another doomed to fail plan.
Fang: She's upstairs, she needed to cool off after finding out some hidden secrets, I am going up to check on her.
Fang leaves everyone downstairs so he can go check on Charlie who was in her room crying after finding out everything she knew about heaven was all but a lie and her dream was suppose to happen but failed after Sera and Adam lied to all of heaven thinking sinners cannot be redeemed. By the Fang arrives into her room, he saw the poor princess rapped in her blanket and crying with sadness.
Charlie: 😢sniff.......
Fang: Charlie....
Charlie: Everything...everything was could they do this.......?
Fang: I am sorry about what happened up there, I didn't mean to upset you or anything.
Charlie: 😢 you didn't upset me, you opened my eyes to the truth. Fang you reveled that everything in heaven were based off lies and that Sera and Adam have been keeping these horrible secrets to the people of heaven. How could they have done this?!
Fang: That's how people who want nothing more than power and gain control over others do, Charlie. I have seen this before back on earth when Gabriel wanted nothing more than power which could of destroyed the whole world and Rossi using her manipulation to gain the trust of others and turning them against good people.
Charlie: I don't know what to do....I. failed my friends and I can't even face them not after I failed so hard. They came here to be saved while I gave them was more pain.
Fang: Charlie it's not your fault, don't blame yourself. You did such good for them and they do appreciate for what they did even if they wont admit it but deep down they care about you just like how I am.
Charlie: How did you find out about this information about Adam and what he did?
Fang: Tiki and Plagg. You forget they been around for centuries and seen a lot. They knew about what Adam has done as well as the chaos he's caused. They told me everything during you and Vaggie's trip to Paris. The reason I didn't tell you all was because it wasn't the right time nor place. But now that the truth is out, all of heaven is ganging up on Adam and calling him a liar and a betrayer even Emily is rising against him as well as Sera.
Charlie: I guess that makes sense but you could of told me sooner or later, I am good at keeping secrets.
Fang: Except Adam can get into your head and force you to reveal the truth just like how he tried to do with Vaggie's friend Lute. She was working undercover to find a way to beat Adam but in the end she got casted out of heaven and came crashing down into hell. Also she never killed any of your people Charlie, she only said that to fool Adam.
Charlie: Oh my Satan..what am I going to do. Adam has an invincible exorcist army pointed right at my doorstep and there is nothing I can't do!
Fang: Actually your wrong on that subject.
Charlie: What?
Fang: A few months ago after the meeting with OverLords I over heard Carmilla Carmine talking that she killed an exorcist.
Charlie: Carmilla, Carmilla Carmine killed an exorcist, how?
Fang: By using the weapons that those angels carry when they kill sinners. Charlie angelic weapons are the key to killing exorcists, Carmilla used her ballerina shoes made of the same angelic metal to cut down an exorcist. In other words exorcists can be killed. Then a couple months later she invited me for a job and that is protect hell from the exorcist including her daughters which I promised her I will if she gave me the information on how to defend against Adam and the exorcist.
Charlie: Then...we might have fighting chance.
Fang: Yes but not alone, we going to need numbers if we are going to fight against Adam and his exorcist. I already made an order for weapons from Carmine and all we need are the troops and the weapons, she show me how to kill the exorcists as well. Once we get the troops we show them how to defend themselves.
Charlie couldn't hold it in and just wrapped her arms around Fang and hugged him with tears coming down her face but not tears of sadness no tears of hope that there is a chance against the exorcists and Fang gave Charlie the answer to everything.
Charlie: 😢 really are the greatest. I don't what to say, Fang.
Fang: A thank you would be nice.
Charlie: Thank you and thank you for being in my life. I love you so much.
Fang: I love you too Charlie. Also I know you're both standing near the door, Vaggie, Alastor.
Charlie: What are you two doing here?
Vaggie: I was worried about you and went to check up on you, sweetie. But it seems like Fang has everything covered.
Alastor: Hmm seems like your senses are quite strong, my wolf friend.
Vaggie: I didn't know exorcist can be killed?
Fang: Wait you mean you never knew about it?
Vaggie: No I didn't. Until now.
Charlie: Fang gave me info that can save the hotel, but we are going to need help. Thanks to the information he gave me, I believe Carmilla Carmine is the key. She killed an exorcist is the last extermination, she knows how they can be harmed.
Fang: Charlie, myself and Vaggie will go pick up the weapons while you go and try and find us some reinforcements to help. I won't dragged my team from IMP nor the girls into this, I don't want them to suffer as well.
Charlie: Understood.
Alastor: And if you thinking of finding reinforcements I know just the right person who can help. As long as Charlie can be her normal charming self.
Fang: Good. While Charlie and Alastor go get out reinforcements, Vaggie you and I will get the weapons from Carmilla and maybe offer herself to train you on how to kill the exorcist. You could use some fighting tactics to help in battle.
Vaggie: I guess I could. But for you Alastor, no funny business with Charlie.
Alastor: I would never, my dear. Cross my...Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!
Alastor looks behind him and see's his sister grabbing his ears and giving her brother a devilish smile with a glare knowing her brother would always try something foolish.
Alice: And you're not going alone with her dear brother because I will be coming as well to keep you in check. Hope you don't mind, Charlie. After all someone has to keep my adorable strawberry brother in check.
Alastor: Did you just call me....
Charlie: Oh not at all, Alice.
Fang: Then let's get started, shall we.
As soon as Alastor, Alice, and Charlie leaved the hotel both Fang and Vaggie headed down to leave as well but not before Angel asked them what is going on.
Angel: So uh, Alastor, Alice, and Charlie just left like they were running away from their responsibilities should we be alarmed?
Vaggie: No, we have a plan but it includes defending ourselves against the Adam and the exorcists.
Husker: What? Are you fucking high?
Vaggie: They can be killed.
Egg Boy: Yea that knife lady Carmilla Carmine killed one.
Vaggie: Wait you knew about this.
Fang: Apparently he did, one of the egg boys went to spy on Carmine and find out the information it was Alastor's doing.
Egg Boy: Oh yea I told boss about it months ago.
Vaggie: He what?!
Sir Pentious: What? They say insane shit all the time. How was I suppose to know this one was true?!
Egg Boy: Banks accounts are a scam created by the shadow government.
Sir Pentious: See!
Fang: Not important right now but what is important is that we going to have one hell of shit fight on us. The hotel is about to become the most dangerous place in hell. Charlie or Vaggie cannot guarantee safety anymore however they still believe in the dream so do I, and I know the hotel can work and I know none of you signed up for this trust me I know. But are you really just going to sit around and just let the exorcists come and kill you or you asshole are going to man up and fight for your soul. It's your choice, for me I will stand and fight till my last breath.
Vaggie: Come on we need to get going. Fang is taking me to learn learn how to fight and when we come home, we will all understand if none of you are here.
Fang: Just think about what I said guys. I think of you guys as my friends as well even if some of you are jerks and pain of the asses but thats what I like about you guys.(Fang saids to the guys before leaving out the door with Vaggie)
Sir Pentious: 😢Sniff....that was beautiful, spoken like a true leader would say.
Outside the hotel Fang opened a portal but it doesn't lead to Carmine industries but back to his penthouse that left Vaggie confused onto why come to the penthouse.
Vaggie: What are we doing in your penthouse? Should we be going to Carmilla right about now.
Fang: I thought we could bring someone along who can also train with you. She would be a great help to us.
Vaggie: Who?
I think he means me, Vaggie.(Vaggie turns and knows the voice in which was known other than Lute herself)
(Edit done by me: 95nicholanm)
Vaggie: L...Lute.
Lute: Hi...Vaggie.
Vaggie: LUTE!!!!!
Vaggie runs and hugs her long time friend slash sister which both girls laughed and hugged at seeing each other again. Fang smiles at the sight of two friends reuniting again even in this dark hour.
Vaggie: I missed you so much...oh Satan I am so sorry for what Adam has done to you.
Lute: It's fine, I was more worried about you and when the reports came in that you were dead, I was lost and hurt but now that you are here with me things are starting to feed great again.
Fang: Indeed but now because extermination is coming and we are going to need all the help we can get. You with us Lute.
Lute: I made a promise that I will stand by your side and I will. My sword is now yours.
Fang: Excellent, lets head over to Carmilla and get the weapons and maybe she can help train you two in combat against the exorcists.
Vaggie and Lute: As you wish honey.(Both said and kiss Fang on the cheek)
Vaggie: Wait you and him are?
Lute: Yea, never met a man who has such strong wisdom as well as pure heart even as a demon wolf. Hope you don't mind.
Vaggie: He has harem going on, so I'm cool with it.
Fang: Lute, is Loona all right?
Lute: She's with BlitzO and the others, Danni took her. She's fine.
Fang: Good. Let's get us some weapons.
Meanwhile with Charlie, Alastor and Alice took her down to Cannibal Town to search for the help that Charlie needs to defend the hotel against the angels.
Charlie: So why are we in Cannibal Town of all places?
Alice: Myself and Alastor have a long time friend who would be more than appreciated to help with your cause Charlie.
Charlie: If you say so but Cannibal Town of all place I mean this place is....actually this place is quite nice.(Charlie sees kids getting balloons and having fun)
Alastor: Isn't it though and it's all thanks to our very special someone. After you my dear.(Alastor saids and opens the door for Charlie)
Charlie: Oh thank you.
Inside the three looked at the front and saw one of the overlords from the meeting that Alastor and Alice went to with Fang. It was the Overlord known as Rosie who is a very sweet woman but with the teeth of a carnivore. Like a joyful and demon like version of Mary Poppins.
Rosie: Well who hasn't thought about eating their first husband. I certainly would have if he didn't taste so bad hehehehe. I tell you what bring old, dark, and armless to me and I'll straighten him right out ok sweetie, now hears my card. Oh my stars, do my eyes deceive me Alastor and Alice. Alastor, Alice, where have you two been? These holes really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence.
Alice: Sorry Rosie just been away for a while nothing too serious.
Rosie: All is forgive dear, and who is this you brought with you? Come now Alastor, she's much too young for you, Oh I'm just kidding I know your an ace in the hole.
Alice: Pffff...
Alastor: A what now?
Rosie: Oh where are your manners mister. Introduce us why don't you.
Alastor: Ah yes, Charlie this is Rosie. The most darling delightful and dangerous Overlord this side of the pentagram.
Alice: She may be dangerous Charlie, but she's also a big sweet heart.
Rosie: Oh stop you two, such charmers they are.
Alastor: And Rosie it's my pleasure to introduce to you to Princess Charlie Morningstar. Daughter of Lucifer and heir to the throne of hell.
Charlie: How do you do hehe.
Rosei: Well well isn't this a regal surprise. Come in come in, can I offer for you to eat, I am sure I have a leg around here something, oh what am I thinking a small thing like you, you're probably watching your figure has about some nice pinky fingers instead.(Rosie saids and shows Charlie the fingers)
Charlie: no, thank you though.
Rosie: Oh look at you, so polite. Alastor you can learn a thing or two from this one and Alice. Anyway dear why don't you sit down sit down and tell Aunty Rosie what can she do for you. You know Alastor I got a primo connect on a guy about eight blocks of territory and not enough goons to run it, prime pickings for a deal to be made my friend.
Alastor: Appreciate the offer but we are here on business of another kind.
Rosie: Well don't keep me in suspense, I am a very busy woman.
Charlie: Well, as you know....
Alastor: Hmm.
Charlie: The extermination is coming early it will be here in a month and they are coming for my hotel and my friends first and I...I...I...I...I...
Alice and Alastor: We need your help.
Alastor: Well you cannibals at least, to help defend off the attack.
Rosie: Wow when you ask a favor you don't start small do you, your highness? Now don't threat, I didn't say I wouldn't help but I assume more to this plan than a bunch of unarmed cannibals.
Alastor: Oh your people would be far from helpless when we're done with them and by the end they will be able too eat their fill.
Rosei: Well in that case, sure why not.
Charlie: Really.
Rosei: What can I say, I like your moxie girl. And Alastor has never done me wrong before not even Alice because she's such a cutie pie.
Alice: Oh Rosie stop it, your gonna make me blush.
Charlie: OOH! Thank you thank you thank you!
With Fang and the girls they arrived at Carmine industries were Fang texted Carmilla that he was here to pick up the weapons that he ordered months ago.
Vaggie: You sure Carmine will help us?
Fang: I know she will, she gave me her word that she will.
Lute: Did you get a text back from her?
Fang: Just now, she's said she is waiting inside and has the weapons prepared for the day of the extermination. The door will be opening right about, now.
The door opens to the industries and all three of them walked inside to look for Carmine until Fang picked up her scent.
Fang: Hello again Carmilla.
Carmilla: Greeting beloved.
Lute and Vaggie: Beloved?
Carmilla: Yes myself and the HellWolf are lovers, not bit of shock isn't it after he does have that harem going on and I am a member of it.
Vaggie(Whisper): How many girls do you have in a relationship?
Fang: Not the time for that. Are the weapons packed and ready to be sold.
Carmilla: They are my love, and I do appreciate the payment.
Fang: Got it right here and of course I would say I would pay you a lot for those weapons.(Fang saids and throws a envelope check to Carmilla)
Carmilla: I see you also brought the former exorcist or make that two former exorcists.
Fang: Lute was never part of them, just undercover.
Vaggie: Wait how does she know about me and Lute being exorcists?
Fang and Carmilla: You carry a weapon of exorcists and you have an X on your eyes obviously.
Vaggie: Fuck...
Fang: It's not that hard to figure out Vaggie. Anyway the reason why I brought them here is ask if you could train them how to fight the exorcist show them how to kill them so that they can pass off this teaching to the others at the hotel so they can defend themselves.
Carmilla: Why would I...
Lute: Gulp...lets never make our lover angry.
Vaggie: I second that.
Carmilla: Hmmm, very well. Here's a lesson for the both of you. HAAAA!!!!
Lute and Vaggie: WHOAH?!(Both dodge the surprise attack but land on the group)
Fang: Might as well sit this out and allow them to be trained.(Fang saids and thought and watches the lessons)
Carmilla: Angels attack quickly, viciously, and without mercy. You will need to defend better than that.
Fang: Trust her girls she knows what she is doing.
Back at Cannibal Town, Rosie with speaker was informing her people of an important announcement that involves Charlie and her mission.
Rosei: Cannibals and Cannibets! Assemble in the scare. Now darling you know I would do anything, anything for my clients. But I can't exactly command all of Cannibal Town to follow someone else into battle. Now don't get me wrong they love carnage and blood shed but to get this group into line you gotta win them over.
Charlie: But how do I...?
Rosie: With sparkle and that oath so appealing moxie of yours.
Alastor: Shouldn't be a problem. It's like you failed to inspired anyone before.
Rosie: Now fare warning this group sticks together so in order to convince any of them you would need to convince all of them. And there is one in particular..
Alastor: Ehhh Susan...
Alice: I've never like that bitch of woman, she's so nagging.
Rosie: Exactly Susan, she's a bit of um....
Alastor: Ordinary old bitch.
Rosie: That! She's tough but win her over and the rest will be easy as pie. Ready.
Charlie: I guess.
Rosie: Everyone! We have a very special very royal guest this evening. Please your bloody hands together for Princess Charlie.
Charlie(Mic): Susan?
Alastor/Alice/Rosie: Susan...
Charlie(Mic): Uh my name is Charlie and well own this hotel...
Susan: BOO! Get off the stage you blood bitch boo!!!
Charlie(Mic): With my partner...wait wait let me start over...angels are coming to kills us all and we need...
Susan: We don't give a shit about some hotel! Leave before I eat those big ass eyes of yours!
Charlie(Mic): We uh...we uhh...with your assistance we can make a stand for....
Susan: BOO! Get off, where's the showmanship?! Where's the entertainment?!
Charlie(Mic): 🎶 I...I have a dream...and I.....🎶
Susan: Fucking mediocre!
Alice: And Charlie is going to crack in 3...2..1...and...
Charlie(Mic): FUCK YOU, YOU OLD BITCH!!!!
Cannibals: GASP!!!
Rosie: OH...ok we will be back after a breathing admission.
Fang was watching both Lute and Vaggie getting their asses handed to them by Carmilla who was showing where to attack the exorcists weak points but the two angels themselves were lost and didn't get the meaning.
Vaggie: Come on what is this?
Fang: She's is practically showing you two how to defend against the exorcists as well as their weak points.
Carmilla: He's correct, you want me to teach you two how to beat the angels that's what I am doing.
Lute: Which includes you beating the shit out of us?
Fang(Facepalm): Did you not listen to a word a said girls.
Carmilla: What I am showing you two are the flaws of your own fighting style. Your's and all of your sisters. Before you found out about me, did you know angels can be harmed.
Vaggie: No.
Lute: I did but never really did it before, didn't want to blow my cover.
Carmilla: Its shows how you fight. You leave yourselves open with every swing, you two fought unafraid of harm and this is what you take advantage. Angels weald no shield, little armor, and fight with reckless abandoned.
Fang: What she showed me was you have to strike them below the chin and back of the neck followed by the spine. Or if you want to you could just stabbed throw the heart or the head.
Vaggie: With what?
Fang: Vaggie are you serious right now, you basically heard my conversation with Charlie didn't you?
Vaggie: Only half of it. Not all of it.
Fang: Sigh....your holding the answer, you both are.
Lute: He means our weapons Vaggie.
Vaggie: Angelic weapons it's that simple?
Fang: How else did you think Carmilla killed an exorcists, her ballerina shoes are made of the same metal as the weapons the angels carry with them.
Carmilla: Angelic steal isn't common and those who have it aren't exactly are rushing off to test it on exorcists.
Fang: She told me her story, she and her daughters were cornered in the last extermination in which she bought time for her daughters to escape while she stand and fought the angels herself.
Carmilla: You don't become an angelic arms dealer without arming yourself first.
Fang: With a swift kill, she took out an exorcists without any hesitation and showed no mercy. Carmilla showed them how you do it. Show them how to fight them.
Carmilla: Thought you never asked beloved.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
By the time Fang and Lute as well as Carmilla saw Vaggie wings burst out it made Fang and Lute look at her in awe while Carmilla smirked at seeing the girls strength and now knows the reason on how to beat the angels.
Fang: Well done girls well done.
Carmilla: Well would you look at that. You two might just survive this.
Lute: Thank you for your teachings miss Carmine.
Fang: Hmm mind if I join in with your lessons. I could use a good warm up before the battle.
Carmilla: I wouldn't have it any other way beloved. Though you do not have a...
Fang: Whose saids I don't. I got this sword here during a mission I went on and it kills angels.(Fang saids and takes out his sword to show the girls)
Vaggie: That sword is an angelic weapon?
Fang: Not just any sword Vaggie this one can only be wielded by someone who defeated a dark lord in which I did and earned the blade so I alone can use it. So enough with talking about swords lets get this training going.
Fang: I'm ready my loves.
Lute/Vaggie/Carmilla: Holly shit...that was so fucking sexy.~(All said in thought while blushing at Fang's skill with a sword)
Fang: Just to be clear I don't hold anything back.
Lute/Vaggie/Carmilla: We're counting on it honey.
Rosie took Charlie back inside her shop too cool off after that little incident with Susan who is still an old bitch.
Rosie: All right what has you so out of sorts darling? You clearly got more on your mind than angels.
Charlie: Well I have this thing with my a guy I love and he has done so much for me and I want to try and do something for him in return but I don't know what to do.
Rosie: Ooh romance, come on dearly details details.
Charlie: My boyfriend Fang is helping me and my friends deal with the angels and I feel afraid of loosing him. He makes me and my girlfriend Vaggie very happy and I just too scared of what the angels might do to him.
Rosie: Fang, as like Fang Hunter, the HellWolf that all of hell talks about? Met the man myself such a charmer and knows how to treat the ladies.
Charlie: Yea that's him.
Rosie: How does he make you feel?
Charlie: He makes me feel special about myself and if it wasn't for him I would have never found out about the lies that the angels told all of heaven even keeping sinners from being redeemed. When I first met, he was kind, compassionate, strong, and powerful, he defended my friends and myself many times and I want to make it up to him. I want to be strong for him and so does the girls that he also with.
Rosie: You say you love him, right.
Charlie: Yea, I did.
Rosie: Then he would do anything to keep those close to him safe even it means giving his own life. I met a lot of weird shit heads down here but never in my life have I ever met a guy like Fang Hunter basically the sinners down here treat him like a hero after he killed that..what was her name again? Lola? Leia? Oh whatever the point is darling he is doing this because he too loves you and he wants you to be kept safe.
Charlie: I know....I just don't want to loose him.
Rosie: Something tells me you wont, the guy is hard to kill.
Charlie: I guess...
Rosie: He does believe in you right? He believes that your dream can come true.
Charlie: Yea he does believe in me and I am doing, right now he's taking Vaggie to train. But for everything he did, I still can't pitch my hotel right.
Rosie: Well how do you normally explain your hotel?
Charlie: By singing. But that never works.
Rosie: It will work here, trust me. And I know for a fact that your WolfMan thinks so as well, wherever he is. Do it for him.
Charlie: I will do it for him.
Rosie took Charlie back outside with Alastor and Alice waiting for her. Charlie got back up on the stage which made Charlie nervous but stopped when Alastor offered her his microphone.
Charlie: Sigh...this is for you Fang.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Everyone arrived back at the front gates of hotel where Fang looked to see Charlie with the reinforcements they needed which was good and Charlie looked to see Fang with Vaggie and Lute with the weapons they need to defend against the angels.
Fang: Heh, looks like you got our reinforcements. Not bad princess.
Charlie: Thanks, and it seems you got the weapons we need.
Fang: Yea and some more help. Charlie this is Lute, she is offering her help to defend the hotel.
Lute: Please to meet you miss Morningstar and sorry for what Adam has caused you and your people.
Charlie: It's all right and we appreciated the help. How did the training go?
Vaggie: It was tough at first but we got it covered but seriously never challenge Fang to a sword fight and I mean never do.
Fang: Hey I told you I don't hold anything back.
Lute: You did but geez at least give us a fighting chance. My arms never felt so sore.
Fang: I said I was sorry.
Vaggie: Hey Charlie..
Charlie: Ooh hold that thought I got you guys some souvenirs from Cannibal Town.(Charlie saids and shows two heads on a keychain for Vaggie and Fang)
Fang: Uh thanks you shouldn't have?
Vaggie: Awww Charlie.
Charlie: Your wings are new, they look nice.~ Come on let's go home.
By the time they entered the hotel they all stopped and looked to see what they couldn't believe their eyes and it was their friends barricading the hotel and closing off the windows.
Fang: Do we even want to ask?
Angel: Well look who decided to show up. We thought we're fighting by ourselves but after that speech Fang gave us, we figured if were going down then we are going down together.
Vaggie: Your...your still here.
Sir Pentious: What do you think, like we are a bunch of pussies?
Husker: I just got used to you guys. I ain't finding any new drinking buddies.
Nifty: I named all the stains on the carpet. Hehehe that one over there is Fred.
Fang: Weird.
Lute: So weird.
Charlie: Well looks like we have a lot of work to do.
Fang: And we will do it together.
Charlie: Hey Fang...
Fang: Yea?
Charlie: Can we talk.
Fang: Sure.
Charlie along with Lute, Vaggie took Fang to the bedroom and once they were alone the girls gave Fang emotional faces in which Fang can see that they are worried.
Fang: Girls are you....?
The girls hugged Fang with so much nervousness as well as tears in which Fang can see that they are worried for for him and don't want to see him hurt or worse.
Fang: Girls I...
Charlie: You have promise us that you will make it out alive. You have promise us that.
Vaggie: We can't bare to you loose you Fang, you mean so much to us.
Lute: I have lost so much but loosing you is another story, so please please come back to us if we make it out of this.
Fang: know I can't make that kind of...
Charlie/Vaggie/Lute: 😢sniff...PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US ALONE!
Fang: I..I promise to never leave you alone. I love you girls so much so very much. I am afraid of loosing you. Your lives are more important besides mine.
Charlie: 😢 really mean really will come back to us.
Fang: I don't know, but if I do then I want us to be together for all time that includes the girls themselves. If we make it out alive I plan to build a brand new home for all of us to live together as a family.
Vaggie: You would do that for us.
Fang: Of course I will.
Lute: There is a reason why I fell for someone like you.
Charlie and Vaggie: Same goes for us.
Fang: Hehe, what am I going to do with you girls.
Charlie: I love you, Fang.
Vaggie: I love you more than anything Fang.
Lute: And I love you for the rest of my life.
Fang: I love you girls too.
Charlie: Say if we do make it out, I was thinking that maybe...well if you want too or not...would you like to make a know have kids...if you want too.
Fang: Uh yea about that Loona beat you too it, she told me she is pregnant with mine and her child so yes having kids is something I am looking forward too.
Charlie and Vaggie: SAY WHAT?!!!!
Lute: I knew about it but I am kind of jealous in which I don't mind barring a child with Fang and he is taking responsibility.
Charlie: Oh no you don't the one who is going to bare his next child is me, I am the princess of hell after all.
Vaggie: Like that's going to happen babe, well tough luck because I will get to him before you do.
Charlie: Oh yea?
Fang: Uh girls?
Fang watches the girls fight over him until Fang couldn't take it anymore and shot them with a sleeping spell that made them very sleepy and later past out.
Charlie/Vaggie/Lute: I will....YAWN!
Fang: These girls...their gonna kill me. Did I just use a Ron Weasley quote?
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