A Rescue Comes With a Price

Gray Is Not All Colorless

A/N: Okay, there was one thing about this chapter that had been me bugging me for a while. There was something that I was considering about which way to take when it comes to the big introduction you guys have been waiting for. When I chose to go with one path, I hit a bit of a road block. But I managed to overcome it, and now, it's full speed ahead.

Want to see what I've done? Well, let's find out! Chapter 6, here we come! Roll it!

Chapter 6

A Rescue Comes With a Price

It had taken a good hour due to his diminutive size compared to the Bergens, but Branch had managed to finally reach the castle and snuck in through the air ventilation system. It was hard to walk around inside of it, but it was the best way to sneak in without anyone knowing of him intruding, and the best way to get everyone outside without alerting the entire building that they were escaping.

Once in a while, he would hear some of the Bergen guards conversing among themselves. His ears would quickly twitch over in their direction as he stopped to listen for any indication of where the others were taken, tuning in to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I know he's our king, but I don't think it's wise for him to trust her." One of them said to another.

"He keeps her under control." The other one replied. "Plus, she is under his thumb, even if she pretends that she doesn't care."

Branch was a little puzzled as to who they were talking about as he continued to creep around in the vents. Were they talking about Chef? He already knew that she must've beaten him to the castle by then, but judging from her crazy and muddled appearance from a couple of nights ago, it looks like she had even had a decent bath in a long time. And he thought that Bergens couldn't get any uglier.

Finally, Branch had reached another shaft and peered out through the many thin metal flaps. Judging from the many chairs being stationed around a group of large tables, it had to be the dining hall. A little chiming melody was heard faintly in the distance, and Branch's ear caught onto them. He recognized those little dings anywhere, and he never thought he would be so grateful to hear them.

However, his little sliver of relief was quickly replaced by tenseness when he saw that the Snack Pack was trapped in a large cage, sitting on top of a rolling cart that was being hauled out by Chef herself. Luckily for her, she was changed into something much cleaner than before, but that still didn't improve much.

She was following a much younger and more chubby-looking Bergen that was practically green all over, from his skin to his short floppy hair; who was wearing a too small red and white shirt, shorts, and sandals over white sock-clad feet. The only thing that made Branch realize that he was the new king was the plain yellow pointed crown that was almost sloping on his head.

"How am I supposed to feed all of Bergen Town happiness with this measly little group?" The young king Gristle asked Chef. "I had promised everyone a Troll."

Branch looked around for a way to distract the two Bergens so that he could get over to the cage and get everyone out in record time. He saw a little exhaust vent nearby that looked loose, enough for him to push it open further so that he could squeeze through. He quickly headed over there and, with all the strength he had, managed to push it out more so that he could fit through it.

Once the opening was big enough, he saw that there were a couple of windows nearby. He smirked as he pulled out a slingshot that was hanging from his survival pack. Reaching into his hair, he pulled out some stones that seemed heavy enough to make sound if they hit something. With careful aim, Branch launched one of the rocks over at one of the windows, and it did make an audible tap.

The two Bergens looked over in the direction of the noise, wondering where it came from. Branch bit his lip to keep himself from chuckling and then launched another rock at the opposite side, the rock lightly banging against the stained glass.

As he kept alternating between the two rocks, he used those brief moments of time to sneak over to the cart. Finally, he had launched one last rock over at the first window, and Gristle had enough.

"Okay, that's it!" He shouted. "If this is someone's idea of a practical joke, it's not funny!" He then turned over to Chef. "Come along! Now!"

Noticing the annoyance in his tone, and also because she herself was feeling frustrated, she followed the young king over to the window, and Branch saw his chance. He stretched out his hair and pulled himself up onto the cart.

"Guys!" He whispered.

"Branch?" Everyone asked, looking surprised that the gray Troll was here. Creek was particularly shocked, but also displeased to see him.

"Hang on." Branch whispered in assurance. "I'm gonna get you out of here. Just stay quiet."

He reached into his hair and pulled out a set of lock picks. He inserted them into the lock and began twisting them around, his ear close to it to listen for the sound of the mechanism inside turning.

After a few seconds, the mechanism finally unlocked, and Branch removed his lock picks. He then picked up the lock and carefully set it down.

"The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can get home." Branch said.

DJ Suki was the first to push open the door while Branch was cautiously pulling it open. She looked over at the gray Troll for a couple of seconds, and then smiled softly at him.

"Thank you, Branch." She said.

Branch blinked at her, and then just nodded his head. Suki then left the cage while the others were starting to get out, Creek being the last one.

"Alright. Let's go." Branch said.

But before either of them could take a step, Branch's ears twitched in a different direction. Something was coming, and fast.

"Duck!" He exclaimed, and everyone quickly obeyed.

Everyone except for Creek, who for one second, glared enviously at the gray Troll who was taking command, and that little mistake once again cost him. A thin stretch of silver suddenly hit him hard in the stomach, knocking him back into the cage.

The Snack Pack all yelped at that, while Branch just winced. He might not really like the so-called guru purple Troll, but he had to admit, that looked like it hurt. But then, he saw the same silver streak coming towards them again.

"Jump!" He commanded.

Luckily, everyone managed to dodge this attempt, and Branch quickly grabbed it with his hands before it could get away again. It felt like.... hair?

Pushing away the thought for the moment, Branch tugged on it hard, attempting to pull it up onto the cart, but then he heard something.

"Ow!" Was that.... a voice?

Branch immediately let go of the silvery strand and then heard something, or rather someone, fall down to the floor below them. Unfortunately, that painful cry that was chirped earlier, caught the attention of Chef and Gristle from the other side of the dining hall.

"The Trolls! They're escaping!" Chef snarled angrily. She and the young Bergen king immediately started to run over towards them.

"Come on!" Branch shouted, jumping off the cart and landing on the carpet floor.

Everyone else followed suit while screaming, with Guy Diamond and Smidge using their hair to grab Creek before they leaped off. The group ran under the tables in zigzaggy patterns, in order to hide themselves and prevent themselves from getting caught again by an eager Gristle.

However, when they ran out from under the tables, Chef immediately scooped up the Snack Pack with a small pot and then slammed the glass lid on top of it, locking it in place. Branch instinctively wrapped his hair tightly around her wrist in an attempt to pull her hand and make her lose her grip on the pot. But she just simply lifted her wrist up, taking Branch upward with it, even when he refused to let go.

Chef's eyes widened when she saw the struggling Troll. It was the same one who was acting so defiant from when she had found the village. He had put up a fight, which was still surprising since Trolls were usually complacent with their fates, albeit their struggles futile. Hardly would any actually fight back.

"Well, this is quite a surprise." She said as she shook her wrist and finally managed to get Branch to loosen his grip.

He landed on the table with a roll and pulled out a sharpened stick from his vest as Chef put the pot down sideways so that the other Trolls could see what was going on from inside.

Gristle then came over, his arms dropping down to his sides, as if he had been either adjusting his crown; which seemed unlikely, or that he was putting something on his head. His reddish-brown eyes widened in surprise when he saw Branch.

"Wait. What's up with this one?" He asked. "Why is it gray?"

The king reached out to try and grab him, but Branch threw his stick at his palm, the sharpened point making contact.

"Ow!" He exclaimed, pulling it back.

Chef banged her fist against the table hard, the action shooting Branch upward and she grabbed him.

"Show some respect!" She shouted at him. "This is the king!"

"He's no king to me!" Branch yelled back, struggling to wiggle himself free.

"Wait!" Gristle said, holding up his hand, removing the tiny stick from his other hand with his fingers as if it was nothing more than a splinter.

"I gotta admit, I've never heard of a Troll fighting back, so this is new to me."

"I've only had a few Trolls that actually fought back when I would gather some for Trollstice years ago." Chef explained to the young king. "It was a bit surprising, but some of their attempts were quite pathetic and futile."

She then looked over at Branch, who was still squirming in her clenched fist. "Although a gray Troll fighting back is a new one on me."

"So why is this one gray compared to those other Trolls?" Gristle asked her.

Call Branch crazy, but he could've sworn that there was a sliver of smoky gray peeking out from behind Gristle's crown when he said that.

Chef analyzed the wriggling Troll in her fist with a disdainful glare. "I've seen this happen only twice." She said. "Including your little pet." She practically spat out the last word.

"Do you remember how she got that way?"

"Because she was...." Gristle trailed off for a few seconds. "Unhappy." He finished softly.

Then he looked back over at Branch. "So you're unhappy, too?" He asked him.

The survivalist didn't answer his question as he resorted to using his hair to slap Chef hard across the nose, making her finally release her grip on him so he could actually breathe freely.

"Let them go!" He shouted.

Chef just laughed cruelly at his demand. "And why on earth should we?" She asked him. "Thanks to their stupidity, we finally can bring back Trollstice, and have everyone taste happiness once again!"

Branch could sense that everyone inside the pot had all winced at the reminder of their fatal mistake that led Chef right to the village. But he still put on a brave face. He just had to think of a way to get them to safety while also making sure that the Bergens won't find the village again. Or at least make them think that they've moved on again.

"I must say," a different voice piped up, making all of the Trolls tense up at the sound, and Branch quickly took out another sharpened stick from his vest, "this is the most excitement I've ever seen in my life."

Gristle looked upwards at his head, and then raised a hand upward towards it, his palm flat. Branch saw that same streak of silver peeking out from behind his crown, and it moved over towards Gristle's hand.

When the young Bergen king lowered his hand down to the table, Branch and the other Trolls all saw a figure wearing a brown ragged cloak, a hood over its head. It looked about their size. Was it a Troll?

"But then again, nothing exciting ever happens in this dump." The figure laughed.

Branch narrowed his eyes suspiciously, and he held the sharpened stick out towards the figure, who obviously sounded female.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Gristle's only source of entertainment." The female said, but Branch could feel cold, piercing eyes scanning over his entire body as she began to slowly circle him around. "But you can call me Tempest."

Branch just scoffed. "Geez, and I thought my name sounded sorry." He said sarcastically. He could literally sense her rolling her eyes at his snarky comment from under her hood.

"You mind telling me it?" She asked.

"Why should I?" Branch retorted back.

Tempest just laughed again. "I have to admit, you are certainly something. Definitely have more of a brain than the rest of that pathetic colorful group of losers."

"Enough of this!" Chef shouted, making all of the Trolls flinch at her tone. Tempest just backed away calmly, closer to Gristle.

"I'm taking this lot over to the kitchen." Chef said, and then narrowed her eyes at Branch. "Unless you care to join them?"

She was about to take the pot and Branch wrapped his hair around her wrist, tying it to the pot. "You're not taking them anywhere!" He shouted.

Chef just growled lowly and tried to pull her wrist away from Branch's hold, but the gray Troll proved to be quite strong. This Troll actually seemed more like a dangerous creature than the rest of his kind.

Branch knew that he couldn't hold on forever. He could hear the Snack Pack calling out frantically to him from inside the pot, asking and pleading him to free them. He had to think of something fast before they were pulled away from his grip, and then he would be captured himself with little to no chance of ever getting everyone out.

Just then, a risky plan came into his head. It was a bit of a gamble, but he literally felt like there was no choice. At least they would be safe, and he wouldn't have to worry about them anymore.

"Wait!" He shouted, still trying to keep up his strength in his hold on Chef's wrist and the pot's handle. "Take me instead!"

Everyone gasped at that proposition, and Chef let go of the pot. Branch carefully managed to place the pot back on its side, and already he could see and hear that the Snack Pack were giving out their protests.

"Branch, you're crazy!" Suki shouted.

"Well, a little more crazy than usual!" Guy Diamond amended, which resulted in a firm slap across the arm from the red Troll.

"Branch, don't do this!" Biggie pleaded.

The gray Troll tuned out their pleas and turned his attention over to the two shocked Bergens and the cloaked Troll-sized figure on the young Bergen king's shoulder, putting his sharpened stick back inside his vest.

"Let them go, and take me instead." He said again.

Chef narrowed her eyes into thin slits down at the gray Troll. "And why should we?" She asked him. "We can't even eat you."

Branch ignored the ice building up in his veins and the slight churning of his stomach as he met her suspicious gaze with firm ferocity. "Because I'm the heir to the throne." He proclaimed.

As he had expected, he didn't really believe that those words would ever come out of his own mouth. And even if they did, then he would feel extreme discomfort after he had said them. And he also had expected to see that both Bergens had their eyes wide with shock at his declaration.

But strangely, he felt the same reaction coming from Tempest. However, it didn't last long and her surprise turned into something much more sinister and cruel. The feeling gave him little chills down his spine.

"You're a prince?" Gristle asked.

This time, Branch didn't bother to hide his shudder of discomfort at the notion. "I'm not comfortable with anyone or anything addressing me like that." He put emphasis on "thing" as he narrowed his eyes at the young Bergen king. "I'm just the heir."

"How ironic, though." Chef said. "A gray Troll is set to be the future ruler of a race of colorful and deliciously happy creatures."

Branch ignored her comment, his eyes going back and forth between the two Bergens. "And I'm also their only protector." He added, creating his bluff and hoping that they would buy it. "If you know anything about Trolls, then surely you know about our behavior."

Chef's glare turned thoughtful as she took in Branch's words. She does remember that particular little behavior of Trolls of what he was speaking of. They never leave one of their own behind. At least, not on purpose. The king's snarky little "pet" was proof of that.

And if this gray Troll's claim is true and he really is the heir to the throne, the prince so to speak, then surely the rest of them would do whatever it takes to rescue him, which will mean that they might come to them. The thought of it was just too good. Instead of them running away from the Bergens, they will come running to Bergen Town, to their deaths, and all for a pathetic attempt at a rescue mission.

She pulled Gristle aside so that they could discuss this offer. "I think maybe we should play along for now." She said.

"How come?" Gristle asked, taking Tempest off his shoulder and placing her on the table.

"Trolls don't abandon their own kind." Chef quietly explained.

Gristle was about to interrupt her, but she stopped him by holding up a finger. She already knew what he was going to say.

"Not on purpose." She amended. "For them, it's all for one and one for all. So if we keep their so-called heir prisoner, they'll come to rescue him, where we'll be waiting."

"So you're saying that we can use him as bait?" Gristle asked her for clarification.

"Exactly." Chef said with a sly little grin. "And if he is the best warrior of them as he claims, then try as they may, but their efforts will be futile if they do fight back to save him."

The younger Bergen just smiled at the very thought of it, knowing that it sounded like it was a pretty good plan. The two Bergens then turned back around and faced the gray Troll on the table. Tempest was still most likely eyeing him up and down, like he was some kind of strange creature.

"We accept your terms." Gristle said, since he was the king.

But before Branch could say or do anything, Tempest came in first, stepping forward over to him. "But I will add one condition to your pathetic little offer." She said, looking over at him. "You must swear that you will stay here forever, so that you can know what it's like to have no one. To suffer, just like me."

Branch narrowed his eyes at her. "What are you talking about?" He asked, taking a defensive stance, his fingers almost twitching to reach for his stick again. "Take that off!"

"Why?" Tempest asked almost teasingly.

"I want to see who, or what, I'm talking to." Branch answered, and he could literally feel the smirk forming on her hidden face.

Slowly, she reached up towards her hood. Cloudy gray limbs appeared, delicate fingers brushing against the edge of the hood of her cloak. Then, with a slow movement, she revealed her face. The Snack Pack all gasped at the sight of it, while Branch's eyes just widened with shock.

She was a Troll, just like the rest of them, except she was gray. Just like him.

Her gray skin was a slightly lighter shade than his. Her dove gray hair was pulled up into a ponytail, with bangs framing the sides of her face, which almost seemed to have dull light spots on her face, acting a little bit like freckles. Under her tatty brown cloak, she wore a ragged but simple black dress, with a matching black ribbon headband across her forehead. Shockingly, even her eyes were a silvery gray color, unlike Branch's own eyes, which still have retained their sky blue color.

"You see now?" Tempest asked him. "We're the same, you and I."

Branch just narrowed his eyes at her. "We're nothing alike. You traitor." He practically spat out the last word, ignoring how her silvery gray eyes seemed to turn even stormier as she glared at him. Tempest really was a perfect name for her.

"I'm getting bored!" Gristle exclaimed, drawing the two gray Trolls' attention. Tempest just rolled her eyes at the young Bergen king with a scoff.

"What's it going to be, then?" Chef asked Branch, her analyzing gaze almost sending shivers down Branch's spine.

Branch looked back and forth between the two Bergens, and then shifted his eyes over to the Snack Pack. By then, they had stopped shouting protests, and they were just either shaking their heads or pleading silently with their eyes, hoping that Branch would refuse. Finally, the survivalist glanced over at Tempest, who had her arms crossed, waiting for him to choose.

If he would refuse, then all of them are doomed. But if he accepted, along with Tempest's condition, then at least they would be free again to go back to the village, at the cost of his. Even if he tried to escape and succeeded, then the Bergens will never stop until they find the Trolls again.

But since the entire village was safe in the bunker, and if he managed to escape in the span of two weeks, then they would hide in there until the Bergens had given up, and then they'd move somewhere, deeper into the forest where no one will ever find them again.

With those thoughts ringing in his head, and after taking a deep breath, he made his decision, despite his trembling knees and feeling almost ready to keel over. He stepped forward over to Tempest, knowing that if he had surrendered to the Bergens, it was almost like serving himself on a silver platter, even if they wouldn't eat him because he was an unhappy Troll. He just didn't want to feel as if he was getting ready to be eaten alive.

"Can I at least.... say goodbye?" He asked.

The female gray Troll just nodded her head. Gristle gestured over to Chef, and with a hateful glare at Branch, the older Bergen reluctantly opened the lid partway, so that none of the captive Trolls inside could squeeze through.

Branch came over the small opening between the lid and the pot, and most of the Snack Pack took a step closer to him.

"Branch, please don't do this." Satin pleaded.

"We deserve to be eaten, after we've treated you so horribly." Chenille added.

The male gray Troll just shook his head. "No one deserves such a fate." He said, briefly remembering the losses that all of the Trolls had suffered for so many years before finally tasting freedom.

"Plus, don't you guys remember? Never again."

The Snack Pack grew silent at the words, their minds going back to that fateful day when King Peppy lost his daughter. Never again will they lose Trolls because of their own follies.

Then, they all saw Branch reach into his hair. He then pulled out Glitz, who was surprised at what he was doing, looking at him with confused, beady eyes. The gray Troll just patted his head gently.

"Lead them back to the village once all of you are outside of town. And keep them safe as best as you can." He said to the fuzzbug as he carefully handed him over to Suki.

Before he stepped away, he gave all of them a little hint of a smile, whispering one last thing to them.

"Don't worry about me. I'll escape, I promise." He said softly.

The minute he stepped away, the lid was closed firmly, and the Snack Pack leaned closer as if the glass would disappear at their touch.

Branch then turned over to the three creatures looking at him, still waiting for his answer. His eyes zeroed in on Tempest, and he clenched his fists to keep himself from losing feeling in his legs, not feeling fully confident on what he was getting himself into.

"You have my word." He said at last.

"Done." Tempest said with a smirk.

She nodded over at Gristle, who took the pot of yelling Trolls from Chef. Judging from the look on her face, she wasn't too keen on the idea.

"We will honor this deal." He said. "So we will mean no funny business."

Chef gritted her teeth, but then begrudgingly said, "As you wish, Your Majesty."

But then, she grabbed a nearby glass bowl and placed it upside down over Branch, trapping him inside. He pressed his hands against the glass, watching as Tempest swung with her hair and then leaped onto Gristle's shoulder as he headed out of the dining hall.

A heavy feeling was settling into his stomach. He had once felt that before, and he had never forgotten it, even after twenty years of berating himself for what had happened that day. However, things will be much different this time.

They're safe for now, and soon, he'll join them back home in the village. He just needed to escape, no matter what it takes. But that thought still didn't ease his soul, which felt like he had lost everything once again.


Gristle managed to be escorted over to the old Troll Tree, the pot in his hands. He could still hear the Trolls inside protesting loudly, demanding that the gray Troll be released.

"Let him go!"

"He's done nothing wrong!"

"He may be a bit of a party pooper, but he did nothing to deserve this!"

Tempest jumped off his shoulder and landed on top of the lid, down on all fours. "He's no longer your concern!" She shouted harshly at them, making all of them flinch. "Besides, why do you care so much about someone who clearly is unhappy? And why would he risk his own skin just to save you, who practically signed your own death warrants by throwing a stupid party?"

Everyone inside shouted at her, either with rebukes or with more demands for Branch's freedom. But Tempest just ignored them with a roll of her eyes as she jumped back onto Gristle's shoulder. And they all had thought that Branch had a bit of an attitude problem. He seemed to be much nicer compared to this gray female Troll.

The young Bergen king carefully removed the glass lid of the pot and then roughly tossed the Snack Pack upwards towards the top of the Troll Tree. He didn't exactly remember how the Trolls had escaped twenty years ago, but at least he gave that gray Troll his word that they would be spared from getting eaten. At least for now.

The Snack Pack all landed hard at the top of the Tree, right near the hidden entrance to the old underground tunnels. Suki was still holding onto Glitz, while Biggie was coddling Mr. Dinkles. Satin and Chenille looked at each other with worry, and both Guy Diamond and Smidge were holding onto Cooper and Creek, who almost tumbled downward into the tunnel, with their hair. They then managed to pull both of them back up and away from the tunnel entrance.

Everyone looked at each other, feeling very helpless; except for Creek, who was trying his best to meditate and get rid of both his fear and his bubbling jealousy. The least likely Troll that they ever thought of pulling off a stunt like that, just sacrificed himself to save them all.

Now, he's the one being held prisoner, even if the Bergens won't eat him. And it was all their fault.

A/N: Before you get confused and start bombarding me with questions and/or rants, take into consideration about some other stories based off "Beauty and the Beast." Wasn't there one where the so-called beast gave himself a different name after he turned ugly and before he learned to love? That's where I got that little twist. So, who do you think Tempest really is? If it isn't obvious already.

Well, that's all for now, you guys. Finals are coming up, and I need to do good on them, otherwise I'm toast. I'll see y'all in the next chapter! Please leave a comment about what you think, and remember to stay healthy!

Got to fly! ;)

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